2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
@Comment {x-kbibtex-personnameformatting=<%f ><%l><, %s>}
@Article { KOUTROUVELIS01011980 ,
Author = "Ioannis A. Koutrouvelis",
Journal = "{B}iometrika",
Number = 1,
Pages = "238--240",
Publisher = "Biometrika Trust",
Title = "{{A} {G}oodness-{O}f-{F}it {T}est of {S}imple {H}ypotheses {B}ased on the {E}mpirical {C}haracteristic {F}unction}",
Volume = 67,
Year = 1980
2013-12-02 21:30:57 -05:00
@Manual { RpackageVarianceGamma ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "David Scott and Christine Yang Dong",
2014-01-24 20:18:35 -05:00
Note = "Consulté le 24 janvier 2014",
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Title = "{{v}ariancegamma: {T}he {V}ariance {G}amma {D}istribution}",
Url = "http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=VarianceGamma",
2014-01-24 20:18:35 -05:00
Year = 2012
2013-12-02 21:30:57 -05:00
@Manual { Rsoftware ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Address = "Vienna, Austria",
Author = "{R Core Team}",
Organization = "R Foundation for Statistical Computing",
2014-01-24 20:18:35 -05:00
Note = "Consulté le 24 janvier 2014",
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Title = "{{R}: A {L}anguage and {E}nvironment for {S}tatistical {C}omputing}",
Url = "http://www.R-project.org",
2014-01-24 20:18:35 -05:00
Year = 2014
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { Singer:2009 ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Sa\v{s}a Singer and John Nelder",
Journal = "Scholarpedia",
Number = 7,
Pages = 2928,
Publisher = "Scholarpedia",
Title = "{N}elder-{M}ead {A}lgorithm",
Volume = 4,
Year = 2009
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { abramowitz1965handbook ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun",
Publisher = "Dover Publications",
Title = "{H}andbook of {M}athematical {F}unctions: with {F}ormulas, {G}raphs, and {M}athematical {T}ables",
Volume = 55,
Year = 1965
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { applebaum2004levy ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "David Applebaum",
Journal = "Notices of the American Mathematical Society",
Number = 11,
Pages = "1336--1347",
Publisher = "American Mathematical Society",
Title = "{L}{\'e}vy {P}rocesses: {F}rom {P}robability to {F}inance and {Q}uantum {G}roups",
Volume = 51,
Year = 2004
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { bachelier1900theorie ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Louis Bachelier",
Publisher = "Gauthier-Villars",
Title = "{T}h{\'e}orie de la sp{\'e}culation",
Year = 1900
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { barndorff2001levy ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Thomas Mikosch and Sidney I. Resnick and Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen",
Publisher = "Birkh{\"a}user",
Title = "{L}{\'e}vy {P}rocesses: {T}heory and {A}pplications",
Year = 2001
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { berkson1980minimum ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Joseph Berkson",
Journal = "The Annals of Statistics",
Pages = "457--487",
Publisher = "Institute of Mathematical Statistics",
Title = "{M}inimum {C}hi-Square, not {M}aximum {L}ikelihood!",
Year = 1980
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { bingham2004risk ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Nicholas H. Bingham and R{\"u}diger Kiesel",
Publisher = "Springer",
Title = "{R}isk-Neutral {V}aluation: {P}ricing and {H}edging of {F}inancial {D}erivatives",
Year = 2004
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { black1973pricing ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Fischer Black and Myron Scholes",
Journal = "The Journal of Political Economy",
Pages = "637--654",
Publisher = "University of Chicago Press",
Title = "{T}he {P}ricing of {O}ptions and {C}orporate {L}iabilities",
Year = 1973
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { black1976pricing ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Fischer Black",
Journal = "Journal of Financial Economics",
Number = 1,
Pages = "167--179",
Publisher = "Elsevier",
Title = "{T}he {P}ricing of {C}ommodity {C}ontracts",
Volume = 3,
Year = 1976
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { buckle1995bayesian ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "D. J. Buckle",
Journal = "Journal of the American Statistical Association",
Number = 430,
Pages = "605--613",
Publisher = "Taylor \& Francis Group",
Title = "{B}ayesian {I}nference for {S}table {D}istributions",
Volume = 90,
Year = 1995
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { butler2007saddlepoint ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Ronald W. Butler",
Publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
Title = "{S}addlepoint {A}pproximations with {A}pplications",
Volume = 22,
Year = 2007
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { carr1999option ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Peter P. Carr and Dilip B. Madan",
Journal = "Journal of Computational Finance",
Number = 4,
Pages = "61--73",
Publisher = "Risk Waters Group",
Title = "{O}ption {V}aluation {U}sing the {F}ast {F}ourier {T}ransform",
Volume = 2,
Year = 1999
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { crowder1986consistency ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Martin Crowder",
Journal = "Econometric Theory",
Pages = "305--330",
Publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
Title = "{O}n {C}onsistency and {I}nconsistency of {E}stimating {E}quations",
Year = 1986
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { crowder1987linear ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Martin Crowder",
Journal = "Biometrika",
Number = 3,
Pages = "591--597",
Publisher = "Biometrika Trust",
Title = "{O}n {L}inear and {Q}uadratic {E}stimating {F}unctions",
Volume = 74,
Year = 1987
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { daniels1954saddlepoint ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Henry E. Daniels",
Journal = "The Annals of Mathematical Statistics",
Pages = "631--650",
Publisher = "Institute of Mathematical Statistics",
Title = "{S}addlepoint {A}pproximations in {S}tatistics",
Year = 1954
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { daniels1987tail ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Henry E. Daniels",
Journal = "International Statistical Review/Revue internationale de Statistique",
Pages = "37--48",
Publisher = "Wiley Online Library",
Title = "{T}ail {P}robability {A}pproximations",
Year = 1987
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Techreport { derman1996modelrisk ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Emanuel Derman",
Institution = "Goldman Sachs",
Title = "{M}odel {R}isk",
Year = 1996
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { dodge2004statistique ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Yadolah Dodge",
Publisher = "Springer Verlag France",
Title = "{S}tatistique: {D}ictionnaire Encyclop{\'e}dique",
Year = 2004
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { epps1983test ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Thomas W. Epps and Lawrence B. Pulley",
Journal = "Biometrika",
Number = 3,
Pages = "723--726",
Publisher = "Biometrika Trust",
Title = "{A} {T}est for {N}ormality {B}ased on the {E}mpirical {C}haracteristic {F}unction",
Volume = 70,
Year = 1983
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { epps2007pricing ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Thomas W. Epps",
Publisher = "World Scientific Publishing Company incorporated",
Title = "{P}ricing {D}erivative {S}ecurities",
Year = 2007
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { everitt2006cambridge ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Brian Everitt and Anders Skrondal",
Publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
Title = "{T}he {C}ambridge {D}ictionary of {S}tatistics",
Volume = 4,
Year = 2006
@Article { fama1993common ,
Author = "Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French",
Journal = "Journal of Financial Economics",
Number = 1,
Pages = "3--56",
Publisher = "Elsevier",
Title = "{C}ommon {R}isk {F}actors in the {R}eturns on {S}tocks and {B}onds",
Volume = 33,
Year = 1993
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { feuerverger1981efficiency ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Andrey Feuerverger and Philip McDunnough",
Journal = "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (methodological)",
Pages = "20--27",
Publisher = "Blackwell Publishing",
Title = "{O}n the {E}fficiency of {E}mpirical {C}haracteristic {F}unction {P}rocedures",
Year = 1981
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { fox1986large ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Robert Fox and Murad S. Taqqu",
Journal = "The Annals of Statistics",
Number = 2,
Pages = "517--532",
Publisher = "Institute of Mathematical Statistics",
Title = "{L}arge-Sample {P}roperties of {P}arameter {E}stimates for {S}trongly {D}ependent {S}tationary {G}aussian {T}ime {S}eries",
Volume = 14,
Year = 1986
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { gil1951note ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "J. Gil-Pelaez",
Journal = "Biometrika",
Number = "3-4",
Pages = "481--482",
Publisher = "Biometrika Trust",
Title = "{N}ote on the {I}nversion {T}heorem",
Volume = 38,
Year = 1951
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { gourieroux1989statistique ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Christian Gourieroux and Alain Monfort",
Publisher = "Economica",
Title = "{S}tatistique et Mod{\`e}les {\'E}conom{\'e}triques: Notions G{\'e}n{\'e}rales, Estimation, Pr{\'e}vision, Algorithmes",
Volume = 1,
Year = 1989
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { hall2005generalized ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Alastair R. Hall",
Publisher = "Oxford University Press",
Title = "{G}eneralized {M}ethod of {M}oments",
Year = 2005
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { hamilton1994time ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "James Douglas Hamilton",
Publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
Title = "{T}ime {S}eries {A}nalysis",
Volume = 2,
Year = 1994
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { hansen1982large ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Lars Peter Hansen",
Journal = "Econometrica",
Pages = "1029--1054",
Publisher = "Wiley-Blackwell",
Title = "{L}arge {S}ample {P}roperties of {G}eneralized {M}ethod of {M}oments {E}stimators",
Year = 1982
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { henze1990approximation ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Norbert Henze",
Journal = "Metrika",
Number = 1,
Pages = "7--18",
Publisher = "Springer",
Title = "{A}n {A}pproximation to the {L}imit {D}istribution of the {E}pps-{P}ulley {T}est {S}tatistic for {N}ormality",
Volume = 37,
Year = 1990
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { heston1993closed ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Steven L. Heston",
Journal = "Review of Financial Studies",
Number = 2,
Pages = "327--343",
Publisher = "Sociery for Financial Studies",
Title = "{A} {C}losed-{F}orm {S}olution for {O}ptions with {S}tochastic {V}olatility with {A}pplications to {B}ond and {C}urrency {O}ptions",
Volume = 6,
Year = 1993
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { hinkley1977estimation ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "David V. Hinkley and Nagesh S. Revankar",
Journal = "Journal of Econometrics",
Number = 1,
Pages = "1--11",
Publisher = "Elsevier",
Title = "{E}stimation of the {P}areto {L}aw from {U}nderreported {D}ata: {A} {F}urther {A}nalysis",
Volume = 5,
Year = 1977
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { hogg1978introduction ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Robert V. Hogg and Allen Craig",
Publisher = "Macmillan",
Title = "{I}ntroduction to {M}athematical {S}tatistics",
Year = 1978
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { hull1999options ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "John C. Hull",
Publisher = "Pearson Education",
Title = "{O}ptions, {F}utures, and {O}ther {D}erivatives",
Year = 1999
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { itkin2005pricing ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Andrey Itkin",
Journal = "arXiv preprint physics/0503137",
Publisher = "arXiv",
Title = "{P}ricing {O}ptions with {VG} {M}odel {U}sing {FFT}",
Year = 2005
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { kotz2001laplace ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Samuel Kotz and Tomasz J. Kozubowski and Krzystof Podg{\'o}rski",
Publisher = "Birkh{\"a}user",
Series = "Progress in Mathematics Series",
Title = "{T}he {L}aplace {D}istribution and {G}eneralizations: {A} {R}evisit with {A}pplications to {C}ommunications, {E}conomics, {E}ngineering, and {F}inance",
Year = 2001
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { kozubowski1999class ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Tomasz J. Kozubowski and Krzysztof Podg{\'o}rski",
Journal = "Actuarial Research Clearing House",
Pages = "113--134",
Publisher = "SOA Education and Research",
Title = "{A} {C}lass of {A}symmetric {D}istributions",
Volume = 1,
Year = 1999
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { kozubowski2001asymmetric ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Tomasz J. Kozubowski and Krzysztof Podg{\'o}rski",
Journal = "{M}athematical and {C}omputer {M}odeling",
Number = 9,
Pages = "1003--1021",
Publisher = "Elsevier",
Title = "{A}symmetric {L}aplace {L}aws and {M}odeling {F}inancial {D}ata",
Volume = 34,
Year = 2001
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { kyprianou2007introductory ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Andreas E. Kyprianou",
Publisher = "Springer",
Title = "{I}ntroductory {L}ectures on {F}luctuations of {L}{\'e}vy {P}rocesses with {A}pplications",
Year = 2007
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { lugannani1980saddle ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Robert Lugannani and Stephen Rice",
Journal = "Advances in Applied Probability",
Pages = "475--490",
Publisher = "Applied Probability Trust",
Title = "{S}addle {P}oint {A}pproximation for the {D}istribution of the {S}um of {I}ndependent {R}andom {V}ariables",
Year = 1980
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { lukacs1960characteristic ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Eugene Lukacs",
Publisher = "Griffin London",
Title = "{C}haracteristic {F}unctions",
Volume = 4,
Year = 1960
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { luong1987minimum ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Andrew Luong and Mary E. Thompson",
Journal = "Canadian Journal of Statistics",
Number = 3,
Pages = "239--251",
Publisher = "Wiley Online Library",
Title = "{M}inimum-{D}istance {M}ethods {B}ased on {Q}uadratic {D}istances for {T}ransforms",
Volume = 15,
Year = 1987
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { madan1990variance ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Dilip B. Madan and Eugene Seneta",
Journal = "Journal of Business",
Pages = "511--524",
Publisher = "University of Chicago Press",
Title = "{T}he {V}ariance {G}amma {M}odel for {S}hare {M}arket {R}eturns",
Year = 1990
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { madan1998variance ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Peter P. Carr and Eric C. Chang and Dilip B. Madan",
Journal = "European Finance Review",
Number = 1,
Pages = "79--105",
Publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers",
Title = "{T}he {V}ariance {G}amma {P}rocess and {O}ption {P}ricing",
Volume = 2,
Year = 1998
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { mandelbrot1963variation ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Benoit Mandelbrot",
Journal = "Journal of Business",
Pages = "394--419",
Publisher = "University of Chicago Press",
Title = "{T}he {V}ariation of {C}ertain {S}peculative {P}rices",
Year = 1963
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { merton1976option ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Robert C. Merton",
Journal = "Journal of Financial Economics",
Number = 1,
Pages = "125--144",
Publisher = "Elsevier",
Title = "{O}ption {P}ricing when {U}nderlying {S}tock {R}eturns {A}re {D}iscontinuous",
Volume = 3,
Year = 1976
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { mitchell1916critique ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Wesley C. Mitchell",
Journal = "The Journal of Political Economy",
Pages = "625--693",
Publisher = "University of Chicago Press",
Title = "{A} {C}ritique of {I}ndex {N}umbers of the {P}rices of {S}tocks",
Year = 1916
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { musiela2005martingale ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Marek Musiela and Marek Rutkowski",
Publisher = "Springer",
Title = "{M}artingale {M}ethods in {F}inancial {M}odelling",
Volume = 36,
Year = 2005
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { newey1987hypothesis ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Whitney K. Newey and Kenneth D. West",
Journal = "International Economic Review",
Number = 3,
Pages = "777--787",
Publisher = "Blackwell Publishing ",
Title = "{H}ypothesis {T}esting with {E}fficient {M}ethod of {M}oments {E}stimation",
Volume = 28,
Year = 1987
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { newey1994large ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Whitney K. Newey and Daniel McFadden",
Journal = "Handbook of Econometrics",
Pages = "2111--2245",
Publisher = "Elsevier",
Title = "{L}arge {S}ample {E}stimation and {H}ypothesis {T}esting",
Volume = 4,
Year = 1994
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { praetz1972distribution ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Peter D. Praetz",
Journal = "Journal of Business",
Pages = "49--55",
Publisher = "University of Chicago Press",
Title = "{T}he {D}istribution of {S}hare {P}rice {C}hanges",
Year = 1972
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { press1967compound ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "S. James Press",
Journal = "Journal of Business",
Pages = "317--335",
Publisher = "University of Chicago Press",
Title = "{A} {C}ompound {E}vents {M}odel for {S}ecurity {P}rices",
Year = 1967
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { randal2004non ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "John A. Randal and Peter J. Thomson and Martin T. Lally",
Journal = "Quantitative Finance",
Number = 4,
Pages = "427--440",
Publisher = "Taylor \& Francis Group",
Title = "{N}on-parametric {E}stimation of {H}istorical {V}olatility",
Volume = 4,
Year = 2004
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { sato1999levy ,
2014-01-24 20:18:35 -05:00
Author = "{Ken-Iti} {Sato}",
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
Series = "Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics",
Title = "{L}{\'e}vy {P}rocesses and {I}nfinitely {D}ivisible {D}istributions",
Year = 1999
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { schoutens2003levy ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Wim Schoutens",
Publisher = "Wiley",
Title = "{L}{\'e}vy {P}rocesses in {F}inance",
Year = 2003
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { seneta2004fitting ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Eugene Seneta",
Journal = "Journal of Applied Probability",
Pages = "177--187",
Publisher = "Applied Probability Trust",
Title = "{F}itting the {V}ariance {G}amma {M}odel to {F}inancial {D}ata",
Year = 2004
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { shapiro1965analysis ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Samuel Sanford Shapiro and Martin B. Wilk",
Journal = "Biometrika",
Number = "3/4",
Pages = "591--611",
Publisher = "Biometrika Trust",
Title = "{A}n {A}nalysis of {V}ariance {T}est for {N}ormality ({C}omplete {S}amples)",
Volume = 52,
Year = 1965
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { shephard1991characteristic ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Neil G. Shephard",
Journal = "Econometric Theory",
Number = 04,
Pages = "519--529",
Publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
Title = "{F}rom {C}haracteristic {F}unction to {D}istribution {F}unction: {A} {S}imple {F}ramework for the {T}heory",
Volume = 7,
Year = 1991
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { spiegel1999schaum ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Murray R. Spiegel and John Liu",
Publisher = "McGraw-Hill",
Title = "{S}chaum's {M}athematical {H}andbook of {F}ormulas and {T}ables",
Volume = 1000,
Year = 1999
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { stuart1987kendall ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Alan Stuart and J. Keith Ord",
Publisher = "Oxford University Press",
Title = "{K}endall{\rq}s {A}dvanced {T}heory of {S}tatistics, {V}ol. 1",
Year = 1987
2014-01-25 15:13:13 -05:00
@Manual { teschl2004topics ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Gerald Teschl",
Title = "{T}opics in {R}eal and {F}unctional {A}nalysis",
2014-01-24 20:18:35 -05:00
Note = "Consulté le 24 janvier 2014",
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Url = "http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~gerald/ftp/book-fa/index.html",
Year = 2004
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Phdthesis { torczon1989multi ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Virginia Joanne Torczon",
Title = "{M}ulti-directional {S}earch: {A} {D}irect {S}earch {A}lgorithm for {P}arallel {M}achines",
Year = 1989
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
@Inproceedings { walterlevy ,
Author = "Christian Walter",
Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th AFIR colloquium",
Publisher = "International Actuarial Association ",
Title = "{L}{\'e}vy-{S}tability {U}nder {A}ddition and {F}ractal {S}tructure of {M}arkets: {I}mplications for the {A}ctuaries and {E}mphasized {E}xamination of {MATIF} {N}ational {C}ontract",
Year = 1995
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
@Article { wang2003evaluating ,
Author = "Wai Wan Tsang {Jingbo Wang} and George Marsaglia",
Journal = "Journal of Statistical Software",
Number = 18,
Pages = "1--4",
Publisher = "American Statistical Association",
Title = "{E}valuating {K}olmogorov's {D}istribution",
Volume = 8,
Year = 2003
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
@Article { wendel1961non ,
Author = "J. G. Wendel",
Journal = "The Annals of Mathematical Statistics",
Number = 1,
Pages = "338--339",
Publisher = "Institute of Mathematical Statistics",
Title = "{T}he {N}on-{A}bsolute {C}onvergence of {G}il-{P}elaez' {I}nversion {I}ntegral",
Volume = 32,
Year = 1961
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Article { wolfowitz1957minimum ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Jacob Wolfowitz",
Journal = "The Annals of Mathematical Statistics",
Pages = "75--88",
Publisher = "Institute of Mathematical Statistics",
Title = "{T}he {M}inimum {D}istance {M}ethod",
Year = 1957
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00
@Book { wooldridge2001econometric ,
2014-01-18 11:18:02 -05:00
Author = "Jeffrey M. Wooldridge",
Publisher = "MIT press",
Title = "{E}conometric {A}nalysis of {C}ross {S}ection and {P}anel {D}ata",
Year = 2001
2014-01-15 00:52:20 -05:00