@MISC{Paulinas_asurvey, author = {Mantas Paulinas and Andrius UĊĦinskas}, title = {A SURVEY OF GENETIC ALGORITHMS APPLICATIONS FOR IMAGE ENHANCEMENT AND SEGMENTATION}, year = 2007 } @misc{fogel1997introduction, title={An introduction to genetic algorithms: Melanie Mitchell. MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1996. \$30.00 (cloth), 270 pp}, author={Fogel, David B}, year=1997, publisher={No longer published by Elsevier} } @book{holland1992adaptation, title={Adaptation in natural and artificial systems: an introductory analysis with applications to biology, control, and artificial intelligence}, author={Holland, John Henry}, year={1992}, publisher={MIT press} } @article{goldberg1989genetic, title={Genetic algorithms in search, optimization, and machine learning, 1989}, author={Goldberg, David E}, journal={Reading: Addison-Wesley}, year={1989} } @Misc{mlaflappy, title = {Machine Learning Algorithm for Flappy Bird using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.askforgametask.com/tutorial/machine-learning-algorithm-flappy-bird/}}, month = {August}, year = 2017} @article{tang2000color, title={Color image segmentation with genetic algorithm for in-field weed sensing}, author={Tang, Lie and Tian, L and Steward, Brian L}, journal={Transactions of the ASAE}, volume={43}, number={4}, pages={1019}, year={2000}, publisher={American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers} }