\name{saddlepointEsscherGAL} \alias{saddlepointEsscherGAL} \title{Evaluation of the saddlepoint of the Esscher transform with parameter 1 of the GAL distribution for given quantiles} \usage{ saddlepointEsscherGAL(x, param, eval.time = 1, type = "mu", log = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{vector of quantiles} \item{param}{Parameters of the underlying GAL distribution} \item{eval.time}{Time of the process} \item{type}{Choose between "mu" or "kappa" parametrization} \item{log}{Logical for log-parameters} } \value{ The value of the saddlepoint for each point of the vector of quantiles } \description{ Evaluation of the saddlepoint of the Esscher transform with parameter 1 of the GAL distribution for given quantiles } \author{ Francois Pelletier }