import datetime import logging from fastapi import FastAPI, UploadFile from fastapi.responses import FileResponse import pypandoc import json from fastapi.testclient import TestClient import os import shutil import cv2 from DocumentSpecs import DocumentSpecs from FormatParameters import FormatParameters from convert_pdf import convert_pdf from extract_emojis import replace_emojis from list_dir import list_dir from responses import Styles, Formats, App def convert_video(images_path, output_path, width, height, fps, stilltime): """ Convert images in output_path into a mp4 file usine OpenCV. :param images_path: :param output_path: :param images_path: :param width: :param height: :return: """ # define a frame array frame_array = [] # list all files in images_path files = [f for f in os.listdir(images_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(images_path, f))] # sort the files files.sort() # create a video writer object for i in range(len(files)): file = os.path.join(images_path, files[i]) logging.log(logging.INFO, f'Converting {file} to mp4') img = cv2.imread(file) for j in range(fps * stilltime): frame_array.append(img) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(output_path, fourcc, fps, (width, height)) for i in range(len(frame_array)): # writing to a image array video_writer.write(frame_array[i]) video_writer.release() logging.log(logging.INFO, f'Finished converting {output_path}') app = FastAPI() @app.get("/") async def get_root(): app = App(app='fabriquedoc') return app @app.get("/styles/") async def get_styles(): styles = Styles(styles=list_dir("./styles")) return styles @app.get("/formats/{style}/") async def get_formats(style: str): formats = Formats(formats=list_dir(f"./styles/{style}/")) return formats @app.get("/format_parameters/{style}/{format}/") async def get_format_parameters(style: str, format: str): # open styles/format_parameters.json as a dictionary with open(f"./styles/{style}/format_parameters.json", "r") as f: format_data = json.load(f).get(format) logging.log(logging.INFO, str(format_data)) # load data from format_data into the FormatParameters object parameters = FormatParameters(**format_data) return parameters @app.get("/images/") async def get_images(): # list all files in resources/images files = [f for f in os.listdir("./resources/images") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join("./resources/images", f))] # sort the files files.sort() return {"images": files}"/images/") async def ajouter_image(file: UploadFile): """ Add an image to the images folder. :param file: :return: """ image_path = f"{os.getcwd()}/resources/images/{file.filename}" try: contents = with open(image_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(contents) except Exception as e: return {"message": f"There was an error uploading the file: {e}"} finally: file.file.close() return {"message": f"Successfully uploaded all files"} @app.delete("/images/{nom_image}") async def supprimer_image(nom_image: str): """ Delete an image from the images folder. :param nom_image: :return: """ image_path = f"{os.getcwd()}/resources/images/{nom_image}" try: os.remove(image_path) except Exception as e: return {"message": f"There was an error deleting the file: {e}"} finally: return {"message": f"Successfully deleted {nom_image}"} @app.get("/generer/") async def generer(specs: DocumentSpecs): header_file = f'{os.getcwd()}/styles/{}/{specs.format}/header.tex' cover_file = f'{os.getcwd()}/styles/{}/{specs.format}/cover.tex' datef ="%Y-%m-%d") os.makedirs("out", exist_ok=True) filters = ['latex-emoji.lua', 'centered.lua'] pdoc_args = [ f'--include-in-header={header_file}', f'--include-after-body={cover_file}', '--listings', '--dpi=300', f'--toc-depth={specs.tocdepth}', f'--pdf-engine={specs.pdfengine}', f'--resource-path={os.getcwd()}/resources/', '-V', f'linkcolor={specs.linkcolor}', '-V', f'fontsize={specs.fontsize}pt', '-V', f'geometry:paperwidth={round(specs.paperwidth * specs.ratio / 100, -1) / 300}in', '-V', f'geometry:paperheight={round(specs.paperheight * specs.ratio / 100, -1) / 300}in', '-V', f'geometry:left={specs.margin / 300}in', '-V', f'geometry:right={specs.margin / 300}in', '-V', f'geometry:top={specs.vmargin / 300}in', '-V', f'geometry:bottom={specs.vmargin / 300}in' ] pdf_file_path = f"./out/{}-{specs.format}-{datef}-output.pdf" images_path = f"./out/{}-{specs.format}-{datef}-images" try:"Dossier courant = " + os.getcwd()) text_to_convert = replace_emojis(specs.content) pypandoc.convert_text(source=text_to_convert, to='pdf', format='markdown+implicit_figures+smart+emoji', encoding='utf-8', extra_args=pdoc_args, filters=filters, cworkdir=os.getcwd(), outputfile=pdf_file_path ) except RuntimeError as rerr: logging.exception(rerr) except OSError as oerr: logging.exception(oerr) if specs.extension in ["png", "jpg", "mp4"]: filename = os.path.join("out", os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(pdf_file_path))[0]) if not os.path.exists(images_path): os.mkdir(images_path) conversion_extension = specs.extension output_extension = specs.extension if specs.extension in ["mp4"]: conversion_extension = "jpg" try: convert_pdf(pdf_file_path, conversion_extension, images_path, resolution=300) if specs.extension in ["png", "jpg"]: shutil.make_archive(base_name=filename, format='zip', root_dir=images_path) output_extension = "zip" shutil.rmtree(images_path) if specs.extension in ["mp4"]: output_extension = "mp4" convert_video(images_path=images_path, output_path=f"{filename}.{output_extension}", width=specs.paperwidth, height=specs.paperheight, fps=specs.fps, stilltime=specs.stilltime) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) return FileResponse(f"{filename}.{output_extension}") elif specs.extension == "pdf": return FileResponse(pdf_file_path) else: return 0 client = TestClient(app) def test_getroot(): response = client.get("/") assert response.status_code == 200