\name{putHeston} \alias{putHeston} \title{European put option pricing using Heston method} \usage{ putHeston(strikeprice, dist.fn, ess.dist.fn, eval.time, expiry.time, rate, ...) } \arguments{ \item{strikeprice}{Strike price, relative to a unit stock price} \item{dist.fn}{Distribution function for the risk neutral log-price process} \item{ess.dist.fn}{Esscher transformed (with h=1) distribution function for the risk neutral log-price process} \item{eval.time}{Evaluation time} \item{expiry.time}{Expiry time} \item{rate}{Continuously compounded interest rate (force of interest)} \item{...}{Parameters of the distribution function dist.fn} } \value{ European put option price } \description{ European put option pricing using Heston method } \author{ Francois Pelletier }