import json import random from pathlib import Path import streamlit as st from streamlit import session_state as ss # Initialize session state if "current_question" not in ss: ss.current_question = None # Function to select a random question def select_question(): with open("donnees/questions.json") as file: questions = json.load(file)["questions"] random.shuffle(questions) ss.current_question = questions.pop() # Shuffle the answers answers = [ ss.current_question["answer1"], ss.current_question["answer2"], ss.current_question["answer3"], ss.current_question["answer4"] ] random.shuffle(answers) ss.current_answers = answers # Function to check the selected answer def check_answer(): correct_answer = ss.current_question["answer1"] selected_answer = ss.selected_answer if selected_answer == correct_answer: st.success("Bonne réponse!") else: st.error(f"Mauvaise réponse! La bonne réponse est: {correct_answer}") st.subheader("Explication") st.write(ss.current_question["explanation"]) ss.clear() # Main app st.image("images/banniere.jpeg") st.title("Culture Créative - Version Bêta !") # Haut de page header_content = Path("donnees/").read_text() st.markdown(header_content, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Check if a question is already selected if not ss.current_question: select_question() # Form for answerr with st.form("answer_form"): # Display the current question st.subheader("Question") st.write(ss.current_question["question"]) # Display the answer options st.subheader("Réponses possibles") ss.selected_answer ="Choisis une réponse", options=["---"] + ss.current_answers, key=0) # Display the correct answer if st.form_submit_button(label="Vérifier") and ss.selected_answer != "---": check_answer() if st.form_submit_button(label="Prochaine question"): ss.clear() select_question() # Pied de page footer_content = Path("donnees/").read_text() st.markdown(footer_content, unsafe_allow_html=True)