premiere version pour git
This commit is contained in:
20 changed files with 21718 additions and 1 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "423050d6-415a-4d17-b0fc-0446357d6bb7",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Livres à censurer\n",
" \n",
"Étude de la liste de livres à censurer de Matt Krause, un dinosaure républicain du Texas\n",
"Source des informations: \n",
"- [All 850 Books Texas Lawmaker Matt Krause Wants to Ban: An Analysis ](\n",
"- [Liste de listes GoodReads avec tous les titres](\n",
"## Importation des données de la liste de Krause"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "4385661c-abf0-4fae-b20e-8ae5ce2c4a9a",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# NLP stuff\n",
"import spacy\n",
"import re\n",
"from spacy import displacy\n",
"from collections import Counter\n",
"from string import punctuation\n",
"# Dataviz stuff\n",
"from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS, ImageColorGenerator\n",
"import seaborn as sns\n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"from PIL import Image\n",
"# Data Science stuff\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"import pandas as pd"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "6c671c72-ae8c-4a0b-b2d7-915d4a60ce51",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Lecture des données brutes"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "0cd0c4cb-c1c9-44c9-ba07-59ddb4092808",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"krausebooklist = pd.read_csv(\"krausebooklist.csv\", dtype={'Published': int})"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "073346e3-24be-47d5-9b22-b5ef9fb34aeb",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Visualisation des années"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "82a4e5a6-fb29-4a2e-8a39-a4e72d653791",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) \n",
"sns.histplot(data=krausebooklist, \n",
" x=\"Published\", \n",
" discrete=False, \n",
" binrange=[1965,2025],\n",
" binwidth=5)\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "2881f4b2-1569-42a6-8d04-50b2e6ee1c59",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Données de GoodReads"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "53befb5c-cca3-4ec3-92dc-7d399605b1ff",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"goodreadsbooks = pd.read_json(\"scraped_data/goodreadsbooks.json\")"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "1c7c84ff-7a85-4164-bf58-5b8f946eed21",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"goodreadsbooks['description_clean'] = \\\n",
"goodreadsbooks['description'] \\\n",
".apply(lambda x: x.replace('\\n',' ') \\\n",
" .replace('_',' ') \\\n",
" .replace('*',' ') \\\n",
" .replace('...more',' ') \\\n",
" .replace('—',', ') \\\n",
" .replace('\\\\',' ') \\\n",
" .replace('”','\"') \\\n",
" .replace('“','\"')\n",
" ) \\\n",
".apply(lambda x: re.sub(\"\\-\\s\",\"-\",x)) \\\n",
".apply(lambda x: re.sub(\"\\s+\",\" \",x)) \\\n",
".apply(lambda x: re.sub(\"\\.\\s+$\",\". \",x)) \\\n",
".apply(lambda x: re.sub(\"\\s*--\\s*\",\", \",x)) \\\n",
".apply(lambda x: re.sub(\"\\s+\\.\",'.',x)) \\\n",
".apply(lambda x: re.sub(\"[\\\"]{2,}\",'\"',x))"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "f7c475f3-1849-4bc8-b1c3-0bcd19f8e810",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Itération / Exportation\n",
"Je fais ici des itérations pour alimenter les étapes de remplacement de caractères. j'ouvre le fichier dans Kate et j'active le rechargement automatique. comme ça je peux itérer rapidement avec les deux derniers blocs."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "d7aefbdf-ba81-4047-95d0-f83882052601",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "b804c85c-ab7f-4721-8493-7b7a52aa9a0e",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Chargement des données avec Spacy"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "ca21ada6-20af-4794-a4c6-6267df3ff3fd",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"nlp = spacy.load(\"en_core_web_md\")"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "74521c29-d980-4c07-a9d7-8d50b8a7522c",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Détection des mots-clés principaux"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "8c8c7a09-d047-4f3f-bb3b-5d957d138c57",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"docs = nlp.pipe(goodreadsbooks['description_clean'], n_process=7)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "5d7fca50-1451-48b5-bd80-2ced3d42a05b",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"pos_tag = ['PROPN', 'ADJ', 'NOUN', 'VERB']"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "5af3f14c-5c39-418b-91f3-919bbb8f2470",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"docs_list = []\n",
"docs_keyword = []\n",
"for doc in docs:\n",
" j=0\n",
" keyword = []\n",
" docs_list.append(doc)\n",
" for token in doc:\n",
" if(token.is_stop or token.text in punctuation):\n",
" continue\n",
" if(token.pos_ in pos_tag):\n",
" keyword.append({\n",
" 'token': j,\n",
" 'text': token.text,\n",
" 'pos': token.pos_,\n",
" 'lemma': token.lemma_,\n",
" 'tag': token.tag_,\n",
" 'dep': token.dep_\n",
" })\n",
" j=j+1\n",
" docs_keyword.append({'document':i, 'keywords':keyword})\n",
" i=i+1"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "8093b6f1-fc41-4cec-be9c-95648e32ba08",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"docs_keyword_exp = pd.DataFrame(docs_keyword).explode('keywords')"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "cf3d1371-e7ef-45b2-aa45-b09d030a3f1b",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"docs_keyword_exp2 = pd.DataFrame(docs_keyword_exp['keywords'].values.tolist(), index=docs_keyword_exp.index)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "6d8bf599-af04-410b-9cc7-8113118a9daa",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"docs_keyword_exp2['document'] = docs_keyword_exp['document']"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "9c08de94-dc78-4f40-a925-d3f3a81b7db5",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"docs_keyword_exp2 = docs_keyword_exp2.reset_index()"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "98a58ec3-b4c5-468f-85eb-9a7dcb2b5e06",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"docs_keyword_exp2['lemma'] = docs_keyword_exp2['lemma'].apply(lambda x: x.lower())\n",
"docs_keyword_exp2['text'] = docs_keyword_exp2['text'].apply(lambda x: x.lower())"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "47e681aa-645b-49ce-97b0-a264aea863c4",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"del docs_keyword_exp2['index']"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "4173fee6-d1ee-4154-ac6a-fcae7872d6cf",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "3561a708-9d03-4aa0-b9ef-23dbf3461e40",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"word_frequency = docs_keyword_exp2['lemma'].value_counts().to_dict()"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "166177e5-d990-4f1f-b1a6-784e65108dbf",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Noun Chunks"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "4d431db5-a1ff-4c2a-915d-ff70065aa5ee",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"docs2 = nlp.pipe(goodreadsbooks['description_clean'], n_process=7)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "19d4060f-14a8-4305-b7c0-7dbbd8e4522b",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"docs_chunks = []\n",
"docs2_list = []\n",
"for doc in docs2:\n",
" j=0\n",
" keyword = []\n",
" docs2_list.append(doc)\n",
" for chunk in doc.noun_chunks:\n",
" if(chunk.root.text in punctuation):\n",
" continue\n",
" if(chunk.root.pos_ in pos_tag):\n",
" keyword.append({\n",
" 'token': j,\n",
" 'text': chunk.text,\n",
" 'root': chunk.root.text,\n",
" 'pos': chunk.root.pos_,\n",
" 'lemma': chunk.root.lemma_,\n",
" 'tag': chunk.root.tag_,\n",
" 'dep': token.dep_\n",
" })\n",
" j=j+1\n",
" docs_chunks.append({'document':i, 'keywords':keyword})\n",
" i=i+1"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "f89d4abe-2963-4c93-b411-c62937839bb2",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"docs_chunks_exp = pd.DataFrame(docs_chunks).explode('keywords').reset_index()"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "3a29efb9-37a3-48c4-8f53-428c267d6ca4",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"docs_chunks_exp2 = pd.DataFrame(docs_chunks_exp['keywords'].values.tolist())"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "a2650d65-e6b7-444c-a29c-3dd7bf8ca98d",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"docs_chunks_exp2['document'] = docs_chunks_exp['document']"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "b29ed8a9-7a4f-4bde-ab47-8b497ef44e76",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"docs_chunks_exp2 = docs_chunks_exp2.reset_index()"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "10e132dc-ff83-4fa2-a4cd-d99cabcea8a7",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"docs_chunks_exp2['lemma'] = docs_chunks_exp2['lemma'].apply(lambda x: x.lower())\n",
"docs_chunks_exp2['root'] = docs_chunks_exp2['root'].apply(lambda x: x.lower())\n",
"docs_chunks_exp2['text'] = docs_chunks_exp2['text'].apply(lambda x: x.lower())"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "fd59bca3-19b3-4a25-abf3-bdbf00aac5b6",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"del docs_chunks_exp2['index']"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "6fa8e713-d0a5-4d63-b947-30e01b2b9476",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "5ec40fff-c929-47bb-bd89-24ebd4d82808",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"word_frequency_chunks = docs_chunks_exp2['text'].value_counts().to_dict()"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "eb82dc33-19a3-40a3-bbad-18df4fdc32bf",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"source": [
"### Word Cloud"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "4134260d-bc74-490f-abc0-045fdcdac8c6",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"wordcloud = WordCloud(width=512,\n",
" height=512,\n",
" max_font_size=72, \n",
" max_words=1000, \n",
" background_color=\"#ece9dc\") \\\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "9f563a57-89b2-4d7a-a3b8-a689c1f63a6e",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))\n",
"plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')\n",
"plt.savefig(\"out_img/wordcloud_regular.png\", format=\"png\")\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "337641f5-bee1-44b1-8fce-87aa44149609",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"my_mask = np.array(\"mask_img/heart.png\"))"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "c8cb1b3f-1be7-4e16-9b13-0146a4afb630",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"wordcloud_mask = WordCloud(mode=\"RGB\",\n",
" max_words=1000, \n",
" mask=my_mask) \\\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "785bfd5d-a53d-4d37-9412-77193139b575",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"image_colors = ImageColorGenerator(my_mask)\n",
"plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))\n",
"plt.imshow(wordcloud_book.recolor(color_func=image_colors), interpolation='bilinear')\n",
"plt.savefig(\"out_img/wordcloud_heart.png\", format=\"png\")\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "b73bacab-810c-4f89-9e69-a8f3e9e8781f",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Exemples de phrases"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "50c79290-0b7f-49ce-b499-79dcf801d701",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"doc_sample = docs_list[1]"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "a3e9e1d9-9794-40d8-85c8-e22142316fc4",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"my_sentence = list(doc_sample.sents)[2]\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "4dcc3722-ed6c-4c52-8878-89cf0ffcd634",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"displacy.render(my_sentence, style=\"dep\", \n",
" options={'compact':True, \n",
" \"bg\": \"#ece9dc\",\n",
" \"color\": \"#3c3b39\"\n",
" },\n",
" page=True)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "bc4f48c5-e208-4042-bd40-a455e07328a9",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"displacy.render(doc_sample, style=\"ent\")"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "2287f1d0-bc6b-4958-9ae7-1e3fbfa522e5",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"sentence2_1 = list(doc_sample.sents)[0]"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "abfc6cd7-bff6-4b0a-b956-6a1a4b66d632",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "b2630966-1c7c-48a3-98fe-e8617868021e",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "8d1405a6-d25f-4bcc-917e-48b3aad70b01",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"ms = nlp.vocab.vectors.most_similar(\n",
" np.asarray([nlp.vocab.vectors[nlp.vocab.strings[your_word]]]), n=10)\n",
"words = [nlp.vocab.strings[w] for w in ms[0][0]]\n",
"distances = ms[2]\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "bae29e2f-b945-45a8-b925-5d35839e4f0b",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
"language_info": {
"codemirror_mode": {
"name": "ipython",
"version": 3
"file_extension": ".py",
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
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"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 5
@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
# krause_dinosaure_republicain_livres_bannis
# Projet pour explorer les livres bannis par Krause
Utilisation de spaCy, Scrapy, matplotlib, pandas et plus ...
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
0,"This narrative nonfiction title introduces young readers to the 2020 Black Lives Matter marches. These large protests, filled with powerful and courageous voices, shined a light on important issues concerning police brutality and racism. Each book includes a table of contents, glossary of key words, index, author biography, sidebars, and timeline. "
1," Black Mirror meets What If It’s Us in this gripping, romantic, and wildly surprising novel about two boys lost in space trying to find their way home, while falling in love, from the critically acclaimed author of We Are the Ants. When Noa closes his eyes on Earth and wakes up on a spaceship called Qriosity just as it’s about to explode, he’s pretty sure things can’t get much Black Mirror meets What If It’s Us in this gripping, romantic, and wildly surprising novel about two boys lost in space trying to find their way home, while falling in love, from the critically acclaimed author of We Are the Ants. When Noa closes his eyes on Earth and wakes up on a spaceship called Qriosity just as it’s about to explode, he’s pretty sure things can’t get much weirder. Boy is he wrong. Trapped aboard Qriosity are also DJ and Jenny, neither of whom remember how they got onboard the ship. Together, the three face all the dangers of space, along with murder, aliens, a school dance, and one really, really bad day. But none of this can prepare Noa for the biggest challenge, falling in love. And as Noa’s feelings for DJ deepen, he has to contend not just with the challenges of the present, but also with his memories of the past. However, nothing is what it seems on Qriosity, and the truth will upend all of their lives forever. Love is complicated enough without also trying to stay alive. "
2,"Felicity Morrow is back at Dalloway School. Perched in the Catskill mountains, the centuries-old, ivy-covered campus was home until the tragic death of her girlfriend. Now, after a year away, she’s returned to graduate. She even has her old room in Godwin House, the exclusive dormitory rumored to be haunted by the spirits of five Dalloway students, girls some say were witche Felicity Morrow is back at Dalloway School. Perched in the Catskill mountains, the centuries-old, ivy-covered campus was home until the tragic death of her girlfriend. Now, after a year away, she’s returned to graduate. She even has her old room in Godwin House, the exclusive dormitory rumored to be haunted by the spirits of five Dalloway students, girls some say were witches. The Dalloway Five all died mysteriously, one after another, right on Godwin grounds. Witchcraft is woven into Dalloway’s history. The school doesn’t talk about it, but the students do. In secret rooms and shadowy corners, girls convene. And before her girlfriend died, Felicity was drawn to the dark. She’s determined to leave that behind her now; all Felicity wants is to focus on her senior thesis and graduate. But it’s hard when Dalloway’s occult history is everywhere. And when the new girl won’t let her forget. It’s Ellis Haley’s first year at Dalloway, and she’s already amassed a loyal following. A prodigy novelist at seventeen, Ellis is a so-called ""method writer."" She’s eccentric and brilliant, and Felicity can’t shake the pull she feels to her. So when Ellis asks Felicity for help researching the Dalloway Five for her second book, Felicity can’t say no. Given her history with the arcane, Felicity is the perfect resource. And when history begins to repeat itself, Felicity will have to face the darkness in Dalloway–and in herself. "
3,"A debut novel about a genderqueer teen who finds the courage to stand up and speak out for equality when they are discriminated against by their high school administration. Carey Parker dreams of being a diva, and bringing the house down with song. But despite their talent, emotional scars from an incident with a homophobic classmate and their grandmother's spiraling dement A debut novel about a genderqueer teen who finds the courage to stand up and speak out for equality when they are discriminated against by their high school administration. Carey Parker dreams of being a diva, and bringing the house down with song. But despite their talent, emotional scars from an incident with a homophobic classmate and their grandmother's spiraling dementia make it harder and harder for Carey to find their voice. Then Carey meets Cris, a singer/guitarist who makes Carey feel seen for the first time in their life. With the rush of a promising new romantic relationship, Carey finds the confidence to audition for the role of Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West, in the school musical, setting off a chain reaction of prejudice by Carey's tormentor and others in the school. It's up to Carey, Cris, and their friends to defend their rights, and they refuse to be silenced. Told in alternating chapters with identifying pronouns, debut author Steven Salvatore's Can't Take That Away is both a romance, and an affirmation of self-identity. "
4,"Black lives matter. That message would be self-evident in a just world, but in this world and this America, all children need to hear it again and again, and not just to hear it but to feel and know it. This book affirms the message repeatedly, tenderly, with cumulative power and shared pride. Celebrating Black accomplishments in music, art, literature, journalism, politics Black lives matter. That message would be self-evident in a just world, but in this world and this America, all children need to hear it again and again, and not just to hear it but to feel and know it. This book affirms the message repeatedly, tenderly, with cumulative power and shared pride. Celebrating Black accomplishments in music, art, literature, journalism, politics, law, science, medicine, entertainment, and sports, Shani King summons a magnificent historical and contemporary context for honoring the fortitude of Black role models, women and men, who have achieved greatness despite the grinding political and social constraints on Black life. Frederick Douglass, Toni Morrison, Sojourner Truth, John Lewis, Langston Hughes, Louis Armstrong, Maya Angelou, Aretha Franklin, and many more pass through these pages. An America without their struggles, aspirations, and contributions would be a shadow of the country we know. A hundred life sketches augment the narrative, opening a hundred doors to lives and thinking that aren’t included in many history books. James Baldwin’s challenge is here: ""We are responsible for the world in which we find ourselves, if only because we are the only sentient force which can change it."" Actress Viola Davis’s words are here, too: ""When I was younger, I did not exert my voice because I did not feel worthy of having a voice. I was taught so many things that didn’t include me. Where was I? What were people like me doing?"" This book tells children what people like Viola were and are doing, and it assures Black children that they are, indisputably, worthy of having a voice. Have I Ever Told You Black Lives Matter? is a book for this time and always. It is time for all children to live and breathe the certainty that Black lives matter. "
5," For fans of Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera, this is a riveting and irresistible take on love, life, and identity, both online and off. CeCe Ross is kind of a big deal. She and her girlfriend, Silvie, are social media influencers with zillions of fans and followers, known for their cute outfits and being #relationshipgoals. So when Silvie breaks up with her, CeCe is deva For fans of Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera, this is a riveting and irresistible take on love, life, and identity, both online and off. CeCe Ross is kind of a big deal. She and her girlfriend, Silvie, are social media influencers with zillions of fans and followers, known for their cute outfits and being #relationshipgoals. So when Silvie breaks up with her, CeCe is devastated. She's lost her first love, and now she can't help but wonder if she'll lose her followers as well. Things get even messier when CeCe meets Josh, a new boy in town who is very much Not Online. CeCe isn't surprised to be falling for a guy; she's always known she's bi. And Josh is sweet and smart and has excellent taste in donuts... but he has no idea that CeCe is internet-famous. And CeCe sort of wants to keep it that way. But when CeCe's secrets catch up to her, she finds herself in the middle of an online storm, where she'll have to confront the blurriness of public vs. private life, and figure out what it really means to speak her truth. "
6," In Perfect on Paper : a bisexual girl who gives anonymous love advice to her classmates is hired by the hot guy to help him get his ex back. Her advice, spot on. Her love life, way off. Darcy Phillips: • Can give you the solution to any of your relationship woes―for a fee. • Uses her power for good. Most of the time. • Really cannot stand Alexander Brougham. • Has maybe not the b In Perfect on Paper : a bisexual girl who gives anonymous love advice to her classmates is hired by the hot guy to help him get his ex back. Her advice, spot on. Her love life, way off. Darcy Phillips: • Can give you the solution to any of your relationship woes―for a fee. • Uses her power for good. Most of the time. • Really cannot stand Alexander Brougham. • Has maybe not the best judgement when it comes to her best friend, Brooke…who is in love with someone else. • Does not appreciate being blackmailed. However, when Brougham catches her in the act of collecting letters from locker 89―out of which she’s been running her questionably legal, anonymous relationship advice service―that’s exactly what happens. In exchange for keeping her secret, Darcy begrudgingly agrees to become his personal dating coach―at a generous hourly rate, at least. The goal? To help him win his ex-girlfriend back. Darcy has a good reason to keep her identity secret. If word gets out that she’s behind the locker, some things she's not proud of will come to light, and there’s a good chance Brooke will never speak to her again. Okay, so all she has to do is help an entitled, bratty, (annoyingly hot) guy win over a girl who’s already fallen for him once? What could go wrong? "
7,"Racism is a problem deeply rooted in American society. Slavery and segregation may no longer be legal, but their legacies still influence the way Black people and other people of color are treated today. Racism exists in the justice system, politics, and the media. Core Library Guide to Racism in Modern America introduces readers to some of the history of racism in the cou Racism is a problem deeply rooted in American society. Slavery and segregation may no longer be legal, but their legacies still influence the way Black people and other people of color are treated today. Racism exists in the justice system, politics, and the media. Core Library Guide to Racism in Modern America introduces readers to some of the history of racism in the country, how it affects people today, and how some are working toward equal treatment for all people. "
8,"Racism is a problem deeply rooted in American society. Slavery and segregation may no longer be legal, but their legacies still influence the way Black people and other people of color are treated today. Racism exists in the justice system, politics, and the media. Core Library Guide to Racism in Modern America introduces readers to some of the history of racism in the cou Racism is a problem deeply rooted in American society. Slavery and segregation may no longer be legal, but their legacies still influence the way Black people and other people of color are treated today. Racism exists in the justice system, politics, and the media. Core Library Guide to Racism in Modern America introduces readers to some of the history of racism in the country, how it affects people today, and how some are working toward equal treatment for all people. "
9,"Racism is a problem deeply rooted in American society. Slavery and segregation may no longer be legal, but their legacies still influence the way Black people and other people of color are treated today. Racism exists in the justice system, politics, and the media. Core Library Guide to Racism in Modern America introduces readers to some of the history of racism in the cou Racism is a problem deeply rooted in American society. Slavery and segregation may no longer be legal, but their legacies still influence the way Black people and other people of color are treated today. Racism exists in the justice system, politics, and the media. Core Library Guide to Racism in Modern America introduces readers to some of the history of racism in the country, how it affects people today, and how some are working toward equal treatment for all people. "
10,"From the author of the critically acclaimed Gracefully Grayson comes a thoughtful and sensitive middle-grade novel about non-binary identity and first love, Ami Polonsky's Spin with Me. In this elegant dual narrative, Essie is a thirteen-year-old girl feeling glum about starting a new school after her professor dad takes a temporary teaching position in a different town. Sh From the author of the critically acclaimed Gracefully Grayson comes a thoughtful and sensitive middle-grade novel about non-binary identity and first love, Ami Polonsky's Spin with Me. In this elegant dual narrative, Essie is a thirteen-year-old girl feeling glum about starting a new school after her professor dad takes a temporary teaching position in a different town. She has 110 days here and can't wait for them to end. Then she meets Ollie, who is nonbinary. Ollie has beautiful blue eyes and a confident smile. Soon, Essie isn’t counting down the days until she can leave so much as she’s dreading when her time with Ollie will come to an end. Meanwhile, Ollie is experiencing a crush of their own... on Essie. As Ollie struggles to balance their passion for queer advocacy with their other interests, they slowly find themselves falling for a girl whose stay is about to come to an end. Can the two unwind their merry-go-round of feelings before it's too late? "
11,"Topics on race in America have been avoided in children's education for too long, allowing racist systems to continue to thrive. Racial Justice in America: Topics for Change explores current questions around race in comprehensive, honest, and age-appropriate ways. Developed in conjunction with educator, advocate, and author Kelisa Wing to reach children of all races and en Topics on race in America have been avoided in children's education for too long, allowing racist systems to continue to thrive. Racial Justice in America: Topics for Change explores current questions around race in comprehensive, honest, and age-appropriate ways. Developed in conjunction with educator, advocate, and author Kelisa Wing to reach children of all races and encourage them to approach race issues with open eyes and minds. "
12," A slick, twisty YA page-turner about the daughter of a con artist who is taken hostage in a bank heist. Nora O’Malley’s been a lot of girls. As the daughter of a con-artist who targets criminal men, she grew up as her mother’s protégé. But when mom fell for the mark instead of conning him, Nora pulled the ultimate con: escape. For five years Nora’s been playing at normal. Bu A slick, twisty YA page-turner about the daughter of a con artist who is taken hostage in a bank heist. Nora O’Malley’s been a lot of girls. As the daughter of a con-artist who targets criminal men, she grew up as her mother’s protégé. But when mom fell for the mark instead of conning him, Nora pulled the ultimate con: escape. For five years Nora’s been playing at normal. But she needs to dust off the skills she ditched because she has three problems: #1: Her ex walked in on her with her girlfriend. Even though they’re all friends, Wes didn’t know about her and Iris. #2: The morning after Wes finds them kissing, they all have to meet to deposit the fundraiser money they raised at the bank. It’s a nightmare that goes from awkward to deadly, because: #3: Right after they enter bank, two guys start robbing it. The bank robbers may be trouble, but Nora’s something else entirely. They have no idea who they’re really holding hostage… "
13,"A sweet and funny #ownvoices LGBTQ+ romance perfect for fans of Becky Albertalli and Julie Murphy, from the critically acclaimed author of Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit! Piper Kitts is spending the summer living with her grandmother, training at the barn of a former Olympic horseback rider, and trying to get over her ex-girlfriend. Much to Piper’s dismay, her gr A sweet and funny #ownvoices LGBTQ+ romance perfect for fans of Becky Albertalli and Julie Murphy, from the critically acclaimed author of Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit! Piper Kitts is spending the summer living with her grandmother, training at the barn of a former Olympic horseback rider, and trying to get over her ex-girlfriend. Much to Piper’s dismay, her grandmother is making her face her fear of driving head-on by taking lessons from a girl in town. Kat Pearson has always suspected that she likes girls but fears her North Carolina town is too small to color outside the lines. But when Piper’s grandmother hires Kat to give her driving lessons, everything changes. Piper’s not sure if she’s ready to let go of her ex. Kat’s navigating uncharted territory with her new crush. With the summer running out, will they be able to unlock a future together? "
14," A story about finding the people who become your home. Marty arrives in London with nothing but his oboe and some savings from his summer job, but he's excited to start his new life, where he's no longer the closeted, shy kid who slips under the radar and is free to explore his sexuality without his parents' disapproval. From the outside, Marty's life looks like a perfect fa A story about finding the people who become your home. Marty arrives in London with nothing but his oboe and some savings from his summer job, but he's excited to start his new life, where he's no longer the closeted, shy kid who slips under the radar and is free to explore his sexuality without his parents' disapproval. From the outside, Marty's life looks like a perfect fantasy: in the span of a few weeks, he's made new friends, he's getting closer with his first ever boyfriend, and he's even traveling around Europe. But Marty knows he can't keep up the facade. He hasn't spoken to his parents since he arrived, he's tearing through his meager savings, his homesickness and anxiety are getting worse and worse, and he hasn't even come close to landing the job of his dreams. Will Marty be able to find a place that feels like home? "
15,"Race in America has been avoided in children's education for too long. What Is the Black Lives Matter Movement? explores the goals and history of the movement in a comprehensive, honest, and age-appropriate way. Developed in conjunction with educator, advocate, and author Kelisa Wing to reach children of all races and encourage them to approach race issues with open eyes a Race in America has been avoided in children's education for too long. What Is the Black Lives Matter Movement? explores the goals and history of the movement in a comprehensive, honest, and age-appropriate way. Developed in conjunction with educator, advocate, and author Kelisa Wing to reach children of all races and encourage them to approach race issues with open eyes and minds. Includes 21st Century Skills and content, as well as a PBL activity across the Racial Justice in America series. Also includes a table of contents, glossary, index, author biography, sidebars, educational matter, and activities. "
16,"Race in America has been avoided in children's education for too long. What Is White Privilege? explores the concept of systemic and intrinsic racism in a comprehensive, honest, and age-appropriate way. Developed in conjunction with educator, advocate, and author Kelisa Wing to reach children of all races and encourage them to approach race issues with open eyes and minds. Race in America has been avoided in children's education for too long. What Is White Privilege? explores the concept of systemic and intrinsic racism in a comprehensive, honest, and age-appropriate way. Developed in conjunction with educator, advocate, and author Kelisa Wing to reach children of all races and encourage them to approach race issues with open eyes and minds. Includes 21st Century Skills and content, as well as a PBL activity across the Racial Justice in America series. Also includes a table of contents, glossary, index, author biography, sidebars, educational matter, and activities. "
17,"In this title, readers learn about the #BlackLivesMatter movement, from the history of slavery and racism, to the slayings of Travon Martin and Michael Brown, to further efforts to end racism such as Campaign Zero, and #takeaknee, and Black Futures Lab. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo & Daughters is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a In this title, readers learn about the #BlackLivesMatter movement, from the history of slavery and racism, to the slayings of Travon Martin and Michael Brown, to further efforts to end racism such as Campaign Zero, and #takeaknee, and Black Futures Lab. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo & Daughters is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a division of ABDO. "
18,"Twelve-year-old Shayla is allergic to trouble. All she wants to do is to follow the rules. (Oh, and she’d also like to make it through seventh grade with her best friendships intact, learn to run track, and have a cute boy see past her giant forehead.) But in junior high, it’s like all the rules have changed. Now she’s suddenly questioning who her best friends are and some Twelve-year-old Shayla is allergic to trouble. All she wants to do is to follow the rules. (Oh, and she’d also like to make it through seventh grade with her best friendships intact, learn to run track, and have a cute boy see past her giant forehead.) But in junior high, it’s like all the rules have changed. Now she’s suddenly questioning who her best friends are and some people at school are saying she’s not black enough. Wait, what ? Shay’s sister, Hana, is involved in Black Lives Matter, but Shay doesn't think that's for her. After experiencing a powerful protest, though, Shay decides some rules are worth breaking. She starts wearing an armband to school in support of the Black Lives movement. Soon everyone is taking sides. And she is given an ultimatum. Shay is scared to do the wrong thing (and even more scared to do the right thing), but if she doesn't face her fear, she'll be forever tripping over the next hurdle. Now that’s trouble, for real. "
19," Take a journey through time and genres and discover a past where queer figures live, love and shape the world around them. Seventeen of the best young adult authors across the queer spectrum have come together to create a collection of beautifully written diverse historical fiction for teens. From a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood set in war-torn 1870s Mexico featuring Take a journey through time and genres and discover a past where queer figures live, love and shape the world around them. Seventeen of the best young adult authors across the queer spectrum have come together to create a collection of beautifully written diverse historical fiction for teens. From a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood set in war-torn 1870s Mexico featuring a transgender soldier, to two girls falling in love while mourning the death of Kurt Cobain, forbidden love in a sixteenth-century Spanish convent or an asexual girl discovering her identity amid the 1970s roller-disco scene, All Out tells a diverse range of stories across cultures, time periods and identities, shedding light on an area of history often ignored or forgotten. Stories Roja -Anna-Marie McLemore The Sweet Trade -Natalie C. Parker And They Don`t Kiss at the End -Nilah Magruder Burnt Umber -Mackenzi Lee The Dresser & the Chambermaid -Robin Talley New Year -Malinda Lo Molly`s Lips -Dahlia Adler The Coven -Kate Scelsa Every Shade of Red -Elliot Wake Willows -Scott Tracey The Girl with the Blue Lantern -Tess Sharpe The Secret Life of a Teenage Boy -Alex Sanchez Walking After Midnight -Kody Keplinger The End of the World as We Know It -Sara Farizan Three Witches -Tessa Gratton The Inferno & the Butterfly -Shaun David Hutchinson Healing Rosa -Tehlor Kay Mejia "
20," Beyond the Gender Binary , spoken word poet Alok Vaid-Menon challenges the world to see gender not in black and white, but in full color. Taking from their own experiences as a gender-nonconforming artist, they show us that gender is a malleable and creative form of expression. The only limit is your imagination. "
21," Critically acclaimed author of We Are the Ants , described as having ""hints of Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five "" (School Library Journal ), opens up about what led to an attempted suicide in his teens, and his path back from the experience. ""I wasn’t depressed because I was gay. I was depressed and gay."" Shaun David Hutchinson was nineteen. Confused. Struggling to find the vocabul Critically acclaimed author of We Are the Ants , described as having ""hints of Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five "" (School Library Journal ), opens up about what led to an attempted suicide in his teens, and his path back from the experience. ""I wasn’t depressed because I was gay. I was depressed and gay."" Shaun David Hutchinson was nineteen. Confused. Struggling to find the vocabulary to understand and accept who he was and how he fit into a community in which he couldn’t see himself. The voice of depression told him that he would never be loved or wanted, while powerful and hurtful messages from society told him that being gay meant love and happiness weren’t for him. A million moments large and small over the years all came together to convince Shaun that he couldn’t keep going, that he had no future. And so he followed through on trying to make that a reality. Thankfully Shaun survived, and over time, came to embrace how grateful he is and how to find self-acceptance. In this courageous and deeply honest memoir, Shaun takes readers through the journey of what brought him to the edge, and what has helped him truly believe that it does get better. "
22,"The Pulitzer Prize–winning, bestselling author of The Warmth of Other Suns examines the unspoken caste system that has shaped America and shows how our lives today are still defined by a hierarchy of human divisions. ""As we go about our daily lives, caste is the wordless usher in a darkened theater, flashlight cast down in the aisles, guiding us to our assigned seats for a The Pulitzer Prize–winning, bestselling author of The Warmth of Other Suns examines the unspoken caste system that has shaped America and shows how our lives today are still defined by a hierarchy of human divisions. ""As we go about our daily lives, caste is the wordless usher in a darkened theater, flashlight cast down in the aisles, guiding us to our assigned seats for a performance. The hierarchy of caste is not about feelings or morality. It is about power, which groups have it and which do not."" In this brilliant book, Isabel Wilkerson gives us a masterful portrait of an unseen phenomenon in America as she explores, through an immersive, deeply researched narrative and stories about real people, how America today and throughout its history has been shaped by a hidden caste system, a rigid hierarchy of human rankings. Beyond race, class, or other factors, there is a powerful caste system that influences people’s lives and behavior and the nation’s fate. Linking the caste systems of America, India, and Nazi Germany, Wilkerson explores eight pillars that underlie caste systems across civilizations, including divine will, bloodlines, stigma, and more. Using riveting stories about people, including Martin Luther King, Jr., baseball’s Satchel Paige, a single father and his toddler son, Wilkerson herself, and many others, she shows the ways that the insidious undertow of caste is experienced every day. She documents how the Nazis studied the racial systems in America to plan their out-cast of the Jews; she discusses why the cruel logic of caste requires that there be a bottom rung for those in the middle to measure themselves against; she writes about the surprising health costs of caste, in depression and life expectancy, and the effects of this hierarchy on our culture and politics. Finally, she points forward to ways America can move beyond the artificial and destructive separations of human divisions, toward hope in our common humanity. "
23,"Jason is sure his sister, Becca, was murdered, but he's the only one who thinks so. After finding a photograph Becca kept hidden, he decides to infiltrate a boxing gym to prove that she didn't die accidentally. As a transgender kid, Jason's been fighting for as long as he can remember, and those skills are going to come in handy as he investigates. Quickly invited into the Jason is sure his sister, Becca, was murdered, but he's the only one who thinks so. After finding a photograph Becca kept hidden, he decides to infiltrate a boxing gym to prove that she didn't die accidentally. As a transgender kid, Jason's been fighting for as long as he can remember, and those skills are going to come in handy as he investigates. Quickly invited into the inner circle, Jason must balance newfound friendships with the burning hate that drives him. Jason soon feels torn between two worlds, determined to discover what happened to his sister but struggling with the fact that this is the first time he's ever felt like he belonged somewhere. "
24,"Yadriel has summoned a ghost, and now he can’t get rid of him. When his traditional Latinx family has problems accepting his gender, Yadriel becomes determined to prove himself a real brujo. With the help of his cousin and best friend Maritza, he performs the ritual himself, and then sets out to find the ghost of his murdered cousin and set it free. However, the ghost he sum Yadriel has summoned a ghost, and now he can’t get rid of him. When his traditional Latinx family has problems accepting his gender, Yadriel becomes determined to prove himself a real brujo. With the help of his cousin and best friend Maritza, he performs the ritual himself, and then sets out to find the ghost of his murdered cousin and set it free. However, the ghost he summons is actually Julian Diaz, the school’s resident bad boy, and Julian is not about to go quietly into death. He’s determined to find out what happened and tie up some loose ends before he leaves. Left with no choice, Yadriel agrees to help Julian, so that they can both get what they want. But the longer Yadriel spends with Julian, the less he wants to let him leave. "
25,"It’s 200 years after Cinderella found her prince, but the fairy tale is over. Teen girls are now required to appear at the Annual Ball, where the men of the kingdom select wives based on a girl’s display of finery. If a suitable match is not found, the girls not chosen are never heard from again. Sixteen-year-old Sophia would much rather marry Erin, her childhood best frien It’s 200 years after Cinderella found her prince, but the fairy tale is over. Teen girls are now required to appear at the Annual Ball, where the men of the kingdom select wives based on a girl’s display of finery. If a suitable match is not found, the girls not chosen are never heard from again. Sixteen-year-old Sophia would much rather marry Erin, her childhood best friend, than parade in front of suitors. At the ball, Sophia makes the desperate decision to flee, and finds herself hiding in Cinderella’s mausoleum. There, she meets Constance, the last known descendant of Cinderella and her step sisters. Together they vow to bring down the king once and for all–and in the process, they learn that there’s more to Cinderella’s story than they ever knew... This fresh take on a classic story will make readers question the tales they’ve been told, and root for girls to break down the constructs of the world around them. "
26," In this companion book to New Kid this time it’s Jordan’s friend Drew who takes center stage in a story about being one of the few kids of color in a prestigious private school. Eighth grader Drew Ellis is no stranger to the saying ""You have to work twice as hard to be just as good."" His grandmother has reminded him his entire life. But what if he works ten times as hard an In this companion book to New Kid this time it’s Jordan’s friend Drew who takes center stage in a story about being one of the few kids of color in a prestigious private school. Eighth grader Drew Ellis is no stranger to the saying ""You have to work twice as hard to be just as good."" His grandmother has reminded him his entire life. But what if he works ten times as hard and still isn’t afforded the same opportunities that his privileged classmates at the Riverdale Academy Day School take for granted? To make matters worse, Drew begins to feel as if his good friend Liam might be one of those privileged kids. He wants to pretend like everything is fine, but it's hard not to withdraw, and even their mutual friend Jordan doesn't know how to keep the group together. As the pressures mount, will Drew find a way to bridge the divide so he and his friends can truly accept each other? And most important, will he finally be able to accept himself? "
27," A unique masterpiece about loss, love, and the world’s best bad dog, from award-winning author Leslie Connor, author of the National Book Award finalist The Truth as Told by Mason Buttle. Lydia knows more about death than most thirteen-year-olds. Her mother was already sick when her father left them six years ago. Then when her mother died, it was Lydia who sat by her side. A unique masterpiece about loss, love, and the world’s best bad dog, from award-winning author Leslie Connor, author of the National Book Award finalist The Truth as Told by Mason Buttle. Lydia knows more about death than most thirteen-year-olds. Her mother was already sick when her father left them six years ago. Then when her mother died, it was Lydia who sat by her side. Fully orphaned now, Lydia follows the plan her mother made with her. She uproots to rural Connecticut to live with her ""last of kin."" Aunt Brat; her jovial wife, Eileen; and their ancient live-in landlord, Elloroy, welcome Lydia. Only days after her arrival the women adopt a big yellow dog. Lydia is not a dog person, and this one is trouble! He pees in the house, escapes into the woods, and barks at things unseen. His new owners begin to guess about his unknown past. Lydia doesn’t want to cause trouble for her new family, and she does not mean to keep secrets, but there are things she’s not telling... Like why the box of ""paper stuff"" she keeps under her bed is so important... And why that hole in the wall behind the poster in her room is getting bigger... And why something she took from the big yellow dog just might be the key to unraveling his mysterious past, but at what cost? Award-winning author Leslie Connor crafts a story that sings about loss and love and finding joy in new friendships and a loving family, along with the world’s best bad dog. This uplifting story about recovery features strong female characters, an adorable dog, and the girl who comes to love him. "
28," Perfect for fans of George and Ivy Aberdeen's Letter to the World: a heartfelt coming of age story about a nonbinary character navigating a binary world. Twelve-year-old Ana-Marie Jin, the reigning US Juvenile figure skating champion, is not a frilly dress kind of kid. So, when Ana learns that next season's program will be princess themed, doubt forms fast. Still, Ana tries Perfect for fans of George and Ivy Aberdeen's Letter to the World: a heartfelt coming of age story about a nonbinary character navigating a binary world. Twelve-year-old Ana-Marie Jin, the reigning US Juvenile figure skating champion, is not a frilly dress kind of kid. So, when Ana learns that next season's program will be princess themed, doubt forms fast. Still, Ana tries to focus on training and putting together a stellar routine worthy of national success. Once Ana meets Hayden, a transgender boy new to the rink, thoughts about the princess program and gender identity begin to take center stage. And when Hayden mistakes Ana for a boy, Ana doesn't correct him and finds comfort in this boyish identity when he's around. As their friendship develops, Ana realizes that it's tricky juggling two different identities on one slippery sheet of ice. And with a major competition approaching, Ana must decide whether telling everyone the truth is worth risking years of hard work and sacrifice. "
29," A heartfelt and relatable novel from Phil Bildner, weaving the real history of Los Angeles Dodger and Oakland Athletic Glenn Burke, the first professional baseball player to come out as gay, into the story of a middle-school kid learning to be himself. When sixth grader Silas Wade does a school presentation on former Major Leaguer Glenn Burke, it's more than just a report a A heartfelt and relatable novel from Phil Bildner, weaving the real history of Los Angeles Dodger and Oakland Athletic Glenn Burke, the first professional baseball player to come out as gay, into the story of a middle-school kid learning to be himself. When sixth grader Silas Wade does a school presentation on former Major Leaguer Glenn Burke, it's more than just a report about the irrepressible inventor of the high five. Burke was a gay baseball player in the 1970s, and for Silas, the presentation is his own first baby step toward revealing a truth about himself he's tired of hiding. Soon he tells his best friend, Zoey, but the longer he keeps his secret from his baseball teammates, the more he suspects they know something's up, especially when he stages one big cover-up with terrible consequences. A High Five for Glenn Burke is Phil Bildner's most personal novel yet, a powerful story about the challenge of being true to yourself, especially when not everyone feels you belong on the field. "
30,"Ciel is excited to start high school. A gender non-conforming trans kid, Ciel has a YouTube channel and dreams of getting a better camera to really make a mark. Ciel can always rely on their best friend, Stephie, a trans girl who also happens to be a huge nerd, but their friendship begins to feel distant when Stephie makes it clear she wants the fact that she's trans to be Ciel is excited to start high school. A gender non-conforming trans kid, Ciel has a YouTube channel and dreams of getting a better camera to really make a mark. Ciel can always rely on their best friend, Stephie, a trans girl who also happens to be a huge nerd, but their friendship begins to feel distant when Stephie makes it clear she wants the fact that she's trans to be more invisible in high school. While navigating this new friendship dynamic, Ciel is also trying to make a long-distance relationship work with their boyfriend Eirikur, who just moved back to Iceland. When Ciel befriends Liam, a new trans boy at school, things become more complicated by the minute. "
31,"Have you heard that language is violence and that science is sexist? Have you read that certain people shouldn’t practice yoga or cook Chinese food? Or been told that being obese is healthy, that there is no such thing as biological sex, or that only white people can be racist? Are you confused by these ideas, and do you wonder how they have managed so quickly to challenge Have you heard that language is violence and that science is sexist? Have you read that certain people shouldn’t practice yoga or cook Chinese food? Or been told that being obese is healthy, that there is no such thing as biological sex, or that only white people can be racist? Are you confused by these ideas, and do you wonder how they have managed so quickly to challenge the very logic of Western society? In this probing and intrepid volume, Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay document the evolution of the dogma that informs these ideas, from its coarse origins in French postmodernism to its refinement within activist academic fields. Today this dogma is recognizable as much by its effects, such as cancel culture and social-media dogpiles, as by its tenets, which are all too often embraced as axiomatic in mainstream media: knowledge is a social construct; science and reason are tools of oppression; all human interactions are sites of oppressive power play; and language is dangerous. As Pluckrose and Lindsay warn, the unchecked proliferation of these anti-Enlightenment beliefs present a threat not only to liberal democracy but also to modernity itself. While acknowledging the need to challenge the complacency of those who think a just society has been fully achieved, Pluckrose and Lindsay break down how this often-radical activist scholarship does far more harm than good, not least to those marginalized communities it claims to champion. They also detail its alarmingly inconsistent and illiberal ethics. Only through a proper understanding of the evolution of these ideas, they conclude, can those who value science, reason, and consistently liberal ethics successfully challenge this harmful and authoritarian orthodoxy, in the academy, in culture, and beyond. "
32," In this companion to the award-winning Darius the Great Is Not Okay , Darius suddenly has it all: a boyfriend, an internship, a spot on the soccer team. It’s everything he’s ever wanted–but what if he deserves better? Darius Kellner is having a bit of a year. Since his trip to Iran this past spring, a lot has changed. He’s getting along with his dad, and his best friend Sohr In this companion to the award-winning Darius the Great Is Not Okay , Darius suddenly has it all: a boyfriend, an internship, a spot on the soccer team. It’s everything he’s ever wanted–but what if he deserves better? Darius Kellner is having a bit of a year. Since his trip to Iran this past spring, a lot has changed. He’s getting along with his dad, and his best friend Sohrab is only a Skype call away. Between his first boyfriend, Landon, his varsity soccer practices, and his internship at his favorite tea shop, Darius is feeling pretty okay. Like he finally knows what it means to be Darius Kellner. Then, of course, everything changes. Darius’s grandmothers are in town for a long visit while his dad is gone on business, and Darius isn’t sure whether they even like him. The internship isn’t what Darius thought it would be, and now he doesn’t know about turning tea into his career. He was sure he liked Landon, but when he starts hanging out with Chip–soccer teammate and best friend of Trent Bolger, epic bully–well, he’s just not so sure about Landon anymore, either. Darius thought he knew exactly who he was and what he wanted, but maybe he was wrong. Maybe he deserves better. "
33," A fantasy novel about finding home and falling in love amidst the dangers of a desert where stories come to life. Xochital is destined to wander the desert alone, speaking her troubled village's stories into its arid winds. Her only companions are the blessed stars above and enimagic lines of poetry magically strewn across dusty dunes. Her one desire: to share her heart with A fantasy novel about finding home and falling in love amidst the dangers of a desert where stories come to life. Xochital is destined to wander the desert alone, speaking her troubled village's stories into its arid winds. Her only companions are the blessed stars above and enimagic lines of poetry magically strewn across dusty dunes. Her one desire: to share her heart with a kindred spirit. One night, Xo's wish is granted, in the form of Emilia, the cold and beautiful daughter of the town's murderous mayor. But when the two set out on a magical journey across the desert, they find their hearts could be a match... if only they can survive the nightmare-like terrors that arise when the sun goes down. "
34," A singular, beautifully written coming-of-age memoir of a Filipino boy with albinism whose story travels from an immigrant childhood to Harvard to a gender transition and illuminates the illusions of race, disability, and gender Fairest is a memoir about a precocious boy with albinism, a ""sun child"" from a rural Philippine village, who would grow up to become a woman in Ame A singular, beautifully written coming-of-age memoir of a Filipino boy with albinism whose story travels from an immigrant childhood to Harvard to a gender transition and illuminates the illusions of race, disability, and gender Fairest is a memoir about a precocious boy with albinism, a ""sun child"" from a rural Philippine village, who would grow up to become a woman in America. Coping with the strain of parental neglect and the elusive promise of U.S. citizenship, Talusan found childhood comfort from her devoted grandmother, a grounding force as she was treated by others with special preference or public curiosity. As an immigrant to the United States, Talusan came to be perceived as white. An academic scholarship to Harvard provided access to elite circles of privilege but required Talusan to navigate through the complex spheres of race, class, sexuality, and her place within the gay community. She emerged as an artist and an activist questioning the boundaries of gender. Talusan realized she did not want to be confined to a prescribed role as a man, and transitioned to become a woman, despite the risk of losing a man she deeply loved. Throughout her journey, Talusan shares poignant and powerful episodes of desirability and love that will remind readers of works such as Call Me By Your Name and Giovanni's Room. Her evocative reflections will shift our own perceptions of love, identity, gender, and the fairness of life. "
35," Award-winning author and artist Mike Curato draws on his own experiences in Flamer , his debut graphic novel, telling a difficult story with humor, compassion, and love. I know I’m not gay. Gay boys like other boys. I hate boys. They’re mean, and scary, and they’re always destroying something or saying something dumb or both. I hate that word. Gay. It makes me feel... unsa Award-winning author and artist Mike Curato draws on his own experiences in Flamer , his debut graphic novel, telling a difficult story with humor, compassion, and love. I know I’m not gay. Gay boys like other boys. I hate boys. They’re mean, and scary, and they’re always destroying something or saying something dumb or both. I hate that word. Gay. It makes me feel... unsafe. It's the summer between middle school and high school, and Aiden Navarro is away at camp. Everyone's going through changes, but for Aiden, the stakes feel higher. As he navigates friendships, deals with bullies, and spends time with Elias (a boy he can't stop thinking about), he finds himself on a path of self-discovery and acceptance. "
36," Sometimes there's a town called Indianola. And sometimes there isn't. Summer, 1993. Claire has been dumped in rural Indianola, Texas, to spend her whole vacation taking care of mean, sickly Grammy. There's nothing too remarkable about Indianola: it's run-down, shabby, and stifling hot, a pin-dot on the Gulf Coast. Well, there is one remarkable thing, she discovers. Something Sometimes there's a town called Indianola. And sometimes there isn't. Summer, 1993. Claire has been dumped in rural Indianola, Texas, to spend her whole vacation taking care of mean, sickly Grammy. There's nothing too remarkable about Indianola: it's run-down, shabby, and stifling hot, a pin-dot on the Gulf Coast. Well, there is one remarkable thing, she discovers. Something otherworldly. But if you leave Indianola, you forget about it... and if you stay, you have to live with it every day. Because there's a confluence of energies at Indianola, a fissure in time and space, a gap in reality. Nothing is as it seems. And unless Claire can figure out this town, the talkative lizards under the pecan trees; the honey-sweet but terrifying girl next door; the cute daughter of a powerful family, who would answer Claire's questions if she had any answers; the pervasive sense of history coming unspooled, like a video tape, she might never leave. "
37," Leah on the Offbeat meets We Are Okay in this pitch-perfect queer romance about falling in love and never quite falling out of it, heartbreak, unexpected new crushes, and all. Before Quinn Ryan was in love with Jamie Rudawski, she loved Jamie Rudawski, who was her best friend. But when Jamie dumps Quinn a month before their senior year, Quinn is suddenly girlfriend-less and Leah on the Offbeat meets We Are Okay in this pitch-perfect queer romance about falling in love and never quite falling out of it, heartbreak, unexpected new crushes, and all. Before Quinn Ryan was in love with Jamie Rudawski, she loved Jamie Rudawski, who was her best friend. But when Jamie dumps Quinn a month before their senior year, Quinn is suddenly girlfriend-less and best friend-less. Enter a new crush: Ruby Ocampo, the gorgeous and rich lead singer of the popular band Sweets, who's just broken up with her on-again, off-again boyfriend. Quinn's always only wanted to be with Jamie, but if Jamie no longer wants to be with her, why can't Quinn go all in on her crush on Ruby? But the closer Quinn grows to Ruby, the more she misses Jamie, and the more (she thinks) Jamie misses her. Who says your first love can't be your second love, too? Katie Heaney is a full-time senior writer for The Cut, a former editor at BuzzFeed, and the author of the memoirs Never Have I Ever: My Life So Far without a Date and Would You Rather? Girl Crushed is her YA debut. "
38," From the author of Hurt Go Happy , winner of ALA's Schneider Family Book Award, comes Freeing Finch , the inspiring story of a transgender girl and a stray dog who overcome adversity to find love, home, and a place to belong. When her father leaves and her mother passes away soon afterward, Finch can't help feeling abandoned. Now she's stuck living with her stepfather and his From the author of Hurt Go Happy , winner of ALA's Schneider Family Book Award, comes Freeing Finch , the inspiring story of a transgender girl and a stray dog who overcome adversity to find love, home, and a place to belong. When her father leaves and her mother passes away soon afterward, Finch can't help feeling abandoned. Now she's stuck living with her stepfather and his new wife. They're mostly nice, but they don't believe the one true thing Finch knows about herself: that she's a girl, even though she was born in a boy's body. Thankfully, she has Maddy, a neighbor and animal rescuer who accepts her for who she is. Finch helps Maddy care for a menagerie of lost and lonely creatures, including a scared, stray dog who needs a family and home as much as she does. As she earns the dog's trust, Finch realizes she must also learn to trust the people in her life, even if they are the last people she expected to love her and help her to be true to herself. "
39," This triumphant picture book recasts a charged phrase as part of a black girl's everyday life, hands up for a hug, hands up in class, hands up for a high five, before culminating in a moment of resistance at a protest march. A young black girl lifts her baby hands up to greet the sun, reaches her hands up for a book on a high shelf, and raises her hands up in praise at a ch This triumphant picture book recasts a charged phrase as part of a black girl's everyday life, hands up for a hug, hands up in class, hands up for a high five, before culminating in a moment of resistance at a protest march. A young black girl lifts her baby hands up to greet the sun, reaches her hands up for a book on a high shelf, and raises her hands up in praise at a church service. She stretches her hands up high like a plane's wings and whizzes down a hill so fast on her bike with her hands way up. As she grows, she lives through everyday moments of joy, love, and sadness. And when she gets a little older, she joins together with her family and her community in a protest march, where they lift their hands up together in resistance and strength. "
40,"Today's feminist movement has a glaring blind spot, and paradoxically, it is women. Mainstream feminists rarely talk about meeting basic needs as a feminist issue, argues Mikki Kendall, but food insecurity, access to quality education, safe neighborhoods, a living wage, and medical care are all feminist issues. All too often, however, the focus is not on basic survival for Today's feminist movement has a glaring blind spot, and paradoxically, it is women. Mainstream feminists rarely talk about meeting basic needs as a feminist issue, argues Mikki Kendall, but food insecurity, access to quality education, safe neighborhoods, a living wage, and medical care are all feminist issues. All too often, however, the focus is not on basic survival for the many, but on increasing privilege for the few. That feminists refuse to prioritize these issues has only exacerbated the age-old problem of both internecine discord and women who rebuff at carrying the title. Moreover, prominent white feminists broadly suffer from their own myopia with regard to how things like race, class, sexual orientation, and ability intersect with gender. How can we stand in solidarity as a movement, Kendall asks, when there is the distinct likelihood that some women are oppressing others? "
41,"Elouise (Lou) Parker is determined to have the absolute best, most impossibly epic summer of her life. There are just a few things standing in her way: She's landed a job at Magic Castle Playland... as a giant dancing hot dog. Her crush, the dreamy Diving Pirate Nick, already has a girlfriend, who is literally the Princess of the park. But Lou's never liked anyone, Elouise (Lou) Parker is determined to have the absolute best, most impossibly epic summer of her life. There are just a few things standing in her way: She's landed a job at Magic Castle Playland... as a giant dancing hot dog. Her crush, the dreamy Diving Pirate Nick, already has a girlfriend, who is literally the Princess of the park. But Lou's never liked anyone, guy or otherwise, this much before, and now she wants a chance at her own happily ever after. Her best friend, Seeley, the carousel operator, who's always been up for anything, suddenly isn't when it comes to Lou's quest to set her up with the perfect girl or Lou's scheme to get close to Nick. And it turns out that this will be their last summer at Magic Castle Playland, ever, unless she can find a way to stop it from closing. Jennifer Dugan's sparkling debut coming-of-age queer romance stars a princess, a pirate, a hot dog, and a carousel operator who find love, and themselves, in unexpected people and unforgettable places. "
42," Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda goes to Italy in Arvin Ahmadi's newest incisive look at identity and what it means to find yourself by running away. Eighteen-year-old Amir Azadi always knew coming out to his Muslim family would be messy, he just didn't think it would end in an airport interrogation room. But when faced with a failed relationship, bullies, and blackmail, r Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda goes to Italy in Arvin Ahmadi's newest incisive look at identity and what it means to find yourself by running away. Eighteen-year-old Amir Azadi always knew coming out to his Muslim family would be messy, he just didn't think it would end in an airport interrogation room. But when faced with a failed relationship, bullies, and blackmail, running away to Rome is his only option. Right? Soon, late nights with new friends and dates in the Sistine Chapel start to feel like second nature... until his old life comes knocking on his door. Now, Amir has to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to a U.S. Customs officer, or risk losing his hard-won freedom. At turns uplifting and devastating, How It All Blew Up is Arvin Ahmadi's most powerful novel yet, a celebration of how life's most painful moments can live alongside the riotous, life-changing joys of discovering who you are. "
43,"Hannah works as the only female river-rafting guide in her closed-minded small town. Labeled a tomboy, she often struggles to reconcile the way she fits into normal gender stereotypes. Hannah meets Ezra, who blurs the lines between woman and man. They begin an exciting new relationship, but soon Ezra starts pushing Hannah's limits and her definition of love. Hannah works as the only female river-rafting guide in her closed-minded small town. Labeled a tomboy, she often struggles to reconcile the way she fits into normal gender stereotypes. Hannah meets Ezra, who blurs the lines between woman and man. They begin an exciting new relationship, but soon Ezra starts pushing Hannah's limits and her definition of love. "
44,"In her small town, seventeen year-old Delia ""Dee"" Skinner is known as the girl who wasn’t taken. Ten years ago, she witnessed the abduction of her best friend, Sibby. And though she told the police everything she remembered, it wasn’t enough. Sibby was never seen again.At night, Dee deals with her guilt by becoming someone else: the Seeker, the voice behind the popular tru In her small town, seventeen year-old Delia ""Dee"" Skinner is known as the girl who wasn’t taken. Ten years ago, she witnessed the abduction of her best friend, Sibby. And though she told the police everything she remembered, it wasn’t enough. Sibby was never seen again.At night, Dee deals with her guilt by becoming someone else: the Seeker, the voice behind the popular true crime podcast Radio Silent, which features missing persons cases and works with online sleuths to solve them. Nobody knows Dee’s the Seeker, and she plans to keep it that way.When another little girl goes missing, and the case is linked to Sibby’s disappearance, Dee has a chance to get answers, with the help of her virtual detectives and the intriguing new girl at school. But how much is she willing to reveal about herself in order to uncover the truth? Dee’s about to find out what’s really at stake in unraveling the mystery of the little girls who vanished. "
45," What do you do when you are born as one gender, but feel yourself to be another? Gender dysphoria affects thousands of people worldwide, but has been ignored or ridiculed in our culture. With this graphic novel, Corey Maison boldly shares her story of transitioning, so that other kids with gender dysphoria and related conditions will no longer feel so isolated, hopeless, o What do you do when you are born as one gender, but feel yourself to be another? Gender dysphoria affects thousands of people worldwide, but has been ignored or ridiculed in our culture. With this graphic novel, Corey Maison boldly shares her story of transitioning, so that other kids with gender dysphoria and related conditions will no longer feel so isolated, hopeless, or lost. Corey Maison was born a girl, trapped in a boy’s body. Growing up, Corey was more interested in dolls than trucks; in dresses than jeans. Everything about Corey was female... except her physicality. Known as gender dysphoria, this condition is devastating if not acknowledged. But society is slow to be sympathetic to the idea that a person’s gender is not entirely based on physiology, but instead is fluid, and a combination of emotional and psychological self-awareness along with, or sometimes more importantly, physical characteristics. IDENTITY tells the complex and moving tale of a young person who knows that their true gender is not the one they were assigned at birth. With unconditional love and support from her mother, Corey successfully starts the transition process with hopes of being comfortable in her own skin, being accepted by others, and raising awareness of young people who wish to transition. At 16-years-old, Corey has become a voice for other trans teens, battling bullies and helping others who are on their own individual journeys of identity. "
46," From Carnegie Medal finalist Jenny Valentine comes a bold new story about love and second chances, perfect for fans of the popular film Sliding Doors and David Levithan's Every Day. Jude's life is upended when his mother loses her job and moves them to a little town by the sea to live with Henry Lake, an eccentric old man with rooms to rent. Henry is odd, the town is dull, From Carnegie Medal finalist Jenny Valentine comes a bold new story about love and second chances, perfect for fans of the popular film Sliding Doors and David Levithan's Every Day. Jude's life is upended when his mother loses her job and moves them to a little town by the sea to live with Henry Lake, an eccentric old man with rooms to rent. Henry is odd, the town is dull, and worst of all, Jude feels out of place and alone. So when Novo turns up in the house across the street, dressed all in black and looking unbearably handsome, Jude's summer takes an immediate turn for the better. But Novo isn't all that he seems to be, or maybe he's more than Jude can possibly understand. Novo is a time traveler, someone who wakes up in different places and at different points in time with utter regularity. He knows that each Now is fleeting, that each moment is only worth the energy it expends on itself, and that each experience he has will be lost to him before long. But Jude and Novo form a bond that shifts reality for both of them. Unlike anything he's ever experienced, Jude begins to question what forever really means, only to find out that Novo knows that forever isn't real. And when things go horribly wrong, he and Novo are faced with an impossible question that may change both of their lives irreparably, what is worth sacrificing for love? A stunningly written, compelling exploration of what it means to love and live in the moment that quite literally defies both logic and time. "
47,"Everyone at the prestigious Bexley School believes that Sage Morgan and Charlie Carmichael are meant to be....that it’s just a matter of time until they realize that they are actually in love. When Luke Morrissey shows up on the Bexley campus his presence immediately shakes things up. Charlie and Luke are drawn to each other the moment they meet, giving Sage the opportunit Everyone at the prestigious Bexley School believes that Sage Morgan and Charlie Carmichael are meant to be....that it’s just a matter of time until they realize that they are actually in love. When Luke Morrissey shows up on the Bexley campus his presence immediately shakes things up. Charlie and Luke are drawn to each other the moment they meet, giving Sage the opportunity to steal away to spend time with Charlie’s twin brother, Nick. But Charlie is afraid of what others will think if he accepts that he has much more than a friendship with Luke. And Sage fears that things with Nick are getting too serious too quickly. The duo will need to rely on each other and their lifelong friendship to figure things out with the boys they love. "
48,"For years Carmen Maria Machado has struggled to articulate her experiences in an abusive same-sex relationship. In this extraordinarily candid and radically inventive memoir, Machado tackles a dark and difficult subject with wit, inventiveness and an inquiring spirit, as she uses a series of narrative tropes, including classic horror themes, to create an entirely unique piec For years Carmen Maria Machado has struggled to articulate her experiences in an abusive same-sex relationship. In this extraordinarily candid and radically inventive memoir, Machado tackles a dark and difficult subject with wit, inventiveness and an inquiring spirit, as she uses a series of narrative tropes, including classic horror themes, to create an entirely unique piece of work which is destined to become an instant classic. "
49,"Introducing Brie Hutchens: soap opera super fan, aspiring actor, and so-so student at her small Catholic school. Brie has big plans for eighth grade. She’s going to be the star of the school play and convince her parents to let her go to the performing arts high school. But when Brie’s mom walks in on her accidentally looking at some possibly inappropriate photos of her fa Introducing Brie Hutchens: soap opera super fan, aspiring actor, and so-so student at her small Catholic school. Brie has big plans for eighth grade. She’s going to be the star of the school play and convince her parents to let her go to the performing arts high school. But when Brie’s mom walks in on her accidentally looking at some possibly inappropriate photos of her favorite actress, Brie panics and blurts out that she’s been chosen to crown the Mary statue during her school’s May Crowning ceremony. Brie’s mom is distracted with pride, but Brie’s in big trouble: she has not been chosen. No one has. Worse, Brie has almost no chance to get the job, which always goes to a top student. Desperate to make her lie become truth, Brie turns to Kennedy, the girl everyone expects to crown Mary. But sometimes just looking at Kennedy gives Brie butterflies. Juggling her confusing feelings with the rapidly approaching May Crowning, not to mention her hilarious non-star turn in the school play, Brie navigates truth and lies, expectations and identity, and how to, finally, make her mother really see her as she is. "
50," From Stonewall and Lambda Award-winning author Kacen Callender comes a revelatory YA novel about a transgender teen grappling with identity and self-discovery while falling in love for the first time. Felix Love has never been in love, and, yes, he’s painfully aware of the irony. He desperately wants to know what it’s like and why it seems so easy for everyone but him to fin From Stonewall and Lambda Award-winning author Kacen Callender comes a revelatory YA novel about a transgender teen grappling with identity and self-discovery while falling in love for the first time. Felix Love has never been in love, and, yes, he’s painfully aware of the irony. He desperately wants to know what it’s like and why it seems so easy for everyone but him to find someone. What’s worse is that, even though he is proud of his identity, Felix also secretly fears that he’s one marginalization too many, Black, queer, and transgender, to ever get his own happily-ever-after. When an anonymous student begins sending him transphobic messages, after publicly posting Felix’s deadname alongside images of him before he transitioned, Felix comes up with a plan for revenge. What he didn’t count on: his catfish scenario landing him in a quasi–love triangle.... But as he navigates his complicated feelings, Felix begins a journey of questioning and self-discovery that helps redefine his most important relationship: how he feels about himself. Felix Ever After is an honest and layered story about identity, falling in love, and recognizing the love you deserve. "
51,"Balancing epic and intensely personal stakes, bestselling author Adam Silvera’s Infinity Son is a gritty, fast-paced adventure about two brothers caught up in a magical war generations in the making. Growing up in New York, brothers Emil and Brighton always idolized the Spell Walkers, a vigilante group sworn to rid the world of specters. While the Spell Walkers and other cel Balancing epic and intensely personal stakes, bestselling author Adam Silvera’s Infinity Son is a gritty, fast-paced adventure about two brothers caught up in a magical war generations in the making. Growing up in New York, brothers Emil and Brighton always idolized the Spell Walkers, a vigilante group sworn to rid the world of specters. While the Spell Walkers and other celestials are born with powers, specters take them, violently stealing the essence of endangered magical creatures. Brighton wishes he had a power so he could join the fray. Emil just wants the fighting to stop. The cycle of violence has taken a toll, making it harder for anyone with a power to live peacefully and openly. In this climate of fear, a gang of specters has been growing bolder by the day. Then, in a brawl after a protest, Emil manifests a power of his own, one that puts him right at the heart of the conflict and sets him up to be the heroic Spell Walker Brighton always wanted to be. Brotherhood, love, and loyalty will be put to the test, and no one will escape the fight unscathed. "
52,"Three Quinns. Three realities. Three Brumes. The first Brume is a waking nightmare, overrun by literal monsters and cutthroat survivors. For Quinn, who is openly genderqueer, the only silver lining is their friendship with Lia, and the hope that there might still be a safe place somewhere else in the world. The second Brume is a prison with no bars. Forced to ""sort out"" their Three Quinns. Three realities. Three Brumes. The first Brume is a waking nightmare, overrun by literal monsters and cutthroat survivors. For Quinn, who is openly genderqueer, the only silver lining is their friendship with Lia, and the hope that there might still be a safe place somewhere else in the world. The second Brume is a prison with no bars. Forced to ""sort out"" their sexuality with other teens at Camp Redemption, Quinn must also figure out why presenting as female has never felt quite right. The third Brume is a warzone. For Quinn, who presents as male, leading the Resistance against an authoritarian government is hard, since even the Resistance might not accept them if they knew Quinn’s truth. As Quinn starts to realize that they might be one person alternating among these three worlds and identities, they wonder: Which world is the real one? Or do they all contain some deeper truth? You can't run from the monster. The monster is you. "
53,"From award-winning author Karen Blumenthal, comes a deep and passionate look at the riveting history of the fight for reproductive rights in the United States. Tracing the path to the landmark decision in Roe v. Wade and the continuing battle for women's rights, Blumenthal examines, in a straightforward tone, the root causes of the current debate around abortion and repercu From award-winning author Karen Blumenthal, comes a deep and passionate look at the riveting history of the fight for reproductive rights in the United States. Tracing the path to the landmark decision in Roe v. Wade and the continuing battle for women's rights, Blumenthal examines, in a straightforward tone, the root causes of the current debate around abortion and repercussions that have affected generations of American women. This eye-opening book is the perfect tool to facilitate difficult discussions and awareness of a topic that is rarely touched on in school but affects each and every young person. It's also perfect for fans of Steve Sheinkin and Deborah Heiligman. This journalistic look at the history of abortion and the landmark case of Roe v. Wade is an important and necessary book. "
54,"Seventeen is nothing like Codi Teller imagined. She’s never crashed a party, never stayed out too late. She’s never even been kissed. And it’s not just because she’s gay. It’s because she and her two best friends, Maritza and JaKory, spend more time in her basement watching Netflix than engaging with the outside world. So when Maritza and JaKory suggest crashing a party, Cod Seventeen is nothing like Codi Teller imagined. She’s never crashed a party, never stayed out too late. She’s never even been kissed. And it’s not just because she’s gay. It’s because she and her two best friends, Maritza and JaKory, spend more time in her basement watching Netflix than engaging with the outside world. So when Maritza and JaKory suggest crashing a party, Codi is highly skeptical. Those parties aren’t for kids like them. They’re for cool kids. Straight kids. But then Codi stumbles upon one of those cool kids, Ricky, kissing another boy in the dark, and an unexpected friendship is formed. In return for never talking about that kiss, Ricky takes Codi under his wing and draws her into a wild summer filled with late nights, new experiences, and one really cute girl named Lydia. The only problem? Codi never tells Maritza or JaKory about any of it. From author Kelly Quindlen comes a poignant and deeply relatable story about friendship, self-acceptance, what it means to be a Real Teenager. Late to the Party is an ode to late bloomers and wallflowers everywhere. "
55,"Scholastic/Levine has acquired Aida Salazar's debut novel, The Moon Within. The free verse middle grade novel tells the story of 11-year-old Cely, whose life swirls with questions about her changing body, her first attraction to a boy, her best friend's exploration of what it means to be genderfluid, and her mother's insistence she have a Chicana moon ceremony for her firs Scholastic/Levine has acquired Aida Salazar's debut novel, The Moon Within. The free verse middle grade novel tells the story of 11-year-old Cely, whose life swirls with questions about her changing body, her first attraction to a boy, her best friend's exploration of what it means to be genderfluid, and her mother's insistence she have a Chicana moon ceremony for her first menses. Publication is slated for spring 2019. "
56," The star of Julián Is a Mermaid makes a joyful return, and finds a new friend, at a wedding to be remembered. Julián and his abuela are attending a wedding. Better yet, Julián is in the wedding along with his cousin Marisol. When wedding duties are fulfilled and with a new dog friend in tow, the pair takes off to roam the venue, exploring everywhere from underneath tables The star of Julián Is a Mermaid makes a joyful return, and finds a new friend, at a wedding to be remembered. Julián and his abuela are attending a wedding. Better yet, Julián is in the wedding along with his cousin Marisol. When wedding duties are fulfilled and with a new dog friend in tow, the pair takes off to roam the venue, exploring everywhere from underneath tables to enchanting willow trees to... muddy puddles? After all, it wouldn't be a wedding without fun, laughter, and a little magical mischief. With ingenuity and heart, author-illustrator Jessica Love tells a charming story of friendship, acceptance, and celebration. "
57," Some people ARE illegal. Lobizonas do NOT exist. Both of these statements are false. Manuela Azul has been crammed into an existence that feels too small for her. As an undocumented immigrant who's on the run from her father's Argentine crime-family, Manu is confined to a small apartment and a small life in Miami, Florida. Until Manu's protective bubble is shattered. Her surrog Some people ARE illegal. Lobizonas do NOT exist. Both of these statements are false. Manuela Azul has been crammed into an existence that feels too small for her. As an undocumented immigrant who's on the run from her father's Argentine crime-family, Manu is confined to a small apartment and a small life in Miami, Florida. Until Manu's protective bubble is shattered. Her surrogate grandmother is attacked, lifelong lies are exposed, and her mother is arrested by ICE. Without a home, without answers, and finally without shackles, Manu investigates the only clue she has about her past, a mysterious ""Z"" emblem, which leads her to a secret world buried within our own. A world connected to her dead father and his criminal past. A world straight out of Argentine folklore, where the seventh consecutive daughter is born a bruja and the seventh consecutive son is a lobizón, a werewolf. A world where her unusual eyes allow her to belong. As Manu uncovers her own story and traces her real heritage all the way back to a cursed city in Argentina, she learns it's not just her U.S. residency that's illegal.... it's her entire existence. "
58," A gorgeously romantic new novella set in the world of Becky Albertalli's bestselling and beloved Simonverse novels: Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, The Upside of Unrequited, and Leah on the Offbeat. It's been more than a year since Simon and Blue turned their anonymous online flirtation into an IRL relationship, and just a few months since Abby and Leah's unforgettable A gorgeously romantic new novella set in the world of Becky Albertalli's bestselling and beloved Simonverse novels: Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, The Upside of Unrequited, and Leah on the Offbeat. It's been more than a year since Simon and Blue turned their anonymous online flirtation into an IRL relationship, and just a few months since Abby and Leah's unforgettable night at senior prom. Now the Creekwood High crew are first years at different colleges, navigating friendship and romance the way their story began -on email. The beloved, award-winning novel, SIMON VS THE HOMO SAPIENS AGENDA is now a major motion picture starring 13 Reasons Why's Katherine Langford and Everything, Everything's Nick Robinson. Praise for Becky Albertalli's SIMONverse novels: 'Worthy of Fault in Our Stars -level obsession.' Entertainment Weekly 'I love you, SIMON. I LOVE YOU! And I love this fresh, funny, live-out-loud book."" Jennifer Niven, bestselling author of All the Bright Places, on Simon vs 'I have such a crush on this book! Not only is this one a must read, but it's a must re- read.' Julie Murphy, New York Times bestselling author of Dumplin' 'Heart-fluttering, honest, and hilarious. I can't stop hugging this book.' Stephanie Perkins, New York Times bestselling author of Anna and the French Kiss "
59," Me and White Supremacy teaches readers how to dismantle the privilege within themselves so that they can stop (often unconsciously) inflicting damage on people of colour, and in turn, help other white people do better, too. When Layla Saad began an Instagram challenge called #MeAndWhiteSupremacy, she never predicted it would spread as widely as it did. She encouraged people Me and White Supremacy teaches readers how to dismantle the privilege within themselves so that they can stop (often unconsciously) inflicting damage on people of colour, and in turn, help other white people do better, too. When Layla Saad began an Instagram challenge called #MeAndWhiteSupremacy, she never predicted it would spread as widely as it did. She encouraged people to own up and share their racist behaviors, big and small. She was looking for truth, and she got it. Thousands of people participated in the challenge, and over 90,000 people downloaded the Me and White Supremacy Workbook. The updated and expanded Me and White Supremacy takes the work deeper by adding more historical and cultural contexts, sharing moving stories and anecdotes, and including expanded definitions, examples, and further resources. Awareness leads to action, and action leads to change. The numbers show that readers are ready to do this work -let's give it to them. "
60,"In this heartfelt and hilarious new novel from Greg Howard, an enterprising boy starts his own junior talent agency and signs a thirteen-year-old aspiring drag queen as his first client. Twelve-year-old Mikey Pruitt, president, founder, and CEO of Anything, Inc., has always been an entrepreneur at heart. Inspired by his grandfather Pap Pruitt, who successfully ran all sorts In this heartfelt and hilarious new novel from Greg Howard, an enterprising boy starts his own junior talent agency and signs a thirteen-year-old aspiring drag queen as his first client. Twelve-year-old Mikey Pruitt, president, founder, and CEO of Anything, Inc., has always been an entrepreneur at heart. Inspired by his grandfather Pap Pruitt, who successfully ran all sorts of businesses from a car wash to a roadside peanut stand, Mikey is still looking for his million-dollar idea. Unfortunately, most of his ideas so far have failed. A baby tornado ran off with his general store, and the kids in his neighborhood never did come back for their second croquet lesson. But Mikey is determined to keep at it. It isn't until kid drag queen Coco Caliente, Mistress of Madness and Mayhem (aka eighth grader Julian Vasquez) walks into his office (aka his family's storage/laundry room) looking for an agent that Mikey thinks he's finally found his million-dollar idea, and the Anything Talent and Pizzazz Agency is born! Soon, Mikey has a whole roster of kid clients looking to hit it big or at least win the middle school talent show's hundred-dollar prize. As newly out Mikey prepares Julian for the gig of a lifetime, he realizes there's no rulebook for being gay, and if Julian can be openly gay at school, maybe Mikey can, too, and tell his crush, dreamy Colton Sanford, how he feels. Full of laughs, sass, and hijinks, this hilarious, heartfelt story shows that with a little effort and a lot of love, anything is possible. "
61," A dedicated mom puts love into action as she creates the perfect rainbow-colored wig for her transgender daughter, based on the real-life experience of mother-daughter advocate duo Trinity and DeShanna Neal. Warm morning sunlight and love fill the Neal home. And on one quiet day, playtime leads to an important realization: Trinity wants long hair like her dolls. She needs i A dedicated mom puts love into action as she creates the perfect rainbow-colored wig for her transgender daughter, based on the real-life experience of mother-daughter advocate duo Trinity and DeShanna Neal. Warm morning sunlight and love fill the Neal home. And on one quiet day, playtime leads to an important realization: Trinity wants long hair like her dolls. She needs it to express who she truly is. So her family decides to take a trip to the beauty supply store, but none of the wigs is the perfect fit. Determined, Mom leaves with bundles of hair in hand, ready to craft a wig as colorful and vibrant as her daughter is. With powerful text by Trinity and DeShanna Neal and radiant art by Art Twink, My Rainbow is a celebration of showing up as our full selves with the people who have seen us fully all along. "
62,"Sports has never been only about what takes place on the playing field. Author and sports fan Matt Doeden explores past and current controversies including black boxer Jack Johnson's fight with the Great White Hope Tommy Burns, Jackie Robinson breaking baseball's color barrier, Muhammad Ali's refusal to fight in the Vietnam War, Colin Kaepernick's protests, #MeToo and the Sports has never been only about what takes place on the playing field. Author and sports fan Matt Doeden explores past and current controversies including black boxer Jack Johnson's fight with the Great White Hope Tommy Burns, Jackie Robinson breaking baseball's color barrier, Muhammad Ali's refusal to fight in the Vietnam War, Colin Kaepernick's protests, #MeToo and the US gymnastics team, and much more. Doeden weaves in information about Jim Crow, the Civil Rights Movement, Black Lives Matter, and other essential background young readers will need. This book is sure to engage everyone interested in sports, history, and civil rights. "
63,"After Corazon's mother catches her kissing her older female teacher, Corazon is sent to the Philippines to live with a half brother she barely knows. There she learns more about loss and love than she could have ever imagined. Corazon Tagubio is an outcast at her Catholic school. She’s attending on scholarship, she keeps to herself, and her crush on her teacher Ms. Holden d After Corazon's mother catches her kissing her older female teacher, Corazon is sent to the Philippines to live with a half brother she barely knows. There she learns more about loss and love than she could have ever imagined. Corazon Tagubio is an outcast at her Catholic school. She’s attending on scholarship, she keeps to herself, and her crush on her teacher Ms. Holden doesn’t help anything. At home, Cory’s less-than-perfect grades disappoint her mom and dad, who are already working overtime to support her distant half brother in the Philippines. When an accident leaves her dad comatose, Cory feels like Ms. Holden is the only person who really sees her. But when a crush turns into something more and the secret gets out, Cory is sent to her half brother. She’s not prepared to face a stranger in an unfamiliar place, but she begins to discover how the country that shaped her past might also change her future. This #ownvoices story takes readers on a journey across the world as Cory comes to understand her family, her relationships, and, ultimately, herself. "
64," A Junior Library Guild Selection This groundbreaking, pop-culture-infused LGBTQ+ illustrated biography collection takes readers on an eye-opening journey through the lives of fifty influential queer figures who have made a mark on every century of human existence. Rainbow Revolutionaries brings to life the vibrant histories of fifty pioneering LGBTQ+ people from around the A Junior Library Guild Selection This groundbreaking, pop-culture-infused LGBTQ+ illustrated biography collection takes readers on an eye-opening journey through the lives of fifty influential queer figures who have made a mark on every century of human existence. Rainbow Revolutionaries brings to life the vibrant histories of fifty pioneering LGBTQ+ people from around the world. Through Sarah Prager’s ( Queer, There, and Everywhere ) short, engaging bios, and Sarah Papworth’s bold, dynamic art, readers can delve into the lives of Wen of Han, a Chinese emperor who loved his boyfriend as much as his people, Martine Rothblatt, a trans woman who’s helping engineer the robots of tomorrow, and so many more! This book is a celebration of the many ways these heroes have made a difference and will inspire young readers to make a difference, too. Featuring an introduction, map, timeline, and glossary, this must-have biography collection is the perfect read during Pride month and all year round. Biographies include: Adam Rippon, Alan L. Hart, Alan Turing, Albert Cashier, Alberto Santos-Dumont, Alexander the Great, Al-Hakam II, Alvin Ailey, Bayard Rustin, Benjamin Banneker, Billie Jean King, Chevalière d'Éon, Christina of Sweden, Christine Jorgensen, Cleve Jones, Ellen DeGeneres, Francisco Manicongo, Frida Kahlo, Frieda Belinfante, Georgina Beyer, Gilbert Baker, Glenn Burke, Greta Garbo, Harvey Milk, James Baldwin, Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, José Sarria, Josephine Baker, Juana Inés de la Cruz, Julie d'Aubigny, Lili Elbe, Ma Rainey, Magnus Hirschfeld, Manvendra Singh Gohil, Marsha P. Johnson, Martine Rothblatt, Maryam Khatoon Molkara, Natalie Clifford Barney, Navtej Johar, Nzinga, Pauli Murray, Renée Richards, Rudolf Nureyev, Sally Ride, Simon Nkoli, Stormé DeLarverie, Sylvia Rivera, Tshepo Ricki Kgositau, Wen of Han, We’wha "
65,"On June 28 1969, around one o'clock in the morning, New York City Police raided the Stonewall Inn, a bar in Greenwich Village, New York...What happened that night would come to be a defining moment in the LGBTQ+ rights movement and for queer people everywhere. From the impassioned speeches of bold activists Karl Ulrichs and Audre Lorde to the birth of Pride and queer pop c On June 28 1969, around one o'clock in the morning, New York City Police raided the Stonewall Inn, a bar in Greenwich Village, New York...What happened that night would come to be a defining moment in the LGBTQ+ rights movement and for queer people everywhere. From the impassioned speeches of bold activists Karl Ulrichs and Audre Lorde to the birth of Pride and queer pop culture, Rainbow Revolutions charts the dramatic rise of the LGBTQ+ rights movement, and celebrates the courageous individuals who stood up and demanded recognition. With bold and beautiful illustrations by pop artist Eve Lloyd Knight. "
66," You deserve clear, accurate information about sexual consent! Let this honest and empowering book be your go-to guide. Let’s get real: Sex is complicated. Like, really complicated. And as a teen, you need trusted resources to help you navigate sexual issues without shame, guilt, or judgment. But if you’re like many teens, you may not have someone in your life that you can t You deserve clear, accurate information about sexual consent! Let this honest and empowering book be your go-to guide. Let’s get real: Sex is complicated. Like, really complicated. And as a teen, you need trusted resources to help you navigate sexual issues without shame, guilt, or judgment. But if you’re like many teens, you may not have someone in your life that you can talk to openly about complicated sexual situations, and what consent really means, and this information is crucial for your health, safety, and happiness. Real Talk About Sex and Consent is a comprehensive guide with essential information about setting boundaries, coercion, reciprocity, and communication. You’ll also find hard facts about sex and trauma, the effects of pornography and cultural expectations, and much more. With this book, you’ll learn how to make sexual decisions that honor your sense of values and cultivate rewarding and emotionally supportive relationships throughout your life. This book goes past simple definitions of sex and consent and explores the hidden pressures, misrepresented expectations, and realities of sex, and what to do about it all. It’s time to get informed and take control of your sexual self. This book will give you the tools you need to make decisions that are right for you. "
67," Inception meets The Magicians in the most imaginative YA debut of the year! All Kane Montgomery knows for certain is that the police found him half-dead in the river. He can’t remember how he got there, what happened after, and why his life seems so different now. And it’s not just Kane who’s different, the world feels off, reality itself seems different. As Kane pieces tog Inception meets The Magicians in the most imaginative YA debut of the year! All Kane Montgomery knows for certain is that the police found him half-dead in the river. He can’t remember how he got there, what happened after, and why his life seems so different now. And it’s not just Kane who’s different, the world feels off, reality itself seems different. As Kane pieces together clues, three almost-strangers claim to be his friends and the only people who can truly tell him what’s going on. But as he and the others are dragged into unimaginable worlds that materialize out of nowhere, the gym warps into a subterranean temple, a historical home nearby blooms into a Victorian romance rife with scandal and sorcery, Kane realizes that nothing in his life is an accident. And when a sinister force threatens to alter reality for good, they will have to do everything they can to stop it before it unravels everything they know. This wildly imaginative debut explores what happens when the secret worlds that people hide within themselves come to light. "
68," From the award-winning author of George , the story of a boy named Rick who needs to explore his own identity apart from his jerk of a best friend. Rick's never questioned much. He's gone along with his best friend Jeff even when Jeff's acted like a bully and a jerk. He's let his father joke with him about which hot girls he might want to date even though that kind of talk From the award-winning author of George , the story of a boy named Rick who needs to explore his own identity apart from his jerk of a best friend. Rick's never questioned much. He's gone along with his best friend Jeff even when Jeff's acted like a bully and a jerk. He's let his father joke with him about which hot girls he might want to date even though that kind of talk always makes him uncomfortable. And he hasn't given his own identity much thought, because everyone else around him seemed to have figured it out. But now Rick's gotten to middle school, and new doors are opening. One of them leads to the school's Rainbow Spectrum club, where kids of many genders and identities congregate, including Melissa, the girl who sits in front of Rick in class and seems to have her life together. Rick wants his own life to be that... understood. Even if it means breaking some old friendships and making some new ones. As they did in their groundbreaking novel George , in Rick , award-winning author Alex Gino explores what it means to search for your own place in the world... and all the steps you and the people around you need to take in order to get where you need to be. "
69,She/he/they/them. Why do we use gender pronouns? And why do some people wish to be referred to as they? What is gender identity all about? Students will learn to understand these terms and the reasons behind them. They will also learn how to deal with questions they may have about gender identity.
70," A searing poetic memoir and call to action from the bestselling and award-winning author of Speak , Laurie Halse Anderson! Bestselling author Laurie Halse Anderson is known for the unflinching way she writes about, and advocates for, survivors of sexual assault. Now, inspired by her fans and enraged by how little in our culture has changed since her groundbreaking novel Spea A searing poetic memoir and call to action from the bestselling and award-winning author of Speak , Laurie Halse Anderson! Bestselling author Laurie Halse Anderson is known for the unflinching way she writes about, and advocates for, survivors of sexual assault. Now, inspired by her fans and enraged by how little in our culture has changed since her groundbreaking novel Speak was first published twenty years ago, she has written a poetry memoir that is as vulnerable as it is rallying, as timely as it is timeless. In free verse, Anderson shares reflections, rants, and calls to action woven between deeply personal stories from her life that she's never written about before. Searing and soul-searching, this important memoir is a denouncement of our society's failures and a love letter to all the people with the courage to say #metoo and #timesup, whether aloud, online, or only in their own hearts. SHOUT speaks truth to power in a loud, clear voice, and once you hear it, it is impossible to ignore. "
71," One girl and her doppelgangers try to stop the end of the world in this YA sci-fi adventure When Hazel Stanczak was born, an interdimensional rift tore open near her family’s home, which prompted immediate government attention. They soon learned that if Hazel strayed too far, the rift would become volatile and fling things from other dimensions onto their front lawn, or it c One girl and her doppelgangers try to stop the end of the world in this YA sci-fi adventure When Hazel Stanczak was born, an interdimensional rift tore open near her family’s home, which prompted immediate government attention. They soon learned that if Hazel strayed too far, the rift would become volatile and fling things from other dimensions onto their front lawn, or it could swallow up their whole town. As a result, Hazel has never left her small Pennsylvania town, and the government agents garrisoned on her lawn make sure it stays that way. On her sixteenth birthday, though, the rift spins completely out of control. Hazel comes face-to-face with a surprise: a second Hazel. Then another. And another. Three other Hazels from three different dimensions! Now, for the first time, Hazel has to step into the world to learn about her connection to the rift, and how to close it. But is Hazel, even more than one of her, really capable of saving the world? "
72,"A boy comes to terms with his identity as a mixed-race gay teen -then at university he finds his wings as a drag artist, The Black Flamingo. A bold story about the power of embracing your uniqueness. Sometimes, we need to take charge, to stand up wearing pink feathers -to show ourselves to the world in bold colour. "
73," Two teenagers, strangers to each other, have decided to jump from the same bridge at the same time. Aaron and Tillie don't know each other, but they are both feeling suicidal, and arrive at the George Washington Bridge at the same time, intending to jump. Aaron is a gay misfit struggling with depression and loneliness. Tillie isn't sure what her problem is, only that she Two teenagers, strangers to each other, have decided to jump from the same bridge at the same time. Aaron and Tillie don't know each other, but they are both feeling suicidal, and arrive at the George Washington Bridge at the same time, intending to jump. Aaron is a gay misfit struggling with depression and loneliness. Tillie isn't sure what her problem is, only that she will never be good enough. On the bridge, there are four things that could happen: Aaron jumps and Tillie doesn't. Tillie jumps and Aaron doesn't. They both jump. Neither of them jumps. "
74,"After a terrible political coup usurps their noble house, Hawke and Grayson flee to stay alive and assume new identities, Hanna and Grayce. Desperation and chance lead them to the Communion of Blue, an order of magical women who spin the threads of reality to their will. As the twins learn more about the Communion, and themselves, they begin to hatch a plan to avenge their After a terrible political coup usurps their noble house, Hawke and Grayson flee to stay alive and assume new identities, Hanna and Grayce. Desperation and chance lead them to the Communion of Blue, an order of magical women who spin the threads of reality to their will. As the twins learn more about the Communion, and themselves, they begin to hatch a plan to avenge their family and retake their royal home.While Hawke wants to return to his old life, Grayce struggles to keep the threads of her new life from unraveling, and realizes she wants to stay in the one place that will allow her to finally live as a girl. "
75," A YA horror novel based on Countess Elizabeth Baathory, the infamous, real-life inspiration for Countess Dracula. In 17th-century Hungary, Anna Darvulia has just begun working as a scullery maid for the young and glamorous Countess Elizabeth Bathory. When Elizabeth takes a liking to Anna, she’s vaulted to the dream role of chambermaid, a far cry from the filthy servants’ qu A YA horror novel based on Countess Elizabeth Baathory, the infamous, real-life inspiration for Countess Dracula. In 17th-century Hungary, Anna Darvulia has just begun working as a scullery maid for the young and glamorous Countess Elizabeth Bathory. When Elizabeth takes a liking to Anna, she’s vaulted to the dream role of chambermaid, a far cry from the filthy servants’ quarters below. She receives wages generous enough to provide for her family, and the countess begins to groom Anna as her friend and confidante. It’s not long before Anna falls completely under the Countess’s spell, and the Countess takes full advantage. Isolated from her former friends, family, and fiancee, Anna realizes she’s not a friend but a prisoner of the increasingly cruel Elizabeth. Then come the murders, and Anna knows it’s only a matter of time before the Blood Countess turns on her. "
76,"""Readers will learn about the history of the LGBTQ+ rights fight, the activists, and the allies who've used their voices to spur progress. They will also discover the tools to safely and consciously support LGBTQ+ rights."", ""Readers will learn about the history of the LGBTQ+ rights fight, the activists, and the allies who've used their voices to spur progress. They will also discover the tools to safely and consciously support LGBTQ+ rights."", "
77," From Noelle Stevenson, the New York Times bestselling author-illustrator of Nimona , comes a captivating, honest illustrated memoir that finds her turning an important corner in her creative journey, and inviting readers along for the ride. In a collection of essays and personal mini-comics that span eight years of her young adult life, author-illustrator Noelle Stevenson cha From Noelle Stevenson, the New York Times bestselling author-illustrator of Nimona , comes a captivating, honest illustrated memoir that finds her turning an important corner in her creative journey, and inviting readers along for the ride. In a collection of essays and personal mini-comics that span eight years of her young adult life, author-illustrator Noelle Stevenson charts the highs and lows of being a creative human in the world. Whether it’s hearing the wrong name called at her art school graduation ceremony or becoming a National Book Award finalist for her debut graphic novel, Nimona , Noelle captures the little and big moments that make up a real life, with a wit, wisdom, and vulnerability that are all her own. "
78,"As a successful social media journalist with half a million followers, seventeen-year-old Cal is used to sharing his life online. But when his pilot father is selected for a highly publicized NASA mission to Mars, Cal and his family relocate from Brooklyn to Houston and are thrust into a media circus. Amidst the chaos, Cal meets sensitive and mysterious Leon, another ""Astro As a successful social media journalist with half a million followers, seventeen-year-old Cal is used to sharing his life online. But when his pilot father is selected for a highly publicized NASA mission to Mars, Cal and his family relocate from Brooklyn to Houston and are thrust into a media circus. Amidst the chaos, Cal meets sensitive and mysterious Leon, another ""Astrokid,"" and finds himself falling head over heels, fast. As the frenzy around the mission grows, so does their connection. But when secrets about the program are uncovered, Cal must find a way to reveal the truth without hurting the people who have become most important to him. Expertly capturing the thrill of first love and the self-doubt all teens feel, debut author Phil Stamper is a new talent to watch. "
79," Perfect for fans of Becky Albertalli and Nina LaCour, this #ownvoices romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Robin Talley has something for everyone: backstage rendezvous, deadly props, and a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to True Love. Melody McIntyre, stage manager extraordinaire, has a plan for everything. What she doesn’t have? Success with love. Every Perfect for fans of Becky Albertalli and Nina LaCour, this #ownvoices romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Robin Talley has something for everyone: backstage rendezvous, deadly props, and a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to True Love. Melody McIntyre, stage manager extraordinaire, has a plan for everything. What she doesn’t have? Success with love. Every time she falls for someone during a school performance, both the romance and the show end in catastrophe. So, Mel swears off any entanglements until their upcoming production of Les Mis is over. Of course, Mel didn’t count on Odile Rose, rising star in the acting world, auditioning for the spring performance. And she definitely didn’t expect Odile to be sweet and funny, and care as much about the play’s success as Mel. Which means that Melody McIntyre’s only plan now is trying desperately not to fall in love. "
80," Tiến loves his family and his friends…but Tiến has a secret he's been keeping from them, and it might change everything. An amazing YA graphic novel that deals with the complexity of family and how stories can bring us together. Real life isn't a fairytale. But Tiến still enjoys reading his favorite stories with his parents from the books he borrows from the local library. I Tiến loves his family and his friends…but Tiến has a secret he's been keeping from them, and it might change everything. An amazing YA graphic novel that deals with the complexity of family and how stories can bring us together. Real life isn't a fairytale. But Tiến still enjoys reading his favorite stories with his parents from the books he borrows from the local library. It's hard enough trying to communicate with your parents as a kid, but for Tiến, he doesn't even have the right words because his parents are struggling with their English. Is there a Vietnamese word for what he's going through? Is there a way to tell them he's gay? A beautifully illustrated story by Trung Le Nguyen that follows a young boy as he tries to navigate life through fairytales, an instant classic that shows us how we are all connected. The Magic Fish tackles tough subjects in a way that accessible with readers of all ages, and teaches us that no matter what, we can all have our own happy endings. "
81,"Celi Rivera's life swirls with questions. About her changing body. Her first attraction to a boy. And her best friend's exploration of what it means to be genderfluid. But most of all, her mother's insistence she have a moon ceremony when her first period arrives. It's an ancestral Mexica ritual that Mima and her community have reclaimed, but Celi promises she will NOT be p Celi Rivera's life swirls with questions. About her changing body. Her first attraction to a boy. And her best friend's exploration of what it means to be genderfluid. But most of all, her mother's insistence she have a moon ceremony when her first period arrives. It's an ancestral Mexica ritual that Mima and her community have reclaimed, but Celi promises she will NOT be participating. Can she find the power within herself to take a stand for who she wants to be? A dazzling story told with the sensitivity, humor, and brilliant verse of debut talent Aida Salazar. "
82,"""Jarvious Cotton's great-great-grandfather could not vote as a slave. His great-grandfather was beaten to death by the Klu Klux Klan for attempting to vote. His grandfather was prevented from voting by Klan intimidation; his father was barred by poll taxes and literacy tests. Today, Cotton cannot vote because he, like many black men in the United States, has been labeled a ""Jarvious Cotton's great-great-grandfather could not vote as a slave. His great-grandfather was beaten to death by the Klu Klux Klan for attempting to vote. His grandfather was prevented from voting by Klan intimidation; his father was barred by poll taxes and literacy tests. Today, Cotton cannot vote because he, like many black men in the United States, has been labeled a felon and is currently on parole."" As the United States celebrates the nation's ""triumph over race"" with the election of Barack Obama, the majority of young black men in major American cities are locked behind bars or have been labeled felons for life. Although Jim Crow laws have been wiped off the books, an astounding percentage of the African American community remains trapped in a subordinate status, much like their grandparents before them. In this incisive critique, former litigator-turned-legal-scholar Michelle Alexander provocatively argues that we have not ended racial caste in America: we have simply redesigned it. Alexander shows that, by targeting black men and decimating communities of color, the U.S. criminal justice system functions as a contemporary system of racial control, even as it formally adheres to the principle of color blindness. The New Jim Crow challenges the civil rights community, and all of us, to place mass incarceration at the forefront of a new movement for racial justice in America. "
83,"Sydney's dad is the only psychiatrist for miles around their small Ohio town. He is also unexpectedly dead. Is Sydney crazy, or is it kind of weird that her dad-a guy whose entire job revolved around other peoples' secrets-crashed alone, with no explanation? And why is June Copeland, homecoming queen and the town's golden child, at his funeral? As the two girls grow closer in Sydney's dad is the only psychiatrist for miles around their small Ohio town. He is also unexpectedly dead. Is Sydney crazy, or is it kind of weird that her dad-a guy whose entire job revolved around other peoples' secrets-crashed alone, with no explanation? And why is June Copeland, homecoming queen and the town's golden child, at his funeral? As the two girls grow closer in the wake of the accident, it's clear that not everyone is happy about their new friendship. But what is picture perfect June still hiding? And does Sydney even want to know? THE TRUTH ABOUT KEEPING SECRETS is a page-turning, voice led, high school thriller. "
84,"""Sometimes I have trouble filling out tests when the name part feels like a test too.... When I write letters, I love that you have to read all of my thoughts and stories before I say any name at all. You have to make it to the very end to know."" Rowan has too many secrets to write down in the pages of a diary. And if he did, he wouldn’t want anyone he knows to discover ""Sometimes I have trouble filling out tests when the name part feels like a test too.... When I write letters, I love that you have to read all of my thoughts and stories before I say any name at all. You have to make it to the very end to know."" Rowan has too many secrets to write down in the pages of a diary. And if he did, he wouldn’t want anyone he knows to discover them. He understands who he is and what he likes, but it’s not safe for others to know. Now, the kids at school say he’s too different to spend time with. He’s not the ""right kind"" of girl, and he’s not the ""right kind"" of boy. His mom ignores him. And at night, his dad hurts him in ways he’s not ready to talk about yet. But Rowan discovers another way to share his secrets: letters. Letters he attaches to balloons and releases into the universe, hoping someone new will read them and understand. But when he befriends a classmate who knows what it’s like to be lonely and scared, even at home, Rowan realizes that there might already be a person he can trust right by his side. Tender and wise, The Ship We Built is about the bravery it takes to stand up for yourself–even to those you love–and the power of finding someone who treasures you for everything you are. "
85,"Eleven-year-old Riley believes in the whispers, magical fairies that will grant you wishes if you leave them tributes. Riley has a lot of wishes. He wishes bullies at school would stop picking on him. He wishes Dylan, his 8th grade crush, liked him, and Riley wishes he would stop wetting the bed. But most of all, Riley wishes for his mom to come back home. She disappeared Eleven-year-old Riley believes in the whispers, magical fairies that will grant you wishes if you leave them tributes. Riley has a lot of wishes. He wishes bullies at school would stop picking on him. He wishes Dylan, his 8th grade crush, liked him, and Riley wishes he would stop wetting the bed. But most of all, Riley wishes for his mom to come back home. She disappeared a few months ago, and Riley is determined to crack the case. He even meets with a detective, Frank, to go over his witness statement time and time again. Frustrated with the lack of progress in the investigation, Riley decides to take matters into his own hands. So he goes on a camping trip with his friend Gary to find the whispers and ask them to bring his mom back home. But Riley doesn't realize the trip will shake the foundation of everything that he believes in forever. "
86,"Where Nirrim lives, crime abounds, a harsh tribunal rules, and society’s pleasures are reserved for the High Kith. Life in the Ward is grim and punishing. People of her low status are forbidden from sampling sweets or wearing colors. You either follow the rules, or pay a tithe and suffer the consequences. Nirrim keeps her head down and a dangerous secret close to her chest. Where Nirrim lives, crime abounds, a harsh tribunal rules, and society’s pleasures are reserved for the High Kith. Life in the Ward is grim and punishing. People of her low status are forbidden from sampling sweets or wearing colors. You either follow the rules, or pay a tithe and suffer the consequences. Nirrim keeps her head down and a dangerous secret close to her chest. But then she encounters Sid, a rakish traveler from far away who whispers rumors that the High Caste possesses magic. Sid tempts Nirrim to seek that magic for herself. But to do that, Nirrim must surrender her old life. She must place her trust in this sly stranger who asks, above all, not to be trusted. Set in the world of the New York Times–bestselling Winner’s Trilogy, beloved author Marie Rutkoski returns with an epic LGBTQ romantic fantasy about learning to free ourselves from the lies others tell us, and the lies we tell ourselves. "
87," Who are you? What is your identity? What is racism? How do you choose your own path? How do you stand in solidarity? How can you hold yourself accountable? Learn about identities, true histories, and anti-racism work in 20 carefully laid out chapters. Written by anti-bias, anti-racist, educator and activist, Tiffany Jewell, and illustrated by French illustrator Aurélia Dur Who are you? What is your identity? What is racism? How do you choose your own path? How do you stand in solidarity? How can you hold yourself accountable? Learn about identities, true histories, and anti-racism work in 20 carefully laid out chapters. Written by anti-bias, anti-racist, educator and activist, Tiffany Jewell, and illustrated by French illustrator Aurélia Durand in kaleidoscopic vibrancy. This book is written for the young person who doesn't know how to speak up to the racist adults in their life. For the 14 year old who sees injustice at school and isn't able to understand the role racism plays in separating them from their friends. For the kid who spends years trying to fit into the dominant culture and loses themselves for a little while. It's for all of the Black and Brown children who have been harmed (physically and emotionally) because no one stood up for them or they couldn't stand up for themselves; because the colour of their skin, the texture of their hair, their names made white folx feel scared and threatened. It is written so children and young adults will feel empowered to stand up to the adults who continue to close doors in their faces. This book will give them the language and ability to understand racism and a drive to undo it. In short, it is for everyone. "
88,"Written as a letter from civil rights activist and icon Ruby Bridges to the reader, This Is Your Time is both a recounting of Ruby’s experience as a child who had to be escorted to class by federal marshals when she was chosen to be one of the first black students to integrate into New Orleans’ all-white public school system and an appeal to generations to come to effect c Written as a letter from civil rights activist and icon Ruby Bridges to the reader, This Is Your Time is both a recounting of Ruby’s experience as a child who had to be escorted to class by federal marshals when she was chosen to be one of the first black students to integrate into New Orleans’ all-white public school system and an appeal to generations to come to effect change. This volume features photographs from the 1960s and from today, as well as jacket art from The Problem We All Live With , the 1964 painting by Norman Rockwell depicting Ruby’s walk to school. "
89,"Gender identity is not something that can be assessed based on a person's anatomy, but rather an internal sense of self. Societal norms are often an overwhelming burden for those who are attacked or pressured into fitting others' expectations of who they ""should"" be rather than who they truly are. This insightful volume introduces readers to gender concepts and inspiring a Gender identity is not something that can be assessed based on a person's anatomy, but rather an internal sense of self. Societal norms are often an overwhelming burden for those who are attacked or pressured into fitting others' expectations of who they ""should"" be rather than who they truly are. This insightful volume introduces readers to gender concepts and inspiring and impassioned accounts from LGBTQ+ activists. Through these pages readers will discover why having the freedom of true gender expression is so important. "
90," ""Remember, remember the fifth of November..."" A frightening and powerful tale of the loss of freedom and identity in a chillingly believable totalitarian world, V for Vendetta stands as one of the highest achievements of the comics medium and a defining work for creators Alan Moore and David Lloyd. Set in an imagined future England that has given itself over to fascism, this ""Remember, remember the fifth of November..."" A frightening and powerful tale of the loss of freedom and identity in a chillingly believable totalitarian world, V for Vendetta stands as one of the highest achievements of the comics medium and a defining work for creators Alan Moore and David Lloyd. Set in an imagined future England that has given itself over to fascism, this groundbreaking story captures both the suffocating nature of life in an authoritarian police state and the redemptive power of the human spirit which rebels against it. Crafted with sterling clarity and intelligence, V for Vendetta brings an unequaled depth of characterization and verisimilitude to its unflinching account of oppression and resistance. "
91," A moving, darkly funny novel about six teens whose magic goes wildly awry from Magic for Liars author Sarah Gailey, who Chuck Wendig calls an ""author to watch."" Keeping your magic a secret is hard. Being in love with your best friend is harder. Alexis has always been able to rely on two things: her best friends, and the magic powers they all share. Their secret is what bro A moving, darkly funny novel about six teens whose magic goes wildly awry from Magic for Liars author Sarah Gailey, who Chuck Wendig calls an ""author to watch."" Keeping your magic a secret is hard. Being in love with your best friend is harder. Alexis has always been able to rely on two things: her best friends, and the magic powers they all share. Their secret is what brought them together, and their love for each other is unshakeable, even when that love is complicated. Complicated by problems like jealousy, or insecurity, or lust. Or love. That unshakeable, complicated love is one of the only things that doesn't change on prom night. When accidental magic goes sideways and a boy winds up dead, Alexis and her friends come together to try to right a terrible wrong. Their first attempt fails, and their second attempt fails even harder. Left with the remains of their failed spells and more consequences than anyone could have predicted, each of them must find a way to live with their part of the story. "
92,"The dead don't always rest in peace. Psychic Charlie Payne has a lot on her plate. She's been helping the local deputy with cold cases of missing people, trying to be a good mom, and dealing with her ex-husband, which is never a picnic in the park. When Charlie is called in to help with the mysterious death of a young woman, things suddenly take a supernatural turn in The dead don't always rest in peace. Psychic Charlie Payne has a lot on her plate. She's been helping the local deputy with cold cases of missing people, trying to be a good mom, and dealing with her ex-husband, which is never a picnic in the park. When Charlie is called in to help with the mysterious death of a young woman, things suddenly take a supernatural turn in the investigation. Is it suicide? Or something more sinister? The deeper Charlie digs the more long-buried secrets start to surface. Charlie must embrace the witch within her to keep from becoming the next victim because a ghost with a grudge isn’t just dangerous. It’s deadly. Wayward Spirits is the second book in the Witches of Palmetto Point series. A spine-tingling supernatural suspense that will have you clinging to the edge of your seat. If you like nail-biting ghost stories, characters you'll love, and a mystery with killer twists then you will love the Witches of Palmetto Point series by Wendy Wang! Download your copy now and find a comfy chair because once you start reading you won't put it down. "
93," They, She, He: Easy as ABC shows that including everyone is all part of the dance. It’s easy. It’s fundamental. As the dance begins the kids proclaim, ""No one left out and everyone free,"" in a sing-song rhyme about inclusion. This sets the stage for readers to meet 26 kids showing us their dance moves. ""Ari loves to arabesque. They hold their pose with ease. Brody is a brea They, She, He: Easy as ABC shows that including everyone is all part of the dance. It’s easy. It’s fundamental. As the dance begins the kids proclaim, ""No one left out and everyone free,"" in a sing-song rhyme about inclusion. This sets the stage for readers to meet 26 kids showing us their dance moves. ""Ari loves to arabesque. They hold their pose with ease. Brody is a break dancer. Brody loves to freeze."" Fast-paced rhyming keeps the flow of text upbeat and rhythmic, and naturally models how to use a wide range of pronouns. There’s no room for stereotypes on THIS dance floor with spirited imagery that keeps names, clothes, hair and behavior fresh and diverse. The combination creates a playful and effortless practice to expand ideas about gender while learning the alphabet and makes being inclusive as easy as A-B-C. This book continues the work started in They She He Me: Free to Be! , also by Maya & Matthew, and what School Library Journal called ""a gorgeous and much-needed picture book about pronouns and gender fluidity."" Both books provide a way to build on gender inclusive practices, and help interrupt the formalization of gender stereotypes and assumptions. "
94,"Teen sex. STIs. Sexting. Rape. Sexual harassment. #MeToo and #YesAllWomen. Today's teens launch into their sexual lives facing challenging issues but with little if any formalized learning about sex and human reproduction. Many of them get their sex ed from online porn. Through this authoritative, inclusive, and teen-friendly overview, readers learn the basics about sex, s Teen sex. STIs. Sexting. Rape. Sexual harassment. #MeToo and #YesAllWomen. Today's teens launch into their sexual lives facing challenging issues but with little if any formalized learning about sex and human reproduction. Many of them get their sex ed from online porn. Through this authoritative, inclusive, and teen-friendly overview, readers learn the basics about sex, sexuality, human reproduction and development, birth control, gender identity, healthy communication, dating, relationships and break ups, the importance of consent, safety, body positivity and healthy lifestyles, media myths, and more. Advice-column-style Q&As and real-life stories add human drama and authenticity., ""Journal"" "
95,"Yes, this really is a kids book about racism. Inside, you’ll find a clear description of what racism is, how it makes people feel when they experience it, and how to spot it when it happens. This is one conversation that’s never too early to start, and this book was written to be an introduction for kids on the topic. "
96,"It’s true: After 17-year-old Ben’s father announces he’s gay and the family splits apart, Ben does everything he can to tick him off: skip school, smoke pot, skateboard nonstop, get arrested. But he never thinks he’ll end up yanked out of his city life and plunked down into a small Montana town with his dad and Edward, The Boyfriend. As if it’s not painful enough living in It’s true: After 17-year-old Ben’s father announces he’s gay and the family splits apart, Ben does everything he can to tick him off: skip school, smoke pot, skateboard nonstop, get arrested. But he never thinks he’ll end up yanked out of his city life and plunked down into a small Montana town with his dad and Edward, The Boyfriend. As if it’s not painful enough living in a hick town with spiked hair, a skateboard habit, and two dads, he soon realizes something’s not quite right with Billy, the boy next door. He’s hiding a secret about his family, and Ben is determined to uncover it and set things right. In an authentic, unaffected, and mordantly funny voice, Michael Harmon tells the wrenching story of an uprooted and uncomfortable teenaged guy trying to fix the lives around him–while figuring out his own. From the Hardcover edition. "
97," Patrisse Khan-Cullors' and asha bandele's instant New York Times bestseller, When They Call You a Terrorist is now adapted for the YA audience with photos and journal entries! A movement that started with a hashtag, #BlackLivesMatter, on Twitter spread across the nation and then across the world. From one of the co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement comes a poet Patrisse Khan-Cullors' and asha bandele's instant New York Times bestseller, When They Call You a Terrorist is now adapted for the YA audience with photos and journal entries! A movement that started with a hashtag, #BlackLivesMatter, on Twitter spread across the nation and then across the world. From one of the co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement comes a poetic memoir and reflection on humanity. Necessary and timely, Patrisse Khan-Cullors' story asks us to remember that protest in the interest of the most vulnerable comes from love. Leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement have been called terrorists, a threat to America. But in truth, they are loving women whose life experiences have led them to seek justice for those victimized by the powerful. In this meaningful, empowering account of survival, strength, and resilience, Cullors and asha bandele seek to change the culture that declares innocent black life expendable. "
98,"There are two things that Corinne Parker knows to be true: that she is in love with Maggie Bailey, the captain of the rival high school’s cross-country team and her secret girlfriend of a year, and that she isn’t ready for anyone to know she’s bisexual. But then Maggie dies, and Corinne quickly learns that the only thing worse than losing Maggie is being left heartbroken ov There are two things that Corinne Parker knows to be true: that she is in love with Maggie Bailey, the captain of the rival high school’s cross-country team and her secret girlfriend of a year, and that she isn’t ready for anyone to know she’s bisexual. But then Maggie dies, and Corinne quickly learns that the only thing worse than losing Maggie is being left heartbroken over a relationship no one knows existed. And to make things even more complicated, the only person she can turn to is Elissa , Maggie’s ex and the single person who understands how Corinne is feeling. As Corinne struggles to make sense of her grief and what she truly wants out of life, she begins to have feelings for the last person she should fall for. But to move forward after losing Maggie, Corinne will have to learn to be honest with the people in her life…starting with herself. "
99,"Michael and his friend Francis share a secret passion for Evgard, the fantasy world they have created together. But then Michael finds a note in his locker, revealing that their secret is out. He immediately suspects Francis, and tries to get revenge by telling the school bully, known affectionately as Shitley, that Francis is gay, which guarantees Francis is in for a poundi Michael and his friend Francis share a secret passion for Evgard, the fantasy world they have created together. But then Michael finds a note in his locker, revealing that their secret is out. He immediately suspects Francis, and tries to get revenge by telling the school bully, known affectionately as Shitley, that Francis is gay, which guarantees Francis is in for a pounding. But did Francis really betray his friend? Or is Michael really the traitor? This gripping account of a troubled friendship unfolds both as a contemporary story and as a compelling glimpse into the world of Evgard. The Traitor Game tackles difficult issues without hesitation and will surely draw in gamer and fantasy fans as well as contemporary fiction readers. "
100,"Mitchell Wells may not survive eleventh grade. He really only has one friend, his best friend, David. His normally decent grade point average is in limbo due to a slightly violent, somewhat inappropriate claymation film. And girls... well, does hanging out with his sister count? When David tells Mitchell he's gay, Mitchell's okay with it, but it still seems to change thin Mitchell Wells may not survive eleventh grade. He really only has one friend, his best friend, David. His normally decent grade point average is in limbo due to a slightly violent, somewhat inappropriate claymation film. And girls... well, does hanging out with his sister count? When David tells Mitchell he's gay, Mitchell's okay with it, but it still seems to change things. Since David's not out to anyone else, the guys agree to be set up with prom dates. Then , one of the most popular girls in school decides she must date Mitchell, and he's gone from zero to two girlfriends in sixty seconds. From his pending English grade, to his floundering friendship, to his love life, the one thing that's taken a bizarre turn for the better, Mitchell is so confused, he'll be lucky if he lasts another week in high school! And then there's the prom... With a wickedly funny voice and a colorful cast of characters, Steven Goldman has written a novel for every reader, even those who like high school! "
101,"JAMES AND ALEX have barely anything in common anymore, least of all their experiences in high school, where James is a popular senior and Alex is suddenly an outcast. But at home, there is Henry, the precocious 10-year-old across the street, who eagerly befriends them both. And when Alex takes up running, there is James's friend Nathen, who unites the brothers in moving and JAMES AND ALEX have barely anything in common anymore, least of all their experiences in high school, where James is a popular senior and Alex is suddenly an outcast. But at home, there is Henry, the precocious 10-year-old across the street, who eagerly befriends them both. And when Alex takes up running, there is James's friend Nathen, who unites the brothers in moving and unexpected ways. "
102,"The newly revised second edition of We the Students includes: -New Supreme Court cases along with noteworthy state and federal cases. -More examples and exercises to provide readers with a greater understanding of constitutional law in a way in which they can relate and understand. -Expert commentary about protecting students from bullying. -New or expanded coverage of af The newly revised second edition of We the Students includes: -New Supreme Court cases along with noteworthy state and federal cases. -More examples and exercises to provide readers with a greater understanding of constitutional law in a way in which they can relate and understand. -Expert commentary about protecting students from bullying. -New or expanded coverage of affirmative action; drug testing; school vouchers, discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, or citizenship; student disabilities; and religion in school. "
103,"According to many experts, gender identity exists in the mind of the individual; it is a psychological concept not necessarily based on biological fact. If someone believes he is female, even though biologically he is male, then his gender identity would be female. This work helps you find our more about this confusing condition. "
104,"In baseball, fielding your position at third base is tricky, that's why third is called ""the hot corner."" You have to be aware that anything can happen at any time. This should be the best year of Scott's life: It's his last season of varsity ball, his team is about to go to the city championship, and a pro career is on the line. Instead, everything he always counted on come In baseball, fielding your position at third base is tricky, that's why third is called ""the hot corner."" You have to be aware that anything can happen at any time. This should be the best year of Scott's life: It's his last season of varsity ball, his team is about to go to the city championship, and a pro career is on the line. Instead, everything he always counted on comes crashing down at the same time, and his whole life is like one blazing hot corner, full of deadly line drives and crazy ""bad hops."" Scott can't believe the awful stuff coming his way, but it's time to find out whether he has what it takes to play the hot corner, on the baseball diamond and off it. "
105,"Few issues are as hotly disputed as abortion, and few US Supreme Court decisions have been as controversial as Roe v Wade. This volume explores the history of both legalized abortion and the anti-abortion movement, examining the role of religion, the sexual revolution, and other social factors leading to this state of affairs. "
106,"Behind policy debate over welfare reform, AIDS funding and hate crime laws are people -people struggling with poverty, illness and discrimination. Illuminating the often-neglected human side of society's pressing problems, Social Issues Firsthand is a must-have series containing personal realities that broaden and balance readers' exposure to current social issues, such a Behind policy debate over welfare reform, AIDS funding and hate crime laws are people -people struggling with poverty, illness and discrimination. Illuminating the often-neglected human side of society's pressing problems, Social Issues Firsthand is a must-have series containing personal realities that broaden and balance readers' exposure to current social issues, such as homosexuality, poverty and suicide. Each anthology in the series presents a diverse collection of personal narratives written by individuals with first-hand experience in the topic being discussed, either as a participant, a witness or an involved professional. Terrorism, for example, includes the perspectives of terrorists, victims, families of victims and emergency workers. "
107,"This groundbreaking book is the story of two teenage girls whose friendship blossoms into love and who, despite pressures from family and school that threaten their relationship, promise to be true to each other and their feelings. The book has been banned from many school libraries and publicly burned in Kansas City. Of the author and the book, the Margaret A. Edwards Awa This groundbreaking book is the story of two teenage girls whose friendship blossoms into love and who, despite pressures from family and school that threaten their relationship, promise to be true to each other and their feelings. The book has been banned from many school libraries and publicly burned in Kansas City. Of the author and the book, the Margaret A. Edwards Award committee said, ""Using a fluid, readable style, Garden opens a window through which readers can find courage to be true to themselves."" "
108,"Billy Bloom is gay, but it's mostly theoretical, as he hasn't had much experience. When he has to move to Florida, he can't believe his bad luck. His new school is a mix of bible belles, amberzombies, and football heroes, none of which are exactly his type. Billy's efforts to fit in and stand out at the same time are both hilarious and heart warming. In this novel from a Billy Bloom is gay, but it's mostly theoretical, as he hasn't had much experience. When he has to move to Florida, he can't believe his bad luck. His new school is a mix of bible belles, amberzombies, and football heroes, none of which are exactly his type. Billy's efforts to fit in and stand out at the same time are both hilarious and heart warming. In this novel from adult author and media personality James St. James, readers are in for a wild ride as he tells Billy's fascinating story of bravado, pain, and unexpected love, inspired by his own experiences. "
109,"Contrary to popular education, gender is no longer an either ""male"" or ""female"" proposition. Today, it is increasingly important, especially for those coming into adulthood, to go beyond the concepts of gay, lesbian, straight, and bisexual when examining gender: the way we feel about ourselves and our roles in society. Gender Identity: The Ultimate Teen Guide examines what Contrary to popular education, gender is no longer an either ""male"" or ""female"" proposition. Today, it is increasingly important, especially for those coming into adulthood, to go beyond the concepts of gay, lesbian, straight, and bisexual when examining gender: the way we feel about ourselves and our roles in society. Gender Identity: The Ultimate Teen Guide examines what is meant by ""sex"" and ""gender"", from typical gender roles and stereotypes, through those who transcend the usual categories of ""male"" and ""female."" Author Cynthia Winfield encourages readers to ""think outside the box,"" to recognize places where they cross gender lines, and to consider whether the time has come to change expectations or definitions within popular culture. The book also addresses: -Differences between biological sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression -The quandary of persons who identify as a gender other than the biological sex assigned them at birth -Intersex children and the current research -The public debate and rapidly changing legal protections for those outside the narrowly defined gender norm -Ways readers can make society more cognizant and inclusive of gender variant individuals In addition to historical and factual information and the popular media's depictions of genders issues, the book allows contemporary teens and young adults to voice their experiences through poetry and prose. Questions for teens to consider and places teens can explore such questions in a safe space are also included. "
110,The issue of abortion is among the most divisive in America today. Polls show that most Americans believe abortion should be available when needed. But many states have passed restrictions and a small but vocal group of Americans opposes abortion under any circumstances. What to do about teens who seek abortions is an added concern. These and other related issues continue The issue of abortion is among the most divisive in America today. Polls show that most Americans believe abortion should be available when needed. But many states have passed restrictions and a small but vocal group of Americans opposes abortion under any circumstances. What to do about teens who seek abortions is an added concern. These and other related issues continue to vex the nation.
111,"He clicked on Queer Eye , a show where five gay dudes gave some grungy straight guy a makeover, plucking his nose hairs, redecorating his apartment, and teaching him to bake a quiche, so he could confidently propose marriage to his girlfriend and she'd tell him ""yes."" Which, of course, she did. On TV the guy always gets the girl. As Carlos watched, he recalled Sal, the He clicked on Queer Eye , a show where five gay dudes gave some grungy straight guy a makeover, plucking his nose hairs, redecorating his apartment, and teaching him to bake a quiche, so he could confidently propose marriage to his girlfriend and she'd tell him ""yes."" Which, of course, she did. On TV the guy always gets the girl. As Carlos watched, he recalled Sal, the supposedly gay guy at school. It was then that the idea first popped into his brain: If Sal truly were queer...could he possibly help Carlos?...Not to propose to Roxy, of course, at least not yet, but to get her to maybe like him? "
112,"Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Events selects events that help to mark the definition of ""gender,"" the emergence of social, cultural, and political movements, and the struggles to gain civil rights. In some cases, one event represents and offers discussion of many. For example, the article on Illinois becoming the first state to abolish its laws against consensual hom Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Events selects events that help to mark the definition of ""gender,"" the emergence of social, cultural, and political movements, and the struggles to gain civil rights. In some cases, one event represents and offers discussion of many. For example, the article on Illinois becoming the first state to abolish its laws against consensual homosexual acts in 1961 also discusses the effect of this action on other states. In particular, essays also include ""see also"" cross-references to related articles within the set. "
113,"Readers are immersed into the minds and hearts of lesbian, bisexual, transgender, gay, queer, and questioning young people in this new collection of short fictions, grl2grl 2. Stories will be available for download one at a time until the collection is complete. In the first story, ""Give Me a D"", a young lesbian's need to hide and lie about her sexuality spills over into ev Readers are immersed into the minds and hearts of lesbian, bisexual, transgender, gay, queer, and questioning young people in this new collection of short fictions, grl2grl 2. Stories will be available for download one at a time until the collection is complete. In the first story, ""Give Me a D"", a young lesbian's need to hide and lie about her sexuality spills over into every aspect of her life as bitterness and blame. The second story, ""Her Secret Life"" shows a different perspective of coming out to family as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. The third story, ""Blessings and Miracles,"" is a seasonal story of love, joy, giving and receiving. "
114,"Girlology. It has exploded beyond just a word. Girlology is a culture that preteen and teen girls know and love and turn to for honest true-life advice on everything that matters most, friends, guys, body changes, dating, and sex. In Hang-Ups, Hook-Ups, and Holding Out, girls will follow the true stories of four girls and their choices, good and bad. And they'll get answ Girlology. It has exploded beyond just a word. Girlology is a culture that preteen and teen girls know and love and turn to for honest true-life advice on everything that matters most, friends, guys, body changes, dating, and sex. In Hang-Ups, Hook-Ups, and Holding Out, girls will follow the true stories of four girls and their choices, good and bad. And they'll get answers to the questions teen girls are asking every day on the popular and in private sessions with Drs. Holmes and Hutchison, the co-creators of Girlology, questions like: -What's up with this acne? Will it ever end? -Is it ok to shave my hair down there? -If I keep looking at other girls in the locker room, does that mean I'm gay? -Am I the only girl who isn't having sex? -Is oral sex really 'sex'? -If I've only had oral sex, then I'm still a virgin, right? -There's a guy at school who says he wants to hook up with me. What does he mean by 'hook up'? Life can get complicated for girls today. With Hang-Ups, Hook-Ups, and Holding Out, it just got a lot easier. "
115,"What was it like being young and gay during the closeted 1950s, the exuberant beginnings of the modern gay rights movement in the 1970s, or the frightening outbreak of HIV and AIDS in the 1980s? In this unique history, Nancy Garden uses both fact and fiction to explore just what it has meant to be young and gay in America during the last fifty years. For each decade from t What was it like being young and gay during the closeted 1950s, the exuberant beginnings of the modern gay rights movement in the 1970s, or the frightening outbreak of HIV and AIDS in the 1980s? In this unique history, Nancy Garden uses both fact and fiction to explore just what it has meant to be young and gay in America during the last fifty years. For each decade from the 1950s on, she discusses in an essay the social and political events that shaped the lives of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) people during that era. Then, in two short stories, she explores the emotional experiences of young gay people coming of age during those times, giving vivid insight into what it really felt like. Hear Us Out! is a comprehensive and rich account of gay life, both public and private, from one of the pioneers of young adult lesbian and gay literature. "
116,"Kate was Lissa's best friend. They've shared everything for four years. Then one night at a drunken party, Kate leaned in to kiss Lissa, and Lissa kissed her back. And now Kate is pretending Lissa doesn't exist. Confused and alone, Lissa's left questioning everything she thought she knew about herself, and about life. But with the help of a free-spirit new friend, Lissa's Kate was Lissa's best friend. They've shared everything for four years. Then one night at a drunken party, Kate leaned in to kiss Lissa, and Lissa kissed her back. And now Kate is pretending Lissa doesn't exist. Confused and alone, Lissa's left questioning everything she thought she knew about herself, and about life. But with the help of a free-spirit new friend, Lissa's beginning to find the strength to realize that sometimes falling in love with the wrong person is the only way to find your footing. "
117,"Staying on track at school means a boy-free equation for Rhonda Lee, who spends most evenings doing homework and eating Chinese takeout with her dad. While Rhonda needs a scholarship for college, some kids at her private high school, like beautiful Sarah Gamble, seem to coast along on popularity and their parents' money. When forced to tutor Sarah in trigonometry, Rhonda re Staying on track at school means a boy-free equation for Rhonda Lee, who spends most evenings doing homework and eating Chinese takeout with her dad. While Rhonda needs a scholarship for college, some kids at her private high school, like beautiful Sarah Gamble, seem to coast along on popularity and their parents' money. When forced to tutor Sarah in trigonometry, Rhonda recognizes all too well the symptoms-queasiness, puking, exhaustion-that Sarah is trying to mask. On a sudden impulse, Rhonda shares her past with Sarah. Exchanging their secrets adds up to more truths than either girl would have dreamed. "
118,"Naomi loves Ely. And she's kinda in love with him. Ely loves Naomi. But he prefers to be in love with boys. Naomi and Ely have been inseparable since childhood -partially because they've grown up across the hall from each other in the same Manhattan apartment building, and also because they're best friends. Soul mates. Or are they? Just to be safe, they've created a NO KISS L Naomi loves Ely. And she's kinda in love with him. Ely loves Naomi. But he prefers to be in love with boys. Naomi and Ely have been inseparable since childhood -partially because they've grown up across the hall from each other in the same Manhattan apartment building, and also because they're best friends. Soul mates. Or are they? Just to be safe, they've created a NO KISS LIST -their list of people who are absolutely off-kissing-limits for both of them. The NO KISS LIST protects their friendship and ensures that nothing will rock the foundation of Naomi and Ely: the institution. Until Ely kisses Naomi's boyfriend. And a fateful piece of chewing gum in the wrong place at the wrong time changes everything. Soon a rift of universal proportions threatens to destroy their friendship, and it remains to be seen whether Naomi and Ely can find their way toward new soul-mate prospects...and back to one another. Rachel Cohn and David Levithan have written a love story about love of all kinds, one that reminds us that any great friendship can be as confusing, treacherous, inspiring, and wonderful as any great romance. "
119,"Alex Ford wishes his father had seen the movie Brokeback Mountain. Because then he might understand that it’s possible to be a gay cowboy. Trouble is, Alex doesn’t even want to be a cowboy; his dream is to ditch Western-style riding and take up dressage. But with his mother long gone, his father ensconced in an RV in the driveway, his messy Aunt Grace the Hair Stylist inst Alex Ford wishes his father had seen the movie Brokeback Mountain. Because then he might understand that it’s possible to be a gay cowboy. Trouble is, Alex doesn’t even want to be a cowboy; his dream is to ditch Western-style riding and take up dressage. But with his mother long gone, his father ensconced in an RV in the driveway, his messy Aunt Grace the Hair Stylist installed in the kitchen (whose cooking tastes like her hairdressing smells), and his Kung Fu–obsessed younger twin sisters, Alex knows that his dream is highly unlikely. So when he does get the chance to try the meticulously intricate art of dressage riding and then bumps into the supremely self absorbed Cleo at a competition, it’s a whole new world for Alex. Cleo’s been sent to a very posh, very horsey boarding school nearby because of an unfortunate incident with her handsome chauffeur. Cleo doesn’t get why Alex is so serious about everything, especially when his family is so…interesting. But now Alex is about to lose even the slender hold he has on his dream, and on the secret he’s not yet ready to reveal. Meanwhile, Cleo has fallen in with the party crowd, forgetting all about her precious horse. Does this mean Alex and Cleo’s fledgling friendship is doomed from the start? Juby weaves growing up, coming out and fitting in into a hilarious but always compassionate story set against the fascinating world of dressage riding. Guaranteed to be a huge hit with its YA audience! "
120,"""Last week I cut my hair, bought some boys' clothes and shoes, wrapped a large ACE bandage around my chest to flatten my fortunately-not-large breasts, and began looking for a new name."" Angela Katz-McNair has never felt quite right as a girl. Her whole life is leading up to the day she decides to become Grady, a guy. While coming out as transgendered feels right to Grad ""Last week I cut my hair, bought some boys' clothes and shoes, wrapped a large ACE bandage around my chest to flatten my fortunately-not-large breasts, and began looking for a new name."" Angela Katz-McNair has never felt quite right as a girl. Her whole life is leading up to the day she decides to become Grady, a guy. While coming out as transgendered feels right to Grady, he isn't prepared for the reaction he gets from everyone else. His mother is upset, his younger sister is mortified, and his best friend, Eve, won't acknowledge him in public. Why can't people just let Grady be himself? Grady's life is miserable until he finds friends in some unexpected places, like the school geek, Sebastian, who explains that there is precedent in the natural world (parrotfish change gender when they need to, and the newly male fish are the alpha males), and Kita, a senior who might just be Grady's first love. From acclaimed writer Ellen Wittlinger, this is the groundbreaking story of one teen's search for self and his struggle for acceptance. "
121,"Have you ever wondered... Am I normal? (and what is ""normal,"" anyway?) What's up down there? I really like girls, but I like boys sometimes, too. Am I gay, bisexual, or just messed up? Are we both really ready to have sex? Is it ok if I masturbate? I feel like I can't ever say no to my partner. What's the problem? Heather Corinna and have been providing sex Have you ever wondered... Am I normal? (and what is ""normal,"" anyway?) What's up down there? I really like girls, but I like boys sometimes, too. Am I gay, bisexual, or just messed up? Are we both really ready to have sex? Is it ok if I masturbate? I feel like I can't ever say no to my partner. What's the problem? Heather Corinna and have been providing sex education and information for young adults, parents, and mentors for nearly ten years. Whether you're straight, gay, sexually active, or just plain curious, S.E.X. spells out everything you need to know, including: A sexual readiness checklist Illustrations of female and male reproductive anatomy How to love your body, even when it's changing every day Tips on safer sex for body, heart, and mind An in-depth birth control breakdown How to create and enjoy the relationships that are right for you Popular mechanics of partnered sex: sexual activities explained, including pregnancy and STI risks STIs 101: what they are and how to keep yourself from getting them "
122," ""[The Groundwork Guides] are excellent books, mandatory for school libraries and the increasing body of young people prepared to take ownership of the situations and problems previous generations have left them."", Globe and Mail Hundreds of books deal with young women's sexuality. This book is different in that it is an unabashed and forthright guide to the sexual concern ""[The Groundwork Guides] are excellent books, mandatory for school libraries and the increasing body of young people prepared to take ownership of the situations and problems previous generations have left them."", Globe and Mail Hundreds of books deal with young women's sexuality. This book is different in that it is an unabashed and forthright guide to the sexual concerns of young men. Author Manne Forssberg knows what young men want to know. Sex for Guys is a book about love, desire, feelings, and sex that is geared towards young men and other curious people. It deals with all those things that guys think about but may be too embarrassed to ask, such as: Does size matter? How do you actually go about doing it? What do you do when you've been dumped? Lighthearted but sensible and informative, the book takes the position that nothing is abnormal. "
123,"When it comes to sex and relationships, it is often difficult to find reliable information. Yet everyone has questions and needs information on these important topics. Young people should have access to facts in order to make their own decisions about their sexuality and sexual health. In this significantly revised edition of Sexual Decisions: The Ultimate Teen Guide, L. K When it comes to sex and relationships, it is often difficult to find reliable information. Yet everyone has questions and needs information on these important topics. Young people should have access to facts in order to make their own decisions about their sexuality and sexual health. In this significantly revised edition of Sexual Decisions: The Ultimate Teen Guide, L. Kris Gowen discusses the choices teens can make regarding sexual activity-from practicing safe sex to abstaining-and how to decide what is right for each individual. Many factors are at work in the decision-making process, but this book helps readers make a decision based on both logic and practicality. Updated topics covered in this book include -an overview of human anatomy -abstinence vs. safe sex -STDs -contraceptives -communicating with one's partner -intimate partner violence -sexual orientation and gender identity -social media and sex For teens seeking answers for themselves, this book is a vital resource that includes an additional section for further research. Written without judgment, Sexual Decisions empowers teens to take charge of their bodies, their identities, and their lives. "
124,"Introducing Introducing Issues with Opposing Viewpoints is inspired by the highly acclaimed Opposing Viewpoints series. Like its parent Introducing Issues with Opposing Viewpoints explores a specific issue by placing opinions from a wide range of sources in a unique pro/con format. Each anthology features 14-16 carefully edited, accessible articles that clearly express var Introducing Introducing Issues with Opposing Viewpoints is inspired by the highly acclaimed Opposing Viewpoints series. Like its parent Introducing Issues with Opposing Viewpoints explores a specific issue by placing opinions from a wide range of sources in a unique pro/con format. Each anthology features 14-16 carefully edited, accessible articles that clearly express various perspectives on the topic at hand. Useful charts, graphs, and cartoons illustrate each article, while attractive color photos enliven the text. Engaging fact boxes further provide the reader with at-a-glance information. Thought-provoking questions that focus on vocabulary and reading comprehension enhance each viewpoint and help prepare students for the verbal sections of the SAT test. Furthermore, every title is supplemented with annotated bibliographies and information for further research Introducing Issues with Opposing Viewpoints titles are a wealth of information in a bright, engaging package; this disarming combination helps students grasp the controversies of our increasingly complex world. "
125,"This anthology series covers today's most current national and international issues and contains the most important opinions of the past and present. The purpose of the series is to introduce the reader to all sides of contemporary controversies in an objective and comprehensive way. Each anthology is composed of a wide spectrum of primary sources written by many of the fo This anthology series covers today's most current national and international issues and contains the most important opinions of the past and present. The purpose of the series is to introduce the reader to all sides of contemporary controversies in an objective and comprehensive way. Each anthology is composed of a wide spectrum of primary sources written by many of the foremost authorities in their respective fields; the authors represent leading conservative, liberal, and centrist views. This unique approach provides students with a concise view of divergent opinions on each topic. Extensive book and periodical bibliographies and a list of organizations to contact are also included. The Current Controversies series will prove invaluable to libraries and classrooms in need of young adult materials on today's leading issues and controversies. "
126,"The best book on puberty for 9-15 year old boys completely updated for the first time in 12 years! Selected as a ""Best Book for Young Adults"" by the American Library AssociationThe classic puberty education book for 9-15 year-old boys (over 500,000 copies sold), now thoroughly updated and freshly redesigned for the first time in 12 years. This classic book covers the body The best book on puberty for 9-15 year old boys completely updated for the first time in 12 years! Selected as a ""Best Book for Young Adults"" by the American Library AssociationThe classic puberty education book for 9-15 year-old boys (over 500,000 copies sold), now thoroughly updated and freshly redesigned for the first time in 12 years. This classic book covers the body's changing size and shape, hair, voice changes, perspiration, pimples, the reproductive organs, sexuality, puberty in girls and adds new sections on diet, exercise, and health. It also includes vital information on AIDS, STDs, and birth control appropriate for this age group, and an introduction for parents and educators. Responding to letters and new data about teenage concerns, some of the changes in this edition include: new, more detailed discussions of penis size (""the subject of most letters I get,"" says Madaras) new, more detailed discussions on eating right and exercise, steroid abuse, and weight training more practical advice on hygienic products, shaving products, and treatment of acne more reassuring stories from boys and men to help relieve the embarrassment and anxiety over erections, orgasms, masturbation, wet dreams, and health issues including injuries and testicular cancer expanded resource section on sexuality, homosexuality, birth control, sexually transmitted diseases. Over 1,200,000 copies of Lynda Madaras books sold! "
127,"Provides information and advice concerning the physical, psychological, and behavioral changes associated with puberty. "
128,"Physical changes, along with brand-new sexual thoughts and feelings, can be confusing for teens. Loaded with first-person quotes and examples, this book clearly explains the physical, emotional, and social changes that occur during and after puberty. It also addresses the consequences of sexuality. By telling teens what to expect, this book helps young people to feel good Physical changes, along with brand-new sexual thoughts and feelings, can be confusing for teens. Loaded with first-person quotes and examples, this book clearly explains the physical, emotional, and social changes that occur during and after puberty. It also addresses the consequences of sexuality. By telling teens what to expect, this book helps young people to feel good about themselves and to make appropriate choices about their budding sexuality. "
129,"FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF NEED AND CAPTIVATE Winner of the 2008 Maine Literary Award! Dylan is Belle's true love-maybe even her soulmate. Until one day when Dylan drops the ultimate bomb; he's gay. Where, Belle wonders, does that leave her? And how will the rest of their small town deal with an openly gay Homecoming King? This beautifully written debut e FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF NEED AND CAPTIVATE Winner of the 2008 Maine Literary Award! Dylan is Belle's true love-maybe even her soulmate. Until one day when Dylan drops the ultimate bomb; he's gay. Where, Belle wonders, does that leave her? And how will the rest of their small town deal with an openly gay Homecoming King? This beautifully written debut explores what happens when you are suddenly forced to see someone in a new light, and what that can teach you about yourself. ""Provocative... The author's poetic prose ably captures her heroine's emotional upheavals."" -Publishers Weekly ""It's good to have [Carrie Jones'] talent in the field."" -KLIATT ""Jones offers an atypical perspective of the coming-out story by legitimizing the love that is not lost, but changed, when young people grow up and apart."" -School Library Journal ""From the first sentence of Carrie Jones' novel I could tell that here was a bright new writer who was going to set the world of young adult letters aflame."" -Kathi Appelt, award-winning poet and author "
130,https: // https: //
131,"08:06 p.m. Saturday 07.29.06> You are in L-O-V-E. Notice how I have no hesitation spelling it. At all. Reason? That was just the wildest entry you've posted! Ever....You are so seeing the world through the eyes of L-O-V-E. A ten-year best friendship is put to the test when Chuck and Hal spend their first summer apart falling for two questionable mates: a sexy Saudi songs 08:06 p.m. Saturday 07.29.06> You are in L-O-V-E. Notice how I have no hesitation spelling it. At all. Reason? That was just the wildest entry you've posted! Ever....You are so seeing the world through the eyes of L-O-V-E. A ten-year best friendship is put to the test when Chuck and Hal spend their first summer apart falling for two questionable mates: a sexy Saudi songstress and a smokin' hot French punk. As Chuck heads off to summer theater camp and Hal stays in their hometown, learning how to drive, they keep in touch via blogging, reporting to each other about their suddenly separate lives and often ridiculous romantic entanglements. As both their relationships take some unexpected turns, Hal and Chuck struggle to come to terms with their growing differences while trying to keep their friendship alive. "
132," A Booklist Editors' Choice of the Year On October 23, 1998, Barnett Slepian, an abortion provider in Buffalo, New York, was killed by a sniper's bullet. Days later, another local doctor, Shalom Press, received a threat that he was ""next on the list."" Within hours, the Press family was under police protection, and America's violent struggle over abortion had come to the bl A Booklist Editors' Choice of the Year On October 23, 1998, Barnett Slepian, an abortion provider in Buffalo, New York, was killed by a sniper's bullet. Days later, another local doctor, Shalom Press, received a threat that he was ""next on the list."" Within hours, the Press family was under police protection, and America's violent struggle over abortion had come to the blue-collar city of Buffalo. In Absolute Convictions, Press recounts his family's experience with protesters outside his father's clinic, patients who braved the gauntlet of demonstrators, and politicians who attempted to appease both sides. With remarkable sensitivity, Eyal Press ""plunges into, and transcends, a polarized debate that makes partisans of us all"" ( The Nation ). "
133,"First introduced 35 years ago, the Opposing Viewpoints series has developed and set the standard for current-issue studies. With more than 90 volumes covering nearly every controversial contemporary topic, Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. Each title explores a specific issue by placing expert opinion First introduced 35 years ago, the Opposing Viewpoints series has developed and set the standard for current-issue studies. With more than 90 volumes covering nearly every controversial contemporary topic, Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. Each title explores a specific issue by placing expert opinions in a unique pro/con format. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. "
134,"Nick has a three-legged dog named Lucky, some pet fish, and two moms who think he's the greatest kid ever. And he happens to think he has the greatest Moms ever, but everything changes when his birth mom and her wife, Jo, start to have marital problems. Suddenly, Nick is in the middle, and instead of having two Moms to turn to for advice, he has no one. Nick's emotional st Nick has a three-legged dog named Lucky, some pet fish, and two moms who think he's the greatest kid ever. And he happens to think he has the greatest Moms ever, but everything changes when his birth mom and her wife, Jo, start to have marital problems. Suddenly, Nick is in the middle, and instead of having two Moms to turn to for advice, he has no one. Nick's emotional struggle to redefine his relationships with his parents will remind readers that a family's love can survive even the most difficult times. "
135," All I remember is the sensation of things slipping away from me.... In one night Angel Hansen's life changes forever: She has sex for the first time. Not that she remembers the act itself, not the pain or the pleasure. But she is left with something that will never let her forget it: an unplanned pregnancy. Angel must make a choice. Abortion? Adoption? Keep it? Non All I remember is the sensation of things slipping away from me.... In one night Angel Hansen's life changes forever: She has sex for the first time. Not that she remembers the act itself, not the pain or the pleasure. But she is left with something that will never let her forget it: an unplanned pregnancy. Angel must make a choice. Abortion? Adoption? Keep it? None of these choices are easy and none of them are perfect. But there is one thing Angel is sure of. Whatever choice she makes, it must be the right one for her. Braced with that knowledge, Angel faces the toughest decision of her life. "
136,"Bioethics refers to the study of ethical questions in medical research and practice. Author Linda Jacobs Altman looks at some of the moral questions that have arisen with the scientific breakthroughs of the last century. She examines different sides of various topics, including assisted reproduction and abortion, allocation of medical resources, and end-of-life issues. Rea Bioethics refers to the study of ethical questions in medical research and practice. Author Linda Jacobs Altman looks at some of the moral questions that have arisen with the scientific breakthroughs of the last century. She examines different sides of various topics, including assisted reproduction and abortion, allocation of medical resources, and end-of-life issues. Readers will gain a better understanding of the complex concepts involved and will be helped to make more informed decisions of their own. "
137,"Because of a moment of indiscretion, Hope's parents send her to New York to spend the summer with her hipster sister while they travel to Thailand. Miserable, Hope ends up meeting Nat, and developing a powerful crush. The only problem is that Nat is a girl. Hope is pretty sure she isn't gay. Or is she? Struggling with new feelings, fitting in and a strange city far from ho Because of a moment of indiscretion, Hope's parents send her to New York to spend the summer with her hipster sister while they travel to Thailand. Miserable, Hope ends up meeting Nat, and developing a powerful crush. The only problem is that Nat is a girl. Hope is pretty sure she isn't gay. Or is she? Struggling with new feelings, fitting in and a strange city far from home, Hope finds that love, and acceptance, comes in many different forms. "
138,"Adolescence can be a challenging time, with teens experiencing changes in their bodies, emotions, and friendships. And many have questions about how to form healthy, positive social and romantic relationships. Author Wendy Hart Beckman discusses how roles and relationships have changed over time and covers such areas as body image, popularity, communication, and gender ide Adolescence can be a challenging time, with teens experiencing changes in their bodies, emotions, and friendships. And many have questions about how to form healthy, positive social and romantic relationships. Author Wendy Hart Beckman discusses how roles and relationships have changed over time and covers such areas as body image, popularity, communication, and gender identity. "
139,"Each book in this series focuses on one area of human rights as a basis for exploration. The series considers how these rights became established and how they work, or are overlooked, in today's society. Each book in this series focuses on one area of human rights as a basis for exploration. The series considers how these rights became established and how they work, or are overlooked, in today's society. "
140," From the expert team behind IT'S PERFECTLY NORMAL and IT'S SO AMAZING! comes a book for younger children about their bodies , a resource that parents, teachers, librarians, health care providers, and clergy can use with ease and confidence. Young children are curious about almost everything, especially their bodies. And young children are not afraid to ask questions. What m From the expert team behind IT'S PERFECTLY NORMAL and IT'S SO AMAZING! comes a book for younger children about their bodies , a resource that parents, teachers, librarians, health care providers, and clergy can use with ease and confidence. Young children are curious about almost everything, especially their bodies. And young children are not afraid to ask questions. What makes me a girl? What makes me a boy? Why are some parts of girls' and boys' bodies the same and why are some parts different? How was I made? Where do babies come from? Is it true that a stork brings babies to mommies and daddies? IT'S NOT THE STORK! helps answer these endless and perfectly normal questions that preschool, kindergarten, and early elementary school children ask about how they began. Through lively, comfortable language and sensitive, engaging artwork, Robie H. Harris and Michael Emberley address readers in a reassuring way, mindful of a child's healthy desire for straightforward information. Two irresistible cartoon characters, a curious bird and a squeamish bee, provide comic relief and give voice to the full range of emotions and reactions children may experience while learning about their amazing bodies. Vetted and approved by science, health, and child development experts, the information is up-to-date, age-appropriate, and scientifically accurate, and always aimed at helping kids feel proud, knowledgeable, and comfortable about their own bodies, about how they were born, and about the family they are part of. "
141,"Sex. So many questions, so hard to actually ask them! Finding the right moment, not to mention the right person to ask, can be a nightmare. Well, look no further! This essential guide tells you everything you need to know about your body, his body, what boys say (and what they really mean), virginity, dating, contraception, STDs, pregnancy, and more. Taking a relationship furthe Sex. So many questions, so hard to actually ask them! Finding the right moment, not to mention the right person to ask, can be a nightmare. Well, look no further! This essential guide tells you everything you need to know about your body, his body, what boys say (and what they really mean), virginity, dating, contraception, STDs, pregnancy, and more. Taking a relationship further is a huge step and it's essential to know all the facts before making any decisions. Packed with friendly advice, quizzes, and practical information, this book is your ultimate guide to making the best choice for you ! "
142,"Meet the demand for reliable information tied to law, social sciences and more. This new series helps students absorb today's debates with primary and secondary sources showing the role of court decisions in the shaping of issues. Meet the demand for reliable information tied to law, social sciences and more. This new series helps students absorb today's debates with primary and secondary sources showing the role of court decisions in the shaping of issues. "
143,"Becoming sexually involved with another person is a big step in your life. It's something to think about on your own long before you have to make a decision with anyone, even the partner you love deeply. It is probably one of the most important decisions you'll ever make. Sixty-seven percent of sexually experienced teens say they wish they had waited longer before having s Becoming sexually involved with another person is a big step in your life. It's something to think about on your own long before you have to make a decision with anyone, even the partner you love deeply. It is probably one of the most important decisions you'll ever make. Sixty-seven percent of sexually experienced teens say they wish they had waited longer before having sexual intercourse. Through case studies and information from experts, Safe Sex 101 provides the overview teens need to understand abstinence, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, and unplanned pregnancies, and how these can affect their lives. "
144,"When Frederick shows up at school, Xio is thrilled. The new boy is shy, cute, and definitely good boyfriend material. Before long, she pulls him into her lively circle of friends. Frederick knows he should be flattered by Xio's attention. After all, she's popular, pretty, and a lot of fun. So why can't he stop thinking about Victor, the captain of the soccer team, instea When Frederick shows up at school, Xio is thrilled. The new boy is shy, cute, and definitely good boyfriend material. Before long, she pulls him into her lively circle of friends. Frederick knows he should be flattered by Xio's attention. After all, she's popular, pretty, and a lot of fun. So why can't he stop thinking about Victor, the captain of the soccer team, instead? "
145,"First introduced 35 years ago, the Opposing Viewpoints series has developed and set the standard for current-issue studies. With more than 90 volumes covering nearly every controversial contemporary topic, Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. Each title explores a specific issue by placing expert opinion First introduced 35 years ago, the Opposing Viewpoints series has developed and set the standard for current-issue studies. With more than 90 volumes covering nearly every controversial contemporary topic, Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. Each title explores a specific issue by placing expert opinions in a unique pro/con format. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. "
146,"This series follows a social movement from its roots to its most recent efforts and concerns. Carefully selected and edited viewpoints are drawn from leading advocates and scholarly interpretations. Additional tools include bibliography, chronology of events, and index. "
147,"Presents a perspective on politics and religion. This book covers things from the civil rights movement and antinuclear protests to stem-cell research and gay-marriage laws. It helps readers better understand their own beliefs, as well as critical political issues in the United States and Canada. "
148,"Teens are more aware of sexuality and identity than ever, and they’re looking for answers and insights, as well as a community of others. In order to help create that community, YA authors David Levithan and Billy Merrell have collected original poems, essays, and stories by young adults in their teens and early 20s. The Full Spectrum includes a variety of writers, gay, les Teens are more aware of sexuality and identity than ever, and they’re looking for answers and insights, as well as a community of others. In order to help create that community, YA authors David Levithan and Billy Merrell have collected original poems, essays, and stories by young adults in their teens and early 20s. The Full Spectrum includes a variety of writers, gay, lesbian, bisexual, straight, transitioning, and questioning, on a variety of subjects: coming out, family, friendship, religion/faith, first kisses, break-ups, and many others. This one of a kind collection will, perhaps, help all readers see themselves and the world around them in ways they might never have imagined. We have partnered with the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and a portion of the proceeds from this book will be donated to them. "
149," I can't believe there's going to be a gay Jewish president. As my mother said this, she looked at my father, who was still staring at the screen. They were shocked, barely comprehending. Me? I sat there and beamed. Everything seems to be going right in Duncan's life: The candidate he's been supporting for president has just won the election. Duncan's boyfriend, Jimmy, is wi I can't believe there's going to be a gay Jewish president. As my mother said this, she looked at my father, who was still staring at the screen. They were shocked, barely comprehending. Me? I sat there and beamed. Everything seems to be going right in Duncan's life: The candidate he's been supporting for president has just won the election. Duncan's boyfriend, Jimmy, is with him to celebrate. Love and kindness appear to have won the day. But all too quickly, things start to go wrong. The election is called into question... and Duncan and Jimmy's relationship is called into question, too. Suddenly Duncan has to decide what he's willing to risk for something he believes in... and how far he's willing to go to hold on to the people we hold dear. "
150,"There is one thing Steven knows for sure: He's absolutely, positively NOT gay. Steven's a 16-year-old boy with two obsessions: sex and getting his driving license. The problem is, Steven's not thinking girls when he's thinking sex. Could he be, don't say it, gay? Steven sets out to get in touch with his inner he-man with Healthy Heterosexual Strategies such as ""Start Ha There is one thing Steven knows for sure: He's absolutely, positively NOT gay. Steven's a 16-year-old boy with two obsessions: sex and getting his driving license. The problem is, Steven's not thinking girls when he's thinking sex. Could he be, don't say it, gay? Steven sets out to get in touch with his inner he-man with Healthy Heterosexual Strategies such as ""Start Hanging Out with the Guys,"" and ""Begin Intensive Dating."" But are Steven's tactics going to straighten him out, or leave him all twisted up? Absolutely hilarious. Positively sidesplitting. But absolutely, positively NOT GAY! "
151,In the zoo there are all kinds of animal families. But Tango's family is not like any of the others. This illustrated children's book fictionalizes the true story of two male penguins who became partners and raised a penguin chick in the Central Park Zoo. In the zoo there are all kinds of animal families. But Tango's family is not like any of the others. This illustrated children's book fictionalizes the true story of two male penguins who became partners and raised a penguin chick in the Central Park Zoo.
152,"Antonio loves words, because words have the power to express feelings like love, pride, or hurt. Mother's Day is coming soon, and Antonio searches for the words to express his love for his mother and her partner, Leslie. But he's not sure what to do when his classmates make fun of Leslie, an artist, who towers over everyone and wears paint-splattered overalls. As Mother's Antonio loves words, because words have the power to express feelings like love, pride, or hurt. Mother's Day is coming soon, and Antonio searches for the words to express his love for his mother and her partner, Leslie. But he's not sure what to do when his classmates make fun of Leslie, an artist, who towers over everyone and wears paint-splattered overalls. As Mother's Day approaches, Antonio must choose whether , or how , to express his connection to both of the special women in his life. Rigoberto González's bilingual story resonates with all children who have been faced with speaking up for themselves or for the people they love. Cecilia Concepción Álvarez's paintings bring the tale to life in tender, richly hued detail. "
153,"Larry, Teresa, and Elliot are so tight, there's no room in their circle for more than three: boy, girl, boy. And when they graduate, they plan to move to California to start their real lives, together. But who are they fooling? Larry is gay and trying to come to terms with his sexuality. Teresa is tired of hanging out with boys she loves who don't want to be her boyfri Larry, Teresa, and Elliot are so tight, there's no room in their circle for more than three: boy, girl, boy. And when they graduate, they plan to move to California to start their real lives, together. But who are they fooling? Larry is gay and trying to come to terms with his sexuality. Teresa is tired of hanging out with boys she loves who don't want to be her boyfriend. And Elliot is realizing that he may like himself more if he isn't always in the shadow of his friends. This is a wry, surprising, and insightful story about three best friends who each learn how tough it is to be yourself. Includes an interview with the author. "
154,"Just when things were going so well. Jess had the perfect summer planned: She and Fred, lounging in the park, gazing into one another's eyes and engaging in witty repartee. It was going to be so romantic. And then her maddening mum stepped in: She suddenly announced a two-week ""road trip"" to Cornwall to visit Jess's dad, something Jess might have enjoyed, actually, were it Just when things were going so well. Jess had the perfect summer planned: She and Fred, lounging in the park, gazing into one another's eyes and engaging in witty repartee. It was going to be so romantic. And then her maddening mum stepped in: She suddenly announced a two-week ""road trip"" to Cornwall to visit Jess's dad, something Jess might have enjoyed, actually, were it not for the monstrously bad timing. Not only will this force Jess and Fred apart for two whole weeks, it will also leave the darling and handsome Fred in the clutches of Jess's blindingly beautiful best friend, Flora, who, you might recall, expressed an interest in Fred not too long ago. As if all this weren't enough, Jess's mum seems to expect her to weep at the grave of every departed literary hero in Britain's long history. ""It's absolute torture."" And little does Jess know, a huge surprise awaits her when she visits her dad at his home for the first time in years. "
155,"Psychologists and educators believe that the primary task of adolescence is forming one's identity. Even if teens don't know the whole answer to the question of who they are, perhaps they will have a better understanding of all the things that might make up that answer and feel more comfortable becoming who they will be with the information and guidance this book offers. T Psychologists and educators believe that the primary task of adolescence is forming one's identity. Even if teens don't know the whole answer to the question of who they are, perhaps they will have a better understanding of all the things that might make up that answer and feel more comfortable becoming who they will be with the information and guidance this book offers. The authors describe a huge range of aspects many people think of as key to their identity: the role of family, culture and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, body modifications (tattoos, piercings, brandings, plastic surgery), steroids and supplements, eating disorders, chronic illness, and physical disabilities, clubs, cliques, and friends, school, work, hobbies, beliefs, aspirations, and experiences. With the help of this book, teens will come that much closer to achieving self-actualization. "
156,"All Darcy wants is to play on the baseball team, to hear her name announced, ""Now batting, Darcy Miller,"" to play the field. Is that so much to ask? Unfortunately, it might be. In a few short months, Darcy Miller goes from typical senior in high school to candidate for Jerry Springer. Her mom has started dating Darcy's principal, the very principal whose son Darcy happened All Darcy wants is to play on the baseball team, to hear her name announced, ""Now batting, Darcy Miller,"" to play the field. Is that so much to ask? Unfortunately, it might be. In a few short months, Darcy Miller goes from typical senior in high school to candidate for Jerry Springer. Her mom has started dating Darcy's principal, the very principal whose son Darcy happened to have started a huge flirt-fest with, now brought to a screeching halt. When she decides to let her mom go to bat (so to speak) for her to play on the baseball team, Darcy thinks things are starting to look up. After all, Principal Basset caves and decides to let her play. But he has two conditions that shake up her entire game: She must pretend to be a lesbian (WHAT?) and she must join the GSA, the Gay-Straight Alliance (WHAT? WHAT?), the president of which happens to be her best friend, make that her ex-best friend, Josh. Okay, Darcy's senior year might seem complicated at first. It's not. It's insurmountably, unforgettably, and, most of the time, hilariously complicated. But if anyone can handle it, it's Darcy. She'll do anything just to play the field. "
157,"When Frannie is desperate to get the attention of her crush, her fabulous (and gay) best friend Marcus suggests that Frannie chat with him online. Too bad Frannie’s terrified. She won’t type a word without Marcus’s help. In the chat room, Marcus and Jeffrey hit it off. But the more Marcus writes, the more he’s convinced that Jeffrey is falling for him , not Frannie. Whose rom When Frannie is desperate to get the attention of her crush, her fabulous (and gay) best friend Marcus suggests that Frannie chat with him online. Too bad Frannie’s terrified. She won’t type a word without Marcus’s help. In the chat room, Marcus and Jeffrey hit it off. But the more Marcus writes, the more he’s convinced that Jeffrey is falling for him , not Frannie. Whose romance is this anyway? Read this heartwarming comedy of errors to find out. "
158," Jason Carrillo, the best-looking athlete in school, has had his eyes on the prize from day one: a scholarship for college. But then his eyes turn to love, and Kyle. Kyle Meeks, swim team star and all-around good guy, is finally in the relationship he wanted. Being in love feels so good, in fact, that he can't imagine giving it up to go to Princeton. Something he's worke Jason Carrillo, the best-looking athlete in school, has had his eyes on the prize from day one: a scholarship for college. But then his eyes turn to love, and Kyle. Kyle Meeks, swim team star and all-around good guy, is finally in the relationship he wanted. Being in love feels so good, in fact, that he can't imagine giving it up to go to Princeton. Something he's worked for his entire life. Nelson Glassman, outgoing and defiant, might be HIV positive. Jeremy, the boy he loves, is HIV positive. Although Nelson fears testing positive, if he is infected Jeremy might stop protecting him and pushing him away. They can be together. High shool's almost over. Graduation is ahead. Life's a bowl of cherries, right? Right... "
159,"Key Players are Highlighted, and the clear text takes readers along the complicated path that cases follow on their way to the Supreme Court, then through the decision-making process. "
160,"Jason Carrillo came out to his basketball team senior year and lost his university scholarship. Now, with graduation behind him and summer ending, he's asked to speak at the opening of a gay and lesbian high school across the country. But after spending years in the closet and losing his scholarship dream, what message can he offer? Kyle Meeks is getting ready to go to Prin Jason Carrillo came out to his basketball team senior year and lost his university scholarship. Now, with graduation behind him and summer ending, he's asked to speak at the opening of a gay and lesbian high school across the country. But after spending years in the closet and losing his scholarship dream, what message can he offer? Kyle Meeks is getting ready to go to Princeton in the fall and trying to see as much as possible of his boyfriend Jason before they have to separate. When Jason tells him about his speaking invitation, Kyle jumps at the chance to drive across country with him. Yet he can't help worrying: Will their romance survive two weeks crammed together in a car? Nelson Glassman is happy his best friend Kyle has found love with Jason. Now he's looking for his own true love, and hopes he might find his soul mate during the road trip. But will being the ""third wheel"" in a trio ruin his friendships with Kyle and Jason? During an eye-opening postgraduation summer road trip, each of the three very different boys also embarks on a personal journey across a landscape of love, sexuality, homophobia, and above all, friendship. "
161,"A supermarket clerk in a small dusty town, 22-year-old Libby is full of dreams but lacks the means to pursue them. When her younger sister Tess becomes pregnant, Libby convinces her not to have an abortion by promising to raise the child herself. But then Tess takes off after the baby is born and Libby finds that her new role puts her dreams that much further away. Her alr A supermarket clerk in a small dusty town, 22-year-old Libby is full of dreams but lacks the means to pursue them. When her younger sister Tess becomes pregnant, Libby convinces her not to have an abortion by promising to raise the child herself. But then Tess takes off after the baby is born and Libby finds that her new role puts her dreams that much further away. Her already haphazard life becomes ever more chaotic. The baby's father, a Christian rodeo rider, suddenly demands custody. Libby loses her job, her boyfriend abandons her, and her own mother harps on how stupid she was to make that promise to Tess. More than a story of a single mother overcoming obstacles, Sky Bridge is a painfully honest, complex novel that leaves readers with a fresh understanding of what it means to inhabit a world in which dreams die, and are sometimes reborn. "
162,"Jocelyn has two boys in her life. And a priest. Gabe has shared fourteen years of growing up next door. He's a golden boy, an all-star. Benny has been in New Hampshire only since January. Yet for Joss, he's the answer to a long-held prayer to be someone in somebody's eyes. Jocelyn has two boys in her life. And a priest. Gabe has shared fourteen years of growing up next door. He's a golden boy, an all-star. Benny has been in New Hampshire only since January. Yet for Joss, he's the answer to a long-held prayer to be someone in somebody's eyes. "
163,"You're not a little kid anymore. As a young adult, you have important decisions to make. Your growing independence and your developing sexuality are part of the thrill and joy of being a teen, but these factors also mean you have to take responsibility for your own life. This book offers facts that you need to make informed choices during teenage. You're not a little kid anymore. As a young adult, you have important decisions to make. Your growing independence and your developing sexuality are part of the thrill and joy of being a teen, but these factors also mean you have to take responsibility for your own life. This book offers facts that you need to make informed choices during teenage. "
164,"Teenagers are having sex at younger and younger ages, putting them at risk for HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, and unwanted pregnancies. How to safeguard them? Teen Sex explores the issues of sex education, parental involvement, gay and lesbian clubs, television's influence, dangers of the Internet, and most importantly, how teenagers themselves feel about sex. Teenagers are having sex at younger and younger ages, putting them at risk for HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, and unwanted pregnancies. How to safeguard them? Teen Sex explores the issues of sex education, parental involvement, gay and lesbian clubs, television's influence, dangers of the Internet, and most importantly, how teenagers themselves feel about sex. "
165,"Seventeen-year-old Phil has felt like an outsider as long as he can remember. All Phil has ever known about his father is that he was Number Three on his mother’s long list, third in a series of affairs that have set Phil’s family even further apart from the critical townspeople across the river. As for his own sexuality, Phil doesn’t care what the neighbors will think; he’ Seventeen-year-old Phil has felt like an outsider as long as he can remember. All Phil has ever known about his father is that he was Number Three on his mother’s long list, third in a series of affairs that have set Phil’s family even further apart from the critical townspeople across the river. As for his own sexuality, Phil doesn’t care what the neighbors will think; he’s just waiting for the right guy to come along. But Phil can’t remain a bystander forever. Not when he’s surrounded by his mother, Glass, who lives by her own rules and urges Phil to be equally strong; his sister, Dianne, who is abrupt and willful, with secrets to share; his uncle Gable, a restless mariner, defined by his scars; his best friend, Kat, who is generous but possessive. And finally, there is distant Nicholas, with whom Phil falls overwhelmingly in love, until he faces the ultimate betrayal and must finally find his worth... and place in the world. "
166," From the author of Luna comes this heartbreaking yet hopeful novel about a small-town girl who falls in love with the cool, complicated, and sexy new girl in town, but who is just out of reach. In this fresh, poignant novel Mike is struggling to come to terms with her father's suicide and her mother's detachment from her family. Mike (real name Mary Elizabeth) is gay and l From the author of Luna comes this heartbreaking yet hopeful novel about a small-town girl who falls in love with the cool, complicated, and sexy new girl in town, but who is just out of reach. In this fresh, poignant novel Mike is struggling to come to terms with her father's suicide and her mother's detachment from her family. Mike (real name Mary Elizabeth) is gay and likes to pump iron, play softball and fix plumbing. When a glamorous new girl, Xanadu, arrives in Mike's small Kansas town, she falls in love at first sight. Xanadu is everything that Mike is not -cool, confident, feminine, sexy and -straight! No matter how close their growing friendship is, Mike is always going to be 'far from Xanadu'. Following the success of Luna, Julie Ann Peters' has written a heartbreaking, yet ultimately hopeful, novel which will speak to anyone who has ever fallen in love with someone who can't love them back "
167,"Lucas is a genius matchmaker, and everyone at Thomas Jefferson High School seems to need his expertise. When it comes to finding his own true love, things aren't so easy. He's just had his heart broken and the prospects aren't promising. But Lucas has bigger worries, his best friend, Cate, has just been dumped, and he has to find her new Mr. Right. And right on schedule, on Lucas is a genius matchmaker, and everyone at Thomas Jefferson High School seems to need his expertise. When it comes to finding his own true love, things aren't so easy. He's just had his heart broken and the prospects aren't promising. But Lucas has bigger worries, his best friend, Cate, has just been dumped, and he has to find her new Mr. Right. And right on schedule, on the first day of their senior year, a new guy shows up at TJHS. Derek is friendly, athletic, and the hottie of the century. As the matchmaker tries to work his magic, it seems like Derek is flirting with Lucas more than with Cate. Which makes everyone wonder, who is Derek interested in, anyway? "
168,"Book 2 in the Lambda Award-winning Russel Middlebrook Series. Summer camp is different from high school. Something about spending the night. Things happen. Geography Club's Russel Middlebrook is back, and he and his friends are off to work as counselors at a summer camp. Brent Hartinger's third novel is the story of Indian legends, skinny-dipping in moonlit coves, and passio Book 2 in the Lambda Award-winning Russel Middlebrook Series. Summer camp is different from high school. Something about spending the night. Things happen. Geography Club's Russel Middlebrook is back, and he and his friends are off to work as counselors at a summer camp. Brent Hartinger's third novel is the story of Indian legends, skinny-dipping in moonlit coves, and passionate summer romance. It's also the story of Russel's latest club, The Order of the Poison Oak, a secret society dedicated to helping its members see life's hidden beauty, and accept its sometimes painful sting. "
169,The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy found that 34 percent of young women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20. This is a source teens can turn to for straightforward information about everything from contraception to the media's portrayal of sex. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy found that 34 percent of young women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20. This is a source teens can turn to for straightforward information about everything from contraception to the media's portrayal of sex.
170," Joe Bunch breaks down his life, and his secrets, for a school assignment in this second book of the funny, heartfelt, and beloved Misfits series by Bunnicula author James Howe. What can I say? I’m a total original. Joe may only be twelve-going-on-thirteen, but he’s known who he is from the time he was a little kid tottering around in his mother’s high heels. Now in the seven Joe Bunch breaks down his life, and his secrets, for a school assignment in this second book of the funny, heartfelt, and beloved Misfits series by Bunnicula author James Howe. What can I say? I’m a total original. Joe may only be twelve-going-on-thirteen, but he’s known who he is from the time he was a little kid tottering around in his mother’s high heels. Now in the seventh grade, he wears green high tops with pink trim, has a (secret) boyfriend, and tells it all from A to Z in the alphabiography assigned by his favorite teacher. The thing is, some of it is seriously private. It’s one thing for Mr. Daly to read it, but what if it falls into the wrong hands? Will he be teased forever about those high heels…and even worse, what will happen if his secret boyfriend is no longer a secret? "
171,"Cassandra is hassled by her friends for sitting with the ""wrong"" kids at lunch. Jennifer gets harassed because she’s overweight. Dwan’s own family taunts her for not being ""black enough."" Yen is teased for being Chinese; Jamel for not smoking marijuana. Yet all find the strength to face their conflicts and the courage to be themselves. In 26 first-person stories, real teen Cassandra is hassled by her friends for sitting with the ""wrong"" kids at lunch. Jennifer gets harassed because she’s overweight. Dwan’s own family taunts her for not being ""black enough."" Yen is teased for being Chinese; Jamel for not smoking marijuana. Yet all find the strength to face their conflicts and the courage to be themselves. In 26 first-person stories, real teens write about their lives with searing honesty. They will inspire young readers to reflect on their own lives, work through their problems, and learn who they really are. "
172,"Author Kathlyn Gay addresses this controversial topic in a balanced fashion, allowing young readers to make up their own minds. She covers the history of abortion and the current laws as well as the positions of those who oppose abortion and those who support abortion rights. "
173,"This new anthology navigates the rocky waters of teenage sexuality and confusion with insight, clarity, and understanding. The poems were written by adults who keenly remember the turmoil and excitement of their own adolescent sexual explorations but now have the perspective and sense of self that come with growing up. They employ concrete details -reaching across car sea This new anthology navigates the rocky waters of teenage sexuality and confusion with insight, clarity, and understanding. The poems were written by adults who keenly remember the turmoil and excitement of their own adolescent sexual explorations but now have the perspective and sense of self that come with growing up. They employ concrete details -reaching across car seats, the electric touch of fingertips -as well as more ephemeral concepts, such as facing desire as powerful as a thunderstorm. Offering comfort, illumination, and acceptance, the book reflects the nuances and complications of teenage sexuality, and explores the confused joy of it, the bright desire, the shame and isolation, the shock of sexual discovery, and the thrill -or horror -of waking up to a new identity. The poems give teens new insight and new language for dealing with gender issues as a whole. "
174,"Thirty years after Roe v. Wade, the argument between ""pro-choicers"" and ""pro-lifers"" has reached stalemate. Pro-choice arguments haven't persuaded a comfortable majority that legal abortion is vital to our society, nor addressed our moral qualms. Younger people are less and less supportive of reproductive rights. Since 1996, state legislatures have enacted nearly 300 piece Thirty years after Roe v. Wade, the argument between ""pro-choicers"" and ""pro-lifers"" has reached stalemate. Pro-choice arguments haven't persuaded a comfortable majority that legal abortion is vital to our society, nor addressed our moral qualms. Younger people are less and less supportive of reproductive rights. Since 1996, state legislatures have enacted nearly 300 pieces of anti-choice legislation. With Roe in jeopardy, International Planned Parenthood Council Chair Alexander Sanger asks a simple but heretical question: How many more pieces of anti-choice legislation will it take to get the pro-choice movement to rethink its approach to the issue? In Beyond Choice Sanger explores the history of the reproductive rights movement to discover how it got stuck in its thinking, and then provides a convincing new argument for the moral rightness of its cause. He shows why it is vital to the health and survival of the human race that couples be able to have children, or not, when they choose; why reproductive rights are just as important to men as to women; and why, in an era of new reproductive technologies, completely unfettered choice is not morally defensible. Beyond Choice is inspiring and important reading for women's rights advocates, opinion leaders, medical ethicists, and anyone concerned to preserve our freedom to reproduce, or not, without government intervention. "
175,"I knew that any wrong action, however slight, could reveal my true identity... Russel is still going on dates with girls. Kevin would do anything to prevent his teammates on the baseball team from finding out. Min and Terese tell everyone they're really just good friends. But after a while, the truth's too hard to hide -at least from each other -so they form the ""Geograph I knew that any wrong action, however slight, could reveal my true identity... Russel is still going on dates with girls. Kevin would do anything to prevent his teammates on the baseball team from finding out. Min and Terese tell everyone they're really just good friends. But after a while, the truth's too hard to hide -at least from each other -so they form the ""Geography Club."" Nobody else will come. Why would they want to? Their secret should be safe. "
176," ""Alternately playful and realistic, Emberley's.... art reinforces Harris's message that bodies come in all sizes, shapes, and colors, and that each variation is 'perfectly normal.'"" , Publishers Weekly (starred review) When young people have questions about sex, real answers can be hard to find. Providing accurate, unbiased answers to nearly every imaginable question, from ""Alternately playful and realistic, Emberley's.... art reinforces Harris's message that bodies come in all sizes, shapes, and colors, and that each variation is 'perfectly normal.'"" , Publishers Weekly (starred review) When young people have questions about sex, real answers can be hard to find. Providing accurate, unbiased answers to nearly every imaginable question, from conception and puberty to birth control and AIDS, It's Perfectly Normal offers young people the information they need, now more than ever, to make responsible decisions and to stay healthy. Already used as a trusted resource in twenty-five countries around the world (and translated into twenty-one languages), It's Perfectly Normal marks its tenth anniversary with a thoroughly updated edition that includes the latest information on such topics as birth control, hepatitis, HIV, and adoption, among others. This definitive new edition also reflects the recent input of parents, teachers, librarians, clergy, scientists, health professionals, and young readers themselves. Back matter includes an index and a note to the reader. "
177,"Authors in this anthology debate what causes homosexuality, whether society should encourage acceptance of homosexuality, whether homosexuals can change their sexual orientation, and whether society should legally sanction gay relationships. (20020801) "
178,"A clever debut about love, sex, and everything in between, for anyone who's ever fallen for a friend (come on, admit it) Sam is a teen boy who's attracted to both boys and girls. He doesn't know what to call himself or where he fits in. Then he meets Toby, another boy who likes both boys and girls. Are they destined to be just friends, more than friends, or less than friend A clever debut about love, sex, and everything in between, for anyone who's ever fallen for a friend (come on, admit it) Sam is a teen boy who's attracted to both boys and girls. He doesn't know what to call himself or where he fits in. Then he meets Toby, another boy who likes both boys and girls. Are they destined to be just friends, more than friends, or less than friends? And what would happen if they were attracted to the same girl? Love comes in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes all at once. In his brilliant, funny, and heartfelt debut, Eddie de Oliveira shows us there's more to life than being a wallflower or being knocked out by nunga-nungas. "
179," HOT ICE Taboo to the touch A fire in the cold That was us Welcome to a stage, where a soaring painting takes shape before your eyes, a big-booty poet stands at the mike, and there’s a seat right in front, just for you. This is a place where wise old ladies live and boys act like horses. This is a vision of love that was crushed and brought back to life. And this is my story. I’ HOT ICE Taboo to the touch A fire in the cold That was us Welcome to a stage, where a soaring painting takes shape before your eyes, a big-booty poet stands at the mike, and there’s a seat right in front, just for you. This is a place where wise old ladies live and boys act like horses. This is a vision of love that was crushed and brought back to life. And this is my story. I’m Orphea Proud. Welcome to the show. As Orphea, who discovers her sexuality as a lesbian, shares her story, powerful questions of family, prejudice, and identity are explored. "
180,"In this rich and savvy collection of commentaries on the events, people and issues that shape and define our world, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and ""New York Times"" bestselling author Ellen Goodman cuts to the heart of the stories and controversies that helped to define our times.For over twenty-five years, nationally syndicated columnist Ellen Goodman has been traini In this rich and savvy collection of commentaries on the events, people and issues that shape and define our world, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and ""New York Times"" bestselling author Ellen Goodman cuts to the heart of the stories and controversies that helped to define our times.For over twenty-five years, nationally syndicated columnist Ellen Goodman has been training her lens on contemporary American life. A marvelously direct writer with keen insight into what makes the average American tick, laugh and occasionally boil with rage, Goodman takes her measure of the national psyche in a voice that is at once perceptive, witty and deeply humane. ""Paper Trail,"" her first collection in more than ten years, journeys through an era that has been golden in its advances and bleak in its disappointments. In a voice both reasoned and impassioned, she makes sense of the cultural debates that have captured our attention and sometimes become national obsessions. She wrestles with the close-to-the-bone issues of abortion, working mothers and gay marriage, the struggles for civil liberties and equal rights, and the moral complexity of assisted suicide and biotech babies. As she wends through the era of the Clinton scandals and the ""amBushing"" of America, the dot-com boom and bust, the horrors of September 11 and the War on Terrorism, Goodman pauses to celebrate some of our lost icons, including Jackie Onassis, Princess Diana and Doctor Spock. She reminds us as well of the fleeting fame of such instant celebrities as Elian Gonzalez and Lorena Bobbitt. The lines that separate public and private life dissolve under Goodman's scrutiny as she shows us how Washington politics, SiliconValley technology and the national media culture infiltrate our jobs, relationships and minds. With the trademark clarity that readers count on, she walks us through the dilemmas posed by new technologies that range from cloning to cell phones and makes us laugh at the vagaries of Viagra and Botox and unreality TV. And in a world that sometimes seems to be stuck on fast forward, she holds on to values as timeless as a family Thanksgiving and a summer porch in Maine. Including more than 160 of Ellen Goodman's lively and stylish columns, this timely collection walks us along the paper trail in a voice that is both crystal clear and original. "
181,"Sonny is only one of the spies at the Bradshaw house in Mozier, Alabama. But as a child he saw a tray full of dinner come flying across the front hall at his father. His mother's aim was dead on. And Daddy's departure promptly followed.Loretta, Sonny's older sister, spies by eavesdropping. As she tells him, ""How else am I going to survive in a family tight-lipped as tombs? Sonny is only one of the spies at the Bradshaw house in Mozier, Alabama. But as a child he saw a tray full of dinner come flying across the front hall at his father. His mother's aim was dead on. And Daddy's departure promptly followed.Loretta, Sonny's older sister, spies by eavesdropping. As she tells him, ""How else am I going to survive in a family tight-lipped as tombs?"" But the kids' spying only scratches the surface of what's really going on in this 1950s family in the deep South. While Deaton, the youngest, worries about pirates and vampires, and Uncle Marty, family protector, serves up scripture with every bite at the Circle of Life donut shop, somebody ""is"" watching. Somebody unsuspected by Sonny. But at thirteen he knows something's fishy, and he intends to find out what. That's why one Friday after Uncle Marty pays him for dishwashing at the Circle of Life, he sneaks out of town, first by bike and then by bus. Selma, his mama; Mamby; Nissa; Uncle Sink; Aunt Roo; his sister and brother, nobody from that all-too-serious but often hilarious crew has a clue where he's gone. And even Sonny can't say exactly what he's after, until those tight-lipped tombs start talking, and life in the house on Rhubarb changes for good. "
182,"The most important issues affecting teenagers are comprehensively studied in the series The Gallup Youth Survey: Major Issues and Trends. Each volume is filled with relevant statistical information and fascinating stories and reports, most collected by the Gallup Youth Survey, an arm of the famed Gallup Organization, over the past four decades. The Gallup Youth Survey was The most important issues affecting teenagers are comprehensively studied in the series The Gallup Youth Survey: Major Issues and Trends. Each volume is filled with relevant statistical information and fascinating stories and reports, most collected by the Gallup Youth Survey, an arm of the famed Gallup Organization, over the past four decades. The Gallup Youth Survey was founded in 1977 to provide ongoing information on the opinions, beliefs, and activities of America's high school students, and to help society meet its responsibility to youth. "
183," What happens when your two best friends fall in love...with each other? ""Their friendship went so far back, it bordered on the Biblical, in the beginning, there was Nina and Avery and Mel."" So says high school senior Nina Bermudez about herself and her two best friends, nicknamed ""The Bermudez Triangle"" by a jealous wannabe back on Nina's eleventh birthday. But the threes What happens when your two best friends fall in love...with each other? ""Their friendship went so far back, it bordered on the Biblical, in the beginning, there was Nina and Avery and Mel."" So says high school senior Nina Bermudez about herself and her two best friends, nicknamed ""The Bermudez Triangle"" by a jealous wannabe back on Nina's eleventh birthday. But the threesome faces their first separation when Nina goes away the summer before their senior year. And in ten short weeks, everything changes. Nina returns home bursting with stories about Steve, the quirky yet adorable eco-warrior she fell for hard while away. But when she asks her best friends about their summer romances, an awkward silence follows. Nina soon learns the shocking truth when she sees Mel and Avery...kissing. Their friendship is rocked by what feels like the ultimate challenge. But it's only the beginning of a sometimes painful, sometimes funny, always gripping journey as three girls discover who they are and what they really want. "
184,"The close-knit residents of Hackett Island have never seen anyone quite like Lani Garver. Everything about this new kid is a mystery: Where does Lani come from? How old is Lani? And most disturbing of all, is Lani a boy or a girl? Claire McKenzie isn't up to tormenting Lani with the rest of the high school elite. Instead, she befriends the intriguing outcast. But within day The close-knit residents of Hackett Island have never seen anyone quite like Lani Garver. Everything about this new kid is a mystery: Where does Lani come from? How old is Lani? And most disturbing of all, is Lani a boy or a girl? Claire McKenzie isn't up to tormenting Lani with the rest of the high school elite. Instead, she befriends the intriguing outcast. But within days of Lani's arrival, tragedy strikes and Claire must deal with shattered friendships and personal demons, and the possibility that angels may exist on earth. "
185,"Brynie maintains a completely non-judgmental tone as she answers real questions from real kids, chosen so that the book gives a broad picture of the choices to be made and the consequences of those choices. "
186," -Current book and periodical bibliographies -Lists of organizations to contact -Critical thinking activities and discussion questions -Illustrations, inserts, and cartoons -Titles continually revised and updated -Biographical sketch of authors -Paper and durable library bindings "
187,"""I will be as wild as I wanna be."" After getting tossed from her posh boarding school, wild, willful, and coffee addicted Cyd Charisse returns to San Francisco to live with her parents. But there's no way Cyd can survive in her parents' pristine house. Lucky for Cyd she's got Gingerbread, her childhood rag doll and confidante, and her new surfer boyfriend. When Cyd's rebell ""I will be as wild as I wanna be."" After getting tossed from her posh boarding school, wild, willful, and coffee addicted Cyd Charisse returns to San Francisco to live with her parents. But there's no way Cyd can survive in her parents' pristine house. Lucky for Cyd she's got Gingerbread, her childhood rag doll and confidante, and her new surfer boyfriend. When Cyd's rebelliousness gets out of hand, her parents ship her off to New York City to spend the summer with ""Frank real-dad,"" her biological father. Trading in her parents for New York City grunge and getting to know her bio-dad and step-sibs is what Cyd has been waiting for her whole life. But summer in the city is not what Cyd expects, and she's far from the daughter or sister that anyone could have imagined. "
188,"With a steady boyfriend, the position of Student Council President, and a chance to go to an Ivy League college, high school life is just fine for Holland Jaeger. At least, it seems to be. But when Cece Goddard comes to school, everything changes. Cece and Holland have undeniable feelings for each other, but how will others react to their developing relationship? "
189," Middlesex tells the breathtaking story of Calliope Stephanides, and three generations of the Greek-American Stephanides family, who travel from a tiny village overlooking Mount Olympus in Asia Minor to Prohibition-era Detroit, witnessing its glory days as the Motor City and the race riots of 1967 before moving out to the tree-lined streets of suburban Grosse Pointe, Michig Middlesex tells the breathtaking story of Calliope Stephanides, and three generations of the Greek-American Stephanides family, who travel from a tiny village overlooking Mount Olympus in Asia Minor to Prohibition-era Detroit, witnessing its glory days as the Motor City and the race riots of 1967 before moving out to the tree-lined streets of suburban Grosse Pointe, Michigan. To understand why Calliope is not like other girls, she has to uncover a guilty family secret, and the astonishing genetic history that turns Callie into Cal, one of the most audacious and wondrous narrators in contemporary fiction. Lyrical and thrilling, Middlesex is an exhilarating reinvention of the American epic. "
190,"Introducing the Spanish-language edition of The Underground Guide to Teenage Sexuality -a fun and comprehensive guide for teens on sexual anatomy, health, behavior, and relationships. "
191,"Welkin Quinn has always dreamed of setting foot on Earth. As an elite Skyborn teenager aboard a transport ship destined for Tau Ceti, all he knows of his home planet is what he has learned from the Elders as well as from a wealth of records and artifacts archived in the ship's memory. The creatures known as the Earthborn-brutish survivors of the devastation that laid waste Welkin Quinn has always dreamed of setting foot on Earth. As an elite Skyborn teenager aboard a transport ship destined for Tau Ceti, all he knows of his home planet is what he has learned from the Elders as well as from a wealth of records and artifacts archived in the ship's memory. The creatures known as the Earthborn-brutish survivors of the devastation that laid waste to Earth-are an uncivilized and technologically primitive race in many ways indistinguishable from savages. Yet even though Welkin was born on The Colony, Earth is still... home. When The Colony is forced to abort its mission to colonize and Tau Ceti and crash lands on Earth, he will finally have a chance to experience Earth-and the Earthborn-firsthand. Assigned to a reconnaissance team to explore The Colony's perimeter, however, Welkin is ambushed by a murderous gang of feral Earthborn known as Jabbers. Welkin is rescued by Sarah, an Earthborn hardly older than himself and a leader of group of young survivors who are trying to unite other displaced families in a war against the Jabbers. No question Skyborn Welkin needs the help of these Earthborn to survive. The real question is, Why on earth would they need him? "
192,"Take Wild at Heart by John Eldredge and The Mystique of a Woman by Jean Lush and turn it into something that gets the attention of busy teens and you begin to understand The Dateable Rules. This interactive guide takes up where Dateable left off and walks teens through the Bible's insights about men and women. Guys will learn that God loves adventure and that there's a d Take Wild at Heart by John Eldredge and The Mystique of a Woman by Jean Lush and turn it into something that gets the attention of busy teens and you begin to understand The Dateable Rules. This interactive guide takes up where Dateable left off and walks teens through the Bible's insights about men and women. Guys will learn that God loves adventure and that there's a difference between a spiritual and a physical adventure. They'll also learn how to be a gentleman (open her door and carry the box of leftovers from dinner, etc.) Girls will learn that beauty is defined by God, not supermodels, and that if they talk too much, they lose. They learn the secrets of staying confident and letting a guy lead. How It Works: Bible Study: a study that can be used by an individual couple or a whole youth group. Focus Group: a time when guys and girls get the lowdown on each other's gender. Guys and girls or groups can talk about what they learned in the week's study and discuss the truths of Scripture. Workbook: offers lots of things for readers to do, from writing down all the bad things they have said about another person and confessing them to God to going back to the point in time when their femininity or masculinity was squashed and allowing Jesus to redefine that moment. Each section is filled with interactive activities that help students better understand God's plan for men and women. The Dateable Rules isn't about teens getting more dates; it's about learning to understand the opposite sex and making good choices based on the truth! "
193," You are the same girl that came to school last year. They are the same kids. But nothing was the same and I knew it. I had become the girl with a baby. Jane has always been the good Williams. Her brothers might be high school dropouts and late-night rowdy partiers, but never Jane. Jane never drinks, smokes dope or misses a single day of school. She's in the drama You are the same girl that came to school last year. They are the same kids. But nothing was the same and I knew it. I had become the girl with a baby. Jane has always been the good Williams. Her brothers might be high school dropouts and late-night rowdy partiers, but never Jane. Jane never drinks, smokes dope or misses a single day of school. She's in the drama and of the popular ones. Or she used to be. Now she's one of those: the teenage mothers packing diaper bags with their knapsacks, wheeling strollers into the high school daycare, tired and grumpy. Jane's only 14, younger than most of them, and she can feel the stares in the school halls. She can hear the whispers on her whitebread street, too: too bad, gone the way of her brothers, guess those Indians are all the same. Jane isn't what she used to be-but then, maybe she's more. When baby Destiny was being born, grandmother Tet told her she came from a long line of strong mothers, and Jane's discovering it's true. Because of baby Destiny, Jane dares to demand the best, not just of herself, but of her whole family. This Jane accepts the consequences of her decisions, good and bad, and pushes through prejudices the former Jane just tiptoed around. This Jane is a strong link in something bigger than herself. She's a girl with a baby, two feet on the ground, one hand in the warm grasp of Tet and her Indian past, and the other holding firmly to the future. "
194,The classic guide to teen sexuality updated and expanded with information on sexually-transmitted diseases; contraception; sexual abuse; healthy relationships; hotlines and resources; and much more
195," Navigating through an intolerant world and their own insecurities, three teenage boys find each other and the confidence to come out of the closet. Three teenage boys, coming of age and out of the closet. Jason Carrillo is a jock with a steady girlfriend, but he can't stop dreaming about sex...with other guys. Kyle Meeks doesn't look gay, but he is. And he hopes he never ha Navigating through an intolerant world and their own insecurities, three teenage boys find each other and the confidence to come out of the closet. Three teenage boys, coming of age and out of the closet. Jason Carrillo is a jock with a steady girlfriend, but he can't stop dreaming about sex...with other guys. Kyle Meeks doesn't look gay, but he is. And he hopes he never has to tell anyone, especially his parents. Nelson Glassman is ""out"" to the entire world, but he can't tell the boy he loves that he wants to be more than just friends... In a revealing debut novel that percolates with passion and wit, Alex Sanchez follows these very different high-school seniors as their struggles with sexuality and intolerance draw them into a triangle of love, betrayal, and ultimately, friendship. "
196,"Why had the men chosen him? Savagely violated by two strangers, sixteen-year-old Grady West retreats into silence. Some hells just can't be shared. Searing and powerful, Target shows that people can go through unspeakable things and emerge whole, and sometimes your friends can save you. Another ""provocative tale"" ( Booklist ) by Kathleen Jeffrie Johnson, author of The Paral Why had the men chosen him? Savagely violated by two strangers, sixteen-year-old Grady West retreats into silence. Some hells just can't be shared. Searing and powerful, Target shows that people can go through unspeakable things and emerge whole, and sometimes your friends can save you. Another ""provocative tale"" ( Booklist ) by Kathleen Jeffrie Johnson, author of The Parallel Universe of Liars. "
197,"Staggerlee is used to being alone. As the granddaughter of celebrities and the daughter of an interracial couple in an all-black town, she has become adept at isolating herself from curious neighbors. But then her cousin, Trout, comes to visit. Trout is exactly like Staggerlee wishes she could be: outspoken, sure of herself, beautiful. Finally, Staggerlee has a friend, som Staggerlee is used to being alone. As the granddaughter of celebrities and the daughter of an interracial couple in an all-black town, she has become adept at isolating herself from curious neighbors. But then her cousin, Trout, comes to visit. Trout is exactly like Staggerlee wishes she could be: outspoken, sure of herself, beautiful. Finally, Staggerlee has a friend, someone she can share her deepest, most private thoughts with. Someone who will teach her how to be the strong girl she longs to be. But is Trout really the girl Staggerlee thinks she is? "
198,"At the end of Not a Day Goes By , the terminally bisexual John Basil Henderson declares: ""I’m back, in full form. And I’m out there. Roamin’. And switching lanes."" Now, in Any Way the Wind Blows , Basil, good-looking gadabout and homme fatal , is back at the top of his game (razzle-dazzling both the women and the men). All is well until Basil’s picture-perfect life starts to At the end of Not a Day Goes By , the terminally bisexual John Basil Henderson declares: ""I’m back, in full form. And I’m out there. Roamin’. And switching lanes."" Now, in Any Way the Wind Blows , Basil, good-looking gadabout and homme fatal , is back at the top of his game (razzle-dazzling both the women and the men). All is well until Basil’s picture-perfect life starts to unravel... Left at the altar a year before, jilted Broadway bombshell Yancey Harrington Braxton stages her comeback–this time as a recording star–but has she forgiven ex-fiancé Basil, or does she still need to even the score? As Yancey’s star continues to rise, her past threatens to catch up with her and she fears someone may be after her as well... In a wicked little dance of revenge, Basil and Yancey struggle to keep their lives on track, while a chorus of unforgettable characters either come to their aid, or make matters worse. In the mix are: Yancey’s mother, Ava ""Mama Dearest"" Braxton, a diva’s diva and a second-rate showgirl housed in the body of an aging supermodel; the wise and wonderful Windsor Adams; and the new guy in town, Bartholomew ""Bart"" Dunbar, a rogue’s rogue and handsome hunk of a man who stands to make Basil look like a choirboy. With just the right amount of wickedness, love, and compassion, Harris’s masterful storytelling and delicious plot twists will have fans and newcomers alike frantically turning pages trying to find the answer to the ultimate question: Does revenge ever really pay? From the Hardcover edition. "
199,"When sixteen-year-old Kia finds she is pregnant, she finds that the choices she must make are never easy. "
200,"Passion. It's the fuel for success, for dreams, for life. But too many teens focus their energy and passion on the wrong thing-the wrong person. Dateable pulls no punches in telling teens the truth about dating while also directing their passion toward a greater purpose in life. Teen relationships seldom last, the authors point out, so why should teens invest so much of the Passion. It's the fuel for success, for dreams, for life. But too many teens focus their energy and passion on the wrong thing-the wrong person. Dateable pulls no punches in telling teens the truth about dating while also directing their passion toward a greater purpose in life. Teen relationships seldom last, the authors point out, so why should teens invest so much of themselves emotionally, physically, and spiritually? The answer? They shouldn't. Instead, they can protect their hearts, live with excitement, and enjoy relationships in a way that enhances rather than detracts from those they'll have in the future. With Justin and Hayley ""telling it like it is,"" teens will learn how to be dateable and how to evaluate the dateability of their latest crush. And they'll get some much-needed perspective on sex, his/her communication, clothes, God-even ""chick flicks."" Dateable also includes sidebars, quizzes, callouts, and more. "
201,"Allie's life has just taken a turn for the worse; not only do her parents fight all the time, but she is failing more classes than not and now she thinks she might be pregnant. Unable to face up to her parents she decides to run away. She hooks up with her old friend Razz, a professional skateboarder, and goes on the road. Razz is ranked number one but constant confrontati Allie's life has just taken a turn for the worse; not only do her parents fight all the time, but she is failing more classes than not and now she thinks she might be pregnant. Unable to face up to her parents she decides to run away. She hooks up with her old friend Razz, a professional skateboarder, and goes on the road. Razz is ranked number one but constant confrontations with the challenger Slash put Allie in some dangerous situations. With the rivalry heating up, Razz and Allie head toward home, right into the path of a fierce tornado. To survive in the horror and destruction that follow the storm, Allie has to call on an inner strength she didn't know she had. Also available in Spanish. "
202,"This reference examines 160 of the most significant inventions af the 20th century, and the people behind the inventions. Essays cover such diverse areas as High-Tech, including computers, compact discs and cellular phones, to Household Devices, such as polyester and Velcro. "
203,"In this lively book, Janice M. Irvine offers not only the first comprehensive history of the culture wars over sex education but also an important examination of the politics of sexual speech in the United States. Exploring the clash between professional sex education advocates on the one hand and the politicized Christian Right on the other, Irvine vividly demonstrates th In this lively book, Janice M. Irvine offers not only the first comprehensive history of the culture wars over sex education but also an important examination of the politics of sexual speech in the United States. Exploring the clash between professional sex education advocates on the one hand and the politicized Christian Right on the other, Irvine vividly demonstrates the crucial role that sexual speech plays in cultural politics. Examining a range of issues played out in living rooms and schools since the 1960s, she shows how a newly emerging Christian Right chose sex education as one of its first battlegrounds, then went on to dominate the public conversation on the subject. Talk about Sex is a rich and fascinating consideration of American sex education's strategic place in the long history of efforts to regulate sexual morality by controlling sexual speech. Irvine's original argument shows how sex education served as a bridge issue between the Old Right and the New Right. Exploring the political uses of emotion as it relates to sexuality, Irvine demonstrates how this movement draws on the tenacious power of sexual shame and fear in order to galvanize opposition to sex education. This book skillfully demonstrates how, by framing sex education as radical, dangerous, and immoral, the Right has fostered a climate in which it is risky, as former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders found, to speak out in support of sexuality education. "
204,"Fulfills the standards: ""Career Development"" and ""Personal/Social Development"" from the National Counseling Education Standards for Middle School. Fulfills the standard: ""Conduct research on issues by generating ideas and questions"" from the National English Education Standards for Middle School. Fulfills the standards: ""Individual Development and Identity"" and ""Individuals Fulfills the standards: ""Career Development"" and ""Personal/Social Development"" from the National Counseling Education Standards for Middle School. Fulfills the standard: ""Conduct research on issues by generating ideas and questions"" from the National English Education Standards for Middle School. Fulfills the standards: ""Individual Development and Identity"" and ""Individuals, Groups, and Institutions"" from the National Council for the Social Studies Curriculum Standards for Middle School. "
205,"Worksheets that promote health literacy -critical thinking, effective communication, responsible citizenship, and self-directed learning. Reinforcement worksheets. Enrichment worksheets. Answer keys. "
206,"Mavis Jukes is the queen of girl talk, but this time she’s set her sights on the guys. Told in the author’s usual straightforward, funny, favorite-aunt style, The Guy Book delivers sound information and useful advice for boys preparing to go through, or in the midst of, puberty. Boys will find specific information on a variety of subjects, from getting rid of acne to buyin Mavis Jukes is the queen of girl talk, but this time she’s set her sights on the guys. Told in the author’s usual straightforward, funny, favorite-aunt style, The Guy Book delivers sound information and useful advice for boys preparing to go through, or in the midst of, puberty. Boys will find specific information on a variety of subjects, from getting rid of acne to buying birth control to finding help for depression. Answering questions that are too embarrassing to ask, dealing with guy-basics like tying a tie, being a good friend, and essential dating dos and don’ts, this is a must-have for boys who want to get the facts, be in control, and learn how to make informed choices. "
207,"What is gender, anyway? What are gender roles, and who defines them? What are gender stereotypes, and why do they make our lives so difficult? What does it really mean to be a boy or a girl?Each day, in countless ways, gender shapes who we are, what we can become, and how we relate to others. ""Boy v. Girl?"" invites young readers to examine the issues, weigh the facts, and What is gender, anyway? What are gender roles, and who defines them? What are gender stereotypes, and why do they make our lives so difficult? What does it really mean to be a boy or a girl?Each day, in countless ways, gender shapes who we are, what we can become, and how we relate to others. ""Boy v. Girl?"" invites young readers to examine the issues, weigh the facts, and overcome gender barriers to make the most of friendships, school, extracurricular activities, and the future. The results of a nationwide survey of nearly 2,000 teens and preteens reveal what gender means in kids' everyday lives. A look at TV, movies, music, and advertising helps make kids more media-savvy. Activities and journaling exercises encourage readers to explore their experiences, notice what influences their feelings, beliefs, and choices, and decide what matters to them. Down-to-earth advice guides them to get past other people's expectations and assumptions and find out who they really are. Throughout, the message is simple and clear: The best defense against stereotypes is to know and like yourself. "
208,"Greg’s casual interest in the history of a ruined mansion becomes more personal as he slowly discovers the tragic events that overwhelmed its last inhabitants. Set against a background of the modern day and the First World War, Greg’s contemporary beliefs become intertwined with those of Edmund, a foot soldier whose confusion about his sexuality and identity mirrors Greg’s Greg’s casual interest in the history of a ruined mansion becomes more personal as he slowly discovers the tragic events that overwhelmed its last inhabitants. Set against a background of the modern day and the First World War, Greg’s contemporary beliefs become intertwined with those of Edmund, a foot soldier whose confusion about his sexuality and identity mirrors Greg’s own feelings of insecurity. This is a complex and thought-provoking book, written with elegance and subtlety. It will change the way you think. From the Hardcover edition. "
209,"Fourteen-year-old Susan (or, as she prefers to be called, Sybil) has been trying to reinvent herself ever since the mysterious disappearance of her older sister, Alison. Life has been very confusing since Alison left. Susan’s mother has become overly protective, fearful of losing another child. Her new school is not all bad, of course, but it is different and puzzling. Her Fourteen-year-old Susan (or, as she prefers to be called, Sybil) has been trying to reinvent herself ever since the mysterious disappearance of her older sister, Alison. Life has been very confusing since Alison left. Susan’s mother has become overly protective, fearful of losing another child. Her new school is not all bad, of course, but it is different and puzzling. Her best friend, Connie, has what could be a wonderful idea , or maybe it has the makings of a disaster: if they sign up for the school play, they might end up with dates for the freshman dance. Readers will empathize with Susan’s attempt to make sense of her confused world, the loss of her sister, a new school, turmoil at home, and the growing pains of adolescence. But Susan, despite all, remains bright, funny, and self aware with the help of a new and intelligently supportive stepfather and a lively group of school friends. The story is believable and touching and distinguished by the narrator’s voice. "
210," -Current book and periodical bibliographies -Lists of organizations to contact -Critical thinking activities and discussion questions -Illustrations, inserts, and cartoons -Titles continually revised and updated -Biographical sketch of authors -Paper and durable library bindings "
211,"Explains reasons for using birth control and abstinence to prevent pregnancy and disease. In addition, provides options for making a decision and getting help and describes available birth control choices. "
212,"2002 Lambda Literary Award Winner Twenty-three Latino parents speak about their relationships with their lesbian and gay children, with frankness, humor, and love. A Puerto Rican mother praises and supports her son, a respected police officer. An Argentinian mother attends Gay Pride with two lesbian daughters. An Honduran mother joins her twin daughters at gay youth events; 2002 Lambda Literary Award Winner Twenty-three Latino parents speak about their relationships with their lesbian and gay children, with frankness, humor, and love. A Puerto Rican mother praises and supports her son, a respected police officer. An Argentinian mother attends Gay Pride with two lesbian daughters. An Honduran mother joins her twin daughters at gay youth events; one is a lesbian and the other is bisexual. The mother of a Mexican activist remembers her family's love for her son, who passed away after living with AIDS for ten years... Conversaciones is an extremely important book for all Latin American and Spanish-speaking communities. With stories by twelve sons and daughters and an afterword by Jaime Manrique. "
213,"Nicola Lancaster is spending her summer at the Siegel Institute -a hothouse of smart, articulate, intense teenagers living like college students for eight weeks. Nic's had theatre friends and orchestra friends, but never just friend friends. And she's certainly never had a relationship. But on the very first day, she falls in with Katrina the Manic Computer Chick, Isaac th Nicola Lancaster is spending her summer at the Siegel Institute -a hothouse of smart, articulate, intense teenagers living like college students for eight weeks. Nic's had theatre friends and orchestra friends, but never just friend friends. And she's certainly never had a relationship. But on the very first day, she falls in with Katrina the Manic Computer Chick, Isaac the Nice-Guy-Despite-Himself, Kevin the Inarticulate Composer... and Battle. Battle Hall Davies is a beautiful blond dancer from North Carolina. She's everything Nic isn't. Soon the two are friends -and then, startlingly, more than friends. What do you do when you think you're attracted to guys, and then you meet a girl who steals your heart? "
214,"Serafina is an illegal migrant worker living in California when the police catch her and send her back to Mexico–without her three-year old daughter. Twelve years later, with a pair of silver barrettes her only tangible memory of Elvia, Serafina begins a harrowing journey back across the border to find her daughter. At the same time Elvia, now fifteen and pregnant, resolve Serafina is an illegal migrant worker living in California when the police catch her and send her back to Mexico–without her three-year old daughter. Twelve years later, with a pair of silver barrettes her only tangible memory of Elvia, Serafina begins a harrowing journey back across the border to find her daughter. At the same time Elvia, now fifteen and pregnant, resolves to track her mother down. They travel a landscape populated by desperately poor migrants moving from harvest to harvest, truckers living hand-to-mouth in seedy motels, and lost children in foster homes. But the memory of love inspires hope, and out of these women’s losses–and their determination–Straight has crafted a deeply moving tale of the meaning of home and family. "
215,"This young adult novel accurately portrays the widespread effects of a young lesbian's decision to come out of the closet and live openly and honestly while still in high school. The story line revolves around Kit Dandridge-a young lesbian struggling to be herself in a repressive environment-her best friend Lynn, and their families and friends. Included are plot elements s This young adult novel accurately portrays the widespread effects of a young lesbian's decision to come out of the closet and live openly and honestly while still in high school. The story line revolves around Kit Dandridge-a young lesbian struggling to be herself in a repressive environment-her best friend Lynn, and their families and friends. Included are plot elements seen in recent headlines that include the often tragic consequences of high school intolerance and bullying as well as the development of support group networks for gay and lesbian students and their heterosexual allies. Ultimately Love Rules is a testament to the power of love, in family, in friendships, and in both gay and straight teen couples, and a testament to the power of gay/straight alliances in working toward the safety of all students. "
216,"Each year in the United States more than 1 million teenage girls become pregnant. This volume features the stories of teens who chose adoption, abortion, or parenthood, and the advice they offer to others. "
217,"Good ""boy""? Mike and his pup are great friends. Every day Mike takes Pugdog for a walk in the park; every night he treats Pugdog to a belly scratch before bed. But Mike doesn't know very much about dogs. Not only is Pugdog not a pug, Pugdog is not even a he, as Mike had thought all along, but a she! Oh my! Mike feels obliged to give Pugdog a crash course on how to look a Good ""boy""? Mike and his pup are great friends. Every day Mike takes Pugdog for a walk in the park; every night he treats Pugdog to a belly scratch before bed. But Mike doesn't know very much about dogs. Not only is Pugdog not a pug, Pugdog is not even a he, as Mike had thought all along, but a she! Oh my! Mike feels obliged to give Pugdog a crash course on how to look and act the way a girl dog should. The only problem is, Mike doesn't know much about this subject either. Andrea U'Ren's debut picture book is a funny romp featuring an adorable canine who ends up teaching her owner a few tricks. "
218,"Abortion remains one of the divisive issues in America, with inflammatory rhetoric from both pro-choice and pro-life groups. Chapters in this update of Greenhaven's 1995 anthology include: Is Abortion Immoral? Should Abortion Rights Be Protected or Restricted? Should Women Have Greater Access to Abortion? Should Protesters Target Abortion Clinics and Providers? (20040901) Abortion remains one of the divisive issues in America, with inflammatory rhetoric from both pro-choice and pro-life groups. Chapters in this update of Greenhaven's 1995 anthology include: Is Abortion Immoral? Should Abortion Rights Be Protected or Restricted? Should Women Have Greater Access to Abortion? Should Protesters Target Abortion Clinics and Providers? (20040901) "
219,"A Fascinating Exploration of the Eight Major Systems of the Human Body. This science and health series goes in-depth in examining how the human body operates. Each book corresponds with one of the body's eight major systems, including the muscular, circulatory, and reproductive systems. With diagrams and pictures to highlight the easy-to-read text, young readers will be tr A Fascinating Exploration of the Eight Major Systems of the Human Body. This science and health series goes in-depth in examining how the human body operates. Each book corresponds with one of the body's eight major systems, including the muscular, circulatory, and reproductive systems. With diagrams and pictures to highlight the easy-to-read text, young readers will be transported into the inner workings of the body. A great resource for research and reports. "
220,"With candor and sensitivity, thirty-nine young people write frankly about their own homosexuality. Told with honesty and courage, their words express the fundamental need all people share for acceptance and respect.Published in collaboration with the adult division of William Morrow. "
221,"Sixteen-year-old Callisto May feels a deep connection to astronomy, but feels completely alone on planet Earth. Now that she's pregnant, her loneliness is acute. She can't turn to her mother, her father, or even her surfer boyfriend. Only Callisto's little brother loves her unfailingly, but she can't be there for him right now. She's got to make a huge decision, and that m Sixteen-year-old Callisto May feels a deep connection to astronomy, but feels completely alone on planet Earth. Now that she's pregnant, her loneliness is acute. She can't turn to her mother, her father, or even her surfer boyfriend. Only Callisto's little brother loves her unfailingly, but she can't be there for him right now. She's got to make a huge decision, and that means thinking of herself first. An ALA Best Book for Young Adults. "
222,"Each ride on the bucking bull is a lesson in pain. Each landing on the packed dirt is a jarring reminder of reality. Rodeo camp is a tough way to spend a summer, but John is having the time of his life. No clingy girlfriends, no nagging moms, no annoying sisters. Just him and the guys and the biggest bulls he's ever seen. All he has to do is stay on a bull for eight second Each ride on the bucking bull is a lesson in pain. Each landing on the packed dirt is a jarring reminder of reality. Rodeo camp is a tough way to spend a summer, but John is having the time of his life. No clingy girlfriends, no nagging moms, no annoying sisters. Just him and the guys and the biggest bulls he's ever seen. All he has to do is stay on a bull for eight seconds. It may feel like an eternity to his aching body, but for once John feels in control of his own fate. Then he learns his new rodeo buddy Kit is gay. Shaken by the news, he tries to deal with the other guys' reactions and his own self-doubts. Suddenly, riding a bull seems easy.... "
223,"Teenagers are often confused about sexuality and what sexual identity means. This book explains sexual identity, the meanings of being heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual. For teens who are questioning their sexual identity, this book helps them find the information and support they need. "
224,"Discusses healthy sexuality, including reviewing attitudes, feelings, and readiness. Provides information on human reproduction, sexual hygiene, and sexual responsibility. "
225,"A new town and new classmates, but the same family, with two moms ""Dear Diary, "".""..Until today I was Holly Lawrence-Jones. But starting tomorrow I'm going to be Yvette Lawrence-Jones. My family doesn't know that yet, but I'll tell them tomorrow, and that's the name I'll tell the people at school, too. Yvette's going to be sophisticated and grownup-feminine enough to hav A new town and new classmates, but the same family, with two moms ""Dear Diary, "".""..Until today I was Holly Lawrence-Jones. But starting tomorrow I'm going to be Yvette Lawrence-Jones. My family doesn't know that yet, but I'll tell them tomorrow, and that's the name I'll tell the people at school, too. Yvette's going to be sophisticated and grownup-feminine enough to have white ruffled curtains, and maybe even a boyfriend. She's also going to have a NORMAL family. Kids are not going to make jokes about her and say mean things, because there won't be any reason for them to do that... "" The reason for ""The Plan,"" as Holly refers to the creation of her new self, is primarily to hide from the schoolmates in her new hometown the fact that she has two mothers who are gay. But trying to hide something so big proves to be a daunting task. Nancy Garden has written a novel infused with humor, but one that also tackles prejudice and reinforces an old saw: Honesty is the best policy. "
226,"Katherine Tarbox was thirteen when she met twenty-three-year-old ""Mark"" in an online chat room. A top student, and nationally ranked swimmer, attending an elite school in an affluent Connecticut town, Katie was also a lonely and self-conscious eighth-grader who craved the attention her workaholic parents couldn't give her. Mark seemed to understand her; he told her she was Katherine Tarbox was thirteen when she met twenty-three-year-old ""Mark"" in an online chat room. A top student, and nationally ranked swimmer, attending an elite school in an affluent Connecticut town, Katie was also a lonely and self-conscious eighth-grader who craved the attention her workaholic parents couldn't give her. Mark seemed to understand her; he told her she was smart and wonderful. When they set a date to finally meet while Katie was in Texas for a swim competition, she walked into a hotel room and discovered who -and what -her cyber soulmate really was. In , Tarbox tells her story, an eye-opening tale of one teenager's descent into the seductive world of the internet. Tarbox's harrowing experience with her online boyfriend would affect her life for years to come, and result in her becoming the first ""unnamed minor"" to test a federal law enacted to protect kids from online sexual predators. In an age when a new generation is growing up online, Tarbox's memoir is a cautionary tale for the internet age. "
227,"Presents opposing viewpoints on euthanasia, abortion, suicide, and funeral homes through essays by a variety of authors. Includes discussion activities. "
228,"Outlines the risks to teenagers involved in sexual activity, including pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and date rape. Including information on sexual abstinence. "
229,"The personal, familial, and societal pressures that might lead a young person to take his or her own life are discussed. The tragic and puzzling phenomenon of cluster suicide as well as prevention efforts and ways of dealing with the suicide of a friend or loved one. (20020801) "
230,"Jim Watkins gets to the heart of teens' questions by asking 1,000 of them about important issues. Jim Watkins gets to the heart of teens' questions by asking 1,000 of them about important issues. "
231,"With the help of his two mammas, Nate learns he can have more than one best color and one best friend. Includes activity and teaching ideas. "
232,"Deal With It! offers a whole new approach for dealing with your life as a girl. It's a resource to help you learn about, laugh about, and figure out the stuff you go through on your way through life. It won't tell you what to do, because you'll need to decide that for yourself. But whether you're wondering about your body, your feelings or your changing relationships with Deal With It! offers a whole new approach for dealing with your life as a girl. It's a resource to help you learn about, laugh about, and figure out the stuff you go through on your way through life. It won't tell you what to do, because you'll need to decide that for yourself. But whether you're wondering about your body, your feelings or your changing relationships with the people around you, this book provides accurate information and outlines your options. Hilarious illustrations point out the humor in even the sorriest situations. And with hundreds of excerpts from real-girl conversations on the website, you can see for real that whatever you're going through, you're not alone. This book is for anyone who needs to know what it means to be a girl, from those on the edge of their teens to those who are way past them but still reeling from the trauma. "
233,"A compelling new novel from Richard North Patterson-a major departure, and that confirms his place among the most important popular novelists at work today. A newly elected president faces the unexpected chance to nominate a new chief justice of the Supreme Court. His first choice is a nationally respected Court of Appeals judge, a woman whose nomination faces two serious A compelling new novel from Richard North Patterson-a major departure, and that confirms his place among the most important popular novelists at work today. A newly elected president faces the unexpected chance to nominate a new chief justice of the Supreme Court. His first choice is a nationally respected Court of Appeals judge, a woman whose nomination faces two serious obstacles: a long-held personal secret; and the prospect that a volatile abortion case-a trial pitting a 15-year-old girl against her pro-life parents-will come before the court. And the Senate majority leader is determined to thwart the president's nomination for reasons that cross the boundary between the political and the personal. As these stories intertwine, building in complexity and suspense, Patterson gives us the resounding clash of competing ambitions between the president and the majority leader; the equally momentous collision of science and culture in the courtroom; and, in an unprecedented novelistic depiction of the legal process from the perspective of the judge rather than the lawyers, a revelation of both how the judicial system works and how it intersects with politics, for better or for worse. ""PROTECT AND DEFEND"" is a triumph-the definitive novel of politics and law at the dawn of the 21st century. "
234,"Accelerated Reader is a program based on the fact that students become more motivated to read if they are tested on the content of the books they have read and are rewarded for correct answers. Students read each book, individually take the test on the computer, and receive gratification when they score well. Schools using the Accelerated Reader program have seen a signifi Accelerated Reader is a program based on the fact that students become more motivated to read if they are tested on the content of the books they have read and are rewarded for correct answers. Students read each book, individually take the test on the computer, and receive gratification when they score well. Schools using the Accelerated Reader program have seen a significant increase in reading among their students.These books help teens, who often feel uncomfortable talking about their problems, find the information they need. "
235,"When it comes to puberty, boys don't ask their friends (who are as clueless as they are) and they won't ask their parents. So where can they turn, to Michael Gurian's straightforward guide that answers the questions on every boy's mind. Why am I growing so much more slowly than my friends? Why do girls seem so different? Why do I suddenly care? Face it, adolescence can b When it comes to puberty, boys don't ask their friends (who are as clueless as they are) and they won't ask their parents. So where can they turn, to Michael Gurian's straightforward guide that answers the questions on every boy's mind. Why am I growing so much more slowly than my friends? Why do girls seem so different? Why do I suddenly care? Face it, adolescence can be awfully confusing. But help is only a turn of the page away with this reassuring, no-holds-barred book by the best-selling author of The Wonder of Boys that examines and explains the biological, physical, and emotional changes that make puberty so bewildering, and so exciting. "
236,"Who has the right to say whether or not a woman should terminate her pregnancy? This is just one of the questions Deanne Durrett addresses in this essential volume. In addition to describing how abortions are performed, Durrett details the religious, ethical, and medical aspects of the debate. She discusses each side of the issue and also provides the many other options av Who has the right to say whether or not a woman should terminate her pregnancy? This is just one of the questions Deanne Durrett addresses in this essential volume. In addition to describing how abortions are performed, Durrett details the religious, ethical, and medical aspects of the debate. She discusses each side of the issue and also provides the many other options available to someone who becomes pregnant. "
237," It's So Amazing! was created in response to repeated requests from parents, teachers, librarians, and health professionals for an up-to-date book about sex and sexuality for children who were still too young for It's Perfectly Normal. Once again, the Bird and Bee are up to their antics, but this time they're younger. In It's So Amazing! , these reassuring characters reflect It's So Amazing! was created in response to repeated requests from parents, teachers, librarians, and health professionals for an up-to-date book about sex and sexuality for children who were still too young for It's Perfectly Normal. Once again, the Bird and Bee are up to their antics, but this time they're younger. In It's So Amazing! , these reassuring characters reflect the many moods of children age 7 and up: silly, serious, curious, embarrassed. Their voices echo the thoughts, questions, and concerns of a younger audience. "
238,"Kids Still Having Kids is the story behind the statistics and the headlines. In a style she has used vividly in such books as Voices of Rape, author Janet Bode focuses on teen voices, male and female, of those who have found themselves involved in pregnancy. These riveting, frank, personal accounts come from kids of different ethnic, economic, and geographic backgrounds. F Kids Still Having Kids is the story behind the statistics and the headlines. In a style she has used vividly in such books as Voices of Rape, author Janet Bode focuses on teen voices, male and female, of those who have found themselves involved in pregnancy. These riveting, frank, personal accounts come from kids of different ethnic, economic, and geographic backgrounds. Faced with unplanned pregnancies, they all chose different paths to follow. "
239,"David is 15 and the star player of his school's rugby team. Sixteen-year-old Theo is an outsider, not altogether likable, and not particularly interested in making friends. Initial hostility turns to an unlikely friendship, masking a growing attraction neither boy understands. A powerful novel of relationships, set against the backdrop of a small New Zealand town, explorin David is 15 and the star player of his school's rugby team. Sixteen-year-old Theo is an outsider, not altogether likable, and not particularly interested in making friends. Initial hostility turns to an unlikely friendship, masking a growing attraction neither boy understands. A powerful novel of relationships, set against the backdrop of a small New Zealand town, exploring the complicated emotions of two young men who don't yet understand what they are feeling and have nowhere to turn for help. "
240," The Teenage Body Book, Revised and Updated , serves up honest, up-to-date advice to teens on how to deal with every dilemma, doubt, and possibility facing them in the new century. Conceived when the two authors met at ‘TEEN magazine (Kathy McCoy, Ph.D., as editor and Charles Wibbelsman, M.D., as ""Dear Doctor""), the book won the American Library Association’s Best Book for Yo The Teenage Body Book, Revised and Updated , serves up honest, up-to-date advice to teens on how to deal with every dilemma, doubt, and possibility facing them in the new century. Conceived when the two authors met at ‘TEEN magazine (Kathy McCoy, Ph.D., as editor and Charles Wibbelsman, M.D., as ""Dear Doctor""), the book won the American Library Association’s Best Book for Young Adults Award. Completely revised and updated for the internet generation, The Teenage Body Book teaches boys and girls how to: ■ Overcome body image worries and maintain a healthy weight ■ Say no to drugs, drinking, smoking, and peer pressure ■ Cope with depression, anxiety, and stress ■ Avoid sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy ■ Stay safe in cyberspace, and more Reviewed by an all-new panel of 15 teens from around the country, The Teenage Body Book, Revised and Updated is sure to help any teen cope with one of life’s most challenging, exciting, and troubling times. "
241,"With practical advice on everything from dating, kissing, and shaving, to moods, peer pressure, and partying, plus a lot of laughs, The Teenage Guy's Survival Guide give you the real deal on everything you want to know. Without giving you a nervous breakdown. Find out: Why do girls make me crazy? What's up with bad teenage mustaches? Why is my voice going to change? Where With practical advice on everything from dating, kissing, and shaving, to moods, peer pressure, and partying, plus a lot of laughs, The Teenage Guy's Survival Guide give you the real deal on everything you want to know. Without giving you a nervous breakdown. Find out: Why do girls make me crazy? What's up with bad teenage mustaches? Why is my voice going to change? Where is the best place to break up?Who can I talk to about private stuff? In The Teenage Guy's Survival Guide , Jeremy Daldry tackles the various issues adolescent boys face today with irreverence and true understanding, making it the go-to title for teenage, or soon-to-be teenage guys everywhere. "
242," By the author of Annie on My Mind When Wilson High Telegraph editor Jamie Crawford writes an opinion piece in support of the new sex-ed curriculum, which includes making condoms available to high school students, she has no idea that a huge controversy is brewing. Lisa Buel, a school board member, is trying to get rid of the health program, which she considers morally flawe By the author of Annie on My Mind When Wilson High Telegraph editor Jamie Crawford writes an opinion piece in support of the new sex-ed curriculum, which includes making condoms available to high school students, she has no idea that a huge controversy is brewing. Lisa Buel, a school board member, is trying to get rid of the health program, which she considers morally flawed, from its textbooks to its recommendations for outside reading. The newspaper staff find themselves in the center of the storm, and things are complicated by the fact that Jamie is in the process of coming to terms with being gay, and her best friend, Terry, also gay, has fallen in love with a boy whose parents are anti-homosexual. As Jamie's and Terry's sexual orientation becomes more obvious to other students, it looks as if the paper they're fighting to keep alive and honest is going to be taken away from them. Nancy Garden has depicted a contemporary battleground in a novel that probes deep into issues of censorship, prejudice, and ethics. "
243,"Angelica Skyler certainly wasn't a perfect mother to fourteen-year-old Thumbelina, but when she is found dead in the local duck pond, Thumbelina yearns to have her back. Six feet tall with thick glasses covering a face she doesn't even know is pretty, Thumbelina is now alone with a few Johnny Cash tapes, a guitar that belonged to the musician father she never knew, and a s Angelica Skyler certainly wasn't a perfect mother to fourteen-year-old Thumbelina, but when she is found dead in the local duck pond, Thumbelina yearns to have her back. Six feet tall with thick glasses covering a face she doesn't even know is pretty, Thumbelina is now alone with a few Johnny Cash tapes, a guitar that belonged to the musician father she never knew, and a spirit almost as large as the odds against her. Quickly placed with a foster family, Thumbelina bumps straight into Myrna, a feisty redhead half her size and with a baby in her stomach. Also fourteen years old and as savvy as they come, Myrna has no trouble discerning that her secretive new roommate is pregnant, too. With little money but lots of charm, the unlikely pair strike out on their own, only to run into more serious trouble and heartache than they could have ever imagined. Laughs mingle with tears throughout this bittersweet, unforgettable story of a young girl embracing hope in the face of tragedy. Immensely talented first-time novelist Andrea Koenig has created a character whose distinctive and instantly lovable voice will hook readers from the very first page, and won't let go until the last. "
244,"When sixteen-year-old Lang has the chance to spend the summer at the ritzy East Hampton estate of retired rock star Ben Nevada, he's pretty sure that it will be the summer of a lifetime. But what Lang doesn't expect is that in addition to hobnobbing with the rich and famous of the rock world, he'll find himself coming out about his homosexuality to his childhood friends, r When sixteen-year-old Lang has the chance to spend the summer at the ritzy East Hampton estate of retired rock star Ben Nevada, he's pretty sure that it will be the summer of a lifetime. But what Lang doesn't expect is that in addition to hobnobbing with the rich and famous of the rock world, he'll find himself coming out about his homosexuality to his childhood friends, reevaluating his relationship with his boyfriend, Alex, and, most surprising of all, falling in love with a girl. From the award-winning author of ""Deliver is From Evie, "" this is a powerfully moving novel of a young man's struggle to come to terms with his sexuality, his emotions and ultimately himself. ""This book successfully challenges readers' assumption, breaking them down to offer more hopeful, affirming ideas about love and truth, "" (Starred Review), ""Publishers Weekly"" ""The author has again crafted a story that forces readers to examine theirs own ideas of contentment, attraction, and love. In this excellent novel, nothing is portrayed as simple black or white, right or wrong, and each character comes alive by doing what readers least expect."", Voice of Youth Advocates "
245,"Chronicling the years between Roe v. Wade (1973) and William L. Weaver v. Reproductive Health Service (which brought the issue before an anti-Wade court in 1989), Cynthia Gorney draws on 500 interviews, as well as previously unexplored archival material, to present an intimate look at the passions, commitment, and political savvy that propel individuals on both sides. She Chronicling the years between Roe v. Wade (1973) and William L. Weaver v. Reproductive Health Service (which brought the issue before an anti-Wade court in 1989), Cynthia Gorney draws on 500 interviews, as well as previously unexplored archival material, to present an intimate look at the passions, commitment, and political savvy that propel individuals on both sides. She traces, in particular, the paths of a nurse who runs an abortion clinic in St. Louis, and a member of the right-to-life movement, who came face to face in the Supreme Court during the Weaver decision. "
246,"Examines various aspects of teenage sexuality, including anatomy, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, relationships, homosexuality, and sexual intercourse. Includes a case study of a teenage couple deciding whether or not to have sex. "
247,", Each book describes ten of the greatest athletes ever to play a particular sport or certain position., Ranges from the greats of history to contemporary superstars., Each book contains fact boxes, career statistics, chapter notes, and an index. "
248,"Praised by teachers, parents, pastors, and doctors, this series has stood as a leader in Bible-based sex education for more than 30 years. Each book in the series helps children see sex as a good gift from God to be used responsibly.In a positive, Christ-centered manner, The New Learning About Sex series helps you cultivate open and honest communication about sex, present Praised by teachers, parents, pastors, and doctors, this series has stood as a leader in Bible-based sex education for more than 30 years. Each book in the series helps children see sex as a good gift from God to be used responsibly.In a positive, Christ-centered manner, The New Learning About Sex series helps you cultivate open and honest communication about sex, present accurate, age-appropriate information, and explain physiological and socio-psychological aspects of sex. The series includes a parent's handbook to help you deal sensitively with your children through all their stages of development. Teens need encouragement to respect their bodies and the place that God has created for sex in their lives. This book addresses family roles and what to look for in a marriage partner. Presents straight facts on sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS. "
249,"Describes some of the issues and choices that teenagers can expect to experience, if faced with a pregnancy. "
250,"At fifteen years old, Daphne Scholinski was committed to a mental institution and awarded the dubious diagnosis of ""Gender Identity Disorder."" She spent three years, and over a million dollars of insurance, ""treating"" the problem...with makeup lessons and instructions in how to walk like a girl. Daphne's story, which is, sadly, not that unusual, has already received attenti At fifteen years old, Daphne Scholinski was committed to a mental institution and awarded the dubious diagnosis of ""Gender Identity Disorder."" She spent three years, and over a million dollars of insurance, ""treating"" the problem...with makeup lessons and instructions in how to walk like a girl. Daphne's story, which is, sadly, not that unusual, has already received attention from such shows as 20/20 , Dateline , Today , and Leeza. But her memoir, bound to become a classic, tells the story in a funny, ironic, unforgettable voice that ""isn't all grim; Scholinski tells her story in beautifully evocative prose and mines her experiences for every last drop of ironic humor, determined to have the last laugh."" ( Time Out New York ) "
251,The information in this book is presented in a nonjudgmental manner and emphasizes empowering the pregnant teen to seek support and utilize the information provided in order to feel comfortable choosing the option that is best for her. The authors emphasize taking responsibility for one's actions and building a positive future. The information in this book is presented in a nonjudgmental manner and emphasizes empowering the pregnant teen to seek support and utilize the information provided in order to feel comfortable choosing the option that is best for her. The authors emphasize taking responsibility for one's actions and building a positive future.
252,More than one million teenagers become pregnant each year. Education and information are our best weapons against this alarming trend. These volumes provide teens with the knowledge they need to avoid pregnancy. The facts are delivered in a no-nonsense way that speaks directly to the reader.Teens may have certain assumptions about the connection between manhood and fatherh More than one million teenagers become pregnant each year. Education and information are our best weapons against this alarming trend. These volumes provide teens with the knowledge they need to avoid pregnancy. The facts are delivered in a no-nonsense way that speaks directly to the reader.Teens may have certain assumptions about the connection between manhood and fatherhood. This book explains that there is much more to manhood than fathering a child. It encourages teens to consider the variety of ways in which being a man can be expressed.
253,"In poignant and insightful interviews, Anr<6E>nee Englander presents the voices of ten pregnant teens as they discuss their experiences and choices around motherhood, adoption and abortion. First published to critical acclaim in 1997, this new edition contains the original interviews as well as d material including a resources section. Presenting different points of view, Dea In poignant and insightful interviews, Anr<6E>nee Englander presents the voices of ten pregnant teens as they discuss their experiences and choices around motherhood, adoption and abortion. First published to critical acclaim in 1997, this new edition contains the original interviews as well as d material including a resources section. Presenting different points of view, Dear Diary, I'm Pregnant is a non-judgmental source of information for all teens that provides support and guidance for those who find themselves in this situation. Chosen by The New York Public Library's ""Books for the Teen Age"" list and hailed by The Globe and Mail for its ""...frank, revealing and brave conversations,"" this is a must-read book for young women looking for reassurance that they are not alone. "
254,"Discusses such aspects of teenage pregnancy as the causes and nature of pregnancy, the proper care for mother and baby, and alternative choices such as adoption and abortion. "
255,"Provides a cartographic reference to law and legal issues, the legal system, and crime in the United States, covering such subjects as marriage, divorce, school prayer, and abortion. "
256,"The co-author of Our Bodies, Ourselves presents an expanded revision of the bestselling, classic guide to teen sexuality and the emotional and physical changes that occur during adolescence. 150+ illustrations. "
257,"This important series examines the lives and contributions of lesbian women and gay men to our society. Through biographies, histories, and primary source materials, readers will witness the contributions these men and women have made through history as well as their continuing struggle for civil rights and an equal position in society.Across the United States, conservativ This important series examines the lives and contributions of lesbian women and gay men to our society. Through biographies, histories, and primary source materials, readers will witness the contributions these men and women have made through history as well as their continuing struggle for civil rights and an equal position in society.Across the United States, conservative and religious groups are challenging attempts by gay organizations to gain equal protection under law. From concepts of the right to privacy to gay marriage, there is no issue left untouched by this controversy. Author Diane Silver presents each side's perspective in a cogent, lucid manner. The result is a book that takes an evenhanded approach to one of the most inflammatory issues of our times. "
258," Simple, straightforward, and age-appropriate answers to kids' most common questions about sex, the human body, reproduction, and development. Are boys and girls different on the inside? How do you tell girls and boys apart? Do girls and boys have the same feelings? Is sex a dirty word? Where do babies come from? What does being pregnant mean? How do you get a belly button? Simple, straightforward, and age-appropriate answers to kids' most common questions about sex, the human body, reproduction, and development. Are boys and girls different on the inside? How do you tell girls and boys apart? Do girls and boys have the same feelings? Is sex a dirty word? Where do babies come from? What does being pregnant mean? How do you get a belly button? Tell me about when I was a baby...With characteristic sensitivity and humor, the talented team who created Dinosaurs Divorce and When Dinosaurs Die presents helpful basic information, including answers to tough questions for preschoolers, early elementary students, and their teachers and caregivers. "
259,"Roe v. Wade, Doe v. Bolton, and Planned Parenthood v. Casey -3 landmark Supreme Court Cases dealing with abortions. Here in one place are important excerpts from all three cases. This book was put together by a conservative lay person for other conservatives. Examples of some of what you will find in the book: ""The Constitution does not explicitly mention any right of pri Roe v. Wade, Doe v. Bolton, and Planned Parenthood v. Casey -3 landmark Supreme Court Cases dealing with abortions. Here in one place are important excerpts from all three cases. This book was put together by a conservative lay person for other conservatives. Examples of some of what you will find in the book: ""The Constitution does not explicitly mention any right of privacy. In a line of decisions, however, going back perhaps as far as 1891, the Court has recognized that a right of personal privacy, or a guarantee of certain areas or zones of privacy, does exist under the Constitution."" From Justice Blackmun's Majority Opinion in Roe v. Wade ""The fact that a majority of the States reflecting, after all, the majority sentiment in those States, have had restrictions on abortions for at least a century is a strong indication, it seems to me, that the asserted right to an abortion is not ""so rooted in the traditions and conscience of our people as to be ranked as fundamental."" From Justice Rehnquist's Dissenting Opinion in Roe v. Wade ""Roe v. Wade sets forth our conclusion that a pregnant woman does not have an absolute constitutional right to an abortion on her demand...Further, a physician or any other employee has the right to refrain, for moral or religious reasons, from participating in the abortion procedure."" From Justice Blackmun's Majority Opinion in Doe v. Bolton ""The common claim before us is that, for any one of such reasons, or for no reason at all, and without asserting or claiming any threat to life or health, any woman is entitled to an abortion at her request if she is able to find a medical advisor willing to undertake the procedure."" From Justice White's Dissent in Doe v. Bolton ""Viability marks the earliest point at which the State's interest in fetal life is constitutionally adequate to justify a legislative ban on nontherapeutic abortions. The soundness or unsoundess of that constitutional judgment in no sense turns on when viability occurs."" From the Majority Opinion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey ""The correct analysis is that set forth by the plurality opinion in Webster: a woman's interest in having an abortion is a form of liberty protected by the Due Process Clause, but States may regulate abortion procedures in ways rationally related to a legitimate state interest."" From Rehnquist's Minority Opinion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey "
260,"Seventeen-year-old Noli feels as if she has found her soul mate when handsome, sensitive TJ moves to Sag Harbor, but even as their feelings deepen, individual secrets threaten their relationship. "
261,"Hockey is the only game worth playing in the rough-and-tumble prairie town of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. When sixteen-year-old A.J. Brandiosa makes the Triple A team of his dreams, he can hardly believe that his life is finally coming together. And then it falls apart. A.J. makes an unexpected discovery about his best friend and teammate, Tulsa Brown, and he can't keep his ra Hockey is the only game worth playing in the rough-and-tumble prairie town of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. When sixteen-year-old A.J. Brandiosa makes the Triple A team of his dreams, he can hardly believe that his life is finally coming together. And then it falls apart. A.J. makes an unexpected discovery about his best friend and teammate, Tulsa Brown, and he can't keep his rage and fear from spilling onto the ice. An aggressive defenseman is becoming a violent one... An explosive novel by award-winning author Diana Wieler that looks honestly at teenage sexuality and the world of amateur hockey. "
262," Free Your Mind is the definitive practical guide for gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth, and their families, teachers, counselors and friends. For too long, gay youth have wanted to be themselves and to feel good about it, but most have been isolated, afraid, harassed, or worse. Their very existence has been ignored, whispered about, or swept under the rug. But each day mo Free Your Mind is the definitive practical guide for gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth, and their families, teachers, counselors and friends. For too long, gay youth have wanted to be themselves and to feel good about it, but most have been isolated, afraid, harassed, or worse. Their very existence has been ignored, whispered about, or swept under the rug. But each day more and more lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth are standing up, speaking out, breaking down stereotypes, demanding rights and recognition, shining. In this book, young people share their joy and their pain, their hopes and fears, the formidable obstacles they have faced and overcome, and the exciting opportunities they have discovered. Free Your Mind speaks to the basic aspects of the lives of gay, lesbian and bisexual youth: Self-Discovery; Friends and Lovers; Family; School; Spirituality; Community. Alive with the voices of more than fifty young people, rich in accurate information and positive practical advice, Free Your Mind talks about how to come out, deal with problems, make healthy choices about relationships and sex, connect with other gay youth and supportive adults, and take pride and participate in the gay and lesbian community. Free Your Mind also presents detailed guidance for adults who want to make the world safer for lesbian, gay and bisexual youth. "
263,"This frank, funny, accurate, and empowering guide is a must-have for every girl on her way to becoming a woman. Award-winning author Mavis Jukes provides important information, tells funny stories about her own preteen experiences, and helps to assure readers that no matter how confusing their teenage years are going to be, they will survive! Illustrations. "
264,", These over-100-page titles present the facts and analyze some of the most controversial topics in today's news., Offers excellent and up-to-date information for reports or debates., Helps teenagers to begin developing critical thinking skills., Each book includes extensive backmatter including an index., These over-100-page titles present the facts and analyze some of the most controversial topics in today's news., Offers excellent and up-to-date information for reports or debates., Helps teenagers to begin developing critical thinking skills., Each book includes extensive backmatter including an index. "
265,"Leonard A. Stevens traces the history of abortion, from the time when even birth control was against the law, to the Supreme Court's decision in the case of Jane Roe v. Henry Wade, in which an inexperienced young lawyer named Sarah Weddington represented an anonymous Texas woman who wanted an abortion. This compelling account is an invaluable source of information for toda Leonard A. Stevens traces the history of abortion, from the time when even birth control was against the law, to the Supreme Court's decision in the case of Jane Roe v. Henry Wade, in which an inexperienced young lawyer named Sarah Weddington represented an anonymous Texas woman who wanted an abortion. This compelling account is an invaluable source of information for today's teens trying to understand current political issues. "
266," My friend is constantly popping diet pills and skipping meals. I'm afraid she might be anorexic. How can I know for sure? I'm 15 and upset that I haven't gotten my period yet. I feel as if all my friends have matured and I'm still a child. Do you think I'll get my period before I actually reach 16? Every one of my friends tells me I'm weird 'cause I don't sleep with guys. My friend is constantly popping diet pills and skipping meals. I'm afraid she might be anorexic. How can I know for sure? I'm 15 and upset that I haven't gotten my period yet. I feel as if all my friends have matured and I'm still a child. Do you think I'll get my period before I actually reach 16? Every one of my friends tells me I'm weird 'cause I don't sleep with guys. They say I'm a scared little virgin. The thing is, I don't just want sex; I want a relationship. Do I keep saying no? My parents have told me I can always talk to them about everything, and that if I was thinking of having sex, I should talk to them. But I'm afraid they'll kill me if they know I am. Should I tell them? Yikes. You wouldn't believe how many readers write to seventeen each month with questions about their changing bodies: Why is my period irregular? When should I shave? How can I lose weight? And there's sex, from crushes and kissing to birth control, safety, and, well, guy control. seventeen presents informative, straightforward answers to the most-asked questions-even the tough ones. Divided into two sections, the book covers all the crucial issues that girls might be too embarrassed to ask even their friends about, from eating disorders to fitness, from starting your period to falling in love. Plus, of course, strategies for staying safe and saying no. Written with seventeen's medical adviser, this book arms teenagers with the information they want and need, from a source they can really trust -seventeen. "
267," Everyone has a story to tell... Dirk McDonald's life was almost perfect. He lived with this grandmother, Fifi, in a beautiful gingerbread cottage in Hollywood. He had the beach, and his surfboard, and Fifi's red-and-white 1955 Pontiac convertible. But Dirk wasn't happy. Inside, he was harboring a deep, dark secret. And he was afraid that if he admitted it to anyone, even F Everyone has a story to tell... Dirk McDonald's life was almost perfect. He lived with this grandmother, Fifi, in a beautiful gingerbread cottage in Hollywood. He had the beach, and his surfboard, and Fifi's red-and-white 1955 Pontiac convertible. But Dirk wasn't happy. Inside, he was harboring a deep, dark secret. And he was afraid that if he admitted it to anyone, even Fifi, he would never be accepted again. Then one night, Dirk's magic lamp came to life. Suddenly, all the stories from Dirk's past came flowing out of it. On that night, his life changed forever. At last, Dirk learned who he really was, and that any love that is love is right. "
268,Young men and women face tough times and make tough choices.
269,"A collection of debates about such topics as the determination of gender identity, the establishment of sex norms, and society's changing views of sexuality. A collection of debates about such topics as the determination of gender identity, the establishment of sex norms, and society's changing views of sexuality. "
270,"Jamie's compelling search for origins brings her unexpected answers along with an awakened sense of confidence and independence that startles everyone, including herself. Jamie's compelling search for origins brings her unexpected answers along with an awakened sense of confidence and independence that startles everyone, including herself. "
271,Elly's grandfather has trouble accepting the fact that his son is gay. Elly's grandfather has trouble accepting the fact that his son is gay.
272,"A poignant tale traces a boy's difficult and painful struggle to come to terms with his father's homosexuality and AIDS, before it is too late. Reprint. AB. SLJ. H. PW. A poignant tale traces a boy's difficult and painful struggle to come to terms with his father's homosexuality and AIDS, before it is too late. Reprint. AB. SLJ. H. PW. "
273,"Discovering your sexuality -gay or straight -can be a process filled with confusing, often difficult decisions. How do you begin to sort it all out? The Journey Out provides commonsense advice for dealing with issues confronting today's lesbian, gay, or bisexual youth: self-acceptance, telling (or not telling) your family and friends, dating and finding love, dealing wit Discovering your sexuality -gay or straight -can be a process filled with confusing, often difficult decisions. How do you begin to sort it all out? The Journey Out provides commonsense advice for dealing with issues confronting today's lesbian, gay, or bisexual youth: self-acceptance, telling (or not telling) your family and friends, dating and finding love, dealing with homophobia and harassment, and coping with issues of religion and spirituality. You'll learn the most up-to-date facts on legal and health issues, and information on current gay political and youth movements, plus the resources available to teens around the country. Most importantly, you'll learn that you never have to be alone in your journey. The road to self-discovery is bound to have a few bumps along the way, but the knowledge you gain about yourself can help make the journey an empowering, as well as an exciting one. "
274,"Told by her brother Parr, this is the story of 18-year-old Evie, her Missouri farm family, and the turmoil created by Evie's love for the local banker's daughter. Told by her brother Parr, this is the story of 18-year-old Evie, her Missouri farm family, and the turmoil created by Evie's love for the local banker's daughter. "
275,"Profiles fifteen people, from a high school student to a gay minister, who explain what being gay has meant in their own lives. "
276,"Available at last, E. Lynn Harris's beloved first novel in a hardcover edition. Just a few years ago, E. Lynn Harris was selling his self-published novel Invisible Life out of the back of his car. Today he is a bestselling publishing sensation, with more than one million copies of his four novels sold. To celebrate Harris's incredible success, and offer his fans the opportu Available at last, E. Lynn Harris's beloved first novel in a hardcover edition. Just a few years ago, E. Lynn Harris was selling his self-published novel Invisible Life out of the back of his car. Today he is a bestselling publishing sensation, with more than one million copies of his four novels sold. To celebrate Harris's incredible success, and offer his fans the opportunity to own, at last, a hardcover version of Invisible Life , Doubleday is proud to announce a special edition of the book so many have cherished. Invisible Life is the story of a young man's coming of age. Law school, girlfriends, and career choices were all part of Raymond Tyler's life, but there were other, more terrifying issues for him to confront. Being black was tough enough, but Raymond was becoming more and more conscious of sexual feelings that he knew weren't ""right."" He was completely committed to Sela, his longtime girlfriend, but his attraction to Kelvin, whom he had met during his last year in law school, had become more than just a friendship. No matter how much he tried to suppress them, his feelings were deeply sexual. Fleeing to New York to escape both Sela and Kelvin, Raymond finds himself more confused than ever before. New relationships, both male and female, give him enormous pleasure but keep him from finding the inner peace and lasting love he so desperately desires. The horrible illness and death of a friend force Raymond, at last, to face the truth. Invisible Life has been hailed as ""one of the most thought-provoking books, since James Baldwin's Another Country"" ( Richmond Voice ), and Harris's ""stories have become the toast of bookstores, reading groups, men, women, and gay and straight people"" ( Atlanta Journal-Constitution ). Proceeds from the sale of this special fifth anniversary edition will go to the E. Lynn Harris Foundation, a charitable organization that gives young people across the country the opportunity to study writing with established authors, and also aids emerging artists. "
277,"This book covers the many controversies surrounding the issue of choice in pregnancy: birth control, abortion, surrogacy, medical technology, and in-vitro fertilization and penalties for taking drugs during pregnancy. The author fairly presents both sides of the debates. "
278,"Covers a wide variety of topics related to teen pregnancy, including birth control, the question of abstinence versus sexual activity, peer pressure, precautions against disease, abusive partners, and life with a baby. "
279,"A look at the people, ideas, and arguments behind the landmark case sheds light on the abortion controversy that still rages throughout the United States. "
280,"While taking care of an elderly man, Rose realizes that they are being watched, and becomes caught up in a mystery going back to Elizabethan England involving Shakespeare, Marlowe, and an extraordinary black slave. "
281,"In the 9th grade, Emmy is an A student, a soccer star, and a lead soprano in the school choir. She won't let her alcoholic mother or her father, long gone, stand in her way. Emmy falls for Art, a junior who is also one of the choir's lead singers. Art is a dream of a boyfriend until Emmy finds that she's pregnant. Then he wants nothing to do with her. Her mother is furious In the 9th grade, Emmy is an A student, a soccer star, and a lead soprano in the school choir. She won't let her alcoholic mother or her father, long gone, stand in her way. Emmy falls for Art, a junior who is also one of the choir's lead singers. Art is a dream of a boyfriend until Emmy finds that she's pregnant. Then he wants nothing to do with her. Her mother is furious and wants her to have an abortion. Her guidance counselor claims that Emmy's life will be ruined, and only one of her friends tries to stand by her. But what does Emmy want, and what about her dreams, if she chooses a new life as a single mother? "
282,"Raised from birth in the orphanage at St. Cloud's, Maine, Homer Wells has become the protege of Dr. Wilbur Larch, its physician and director. There Dr. Larch cares for the troubled mothers who seek his help, either by delivering and taking in their unwanted babies or by performing illegal abortions. Meticulously trained by Dr. Larch, Homer assists in the former, but draws Raised from birth in the orphanage at St. Cloud's, Maine, Homer Wells has become the protege of Dr. Wilbur Larch, its physician and director. There Dr. Larch cares for the troubled mothers who seek his help, either by delivering and taking in their unwanted babies or by performing illegal abortions. Meticulously trained by Dr. Larch, Homer assists in the former, but draws the line at the latter. Then a young man brings his beautiful fiancee to Dr. Larch for an abortion, and everything about the couple beckons Homer to the wide world outside the orphanage... "
283,"Presents opposing viewpoints on such aspects of homosexuality as what causes it, how society should treat homosexuals, and whether sexual orientation can be changed. "
284,"Each of these stories is original, each is by a noted author for young adults, and each honestly portrays its subject and theme, growing up gay or lesbian, or with gay or lesbian parents or friends. Includes: ""Michael's Little Sister"" / C. S. Adler ""Dancing Backwards"" / Marion Dane Bauer ""Winnie and Tommy"" / Francesca Lia Block ""Am I Blue"" / Bruce Coville ""Parents Night"" / Nanc Each of these stories is original, each is by a noted author for young adults, and each honestly portrays its subject and theme, growing up gay or lesbian, or with gay or lesbian parents or friends. Includes: ""Michael's Little Sister"" / C. S. Adler ""Dancing Backwards"" / Marion Dane Bauer ""Winnie and Tommy"" / Francesca Lia Block ""Am I Blue"" / Bruce Coville ""Parents Night"" / Nancy Garden ""Three Mondays in July"" / James Cross Giblin ""Running"" / Ellen Howard ""We Might as Well Be Strangers"" / M. E. Kerr ""Hands"" / Jonathan London ""Holding"" / Lois Lowry ""The Honorary Shepherds"" / Gregory Maguire ""Supper"" / Lesléa Newman ""50% Chance of Lightning"" / Cristina Salat ""In the Tunnels"" / William Sleator ""Slipping Away"" / Jacqueline Woodson ""Blood Sister"" / Jane Yolen "
285,"In 1831 Nat Turner awaits death in a Virginia jail cell. He is a slave, a preacher, and the leader of the only effective slave revolt in the history of 'that peculiar institution'. William Styron's ambitious and stunningly accomplished novel is Turner's confession, made to his jailers under the duress of his God. Encompasses the betrayals, cruelties and humiliations that m In 1831 Nat Turner awaits death in a Virginia jail cell. He is a slave, a preacher, and the leader of the only effective slave revolt in the history of 'that peculiar institution'. William Styron's ambitious and stunningly accomplished novel is Turner's confession, made to his jailers under the duress of his God. Encompasses the betrayals, cruelties and humiliations that made up slavery -and that still sear the collective psyches of both races. "
286,"""A splendid collection...Eloquent, powerful, compassionate and droll. There is considerable variety in the subjects she addresses....Compelling."" THE CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER Thinking out loud is what Anna Quindlen does best. A syndicated columnist with her finger on the pulse of women's lives, and her heart in a place we all share, she writes about the passions, politics, and ""A splendid collection...Eloquent, powerful, compassionate and droll. There is considerable variety in the subjects she addresses....Compelling."" THE CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER Thinking out loud is what Anna Quindlen does best. A syndicated columnist with her finger on the pulse of women's lives, and her heart in a place we all share, she writes about the passions, politics, and peculiarities of Americans everywhere. From gays in the military, to the race for First Lady, to the trials of modern motherhood and the right to choose, Anna Quindlen's views always fascinate. More of her views can be found in LIVING OUT LOUD, and OBJECT LESSONS. "
287,"Tomorrow is the school parade, and Danny knows exactly what he will be: a princess. Mommy supports him 100%, and they race to the thrift store to find his costume. It's almost closing time; will Danny find the costume of his dreams in time? One of A Kind, Like Me / Único como yo is a sweet story about unconditional love and the beauty of individuality. It's a unique book th Tomorrow is the school parade, and Danny knows exactly what he will be: a princess. Mommy supports him 100%, and they race to the thrift store to find his costume. It's almost closing time; will Danny find the costume of his dreams in time? One of A Kind, Like Me / Único como yo is a sweet story about unconditional love and the beauty of individuality. It's a unique book that lifts up children who don't fit gender stereotypes, and reflects the power of a loving and supportive community. "
288,"For gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their supporters, June is a month of pride and celebration, and the high point of that month is the Pride Day Parade. Pride Day is a spectacular and colorful event. But there is a whole lot more to Pride than rainbow flags and amazing outfits. So what exactly are we celebrating on Pride Day? How did this event come to b For gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their supporters, June is a month of pride and celebration, and the high point of that month is the Pride Day Parade. Pride Day is a spectacular and colorful event. But there is a whole lot more to Pride than rainbow flags and amazing outfits. So what exactly are we celebrating on Pride Day? How did this event come to be? And what does Pride mean to the people who celebrate it? "
289,"Lo primero que querrás saber de mí es si soy un chico o una chica. A veces, me siento un chico. A veces, me siento una chica. Créanme, tener un padre congresista que está en medio de una campaña para la reelección y vivir en uno de los condados más conservadores de los Estados Unidos no es nada fácil para gente como yo. ¿Qué soy? Un ser humano. ¿Cómo me ven? ¿Por qué no me lo cu Lo primero que querrás saber de mí es si soy un chico o una chica. A veces, me siento un chico. A veces, me siento una chica. Créanme, tener un padre congresista que está en medio de una campaña para la reelección y vivir en uno de los condados más conservadores de los Estados Unidos no es nada fácil para gente como yo. ¿Qué soy? Un ser humano. ¿Cómo me ven? ¿Por qué no me lo cuentas tú…? "
290,"The prize: $10 million The rules: Be the first to complete ten tasks assigned by the Benefactor. Do not ask questions. Do not tell anyone what you're doing. Do not fail. The consequences: Unknown Colin wants out of the Contest. Each task he's assigned by the Benefactor leaves him more convinced that he's part of something shady. Not to mention his every move is being t The prize: $10 million The rules: Be the first to complete ten tasks assigned by the Benefactor. Do not ask questions. Do not tell anyone what you're doing. Do not fail. The consequences: Unknown Colin wants out of the Contest. Each task he's assigned by the Benefactor leaves him more convinced that he's part of something shady. Not to mention his every move is being tracked. But the prize money would help Colin's transgender sister, Danni, afford surgery. Can Colin find out what the Benefactor is really up to without ruining his chances to win the Contest?, ""Journal"" "
291,"Ashleigh Walker is in love. You know the feeling -that intense, heart-racing, all-consuming emotion that can only come with first love. It's enough to stop her worrying about bad grades at college. Enough to distract her from her parents' marriage troubles. There's just one thing bothering her... Shouldn't it be her boyfriend, Dylan, who makes her feel this way -not Mi Ashleigh Walker is in love. You know the feeling -that intense, heart-racing, all-consuming emotion that can only come with first love. It's enough to stop her worrying about bad grades at college. Enough to distract her from her parents' marriage troubles. There's just one thing bothering her... Shouldn't it be her boyfriend, Dylan, who makes her feel this way -not Miss Murray, her English teacher? A thought-provoking coming out story from a highly skilled author. "
292,"This friendly book talks to teens in their own language, with emphasis on the subject that is foremost in the minds of just about every adolescent boy and girl: Sex. Separate chapters titled Boy Stuff and Girl Stuff describe body changes that occur during puberty, with frank and open explanations of male and female genitals, how they feel and how they function. Chapters th This friendly book talks to teens in their own language, with emphasis on the subject that is foremost in the minds of just about every adolescent boy and girl: Sex. Separate chapters titled Boy Stuff and Girl Stuff describe body changes that occur during puberty, with frank and open explanations of male and female genitals, how they feel and how they function. Chapters that follow discuss typical teen problems, as well as those entirely new feelings that come with sexual development. Among them are, having a crush on that attractive boy or girl, coping with controlling parents, menstruation, dating and sexual activity, contraception, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, homosexual impulses, and generally surviving those difficult yet exciting teen years. Line drawings on most pages. "
293,"Shawna is 18 years old, living in Oakland, California. She has sex for the very first time with her longtime boyfriend, Philippe, and the condom breaks. She gets pregnant. They end up foregoing college and getting married. They find that life is hard, but they are making it work. "
294,"What is Kaycee willing to risk for the sake of love? And what will she risk for acceptance? In Sunshine, Tennessee, the main event in town is Friday night football, the biggest party of the year is held in a field filled with pickup trucks, and church attendance is mandatory. For Kaycee Jean McCoy, life in Sunshine means dating guys she has no interest in, saying only ""yes, What is Kaycee willing to risk for the sake of love? And what will she risk for acceptance? In Sunshine, Tennessee, the main event in town is Friday night football, the biggest party of the year is held in a field filled with pickup trucks, and church attendance is mandatory. For Kaycee Jean McCoy, life in Sunshine means dating guys she has no interest in, saying only ""yes, ma’am"" when the local bigots gossip at her mom’s cosmetics salon, and avoiding certain girls at all costs. Girls like Bren Dawson. Unlike Kaycee, Bren doesn’t really conceal who she is. But as the cool, worldly new girl, nobody at school seems to give her any trouble. Maybe there’s no harm if Kaycee gets closer to her too, as long as she can keep that part of her life a secret, especially from her family and her best friend. But the more serious things get with Bren, the harder it is to hide from everyone else. Kaycee knows Sunshine has a darker side for people like her, and she’s risking everything for the chance to truly be herself. "
295,"In this deeply researched and fast-moving narrative, Kendi chronicles the entire story of anti–Black racist ideas and their staggering power over the course of American history. Stamped from the Beginning uses the lives of five major American intellectuals to offer a window into the contentious debates between assimilationists and segregationists and between racists and an In this deeply researched and fast-moving narrative, Kendi chronicles the entire story of anti–Black racist ideas and their staggering power over the course of American history. Stamped from the Beginning uses the lives of five major American intellectuals to offer a window into the contentious debates between assimilationists and segregationists and between racists and anti-racists. From Puritan minister Cotton Mather to Thomas Jefferson, from fiery abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison to brilliant scholar W. E. B. Du Bois to legendary anti–prison activist Angela Davis, Kendi shows how and why some of our leading pro-slavery and pro–civil rights thinkers have challenged or helped cement racist ideas in America. As Kendi illustrates, racist thinking did not arise from ignorance or hatred. Racist ideas were created and popularized in an effort to defend deeply entrenched discriminatory policies and to rationalize the nation’s racial inequities in everything from wealth to health. While racist ideas are easily produced and easily consumed, they can also be discredited. In shedding much–needed light on the murky history of racist ideas, Stamped from the Beginning offers tools to expose them, and in the process, reason to hope. "
296,"A year ago, Rem Braithwaite watched his classmate Franklin Kettle commit a horrific crime. Now, apart from the nightmares, life has gone back to normal for Rem. Franklin was caught, convicted, and put away in juvenile detention for what he did. The ordeal seems to be over. Until Rem’s mother selects Franklin as a test subject for an experimental brain procedure intended to "" A year ago, Rem Braithwaite watched his classmate Franklin Kettle commit a horrific crime. Now, apart from the nightmares, life has gone back to normal for Rem. Franklin was caught, convicted, and put away in juvenile detention for what he did. The ordeal seems to be over. Until Rem’s mother selects Franklin as a test subject for an experimental brain procedure intended to ""cure"" him of his cruel and violent impulses. Suddenly Rem’s memories of that day start coming back to the surface. His nightmares become worse than ever. Plus he has serious doubts about whether his mother’s procedure will even work. Can evil really just be turned off? Then, as part of Franklin’s follow-up testing, he and Rem are brought face to face, and Rem discovers…Franklin does seem different. Despite everything, Rem finds himself becoming friends with Franklin. Maybe even something more than friends. But when another of their classmates turns up dead, Rem’s world turns upside-down yet again. Franklin insists that he’s innocent, that he’s cured, but Rem doesn’t know what to believe. Is someone else responsible for this new murder, or is Franklin fated to stay a monster forever? And can Rem find out the answer to this question before the killer, whoever it is, comes after him too? "
297,"Teens who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender face unique challenges. Through objective overviews, primary sources, and full color illustrations this title examines What Issues Do LGBT Teens Have With Identity? What Issues Do LGBT Teens Face At School? What Issues Do LGBT Teens Face In Society? What Types of Help and Support Is Available to LGBT Teens? "
298,"Quinn Roberts is a sixteen-year-old smart aleck and Hollywood hopeful whose only worry used to be writing convincing dialogue for the movies he made with his sister Annabeth. Of course, that was all before, before Quinn stopped going to school, before his mom started sleeping on the sofa…and before Annabeth was killed in a car accident. Enter Geoff, Quinn’s best friend who i Quinn Roberts is a sixteen-year-old smart aleck and Hollywood hopeful whose only worry used to be writing convincing dialogue for the movies he made with his sister Annabeth. Of course, that was all before, before Quinn stopped going to school, before his mom started sleeping on the sofa…and before Annabeth was killed in a car accident. Enter Geoff, Quinn’s best friend who insists it’s time that Quinn came out, at least from hibernation. One haircut later, Geoff drags Quinn to his first college party, where instead of nursing his pain, he meets a guy, a hot one, and falls hard. What follows is an upside-down week in which Quinn begins imagining his future as a screenplay that might actually have a happily-ever-after ending, if, that is, he can finally step back into the starring role of his own life story. "
299,"A heartfelt and timely middle grade story about a transgender boy’s journey toward acceptance and empathy. Perfect for fans of George and Gracefully Grayson. Twelve-year-old Shane Woods is just a regular boy. He loves pitching for his baseball team, working on his graphic novel, and hanging out with his best friend, Josh. But Shane is keeping something private, something th A heartfelt and timely middle grade story about a transgender boy’s journey toward acceptance and empathy. Perfect for fans of George and Gracefully Grayson. Twelve-year-old Shane Woods is just a regular boy. He loves pitching for his baseball team, working on his graphic novel, and hanging out with his best friend, Josh. But Shane is keeping something private, something that might make a difference to his teammates, to Josh, and to his new crush, Madeline. And when a classmate threatens to reveal his secret, Shane’s whole world comes crashing down. It will take a lot of courage for Shane to ignore the hate and show the world that he’s still the same boy he was before. And in the end, those who stand beside him may surprise everyone, including Shane. "
300," The classic short story, now in full color Shirley Jackson's ""The Lottery"" continues to thrill and unsettle readers nearly seven decades after it was first published. By turns puzzling and harrowing, it raises troubling questions about conformity, tradition, and the specter of ritualized violence that haunts even the most bucolic, peaceful village. This graphic adaptation, pu The classic short story, now in full color Shirley Jackson's ""The Lottery"" continues to thrill and unsettle readers nearly seven decades after it was first published. By turns puzzling and harrowing, it raises troubling questions about conformity, tradition, and the specter of ritualized violence that haunts even the most bucolic, peaceful village. This graphic adaptation, published in time for Jackson's centennial, allows readers to experience ""The Lottery"" as never before, or discover it anew. The visual artist, and Jackson's grandson, Miles Hyman has crafted an eerie vision of the hamlet where the tale unfolds, its inhabitants, and the unforgettable ritual they set into motion. His four-color, meticulously detailed panels create a noirish atmosphere that adds a new dimension of dread to the original tale. Perfectly timed to the current resurgence of interest in Jackson and her work, Shirley Jackson's ""The Lottery"": The Authorized Graphic Adaptation masterfully reimagines her iconic story with a striking visual narrative. "
301,"After spending a summer at a Teen Mental Health Clinic, sixteen-year-old Tom accepts that he is gay. He attends a new school where he has made friends, is on the swim team, and most importantly, has found love. Tom’s secret relationship with Sean, the most popular guy in school, saves him from the cruelty of his mother, and the indifference of his father. But when everythi After spending a summer at a Teen Mental Health Clinic, sixteen-year-old Tom accepts that he is gay. He attends a new school where he has made friends, is on the swim team, and most importantly, has found love. Tom’s secret relationship with Sean, the most popular guy in school, saves him from the cruelty of his mother, and the indifference of his father. But when everything falls apart, Tom must face his inner demons alone. Tom is a book from Coming Out, an EPIC Press six set series. Each EPIC Press series is made up of 6 short installments, intended for readers 14 and older. "
302,"Transgender Rights and Issues covers the growing acceptance of the transgender community throughout the years, the discrimination transgender men and women face each day, and how United States and other countries are making changes to fix these issues. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Essential Library is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a Transgender Rights and Issues covers the growing acceptance of the transgender community throughout the years, the discrimination transgender men and women face each day, and how United States and other countries are making changes to fix these issues. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Essential Library is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a division of ABDO. "
303,"Franny is close to her parents, adores her horse and is head over heels in love with her girlfriend, Leah. But Franny's parents are abortion providers at the local hospital, and an anonymous stranger is prepared to do whatever it takes to stop them. A stranger who phones at all hours. Who knows where they live. Who knows Franny's name. When Leah's older brother, Jake, refer Franny is close to her parents, adores her horse and is head over heels in love with her girlfriend, Leah. But Franny's parents are abortion providers at the local hospital, and an anonymous stranger is prepared to do whatever it takes to stop them. A stranger who phones at all hours. Who knows where they live. Who knows Franny's name. When Leah's older brother, Jake, refers to her parents as baby killers, Franny starts to wonder if perhaps the threats aren't coming from a stranger at all. If she tells the police about her suspicions, she could lose her girlfriend. But if she doesn't -and if she's right -she could lose her parents. "
304,"On August 28, 1963, a remarkable event took place, more than 250,000 people gathered in our nation's capital to participate in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. The march began at the Washington Monument and ended with a rally at the Lincoln Memorial, where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his historic ""I Have a Dream"" speech, advocating racial harmony. Many wo On August 28, 1963, a remarkable event took place, more than 250,000 people gathered in our nation's capital to participate in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. The march began at the Washington Monument and ended with a rally at the Lincoln Memorial, where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his historic ""I Have a Dream"" speech, advocating racial harmony. Many words have been written about that day, but few so delicate and powerful as those presented here by award-winning author and illustrator Shane W. Evans. When combined with his simple yet compelling illustrations, the thrill of the day is brought to life for even the youngest reader to experience. We March is one of Kirkus Reviews' Best Children's Books of 2012 "
305,"Hilarity ensues when a slacker teen boy discovers he's gay, in this unforgettably funny YA debut. Mike Tate is a normal dude. He and his friends have a crappy band (an excuse to drink cheap beer and rock out to the Lemonheads) and hang out in parking lots doing stupid board tricks. But when Mike's girlfriend Lisa, who knows him better than he does, breaks up with him, he re Hilarity ensues when a slacker teen boy discovers he's gay, in this unforgettably funny YA debut. Mike Tate is a normal dude. He and his friends have a crappy band (an excuse to drink cheap beer and rock out to the Lemonheads) and hang out in parking lots doing stupid board tricks. But when Mike's girlfriend Lisa, who knows him better than he does, breaks up with him, he realizes he's about to have a major epiphany that will blow his mind. And worse, he gets elected to homecoming court. It's like the apocalypse came, only instead of nuclear bombs and zombies, Mike gets school participation, gay thoughts, and mother-effin' cheerleaders. With the free spirit of The Perks of Being a Wallflower, the raw voice of Winger, and characters reminiscent of Freaks & Geeks, this debut YA offers a standout voice and a fresh, modern take on the coming-out story. "
306,"To everyone who knows them, best friends Miel and Sam are as strange as they are inseparable. Roses grow out of Miel’s wrist, and rumors say that she spilled out of a water tower when she was five. Sam is known for the moons he paints and hangs in the trees, and for how little anyone knows about his life before he and his mother moved to town. But as odd as everyone consid To everyone who knows them, best friends Miel and Sam are as strange as they are inseparable. Roses grow out of Miel’s wrist, and rumors say that she spilled out of a water tower when she was five. Sam is known for the moons he paints and hangs in the trees, and for how little anyone knows about his life before he and his mother moved to town. But as odd as everyone considers Miel and Sam, even they stay away from the Bonner girls, four beautiful sisters rumored to be witches. Now they want the roses that grow from Miel’s skin, convinced that their scent can make anyone fall in love. And they’re willing to use every secret Miel has fought to protect to make sure she gives them up. "
307,"A gorgeously written, witty, and poignant YA novel, about a girl who must forge her own path in the wake of a crumbling relationship. Josie Little has been looking forward to moving halfway across the country to attend Brookwood Academy, a prestigious boarding school, with her girlfriend, Annette, for ages. But underneath Brookwood's picture-perfect image lies a crippling A gorgeously written, witty, and poignant YA novel, about a girl who must forge her own path in the wake of a crumbling relationship. Josie Little has been looking forward to moving halfway across the country to attend Brookwood Academy, a prestigious boarding school, with her girlfriend, Annette, for ages. But underneath Brookwood's picture-perfect image lies a crippling sense of elitism that begins to tear the girls apart from the moment they arrive. While Josie struggles to navigate her new life, Annette seems to fit in perfectly. Yet that acceptance comes with more than a few strings. And consequently, Annette insists on keeping their relationship a secret. At first, Josie agrees. But as Annette pushes her further and further away, Josie grows closer to Penn, a boy whose friendship and romantic feelings for her tangle her already-unraveling relationship. When Annette's need for approval sets her on a devastating course for self-destruction, Josie isn't sure she can save her this time, or if Annette even wants her to try. "
308," Who knows you well? Your best friend? Your boyfriend or girlfriend? A stranger you meet on a crazy night? No one, really? Mark and Kate have sat next to each other for an entire year, but have never spoken. For whatever reason, their paths outside of class have never crossed. That is, until Kate spots Mark miles away from home, out in the city for a wild, unexpected night. K Who knows you well? Your best friend? Your boyfriend or girlfriend? A stranger you meet on a crazy night? No one, really? Mark and Kate have sat next to each other for an entire year, but have never spoken. For whatever reason, their paths outside of class have never crossed. That is, until Kate spots Mark miles away from home, out in the city for a wild, unexpected night. Kate is lost, having just run away from a chance to finally meet the girl she has been in love with from afar. Mark, meanwhile, is in love with his best friend Ryan, who may or may not feel the same way. When Kate and Mark meet up, little do they know how important they will become to each other, and how, in a very short time, they will know each other better than any of the people who are supposed to know them more. Told in alternating points of view by Nina LaCour and David Levithan, You Know Me Well is a story about navigating the joys and heartaches of first love, one truth at a time. "
309," ""Pink is a Girl Color""...and other silly things people say, is a children's picture book designed to encourage young children to be their authentic selves regardless of where they fall on the gender spectrum, and to generate kindness and acceptance for those whose gender identity and expression challenges that of existing stereotypes. or nogenderlines ""Pink is a Girl Color""...and other silly things people say, is a children's picture book designed to encourage young children to be their authentic selves regardless of where they fall on the gender spectrum, and to generate kindness and acceptance for those whose gender identity and expression challenges that of existing stereotypes. or "
310,"Wonnie is a brave girl who came out at just thirteen years old. She found support in her parents and taught herself to live life to its fullest. Wonnie belongs to a friendly LGBT community in Philadelphia. She produces Come Out!, a podcast that has become a platform for gay-lesbian-trans teens. Her love life is also at its peak, but Rebecca, Wonnie's girlfriend, wants to g Wonnie is a brave girl who came out at just thirteen years old. She found support in her parents and taught herself to live life to its fullest. Wonnie belongs to a friendly LGBT community in Philadelphia. She produces Come Out!, a podcast that has become a platform for gay-lesbian-trans teens. Her love life is also at its peak, but Rebecca, Wonnie's girlfriend, wants to get married. Funny, romantic and honest, this novel follows a day in the life of Wonnie. "
311,"While there are some Americans who are inclined to evaluate the moral, ethical, and medical legitimacy of abortion on a case-by-case basis, many others are strictly, unwaveringly pro-choice (favoring abortion rights) or pro-life (antiabortion). Over the last few decades, whether abortions should be legal at allunder any circumstanceshas created a deep political rift across While there are some Americans who are inclined to evaluate the moral, ethical, and medical legitimacy of abortion on a case-by-case basis, many others are strictly, unwaveringly pro-choice (favoring abortion rights) or pro-life (antiabortion). Over the last few decades, whether abortions should be legal at allunder any circumstanceshas created a deep political rift across the United States. This book, which charts the shifts in interpretation of the U.S. Constitution on this matter, is a must-read for anyone hoping to understand where the nation and its laws have stood on the issue, its current state of play, and what the future of the abortion rights vs. right to life struggle may hold. "
312,"¿Qué serías capaz de hacer para proteger tu secreto mejor guardado? Simon ha hecho lo impensable: ceder al chantaje de Martin. O Simon se las ingenia para que su amiga Abby salga con Martin o este le hablará a todo el mundo de los correos electrónicos. De los correos electrónicos que Simon, escondido tras un seudónimo, intercambia con un tal Bluegreen, que es el chico más ¿Qué serías capaz de hacer para proteger tu secreto mejor guardado? Simon ha hecho lo impensable: ceder al chantaje de Martin. O Simon se las ingenia para que su amiga Abby salga con Martin o este le hablará a todo el mundo de los correos electrónicos. De los correos electrónicos que Simon, escondido tras un seudónimo, intercambia con un tal Bluegreen, que es el chico más divertido, desconcertante y adorable que Simon ha conocido nunca. Y es que Simon, pese a su afición al teatro, prefiere no exponer a los focos su identidad sexual, al menos de momento. Sin embargo, seguirle la corriente a Martin no será la solución a sus problemas, sino más bien el comienzo de un enorme embrollo. ¿Qué hará Martin si no consigue conquistar a Abby? ¿Cómo reaccionará Abby si se entera del chantaje? ¿Qué pensará Bluegreen de Simon si la intimidad de ambos queda comprometida? Y, la cuestión más importante: ¿Quién demonios es Bluegreen? "
313,"BELIEVING IS DANGEROUS... Darcy Patel is afraid to believe all the hype. But it's really happening -her teen novel is getting published. Instead of heading to college, she's living in New York City, where she's welcomed into the dazzling world of YA publishing. That means book tours, parties with her favorite authors, and finding a place to live that won't leave her pennil BELIEVING IS DANGEROUS... Darcy Patel is afraid to believe all the hype. But it's really happening -her teen novel is getting published. Instead of heading to college, she's living in New York City, where she's welcomed into the dazzling world of YA publishing. That means book tours, parties with her favorite authors, and finding a place to live that won't leave her penniless. It means sleepless nights rewriting her first draft and struggling to find the perfect ending... all while dealing with the intoxicating, terrifying experience of falling in love -with another writer. Told in alternating chapters is Darcy's novel, the thrilling story of Lizzie, who wills her way into the afterworld to survive a deadly terrorist attack. With survival comes the responsibility to guide the restless spirits that walk our world, including one ghost with whom she shares a surprising personal connection. But Lizzie's not alone in her new calling -she has counsel from a fellow spirit guide, a very desirable one, who is torn between wanting Lizzie and warning her that... BELIEVING IS DANGEROUS. In a brilliant high-wire act of weaving two epic narratives -and two unforgettable heroines -into one novel, Scott Westerfeld's latest work is a triumph of storytelling. "
314,"What do you do when everybody says you’re someone you’re not? Alex wants change. Massive change. More radical than you could imagine. Her mother is not happy, in fact she’s imploding. Her dad walked out. Alex has turned vegetarian, ditched one school, enrolled in another, thrown out her clothes. And created a new identity. An identity that changes her world. And Alex, the othe What do you do when everybody says you’re someone you’re not? Alex wants change. Massive change. More radical than you could imagine. Her mother is not happy, in fact she’s imploding. Her dad walked out. Alex has turned vegetarian, ditched one school, enrolled in another, thrown out her clothes. And created a new identity. An identity that changes her world. And Alex, the other Alex, has a lot to say about it. Alex As Well is a confronting and heartfelt story of adolescent experience, of questioning identity, discovering sexuality, navigating friendships and finding a place to belong. Alex is a strong, vulnerable, confident, shy and determined character, one you will never forget. With the same tenderness and insight as YA stars such as John Green and David Levithan, Alyssa Brugman has crafted a knockout story about identity, sexuality and family that speaks effortlessly to a universal teen experience. "
315,"The companion book to Henry Louis Gates, Jr.’s PBS series, And Still I Rise, a timeline and chronicle of the past fifty years of black history in the U.S. in more than 350 photos Beginning with the assassination of Malcolm X in February 1965, And Still I Rise: From Black Power to the White House explores the last half-century of the African American experience. More than fi The companion book to Henry Louis Gates, Jr.’s PBS series, And Still I Rise, a timeline and chronicle of the past fifty years of black history in the U.S. in more than 350 photos Beginning with the assassination of Malcolm X in February 1965, And Still I Rise: From Black Power to the White House explores the last half-century of the African American experience. More than fifty years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the birth of Black Power, the United States has both a black president and black CEOs running Fortune 500 companies, and a large black underclass beset by persistent poverty, inadequate education, and an epidemic of incarceration. Harvard professor and scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr. raises disturbing and vital questions about this dichotomy. How did the African American community end up encompassing such profound contradictions? And what will ""the black community"" mean tomorrow? Gates takes readers through the major historical events and untold stories of the sixty years that have irrevocably shaped both the African American experience and the nation as a whole, from the explosive social and political changes of the 1960s, into the 1970s and 1980s, eras characterized by both prosperity and neglect, through the turn of the century to today, taking measure of such racial flashpoints as the Tawana Brawley case, OJ Simpson’s murder trial, the murders of Amadou Diallo and Trayvon Martin, and debates around the NYPD’s ""stop and frisk"" policies. Even as it surveys the political and social evolution of black America, And Still I Rise is also a celebration of the accomplishments of black artists, musicians, writers, comedians, and thinkers who have helped to define American popular culture and to change our world. "
316,"When you’re in love with the wrong person for the right reasons, anything could happen. Tretch lives in a very small town where everybody's in everybody else's business. Which makes it hard for him to be in love with his straight best friend. For his part, Matt is completely oblivious to the way Tretch feels – and Tretch can’t tell whether that makes it better or worse. The When you’re in love with the wrong person for the right reasons, anything could happen. Tretch lives in a very small town where everybody's in everybody else's business. Which makes it hard for him to be in love with his straight best friend. For his part, Matt is completely oblivious to the way Tretch feels – and Tretch can’t tell whether that makes it better or worse. The problem with living a lie is that the lie can slowly become your life. For Tretch, the problem isn’t just with Matt. His family has no idea who he really is and what he’s really thinking. The girl at the local bookstore has no clue how off-base her crush on him is. And the guy at school who’s a thorn in Tretch’s side doesn’t realize how close to the truth he’s hitting. Tretch has spent a lot of time dancing alone in his room, but now he’s got to step outside his comfort zone and into the wider world. Because like love, a true self can rarely be contained. ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN is a poignant, hard-hitting exploration of love and friendship, a provocative debut that shows that sometimes we have to let things fall apart before we can make them whole again. "
317,"The inspiring true story of a transgender girl, her identical twin brother, and an ordinary American family’s extraordinary journey to understand, nurture, and celebrate the uniqueness in us all, from the Pulitzer Prize–winning science reporter for The Washington Post When Wayne and Kelly Maines adopted identical twin boys, they thought their lives were complete. But it was The inspiring true story of a transgender girl, her identical twin brother, and an ordinary American family’s extraordinary journey to understand, nurture, and celebrate the uniqueness in us all, from the Pulitzer Prize–winning science reporter for The Washington Post When Wayne and Kelly Maines adopted identical twin boys, they thought their lives were complete. But it wasn’t long before they noticed a marked difference between Jonas and his brother, Wyatt. Jonas preferred sports and trucks and many of the things little boys were ""supposed"" to like; but Wyatt liked princess dolls and dress-up and playing Little Mermaid. By the time the twins were toddlers, confusion over Wyatt’s insistence that he was female began to tear the family apart. In the years that followed, the Maineses came to question their long-held views on gender and identity, to accept and embrace Wyatt’s transition to Nicole, and to undergo an emotionally wrenching transformation of their own that would change all their lives forever. Becoming Nicole chronicles a journey that could have destroyed a family but instead brought it closer together. It’s the story of a mother whose instincts told her that her child needed love and acceptance, not ostracism and disapproval; of a Republican, Air Force veteran father who overcame his deepest fears to become a vocal advocate for trans rights; of a loving brother who bravely stuck up for his twin sister; and of a town forced to confront its prejudices, a school compelled to rewrite its rules, and a courageous community of transgender activists determined to make their voices heard. Ultimately, Becoming Nicole is the story of an extraordinary girl who fought for the right to be herself. Granted wide-ranging access to personal diaries, home videos, clinical journals, legal documents, medical records, and the Maineses themselves, Amy Ellis Nutt spent almost four years reporting this immersive account of an American family confronting an issue that is at the center of today’s cultural debate. Becoming Nicole will resonate with anyone who’s ever raised a child, felt at odds with society’s conventions and norms, or had to embrace life when it plays out unexpectedly. It’s a story of standing up for your beliefs and yourself, and it will inspire all of us to do the same. "
318,"Marty Sullivan’s life ends, basically, when her parents enroll her in a private high school. A private, Catholic, girls-only high school. Meanwhile, at their local public school, her best friend, Jimmy, comes out of the closet and finds himself a boyfriend and a new group of friends. Marty feels left out and alone, until she gets a part in the school musical, Into the Wood Marty Sullivan’s life ends, basically, when her parents enroll her in a private high school. A private, Catholic, girls-only high school. Meanwhile, at their local public school, her best friend, Jimmy, comes out of the closet and finds himself a boyfriend and a new group of friends. Marty feels left out and alone, until she gets a part in the school musical, Into the Woods, and Jimmy and his new crew are in it, too! Things start looking even better when Marty falls for foxy fellow cast member Felix Peroni. And Felix seems to like her back. But the drama is just beginning. Can Marty and Jimmy keep up their friendship? And is Marty’s new beau everything he appears to be? Or is Marty too clueless to figure it all out before it’s too late? "
319,"A lyrical novel about family and friendship from critically acclaimed author Benjamin Alire Sáenz. Aristotle is an angry teen with a brother in prison. Dante is a know-it-all who has an unusual way of looking at the world. When the two meet at the swimming pool, they seem to have nothing in common. But as the loners start spending time together, they discover that they sha A lyrical novel about family and friendship from critically acclaimed author Benjamin Alire Sáenz. Aristotle is an angry teen with a brother in prison. Dante is a know-it-all who has an unusual way of looking at the world. When the two meet at the swimming pool, they seem to have nothing in common. But as the loners start spending time together, they discover that they share a special friendship, the kind that changes lives and lasts a lifetime. And it is through this friendship that Ari and Dante will learn the most important truths about themselves and the kind of people they want to be. "
320," A provocative book about rethinking hatred and violence in America Over the centuries American society has been plagued by brutality fueled by disregard for the humanity of others: systemic violence against Native peoples, black people, and immigrants. More recent examples include the Steubenville rape case and the murders of Matthew Shepard, Jennifer Daugherty, Marcelo L A provocative book about rethinking hatred and violence in America Over the centuries American society has been plagued by brutality fueled by disregard for the humanity of others: systemic violence against Native peoples, black people, and immigrants. More recent examples include the Steubenville rape case and the murders of Matthew Shepard, Jennifer Daugherty, Marcelo Lucero, and Trayvon Martin. Most Americans see such acts as driven by hate. But is this right? Longtime activists and political theorists Kay Whitlock and Michael Bronski boldly assert that American society’s reliance on the framework of hate to explain these acts is wrongheaded, misleading, and ultimately harmful. All too often Americans choose to believe that terrible cruelty is aberrant, caused primarily by ""extremists"" and misfits. The inevitable remedy of intensified government-based policing, increased surveillance, and harsher punishments has never worked and does not work now. Stand-your-ground laws; the US prison system; police harassment of people of color, women, and LGBT people; and the so-called war on terror demonstrate that the remedies themselves are forms of institutionalized violence. Considering Hate challenges easy assumptions and failed solutions, arguing that ""hate violence"" reflects existing cultural norms. Drawing upon social science, philosophy, theology, film, and literature, the authors examine how hate and common, even ordinary, forms of individual and group violence are excused and normalized in popular culture and political discussion. This massive denial of brutal reality profoundly warps society’s ideas about goodness and justice. Whitlock and Bronski invite readers to radically reimagine the meaning and structures of justice within a new framework of community wholeness, collective responsibility, and civic goodness. "
321,"Will Caynes never has been good with girls. At seventeen, he’s still waiting for his first kiss. He’s certainly not expecting it to happen in a drunken make-out session with his best friend, Angus. But it does and now Will’s conflicted, he knows he likes girls, but he didn’t exactly hate kissing a guy. Then Will meets Brandy, a cute and easy-to-talk-to sophomore. He’s totall Will Caynes never has been good with girls. At seventeen, he’s still waiting for his first kiss. He’s certainly not expecting it to happen in a drunken make-out session with his best friend, Angus. But it does and now Will’s conflicted, he knows he likes girls, but he didn’t exactly hate kissing a guy. Then Will meets Brandy, a cute and easy-to-talk-to sophomore. He’s totally into her too, which proves, for sure, that he’s not gay. So why does he keep hooking up with Angus on the sly? Will knows he can’t keep seeing both of them, but besides his new job in a diner, being with Brandy and Angus are the best parts of his whole messed-up life. His divorced parents just complicate everything. His father, after many half-baked business ventures and endless house renovations, has started drinking again. And his mom is no help, unless loading him up with a bunch of stuff he doesn’t need plus sticking him with his twin half-sisters counts as parenting. He’s been bouncing between both of them for years, and neither one feels like home. Deciding who to love, who to choose, where to live. Whichever way Will goes, someone will get hurt. Himself, probably the most. "
322,"When sixteen-year-old Amanda Verner’s family decides to move from their small mountain cabin to the vast prairie, she hopes it is her chance for a fresh start. She can leave behind the memory of the past winter; of her sickly ma giving birth to a baby sister who cries endlessly; of the terrifying visions she saw as her sanity began to slip, the victim of cabin fever; and m When sixteen-year-old Amanda Verner’s family decides to move from their small mountain cabin to the vast prairie, she hopes it is her chance for a fresh start. She can leave behind the memory of the past winter; of her sickly ma giving birth to a baby sister who cries endlessly; of the terrifying visions she saw as her sanity began to slip, the victim of cabin fever; and most of all, the memories of the boy she has been secretly meeting with as a distraction from her pain. The boy whose baby she now carries. When the Verners arrive at their new home, a large cabin abandoned by its previous owners, they discover the inside covered in blood. And as the days pass, it is obvious to Amanda that something isn’t right on the prairie. She’s heard stories of lands being tainted by evil, of men losing their minds and killing their families, and there is something strange about the doctor and his son who live in the woods on the edge of the prairie. But with the guilt and shame of her sins weighing on her, Amanda can’t be sure if the true evil lies in the land, or deep within her soul. "
323,"Academics have never been Sofie's strong point; she s too busy spending all of her free time with her boyfriend, Paul, the captain of her Surrey high school's soccer team. When her English teacher implements a new program that pairs her with straight-A student Clea, Sofie worries about how Paul will react to her hanging out with the only out lesbian at school. Sofie is as Academics have never been Sofie's strong point; she s too busy spending all of her free time with her boyfriend, Paul, the captain of her Surrey high school's soccer team. When her English teacher implements a new program that pairs her with straight-A student Clea, Sofie worries about how Paul will react to her hanging out with the only out lesbian at school. Sofie is as surprised as Paul at how close she and Clea quickly become. When Sofie discovers that Clea is planning a road trip to check out some American colleges over the winter break, she invites herself along, causing more issues with Paul. But it's only after a college student asks if Sofie identifies as a ""femme"" lesbian that she starts to question her own sexuality and her relationship with both Clea and Paul. [Fry reading level -3.0]"" "
324,"Do mosquitoes bite guys more than girls? Which sex is better at diapering babies, remembering birthdays, or hammering nails? Explore the ways that environment, experience, neurology, physiology, and genetics shape gender behaviorin expected and unexpected ways. "
325,"THEMES: Fathers and Sons, Transgender, Prejudice, Death of a Parent. Jeff knew his dad wouldn t live forever. But he had already lost his mom. It would be too unfair. The 9-1-1 call was shocking. The hospital, impersonal. When his dad improved, he was transferred to a rehabilitation facility. There, a transgender nurse took over his care. Jeff was appalled. But slowly, his THEMES: Fathers and Sons, Transgender, Prejudice, Death of a Parent. Jeff knew his dad wouldn t live forever. But he had already lost his mom. It would be too unfair. The 9-1-1 call was shocking. The hospital, impersonal. When his dad improved, he was transferred to a rehabilitation facility. There, a transgender nurse took over his care. Jeff was appalled. But slowly, his admiration for her grew."" "
326,"Young people with gender issues often face misunderstanding and prejudice. People think theyre homosexualor just weird. Being an adolescent is hard enough for anyonebut its especially hard for young people who feel like theyre trapped in the body of the wrong gender. In this book you will read about Kendra Campbell who was born a boy but feels like a girl. On the outside s Young people with gender issues often face misunderstanding and prejudice. People think theyre homosexualor just weird. Being an adolescent is hard enough for anyonebut its especially hard for young people who feel like theyre trapped in the body of the wrong gender. In this book you will read about Kendra Campbell who was born a boy but feels like a girl. On the outside shes Kevinbut on the inside, she knows her name is Kendra. As you read KevinKendras story, youll start to understand what gender really means. Youll find out how it feels to be trapped in a body of the wrong gender. "
327,"The pulse-pounding sequel to Proxy! Inspired by The Whipping Boy and Feed, this adrenaline-fueled thriller will appeal to fans of The Hunger Games and Divergent. In the new world led by the Rebooters, former Proxy Syd is the figurehead of the Revolution, beloved by some and hated by others. Liam, a seventeen-year-old Rebooter, is Syd’s bodyguard and must protect him with hi The pulse-pounding sequel to Proxy! Inspired by The Whipping Boy and Feed, this adrenaline-fueled thriller will appeal to fans of The Hunger Games and Divergent. In the new world led by the Rebooters, former Proxy Syd is the figurehead of the Revolution, beloved by some and hated by others. Liam, a seventeen-year-old Rebooter, is Syd’s bodyguard and must protect him with his life. But armed Machinists aren’t the only danger. People are falling ill, their veins show through their skin, they find it hard to speak, and sores erupt all over their bodies. Guardians, the violent enforcers of the old system, are hit first, and the government does nothing to help. The old elites fall next, and in the face of an indifferent government, Syd decides it’s up to him to find a cure... and what he discovers leaves him stunned. This heart-stopping thriller is packed with action, adventure, and heroics. Guardian will leave you breathless until the final page. A fast-paced, thrill-ride of novel full of non-stop action, heart-hammering suspense and true friendship, just as moving as it is exhilarating. Fans of Anthony Horowitz's Alex Rider series, James Dashner's Maze Runner, Patrick Ness's Chaos Walking series, and Marie Lu's Legend trilogy will be swept away by this story. "
328,"A 2015 Michael L. Printz Honor Book Winner of the 2014 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award for Fiction ""Raunchy, bizarre, smart and compelling."", ""Rolling Stone"" ""Grasshopper Jungle"" is simultaneously creepy and hilarious. Reminds me of Kurt Vonnegut's in ""Slaughterhouse Five,"" in the best sense."", ""New York Times Book Review"" In the small town of Ealing, Iowa, Austin and his be A 2015 Michael L. Printz Honor Book Winner of the 2014 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award for Fiction ""Raunchy, bizarre, smart and compelling."", ""Rolling Stone"" ""Grasshopper Jungle"" is simultaneously creepy and hilarious. Reminds me of Kurt Vonnegut's in ""Slaughterhouse Five,"" in the best sense."", ""New York Times Book Review"" In the small town of Ealing, Iowa, Austin and his best friend, Robby, have accidentally unleashed an unstoppable army. An army of horny, hungry, six-foot-tall praying mantises that only want to do two things. This is the truth. This is history. It's the end of the world. And nobody knows anything about it. You know what I mean. Funny, intense, complex, and brave, ""Grasshopper Jungle"" brilliantly weaves together everything from testicle-dissolving genetically modified corn to the struggles of recession-era, small-town America in this groundbreaking coming-of-age stunner. "
329,"After seeing her best friend, Kat, kissing another girl, Dessa keeps the secret but her anger over Kat not confiding in her causes trouble. "
330,"It’s Tiny Cooper’s turn in the spotlight in this companion novel to New York Times bestseller Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Jazz hands at the ready! Tiny Cooper (""the world’s largest person who is also really, really gay"") stole readers’ hearts when he was introduced to the world in the New York Times bestselling book Will Grayson, Will Grayson, co-authored by John Green a It’s Tiny Cooper’s turn in the spotlight in this companion novel to New York Times bestseller Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Jazz hands at the ready! Tiny Cooper (""the world’s largest person who is also really, really gay"") stole readers’ hearts when he was introduced to the world in the New York Times bestselling book Will Grayson, Will Grayson, co-authored by John Green and David Levithan. Now Tiny finally gets to tell his story, from his fabulous birth and childhood to his quest for true love and his infamous parade of ex-boyfriends, the way he always intended: as a musical! Filled with honesty, humor, and ""big, lively, belty"" musical numbers, the novel is told through the full script of the musical first introduced in Will Grayson, Will Grayson. "
331,"Racism is the belief that people of a certain race or ethnicity are superior or inferior to others, and the severity of the problem today is often a topic of debate. Through objective discussion, numerous direct quotes, and full-color illustrations, this title examines, What Are the Origins of the Racism Conflict? Is Racial Profiling Justified? How Serious a Problem Is Hou Racism is the belief that people of a certain race or ethnicity are superior or inferior to others, and the severity of the problem today is often a topic of debate. Through objective discussion, numerous direct quotes, and full-color illustrations, this title examines, What Are the Origins of the Racism Conflict? Is Racial Profiling Justified? How Serious a Problem Is Housing Discrimination? Should Affirmative Action Programs Be Eliminated? and What Can Be Done About Racism? "
332,"Mira is starting over at Saint Francis Prep. She promised her parents she would at least try to pretend that she could act like a functioning human this time, not a girl who can’t get out of bed for days on end, who only feels awake when she’s with Sebby. Jeremy is the painfully shy art nerd at Saint Francis who’s been in self-imposed isolation after an incident that ruined Mira is starting over at Saint Francis Prep. She promised her parents she would at least try to pretend that she could act like a functioning human this time, not a girl who can’t get out of bed for days on end, who only feels awake when she’s with Sebby. Jeremy is the painfully shy art nerd at Saint Francis who’s been in self-imposed isolation after an incident that ruined his last year of school. When he sees Sebby for the first time across the school lawn, it’s as if he’s been expecting this blond, lanky boy with mischief glinting in his eye. Sebby, Mira’s gay best friend, is a boy who seems to carry sunlight around with him. Even as life in his foster home starts to take its toll, Sebby and Mira together craft a world of magic rituals and impromptu road trips, designed to fix the broken parts of their lives. As Jeremy finds himself drawn into Sebby and Mira’s world, he begins to understand the secrets that they hide in order to protect themselves, to keep each other safe from those who don’t understand their quest to live for the impossible. "
333," Before: Reena Montero has loved Sawyer LeGrande for as long as she can remember: as natural as breathing, as endless as time. But he's never seemed to notice that Reena even exists until one day, impossibly, he does. Reena and Sawyer fall in messy, complicated love. But then Sawyer disappears from their humid Florida town without a word, leaving a devastated, and pregnan Before: Reena Montero has loved Sawyer LeGrande for as long as she can remember: as natural as breathing, as endless as time. But he's never seemed to notice that Reena even exists until one day, impossibly, he does. Reena and Sawyer fall in messy, complicated love. But then Sawyer disappears from their humid Florida town without a word, leaving a devastated, and pregnant, Reena behind. After: Almost three years have passed, and there's a new love in Reena's life: her daughter, Hannah. Reena's gotten used to being without Sawyer, and she's finally getting the hang of this strange, unexpected life. But just as swiftly and suddenly as he disappeared, Sawyer turns up again. Reena doesn't want anything to do with him, though she'd be lying if she said Sawyer's being back wasn't stirring something in her. After everything that's happened, can Reena really let herself love Sawyer LeGrande again? In this breathtaking debut, Katie Cotugno weaves together the story of one couple falling in love, twice. "
334,"At first, Jude and her twin brother Noah, are inseparable. Noah draws constantly and is falling in love with the charismatic boy next door, while daredevil Jude wears red-red lipstick, cliff-dives, and does all the talking for both of them. Years later, they are barely speaking. Something has happened to change the twins in different yet equally devastating ways... but the At first, Jude and her twin brother Noah, are inseparable. Noah draws constantly and is falling in love with the charismatic boy next door, while daredevil Jude wears red-red lipstick, cliff-dives, and does all the talking for both of them. Years later, they are barely speaking. Something has happened to change the twins in different yet equally devastating ways... but then Jude meets an intriguing, irresistible boy and a mysterious new mentor. The early years are Noah's to tell; the later years are Jude's. But they each have only half the story, and if they can only find their way back to one another, they'll have a chance to remake their world. This radiant, award-winning novel from the acclaimed author of The Sky Is Everywhere will leave you breathless and teary and laughing, often all at once. Printz Award Winner Stonewall Honor Book. "
335,"Fifteen-year-old Kivali has never fit in. As a girl in boys’ clothes, she is accepted by neither tribe, bullied by both. What are you? they ask. Abandoned as a baby wrapped in a T-shirt with an image of a lizard on the front, Kivali found a home with nonconformist artist Sheila. Is it true what Sheila says, that Kivali was left by a mysterious race of saurians and that she Fifteen-year-old Kivali has never fit in. As a girl in boys’ clothes, she is accepted by neither tribe, bullied by both. What are you? they ask. Abandoned as a baby wrapped in a T-shirt with an image of a lizard on the front, Kivali found a home with nonconformist artist Sheila. Is it true what Sheila says, that Kivali was left by a mysterious race of saurians and that she’ll one day save the world? Kivali doesn’t think so. But if it is true, why has Sheila sent her off to CropCamp, with its schedules and regs and what feels like indoctrination into a gov-controlled society Kivali isn’t sure has good intentions? But life at CropCamp isn’t all bad. Kivali loves being outdoors and working in the fields. And for the first time, she has real friends: sweet, innocent Rasta; loyal Emmett; fierce, quiet Nona. And then there’s Sully. The feelings that explode inside Kivali whenever Sully is near, whenever they touch, are unlike anything she’s experienced, exhilarating and terrifying. But does Sully feel the same way? Between mysterious disappearances, tough questions from camp director Ms. Mischetti, and weekly doses of kickshaw, the strange, druglike morsel that Kivali fears but has come to crave, things get more and more complicated. But Kivali has an escape: her unique ability to channel and explore the power of her animal self. She has Lizard Radio. Will it be enough to save her? "
336,"Greg Gaines is the last master of high school espionage, able to disappear at will into any social environment. He has only one friend, Earl, and together they spend their time making movies, their own incomprehensible versions of Coppola and Herzog cult classics. Until Greg’s mother forces him to rekindle his childhood friendship with Rachel. Rachel has been diagnosed with Greg Gaines is the last master of high school espionage, able to disappear at will into any social environment. He has only one friend, Earl, and together they spend their time making movies, their own incomprehensible versions of Coppola and Herzog cult classics. Until Greg’s mother forces him to rekindle his childhood friendship with Rachel. Rachel has been diagnosed with leukemia, -cue extreme adolescent awkwardness, -but a parental mandate has been issued and must be obeyed. When Rachel stops treatment, Greg and Earl decide the thing to do is to make a film for her, which turns into the Worst Film Ever Made and becomes a turning point in each of their lives. And all at once Greg must abandon invisibility and stand in the spotlight. "
337,"Part Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, part Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Adam Silvera's extraordinary debut confronts race, class, and sexuality during one charged near-future summer in the Bronx. Sixteen-year-old Aaron Soto is struggling to find happiness after a family tragedy leaves him reeling. He's slowly remembering what happiness mi Part Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, part Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Adam Silvera's extraordinary debut confronts race, class, and sexuality during one charged near-future summer in the Bronx. Sixteen-year-old Aaron Soto is struggling to find happiness after a family tragedy leaves him reeling. He's slowly remembering what happiness might feel like this summer with the support of his girlfriend Genevieve, but it's his new best friend, Thomas, who really gets Aaron to open up about his past and confront his future. As Thomas and Aaron get closer, Aaron discovers things about himself that threaten to shatter his newfound contentment. A revolutionary memory-alteration procedure, courtesy of the Leteo Institute, might be the way to straighten himself out. But what if it means forgetting who he truly is? "
338,"For teens faced with an unplanned pregnancy, the news can be devastating. Typically, most attention is focused on the needs of the mother, but teenage fathers also face a future filled with fear, doubt, and guilt. My Girlfriend’s Pregnant provides much-needed information and support for teens suddenly thrust in the role of father. Based on interviews with teenage dads, soci For teens faced with an unplanned pregnancy, the news can be devastating. Typically, most attention is focused on the needs of the mother, but teenage fathers also face a future filled with fear, doubt, and guilt. My Girlfriend’s Pregnant provides much-needed information and support for teens suddenly thrust in the role of father. Based on interviews with teenage dads, social workers, and medical professionals, this book explores: • What it’s like to discover that your girlfriend is pregnant • What to expect during pregnancy and childbirth • The experience of parenthood, both positive and negative • How involved the role of a teen dad can be • How parenthood can affect young relationships • The stress of being a teen dad • The impact of abortion and adoption on young fathers With an extensive list of further readings and resources to help with issues ranging from child support to bonding with your child, this book illustrates to young dads that they are not alone and that there are positive ways of dealing with the difficult choices that lie ahead. "
339,"A groundbreaking story about a teenage girl who discovers she was born intersex... and what happens when her secret is revealed to the entire school. Incredibly compelling and sensitively told, None of the Above is a thought-provoking novel that explores what it means to be a boy, a girl, or something in between. What if everything you knew about yourself changed in an inst A groundbreaking story about a teenage girl who discovers she was born intersex... and what happens when her secret is revealed to the entire school. Incredibly compelling and sensitively told, None of the Above is a thought-provoking novel that explores what it means to be a boy, a girl, or something in between. What if everything you knew about yourself changed in an instant? When Kristin Lattimer is voted homecoming queen, it seems like another piece of her ideal life has fallen into place. She's a champion hurdler with a full scholarship to college and she's madly in love with her boyfriend. In fact, she's decided that she's ready to take things to the next level with him. But Kristin's first time isn't the perfect moment she's planned, something is very wrong. A visit to the doctor reveals the truth: Kristin is intersex, which means that though she outwardly looks like a girl, she has male chromosomes, not to mention boy ""parts."" Dealing with her body is difficult enough, but when her diagnosis is leaked to the whole school, Kristin's entire identity is thrown into question. As her world unravels, can she come to terms with her new self? "
340,"A comic book for kids that includes children and families of all makeups, orientations, and gender identies, Sex Is a Funny Word is an essential resource about bodies, gender, and sexuality for children ages 8 to 10 as well as their parents and caregivers. Much more than the ""facts of life"" or ""the birds and the bees,"" Sex Is a Funny Word opens up conversations between you A comic book for kids that includes children and families of all makeups, orientations, and gender identies, Sex Is a Funny Word is an essential resource about bodies, gender, and sexuality for children ages 8 to 10 as well as their parents and caregivers. Much more than the ""facts of life"" or ""the birds and the bees,"" Sex Is a Funny Word opens up conversations between young people and their caregivers in a way that allows adults to convey their values and beliefs while providing information about boundaries, safety, and joy. The eagerly anticipated follow up to Lambda-nominated What Makes a Baby, from sex educator Cory Silverberg and artist Fiona Smyth , Sex Is a Funny Word reimagines ""sex talk"" for the twenty-first century. "
341,"Etta is tired of dealing with all of the labels and categories that seem so important to everyone else in her small Nebraska hometown. Everywhere she turns, someone feels she's too fringe for the fringe. Not gay enough for the Dykes, her ex-clique, thanks to a recent relationship with a boy; not tiny and white enough for ballet, her first passion; and not sick enough to loo Etta is tired of dealing with all of the labels and categories that seem so important to everyone else in her small Nebraska hometown. Everywhere she turns, someone feels she's too fringe for the fringe. Not gay enough for the Dykes, her ex-clique, thanks to a recent relationship with a boy; not tiny and white enough for ballet, her first passion; and not sick enough to look anorexic (partially thanks to recovery). Etta doesn’t fit anywhere, until she meets Bianca, the straight, white, Christian, and seriously sick girl in Etta’s therapy group. Both girls are auditioning for Brentwood, a prestigious New York theater academy that is so not Nebraska. Bianca seems like Etta’s salvation, but how can Etta be saved by a girl who needs saving herself? The latest powerful, original novel from Hannah Moskowitz is the story about living in and outside communities and stereotypes, and defining your own identity. "
342,"Sixteen-year-old and not-so-openly gay Simon Spier prefers to save his drama for the school musical. But when an email falls into the wrong hands, his secret is at risk of being thrust into the spotlight. Now Simon is actually being blackmailed: if he doesn’t play wingman for class clown Martin, his sexual identity will become everyone’s business. Worse, the privacy of Blu Sixteen-year-old and not-so-openly gay Simon Spier prefers to save his drama for the school musical. But when an email falls into the wrong hands, his secret is at risk of being thrust into the spotlight. Now Simon is actually being blackmailed: if he doesn’t play wingman for class clown Martin, his sexual identity will become everyone’s business. Worse, the privacy of Blue, the pen name of the boy he’s been emailing, will be compromised. With some messy dynamics emerging in his once tight-knit group of friends, and his email correspondence with Blue growing more flirtatious every day, Simon’s junior year has suddenly gotten all kinds of complicated. Now, change-averse Simon has to find a way to step out of his comfort zone before he’s pushed out, without alienating his friends, compromising himself, or fumbling a shot at happiness with the most confusing, adorable guy he’s never met. "
343,"promposal (n.), an often public proposal, in which one person asks another to the prom, eliciting joy or mortification. Camilla can't help hoping her secret crush, Benjamin, might randomly surprise her out of the blue with a promposal. However, when she's asked to prom by an irritating casual acquaintance, wearing a fancy tux and standing in front of a news crew, she's forc promposal (n.), an often public proposal, in which one person asks another to the prom, eliciting joy or mortification. Camilla can't help hoping her secret crush, Benjamin, might randomly surprise her out of the blue with a promposal. However, when she's asked to prom by an irritating casual acquaintance, wearing a fancy tux and standing in front of a news crew, she's forced to say yes. Yet all hope's not lost. A timely school project gives Camilla a chance to get closer to Benjamin...and it seems like the chemistry between them is crackling. But is she reading into something that isn't there? Joshua, Camilla's bestie, has been secretly in love with his gay best friend, Ethan, since middle school. Just as he decides to bite the bullet and ask Ethan if he'll go to prom with him, even if just as friends, he gets a shocking surprise: Ethan asks Joshua for help crafting the perfect promposal, for another guy. Now Joshua has to suppress his love and try to fake enthusiasm as he watches his dreams fall apart...unless he can make Ethan see that love has been right in front of his eyes the whole time. The road to the perfect promposal isn't easy to navigate. But one thing's certain, prom season is going to be memorable. "
344,"For as long as Grisha can remember, the Moscow puppet theater has been his favorite place in the world, his home away from home. The dressing rooms and workshops, the gorgeous marble lobby, the secret passages backstage, he knows them like the back of his hand, and each time the curtain rises and the stage comes alive, it feels magical. But life outside the theater is a diff For as long as Grisha can remember, the Moscow puppet theater has been his favorite place in the world, his home away from home. The dressing rooms and workshops, the gorgeous marble lobby, the secret passages backstage, he knows them like the back of his hand, and each time the curtain rises and the stage comes alive, it feels magical. But life outside the theater is a different story. The boys in Grisha's class bully him mercilessly, and his own grandfather says hateful things about how Grisha's not ""macho"" enough. And to make things worse, Sam, Grisha's favorite actor and mentor, is moving away: He's leaving the country to escape the extreme homophobia he faces in Russia. Normally, Grisha would turn to his best friend, Sashok, for support, but she's dealing with problems of her own as she faces a potentially life-threatening heart condition. Grisha's world is crumbling. He needs to find the strength to stand up to bullies and be there for his friends, but how? Playing a Part , the first young adult novel from Russia to be translated into English, is a story at once brave, heartbreaking, and hopeful. "
345,"An astonishing literary debut about a young man who, in the search for clues into the disappearance of his mother twelve years earlier, discovers himself in the process. Recent high school graduate and aspiring artist Walter Stahl lives with his ailing father in the dregs of Las Vegas, their lives overshadowed by the disappearance of Walter's mother, who drove off when he w An astonishing literary debut about a young man who, in the search for clues into the disappearance of his mother twelve years earlier, discovers himself in the process. Recent high school graduate and aspiring artist Walter Stahl lives with his ailing father in the dregs of Las Vegas, their lives overshadowed by the disappearance of Walter's mother, who drove off when he was five and never returned. Although Walter has never so much as seen a photograph of his mother, it doesn't stop him from keeping an eye out for her in the groups of tourists he caters to in his dead-end job along the Strip. Then Walter meets Chrysto and Acacia, a brother and sister working as living statues at the Venetian Hotel, and his world cracks open. Spending less time caring for his father, and more time riding on the backs of Vespas and drawing, Walter finds life has more to offer than he could have imagined. But as his feelings for Chrysto deepen, and as clues behind his mother's disappearance start to reveal themselves, Walter is forced to face the truth about himself and his family history. Threading through this coming-of-age story are beautiful and heart-wrenching graphic illustrations, depicting how Walter’s mother Emily, a Vietnamese-born accordion player, abandoned her family to chase a vision of Liberace across the country; and how Walter’s father went searching for her amongst the gondolas of the Venetian Hotel. In Still Life Las Vegas , the magical collides with the mundane; memory, sexual awakening and familial ties all lead to a place where everything is illuminated, and nothing is real. "
346,"Noah y su hermana gemela Jude son inseparables. El solitario Noah dibuja sin parar, y se ha enamorado en secreto de su enigmático vecino. La atrevida Jude salta desde altísimos acantilados, se pinta los labios de rojo y habla hasta por los codos. Pero tres años después, a los 16, los hermanos ya no se hablan. Algo pasó entre ellos que arruinó dramáticamente su relación y lo Noah y su hermana gemela Jude son inseparables. El solitario Noah dibuja sin parar, y se ha enamorado en secreto de su enigmático vecino. La atrevida Jude salta desde altísimos acantilados, se pinta los labios de rojo y habla hasta por los codos. Pero tres años después, a los 16, los hermanos ya no se hablan. Algo pasó entre ellos que arruinó dramáticamente su relación y los llevó por caminos diferentes. Entonces Jude conoce a un chico guapo, frágil y arrogante... y a alguien más, una nueva fuerza en su vida, todavía más impredecible y ligada a su pasado de forma inevitable. Los primeros años de esta historia los cuenta Noah; los últimos, Jude. Lo que ninguno comprende es que apenas conocen la mitad de la historia. Si tan sólo pudieran compartirla. "
347," ""This is East Texas, and there’s lines. Lines you cross, lines you don’t cross. That clear?"" New London, Texas. 1937. Naomi Vargas and Wash Fuller know about the lines in East Texas as well as anyone. They know the signs that mark them. ""No Negroes, Mexicans, or dogs."" They know the people who enforce them. ""They all decided they’d ride out in their sheets and pay Blue a visit ""This is East Texas, and there’s lines. Lines you cross, lines you don’t cross. That clear?"" New London, Texas. 1937. Naomi Vargas and Wash Fuller know about the lines in East Texas as well as anyone. They know the signs that mark them. ""No Negroes, Mexicans, or dogs."" They know the people who enforce them. ""They all decided they’d ride out in their sheets and pay Blue a visit."" But sometimes the attraction between two people is so powerful it breaks through even the most entrenched color lines. And the consequences can be explosive. ""More than grief, more than anger, there is a need. Someone to blame. Someone to make pay."" Ashley Hope Pérez takes the facts of the 1937 New London school explosion, the worst school disaster in American history, as a backdrop for a riveting novel about segregation, love, family, and the forces that destroy people. "
348,"High-school junior Leila has made it most of the way through Armstead Academy without having a crush on anyone, which is something of a relief. Her Persian heritage already makes her different from her classmates; if word got out that she liked girls, life would be twice as hard. But when a sophisticated, beautiful new girl, Saskia, shows up, Leila starts to take risks she High-school junior Leila has made it most of the way through Armstead Academy without having a crush on anyone, which is something of a relief. Her Persian heritage already makes her different from her classmates; if word got out that she liked girls, life would be twice as hard. But when a sophisticated, beautiful new girl, Saskia, shows up, Leila starts to take risks she never thought she would, especially when it looks as if the attraction between them is mutual. Struggling to sort out her growing feelings and Saskia's confusing signals, Leila confides in her old friend, Lisa, and grows closer to her fellow drama tech-crew members, especially Tomas, whose comments about his own sexuality are frank, funny, wise, and sometimes painful. Gradually, Leila begins to see that almost all her classmates are more complicated than they first appear to be, and many are keeping fascinating secrets of their own. "
349,"Widespread Internet use and evolving privacy concerns compromise the legal rights of teenagers. While smart phones, social networking, and online music downloading pose new legal complications for teens and their parents to navigate, the Supreme Court has grappled with rights concerning every aspect of a young adult's life long before now. This newly updated text, written Widespread Internet use and evolving privacy concerns compromise the legal rights of teenagers. While smart phones, social networking, and online music downloading pose new legal complications for teens and their parents to navigate, the Supreme Court has grappled with rights concerning every aspect of a young adult's life long before now. This newly updated text, written in accessible language and presented through an informal FAQ format, simplifies the laws, rights, and constitutional implications affecting young people today. In an easy-to-understand, non-intimidating style, First Amendment scholar David L. Hudson Jr. provides an authoritative analysis of the judicial system, utilizing actual court cases and legal arguments to help teens better understand their rights under the law. Additionally, the text presents recent changes and interpretations of legal areas still in debate. This third edition features an updated examination of recent topics that includes cyberbullying, ""sexting,"" social media privacy, and illegal downloads of online content. "
350,"In the not-too-distant future, the United Regions of America has formed. Governors hold territories instead of states, and while Washington, DC, is gone, the government has more control than ever before. For fifteen-year-old Vivica Wilkins, the daughter of a governor, this is life as usual. High school seems pretty much the same, until one day, that controlling power steps In the not-too-distant future, the United Regions of America has formed. Governors hold territories instead of states, and while Washington, DC, is gone, the government has more control than ever before. For fifteen-year-old Vivica Wilkins, the daughter of a governor, this is life as usual. High school seems pretty much the same, until one day, that controlling power steps right through the door during study hall. When Vivica speaks out to defend her pregnant friend against the harsh treatment of Population Management Officer Marina Ward, she has no idea she's sowing the seeds of a revolution in her own life. But it isn't long before she discovers her own illegal pregnancy. Now she has to decide whether to get the mandatory abortion, or follow her heart, try to keep the baby, and possibly ruin her mother's chances at becoming president. A rebel group called the Emancipation Warriors, who are fighting to restore freedoms once held unalienable, offer her asylum. Can Vivica trust these rebels to help her or will they bring everything crashing down around her? Accepting their help may come with consequences she isn't ready to face. Marissa Shrock's debut novel crafts a chilling story of what may be to come if we allow the economic and moral crises currently facing our country to change the foundations on which we built our independence, and of the difference one person can make when they choose to trust God's lead. "
351,"Andrew Brawley was supposed to die that night. His parents did, and so did his sister, but he survived. Now he lives in the hospital. He serves food in the cafeteria, he hangs out with the nurses, and he sleeps in a forgotten supply closet. Drew blends in to near invisibility, hiding from his past, his guilt, and those who are trying to find him. Then one night Rusty is whee Andrew Brawley was supposed to die that night. His parents did, and so did his sister, but he survived. Now he lives in the hospital. He serves food in the cafeteria, he hangs out with the nurses, and he sleeps in a forgotten supply closet. Drew blends in to near invisibility, hiding from his past, his guilt, and those who are trying to find him. Then one night Rusty is wheeled into the ER, burned on half his body by hateful classmates. His agony calls out to Drew like a beacon, pulling them both together through all their pain and grief. In Rusty, Drew sees hope, happiness, and a future for both of them. A future outside the hospital, and away from their pasts. But Drew knows that life is never that simple. Death roams the hospital, searching for Drew, and now Rusty. Drew lost his family, but he refuses to lose Rusty, too, so he’s determined to make things right. He’s determined to bargain, and to settle his debts once and for all. But Death is not easily placated, and Drew’s life will have to get worse before there is any chance for things to get better. A partly graphic novel. "
352,"Authoritative, objective and in tune with the subjects that matter to students and researchers, ""The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine presents unbiased information on alternative and complementary medical practices. Covering all aspects of the subject, the ""Encyclopedia identifies and explains the many types of alternative medicine being practiced today, from acup Authoritative, objective and in tune with the subjects that matter to students and researchers, ""The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine presents unbiased information on alternative and complementary medical practices. Covering all aspects of the subject, the ""Encyclopedia identifies and explains the many types of alternative medicine being practiced today, from acupuncture to yoga. Nearly 750 entries are included in the ""Encyclopedia covering therapies, diseases/conditions and herbs/remedies. "
353,"From one of the leading lights of contemporary Latin American literature, a lush, lyrical, deeply moving story of a young woman whose passion for the early sounds of tango becomes a force of profound and unexpected change. February 1913: seventeen-year-old Leda, carrying only a small trunk and her father’s cherished violin, leaves her Italian village for a new home, and a ne From one of the leading lights of contemporary Latin American literature, a lush, lyrical, deeply moving story of a young woman whose passion for the early sounds of tango becomes a force of profound and unexpected change. February 1913: seventeen-year-old Leda, carrying only a small trunk and her father’s cherished violin, leaves her Italian village for a new home, and a new husband, in Argentina. Arriving in Buenos Aires, she discovers that he has been killed, but she remains: living in a tenement, without friends or family, on the brink of destitution. Still, she is seduced by the music that underscores life in the city: tango, born from lower-class immigrant voices, now the illicit, scandalous dance of brothels and cabarets. Leda eventually acts on a long-held desire to master the violin, knowing that she can never play in public as a woman. She cuts off her hair, binds her breasts, and becomes ""Dante,"" a young man who joins a troupe of tango musicians bent on conquering the salons of high society. Now, gradually, the lines between Leda and Dante begin to blur, and feelings that she has long kept suppressed reveal themselves, jeopardizing not only her musical career, but her life. Richly evocative of place and time, its prose suffused with the rhythms of the tango, its narrative at once resonant and gripping, this is De Robertis’s most accomplished novel yet. "
354,"An investigative journalist uncovers a hidden custom that will transform your understanding of what it means to grow up as a girl. In Afghanistan, a culture ruled almost entirely by men, the birth of a son is cause for celebration and the arrival of a daughter is often mourned as misfortune. A bacha posh (literally translated from Dari as ""dressed up like a boy"") is a third An investigative journalist uncovers a hidden custom that will transform your understanding of what it means to grow up as a girl. In Afghanistan, a culture ruled almost entirely by men, the birth of a son is cause for celebration and the arrival of a daughter is often mourned as misfortune. A bacha posh (literally translated from Dari as ""dressed up like a boy"") is a third kind of child – a girl temporarily raised as a boy and presented as such to the outside world. Jenny Nordberg, the reporter who broke the story of this phenomenon for the New York Times, constructs a powerful and moving account of those secretly living on the other side of a deeply segregated society where women have almost no rights and little freedom. The Underground Girls of Kabul is anchored by vivid characters who bring this remarkable story to life: Azita, a female parliamentarian who sees no other choice but to turn her fourth daughter Mehran into a boy; Zahra, the tomboy teenager who struggles with puberty and refuses her parents' attempts to turn her back into a girl; Shukria, now a married mother of three after living for twenty years as a man; and Nader, who prays with Shahed, the undercover female police officer, as they both remain in male disguise as adults. At the heart of this emotional narrative is a new perspective on the extreme sacrifices of Afghan women and girls against the violent backdrop of America's longest war. Divided into four parts, the book follows those born as the unwanted sex in Afghanistan, but who live as the socially favored gender through childhood and puberty, only to later be forced into marriage and childbirth. The Underground Girls of Kabul charts their dramatic life cycles, while examining our own history and the parallels to subversive actions of people who live under oppression everywhere. "
355,"The bestselling young adult non-fiction book on sexuality and gender! Lesbian. Gay. Bisexual. Transgender. Queer. Intersex. Straight. Curious. This book is for everyone, regardless of gender or sexual preference. This book is for anyone who's ever dared to wonder. This book is for YOU. This candid, funny, and uncensored exploration of sexuality and what it's like to grow u The bestselling young adult non-fiction book on sexuality and gender! Lesbian. Gay. Bisexual. Transgender. Queer. Intersex. Straight. Curious. This book is for everyone, regardless of gender or sexual preference. This book is for anyone who's ever dared to wonder. This book is for YOU. This candid, funny, and uncensored exploration of sexuality and what it's like to grow up LGBTQ also includes real stories from people across the gender and sexual spectrums, not to mention hilarious illustrations. Inside this revised and updated edition, you'll find the answers to all the questions you ever wanted to ask, with topics like: Stereotypes―the facts and fiction Coming out as LGBT Where to meet people like you The ins and outs of gay sex How to flirt And so much more! You will be entertained. You will be informed. But most importantly, you will know that however you identify (or don't) and whomever you love, you are exceptional. You matter. And so does this book. This book is for: LGBTQIA+ teens, tweens, and adults Readers looking to learn more about the LGBTQIA+ community Parents of gay kids and other LGBT youth Educators looking for advice about the LGBTQIA+ community "
356," A summary of the 250 best books for LGBTQ teens, written by experts on the subject and addressed to teen book buyers. Identifying titles that address the sensitive and important topics of coming out, being out, and the search for community, this catalog spotlights the best gay, lesbian, bi, transgender, and questioning books written for teens. The authors cover fiction of a A summary of the 250 best books for LGBTQ teens, written by experts on the subject and addressed to teen book buyers. Identifying titles that address the sensitive and important topics of coming out, being out, and the search for community, this catalog spotlights the best gay, lesbian, bi, transgender, and questioning books written for teens. The authors cover fiction of all kinds, as well as graphic novels and general nonfiction aimed at readers in middle school and high school, and include recent publications as well as classics that continue to be read and enjoyed by 21st-century teens. Information on how to find library programs, services, and additional resources for LGBTQ teens is also provided, making this a one-stop sourcebook for LGBTQ teens, their families, friends, and classmates, as well as teachers and librarians. "
357,"""I didn't hear the word transgender until I was eighteen, when a person I was dating came out as trans. My boyfriend came out as my girlfriend, and I thought, 'What... is that?' She said, 'I just don't think I'm a man.' And I said, 'Guess what? Neither do I.' And then the skies parted, and I understood who I was."", Katie Burgess, nonprofit director and community activist ""I didn't hear the word transgender until I was eighteen, when a person I was dating came out as trans. My boyfriend came out as my girlfriend, and I thought, 'What... is that?' She said, 'I just don't think I'm a man.' And I said, 'Guess what? Neither do I.' And then the skies parted, and I understood who I was."", Katie Burgess, nonprofit director and community activist/organizer Meet Katie, Hayden, Dean, Brooke, David, Julia, and Natasha. Each is transgender, and in this book, they share their personal stories. Through their narratives, you'll get to know and love each person for their humor, intelligence, perseverance, and passion. You'll learn how they each came to better understand, accept, and express their gender identities, and you'll follow them through the sorrows and successes of their personal journeys. Transgender Lives helps you understand what it means to be trans in America while learning more about transgender history, the broad spectrum of transgender identities, and the transition process. You'll explore the challenges transgender Americans face, including discrimination, prejudice, bullying and violence, unequal access to medical care, and limited legal protections. For transgender readers, these stories offer support and encouragement. Transgender Lives is a space for trans voices to be heard and to express the complexities of gender while focusing on what it means to be human. "
358,"A compendium of opinion surrounding the definition, legal status, medical facets, and inclusion of transgender people. "
359," New York Times bestselling author David Levithan tells the based-on-true-events story of Harry and Craig, two 17-year-olds who are about to take part in a 32-hour marathon of kissing to set a new Guinness World Record, all of which is narrated by a Greek Chorus of the generation of gay men lost to AIDS. While the two increasingly dehydrated and sleep-deprived boys are locki New York Times bestselling author David Levithan tells the based-on-true-events story of Harry and Craig, two 17-year-olds who are about to take part in a 32-hour marathon of kissing to set a new Guinness World Record, all of which is narrated by a Greek Chorus of the generation of gay men lost to AIDS. While the two increasingly dehydrated and sleep-deprived boys are locking lips, they become a focal point in the lives of other teen boys dealing with languishing long-term relationships, coming out, navigating gender identity, and falling deeper into the digital rabbit hole of gay hookup sites, all while the kissing former couple tries to figure out their own feelings for each other. "
360,"Curiosity and transphobia collide in the latest volume of Fantagraphics’ critically acclaimed manga about a boy who wants to be a girl, and a girl who wants to be a boy. In Volume 8, Nitori-kun, a boy who wants to be a girl, explores kissing with girlfriend Anna-chan; and Yoshino-san, a girl who wants to be a boy, finds the courage to go to school wearing a boy’s uniform. Curiosity and transphobia collide in the latest volume of Fantagraphics’ critically acclaimed manga about a boy who wants to be a girl, and a girl who wants to be a boy. In Volume 8, Nitori-kun, a boy who wants to be a girl, explores kissing with girlfriend Anna-chan; and Yoshino-san, a girl who wants to be a boy, finds the courage to go to school wearing a boy’s uniform. Meanwhile, one of their male classmates, Doi-kun, who has caused our protagonists misery in the past, becomes intrigued with their grown-up friend Yuki-san, a transwoman. But Nitori-kun finds himself strangely drawn to Doi-kun… Shimura Takaro’s Wandering Son has been rightly hailed as one of the most progressive and enlightened treatments of gender identity in the history of comics. The eighth volume continues to explore the lives of its characters with insight and sensitivity. "
361,"In What Philosophy Can Do , Gary Gutting takes a philosopher’s scalpel to modern life’s biggest questions and the most powerful forces in our society, politics, science, religion, education, and capitalism. Along the way, he introduces readers to powerful philosophical tools, from inductive and deductive logic to the Principle of Charity, which they can use to make better se In What Philosophy Can Do , Gary Gutting takes a philosopher’s scalpel to modern life’s biggest questions and the most powerful forces in our society, politics, science, religion, education, and capitalism. Along the way, he introduces readers to powerful philosophical tools, from inductive and deductive logic to the Principle of Charity, which they can use to make better sense of current debates. Interweaving his discussion of contemporary issues with philosophical concepts from Aristotle to Michel Foucault and John Rawls, Gutting shows how philosophy can enrich public discussions about our most urgent issues. "
362,"Will Grayson meets Will Grayson. One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two strangers are about to cross paths. From that moment on, their world will collide and lives intertwine. It's not that far from Evanston to Naperville, but Chicago suburbanites Will Grayson and Will Grayson might as well live on different planets. When fate delivers them both to the sa Will Grayson meets Will Grayson. One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two strangers are about to cross paths. From that moment on, their world will collide and lives intertwine. It's not that far from Evanston to Naperville, but Chicago suburbanites Will Grayson and Will Grayson might as well live on different planets. When fate delivers them both to the same surprising crossroads, the Will Graysons find their lives overlapping and hurtling in new and unexpected directions. With a push from friends new and old -including the massive, and massively fabulous, Tiny Cooper, offensive lineman and musical theater auteur extraordinaire -Will and Will begin building toward respective romantic turns-of-heart and the epic production of history's most awesome high school musical. "
363,"The captivating Stonewall Honor-winning novel of love, family, and ghosts of the past Aidan Lockwood lives in a sleepy farming town, day after unremarkable day. But when Jarrod, his former best friend, suddenly moves back home, Aidan begins to see clearly for the first time, not only to feelings that go beyond mere friendship, but to a world that is haunted by the stories of The captivating Stonewall Honor-winning novel of love, family, and ghosts of the past Aidan Lockwood lives in a sleepy farming town, day after unremarkable day. But when Jarrod, his former best friend, suddenly moves back home, Aidan begins to see clearly for the first time, not only to feelings that go beyond mere friendship, but to a world that is haunted by the stories of his past. Visions from this invisible world come to him unbidden: a great-grandfather on the field of battle; his own father, stumbling upon an unspeakable tragedy; and a mysterious young boy, whose whispered words may be at the heart of the curse that holds Aidan’s family in its grip. Now, Aidan must find his way between the past and the present to protect those he loves, and to keep the invisible world at bay. "
364," ""Do not ignore a call from me when you know I am feeling neurotic about a boy. That is Best Friend 101."" , Nash Maggie and Nash are outsiders. She’s overweight. He’s out of the closet. The best of friends, they have seen each other through thick and thin, but when Tom moves to town at the start of the school year, they have something unexpected in common: feelings for the sa ""Do not ignore a call from me when you know I am feeling neurotic about a boy. That is Best Friend 101."" , Nash Maggie and Nash are outsiders. She’s overweight. He’s out of the closet. The best of friends, they have seen each other through thick and thin, but when Tom moves to town at the start of the school year, they have something unexpected in common: feelings for the same guy. This warm, witty novel, with a clear, true voice and a clever soundtrack of musical references, sings a song of love and forgiveness. "
365,"When Adam Freedman -a straight, cis teen from Piedmont, California -goes to stay with his older sister, Casey, in Brooklyn, he fantasizes about a summer of freedom, new friends, and falling in love. He’s in for a surprise. It’s 2006, and Casey has thrown herself into NYC’s lesbian and trans activist scene -marriage equality marches, L Word-watching parties, BDSM sex club When Adam Freedman -a straight, cis teen from Piedmont, California -goes to stay with his older sister, Casey, in Brooklyn, he fantasizes about a summer of freedom, new friends, and falling in love. He’s in for a surprise. It’s 2006, and Casey has thrown herself into NYC’s lesbian and trans activist scene -marriage equality marches, L Word-watching parties, BDSM sex clubs, and trans rights protests. Adam tags along, having fun in places he’d never have expected, but he’s surrounded by lesbians, and it seems like the last thing he’ll find is a girlfriend. That is, until he meets Gillian. Adam is soon hopelessly, desperately in love...only there’s just one small problem. Gillian thinks he’s a trans man. Ariel Schrag’s scathingly funny and poignant debut novel puts a fresh spin on questions of love, attraction, self-definition, and what it means to be part of a community. "
366," A groundbreaking work of LGBT literature takes an honest look at the life, love, and struggles of transgender teens. Author and photographer Susan Kuklin met and interviewed six transgender or gender-neutral young adults and used her considerable skills to represent them thoughtfully and respectfully before, during, and after their personal acknowledgment of gender preferen A groundbreaking work of LGBT literature takes an honest look at the life, love, and struggles of transgender teens. Author and photographer Susan Kuklin met and interviewed six transgender or gender-neutral young adults and used her considerable skills to represent them thoughtfully and respectfully before, during, and after their personal acknowledgment of gender preference. Portraits, family photographs, and candid images grace the pages, augmenting the emotional and physical journey each youth has taken. Each honest discussion and disclosure, whether joyful or heartbreaking, is completely different from the other because of family dynamics, living situations, gender, and the transition these teens make in recognition of their true selves. "
367,"In the near future, scientists create what may be a new form of life: an artificial human named Charlotte. All goes well until Charlotte escapes, transfers her consciousness to the Internet, and begins terrorizing the American public. Charlotte's attacks have everyone on high alert, everyone except Lee Fisher, the closeted son of the US president. Lee has other things to wor In the near future, scientists create what may be a new form of life: an artificial human named Charlotte. All goes well until Charlotte escapes, transfers her consciousness to the Internet, and begins terrorizing the American public. Charlotte's attacks have everyone on high alert, everyone except Lee Fisher, the closeted son of the US president. Lee has other things to worry about, like keeping his Secret Service detail from finding out about his crush on Nico, the eccentric, Shakespeare-obsessed new boy at school. And keeping Nico from finding out about his recent suicide attempt. And keeping himself from freaking out about all his secrets. But when the attacks start happening at his school, Lee realizes he's Charlotte’s next target. Even worse, Nico may be part of Charlotte’s plan too. As Lee races to save himself, uncover Charlotte’s plan, and figure out if he can trust Nico, he comes to a whole new understanding of what it means to be alive... and what makes life worth living. "
368,"A provocative meditation on race, Claudia Rankine's long-awaited follow up to her groundbreaking book Don't Let Me Be Lonely: An American Lyric. Claudia Rankine's bold new book recounts mounting racial aggressions in ongoing encounters in twenty-first-century daily life and in the media. Some of these encounters are slights, seeming slips of the tongue, and some are intenti A provocative meditation on race, Claudia Rankine's long-awaited follow up to her groundbreaking book Don't Let Me Be Lonely: An American Lyric. Claudia Rankine's bold new book recounts mounting racial aggressions in ongoing encounters in twenty-first-century daily life and in the media. Some of these encounters are slights, seeming slips of the tongue, and some are intentional offensives in the classroom, at the supermarket, at home, on the tennis court with Serena Williams and the soccer field with Zinedine Zidane, online, on TV-everywhere, all the time. The accumulative stresses come to bear on a person's ability to speak, perform, and stay alive. Our addressability is tied to the state of our belonging, Rankine argues, as are our assumptions and expectations of citizenship. In essay, image, and poetry, Citizen is a powerful testament to the individual and collective effects of racism in our contemporary, often named ""post-race"" society. "
369,"Greenhaven Press’s At Issue series provides a wide range of opinions on individual social issues. Each volume focuses on a specific issue and offers a variety of perspectives-eyewitness accounts, governmental views, scientific analysis, newspaper and magazine accounts, and many more-to illuminate the issue. Extensive bibliographies and annotated lists of relevant organizat Greenhaven Press’s At Issue series provides a wide range of opinions on individual social issues. Each volume focuses on a specific issue and offers a variety of perspectives-eyewitness accounts, governmental views, scientific analysis, newspaper and magazine accounts, and many more-to illuminate the issue. Extensive bibliographies and annotated lists of relevant organizations point to sources for further research. Enhancing critical thinking skills, each At Issue volume is an excellent research tool to help readers understand current social issues and prepare reports. "
370,"Insightful and considerate answers to 70 questions boys and girls have about puberty and young love. Even before they experience puberty and young love themselves, girls and boys have many questions about sex and sexuality. Parents often don't know the best way to answer them and it's practically impossible to find the right time to start a conversation about the birds and Insightful and considerate answers to 70 questions boys and girls have about puberty and young love. Even before they experience puberty and young love themselves, girls and boys have many questions about sex and sexuality. Parents often don't know the best way to answer them and it's practically impossible to find the right time to start a conversation about the birds and the bees. Especially today, when most young people have access to the internet and its explicit or dubious content, it is extremely important to address the topic of sex education with children proactively and give it the attention it needs and deserves. As daunting as it might be for parents to take the lead, leaving the internet or a classmate to -explain-sexuality is not an option. Thankfully, the book Does This Happen to Everyone? offers a welcome alternative with a contemporary look and feel that is both fitting for kids and appealing to adults. Does This Happen to Everyone? is an empathetic and entertaining publication that radiates joy, imaginativeness, and fun. In it, Photo artist Jan von Holleben and writer Antje Helms provide answers to the most important questions about puberty in words and images that are relaxed and uninhibited, yet suitable for children. The book takes questions, worries, and fears seriously and responds to them in a direct, yet sensitive way that anyone can understand. "
371,"Seventeen-year-old Raven Walker has never had a boyfriend. She’s never really been interested in boys. But she was always too afraid to examine what that might mean. Until she meets Morgan O’Shea and finds herself inexplicably drawn to her. As their friendship develops, Raven is forced to face the possibility that her interest in Morgan might actually be attraction and that Seventeen-year-old Raven Walker has never had a boyfriend. She’s never really been interested in boys. But she was always too afraid to examine what that might mean. Until she meets Morgan O’Shea and finds herself inexplicably drawn to her. As their friendship develops, Raven is forced to face the possibility that her interest in Morgan might actually be attraction and that she might be gay. Acknowledging the possibility opens Raven’s world to the excitement of her first romance, but it also leaves her struggling to come to terms with her sexuality and the impact it will have on her relationships with her family and friends. "
372," A love letter to the craft and romance of film and fate in front of, and behind, the camera from the award-winning author of Hold Still. A wunderkind young set designer, Emi has already started to find her way in the competitive Hollywood film world. Emi is a film buff and a true romantic, but her real-life relationships are a mess. She has desperately gone back to the s A love letter to the craft and romance of film and fate in front of, and behind, the camera from the award-winning author of Hold Still. A wunderkind young set designer, Emi has already started to find her way in the competitive Hollywood film world. Emi is a film buff and a true romantic, but her real-life relationships are a mess. She has desperately gone back to the same girl too many times to mention. But then a mysterious letter from a silver screen legend leads Emi to Ava. Ava is unlike anyone Emi has ever met. She has a tumultuous, not-so-glamorous past, and lives an unconventional life. She’s enigmatic…. She’s beautiful. And she is about to expand Emi’s understanding of family, acceptance, and true romance. "
373,"Told through the eyes of current and former Navy SEALs, EYES ON TARGET is an inside account of some of the most harrowing missions in American history-including the mission to kill Osama bin Laden and the mission that wasn't, the deadly attack on the US diplomatic outpost in Benghazi where a retired SEAL sniper with a small team held off one hundred terrorists while his re Told through the eyes of current and former Navy SEALs, EYES ON TARGET is an inside account of some of the most harrowing missions in American history-including the mission to kill Osama bin Laden and the mission that wasn't, the deadly attack on the US diplomatic outpost in Benghazi where a retired SEAL sniper with a small team held off one hundred terrorists while his repeated radio calls for help went unheeded. The book contains incredible accounts of major SEAL operations-from the violent birth of SEAL Team Six and the aborted Operation Eagle Claw meant to save the hostages in Iran, to key missions in Iraq and Afganistan where the SEALs suffered their worst losses in their fifty year history-and every chapter illustrates why this elite military special operations unit remains the most feared anti-terrorist force in the world. We hear reports on the record from retired SEAL officers including Lt. Cmdr. Richard Marcinko, the founder of SEAL Team Six, and a former Commander at SEAL team Six, Ryan Zinke, and we come away understanding the deep commitment of these military men who put themselves in danger to protect our country and save American lives. In the face of insurmountable odds and the imminent threat of death, they give all to protect those who cannot protect themselves. No matter the situation, on duty or at ease, SEALs never, ever give up. One powerful chapter in the book tells the story of how one Medal of Honor winner saved another, the only time this has been done in US military history. EYES ON TARGET includes these special features: A detailed timeline of events during the Benghazi attack Sample rescue scenarios from a military expert who believes that help could have reached the Benghazi compound in time The US House Republican Conference Interim Progress Report on the events surrounding the September 11, 2012 Terrorist Attacks in Benghazi Through their many interviews and unique access, Scott McEwen and Richard Miniter pull back the veil that has so often concealed the heroism of these patriots. They live by a stringent and demanding code of their own creation, keeping them ready to ignore politics, bureaucracy and-if necessary-direct orders. They share a unique combination of character, intelligence, courage, love of country and what can only be called true grit. They are the Navy SEALs, and they keep their Eyes on Target. "
374," When the picture tells the story… Senior year is almost over, and Jamie Peterson has a big problem. Not college, that’s all set. Not prom, he’ll find a date somehow. No, it’s the worst problem of all: he’s fallen for his best friend. As much as Jamie tries to keep it under wraps, everyone seems to know where his affections lie, and the giggling girls in art class are determine When the picture tells the story… Senior year is almost over, and Jamie Peterson has a big problem. Not college, that’s all set. Not prom, he’ll find a date somehow. No, it’s the worst problem of all: he’s fallen for his best friend. As much as Jamie tries to keep it under wraps, everyone seems to know where his affections lie, and the giggling girls in art class are determined to help Jamie get together with Mason. But Jamie isn’t sure if that’s what he wants, because as much as Jamie would like to come clean to Mason, what if the truth ruins everything? What if there are no more road trips, taco dinners, or movie nights? Does he dare risk a childhood friendship for romance? This book is about what happens when a picture reveals what we can’t say, when art is truer than life, and how falling in love is easy, except when it’s not. Fan Art explores the joys and pains of friendship, of pressing boundaries, and how facing our worst fears can sometimes lead us to what we want most. "
375," Nine months. Two weeks. Six days. That's how long recovering addict Sophie's been drug-free. Four months ago her best friend, Mina, died in what everyone believes was a drug deal gone wrong -a deal they think Sophie set up. Only Sophie knows the truth. She and Mina shared a secret, but there was no drug deal. Mina was deliberately murdered. Forced into rehab for an addictio Nine months. Two weeks. Six days. That's how long recovering addict Sophie's been drug-free. Four months ago her best friend, Mina, died in what everyone believes was a drug deal gone wrong -a deal they think Sophie set up. Only Sophie knows the truth. She and Mina shared a secret, but there was no drug deal. Mina was deliberately murdered. Forced into rehab for an addiction she'd already beaten, Sophie's finally out and on the trail of the killer, but can she track them down before they come for her? "
376,"Gabi Hernandez chronicles her last year in high school in her diary: college applications, Cindy's pregnancy, Sebastian's coming out, the cute boys, her father's meth habit, and the food she craves. And best of all, the poetry that helps forge her identity. July 24 My mother named me Gabriella, after my grandmother who, coincidentally, didn't want to meet me when I was born Gabi Hernandez chronicles her last year in high school in her diary: college applications, Cindy's pregnancy, Sebastian's coming out, the cute boys, her father's meth habit, and the food she craves. And best of all, the poetry that helps forge her identity. July 24 My mother named me Gabriella, after my grandmother who, coincidentally, didn't want to meet me when I was born because my mother was unmarried, and therefore living in sin. My mom has told me the story many, many, MANY, times of how, when she confessed to my grandmother that she was pregnant with me, her mother beat her. BEAT HER! She was twenty-five. That story is the basis of my sexual education and has reiterated why it's important to wait until you're married to give it up. So now, every time I go out with a guy, my mom says, ""Ojos abiertos, piernas cerradas."" Eyes open, legs closed. That's as far as the birds and the bees talk has gone. And I don't mind it. I don't necessarily agree with that whole wait until you're married crap, though. I mean, this is America and the 21st century; not Mexico one hundred years ago. But, of course, I can't tell my mom that because she will think I'm bad. Or worse: trying to be White. Gabi is Isabel Quintero's debut novel. Named to Kirkus Reviews Best Books of 2014 Named to School Library Journal Best Books of 2014 "
377,"The definition of gender has been evolving with societys views on sexuality and this title offers readers an unbiased, non-political, and medical analysis of gender identity today. Topics covered include forms of being transgender, such as transexual, gender queer, and intersex, as well as how to accept ones self, come out to friends and family, and deal with discriminatio The definition of gender has been evolving with societys views on sexuality and this title offers readers an unbiased, non-political, and medical analysis of gender identity today. Topics covered include forms of being transgender, such as transexual, gender queer, and intersex, as well as how to accept ones self, come out to friends and family, and deal with discrimination. Readers learn that gender is not the binary structure of male and female, as was believed in the past, but a more complex concept. "
378," The story of a transgender child based on the real-life experience of Jazz Jennings, who has become a spokesperson for transkids everywhere. From the time she was two years old, Jazz knew that she had a girl's brain in a boy's body. She loved pink and dressing up as a mermaid and didn't feel like herself in boys' clothing. This confused her family, until they took her to a The story of a transgender child based on the real-life experience of Jazz Jennings, who has become a spokesperson for transkids everywhere. From the time she was two years old, Jazz knew that she had a girl's brain in a boy's body. She loved pink and dressing up as a mermaid and didn't feel like herself in boys' clothing. This confused her family, until they took her to a doctor who said that Jazz was transgender and that she was born that way. Jazz's story is based on her real-life experience and she tells it in a simple, clear way that will be appreciated by picture book readers, their parents, and teachers. "
379,"Jacob loves playing dress-up, when he can be anything he wants to be. Some kids at school say he can't wear ""girl"" clothes, but Jacob wants to wear a dress to school. Can he convince his parents to let him wear what he wants? This heartwarming story speaks to the unique challenges faced by boys who don't identify with traditional gender roles. Jacob loves playing dress-up, when he can be anything he wants to be. Some kids at school say he can't wear ""girl"" clothes, but Jacob wants to wear a dress to school. Can he convince his parents to let him wear what he wants? This heartwarming story speaks to the unique challenges faced by boys who don't identify with traditional gender roles. "
380,"When Alix's charismatic girlfriend, Swanee, dies from sudden cardiac arrest, Alix is overcome with despair. As she searches Swanee's room for mementos of their relationship, she finds Swanee's cell phone, pinging with dozens of texts sent from a mysterious contact, L.T. The most recent text reads: ""Please tell me what I did. Please, Swan. Te amo. I love you."" Shocked and be When Alix's charismatic girlfriend, Swanee, dies from sudden cardiac arrest, Alix is overcome with despair. As she searches Swanee's room for mementos of their relationship, she finds Swanee's cell phone, pinging with dozens of texts sent from a mysterious contact, L.T. The most recent text reads: ""Please tell me what I did. Please, Swan. Te amo. I love you."" Shocked and betrayed, Alix learns that Swanee has been leading a double life, secretly dating a girl named Liana the entire time she's been with Alix. Alix texts Liana from Swanee's phone, pretending to be Swanee in order to gather information before finally meeting face-to-face to break the news. Brought together by Swanee's lies, Alix and Liana become closer than they'd thought possible. But Alix is still hiding the truth from Liana. Alix knows what it feels like to be lied to, but will coming clean to Liana mean losing her, too? "
381,"Romantic and bittersweet, Love and Leftovers captures one girl's experience with family, friends, and love. Dragged to New Hampshire for the summer, Marcie soon realizes that her mom has no plans for them to return to Marcie's father in Idaho. As Marcie starts at a new school, without her ragtag group of friends called the Leftovers, a new romance heats up, but she struggl Romantic and bittersweet, Love and Leftovers captures one girl's experience with family, friends, and love. Dragged to New Hampshire for the summer, Marcie soon realizes that her mom has no plans for them to return to Marcie's father in Idaho. As Marcie starts at a new school, without her ragtag group of friends called the Leftovers, a new romance heats up, but she struggles to understand what love really means. Perfect for fans of romances like Anna and the French Kiss and those by Sarah Dessen as well as readers of poetry, Love and Leftovers is a beautiful and fresh take on love. "
382,"Fifteen-year-old Farrin has many secrets. Although she goes to a school for gifted girls in Tehran, as the daughter of an aristocratic mother and wealthy father, Farrin must keep a low profile. It is 1988; ever since the Shah was overthrown, the deeply conservative and religious government controls every facet of life in Iran. If the Revolutionary Guard finds out about her Fifteen-year-old Farrin has many secrets. Although she goes to a school for gifted girls in Tehran, as the daughter of an aristocratic mother and wealthy father, Farrin must keep a low profile. It is 1988; ever since the Shah was overthrown, the deeply conservative and religious government controls every facet of life in Iran. If the Revolutionary Guard finds out about her mother’s Bring Back the Shah activities, her family could be thrown in jail, or worse. The day she meets Sadira, Farrin’s life changes forever. Sadira is funny, wise, and outgoing; the two girls become inseparable. But as their friendship deepens into romance, the relationship takes a dangerous turn. It is against the law to be gay in Iran; the punishment is death. Despite their efforts to keep their love secret, the girls are discovered and arrested. Separated from Sadira, Farrin can only pray as she awaits execution. Will her family find a way to save them both? Based on real-life events, multi-award winning author Deborah Ellis’s new book is a tense and riveting story about a world where homosexuality is considered so abhorrent that it is punishable by death. "
383,"Morris has a great imagination. He paints amazing pictures and he loves his classroom's dress-up center, especially the tangerine dress. It reminds him of tigers, the sun and his mother's hair. The other children don't understand, dresses, they say, are for girls. And Morris certainly isn't welcome in the spaceship his classmates are building, astronauts, they say, don't w Morris has a great imagination. He paints amazing pictures and he loves his classroom's dress-up center, especially the tangerine dress. It reminds him of tigers, the sun and his mother's hair. The other children don't understand, dresses, they say, are for girls. And Morris certainly isn't welcome in the spaceship his classmates are building, astronauts, they say, don't wear dresses. One day Morris has a tummy ache, and his mother lets him stay home from school. He stays in bed reading about elephants, and her dreams about a space adventure with his cat, Moo. Inspired by his dream, Morris paints a fantastic picture, and everything begins to change when he takes it to school. "
384," Sadie meets Girl in Pieces in this dark, emotional thriller by acclaimed author Saundra Mitchell. Something happened to Ava. The curving scar on her face is proof. Ava would rather keep that something hidden, buried deep in her heart and her soul. But in the woods on the outskirts of town, the traces of someone else’s secrets lie frozen, awaiting Ava’s discovery, and what Ava Sadie meets Girl in Pieces in this dark, emotional thriller by acclaimed author Saundra Mitchell. Something happened to Ava. The curving scar on her face is proof. Ava would rather keep that something hidden, buried deep in her heart and her soul. But in the woods on the outskirts of town, the traces of someone else’s secrets lie frozen, awaiting Ava’s discovery, and what Ava finds threatens to topple the carefully constructed wall of normalcy that she’s spent years building around her. Secrets leave scars. But when the secret in question is not your own, do you ignore the truth and walk away? Or do you uncover it from its shallow grave and let it reopen old wounds, wounds that have finally begun to heal? "
385," In Sara Benincasa's contemporary retelling of The Great Gatsby, a teenage girl becomes entangled in the drama of a Hamptons social circle, only to be implicated in a tragedy that shakes the summer community. Everyone loves a good scandal. Naomi Rye usually dreads spending the summer with her socialite mother in East Hampton. This year is no different. She sticks out like a s In Sara Benincasa's contemporary retelling of The Great Gatsby, a teenage girl becomes entangled in the drama of a Hamptons social circle, only to be implicated in a tragedy that shakes the summer community. Everyone loves a good scandal. Naomi Rye usually dreads spending the summer with her socialite mother in East Hampton. This year is no different. She sticks out like a sore thumb among the teenagers who have been summering (a verb only the very rich use) together for years. But Naomi finds herself captivated by her mysterious next-door neighbor, Jacinta. Jacinta has her own reason for drawing close to Naomi-to meet the beautiful and untouchable Delilah Fairweather. But Jacinta's carefully constructed world is hiding something huge, a secret that could undo everything. And Naomi must decide how far she is willing to be pulled into this web of lies and deception before she is unable to escape. Based on a beloved classic and steeped in Sara Benincasa's darkly comic voice, Great has all the drama, glitz, and romance with a terrific modern (and scandalous) twist to enthrall readers. "
386," Spanning more than 400 years, this classic bottom-up history examines the legacy of Indigenous peoples' resistance, resilience, and steadfast fight against imperialism. Going beyond the story of America as a country ""discovered"" by a few brave men in the ""New World,"" Indigenous human rights advocate Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz reveals the roles that settler colonialism and policie Spanning more than 400 years, this classic bottom-up history examines the legacy of Indigenous peoples' resistance, resilience, and steadfast fight against imperialism. Going beyond the story of America as a country ""discovered"" by a few brave men in the ""New World,"" Indigenous human rights advocate Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz reveals the roles that settler colonialism and policies of American Indian genocide played in forming our national identity. The original academic text is fully adapted by renowned curriculum experts Debbie Reese and Jean Mendoza, for middle-grade and young adult readers to include discussion topics, archival images, original maps, recommendations for further reading, and other materials to encourage students, teachers, and general readers to think critically about their own place in history. "
387,Presents information about why and how people bully and tips and tricks you can use to deal with bullies.
388," Boyhood meets The Sun Is Also a Star in this unconventional love story by award-winning author Meredith Russo! Two kids, Morgan and Eric, are bonded for life after being born on the same day at the same time. We meet them once a year on their shared birthday as they grow and change: as Eric figures out who he is and how he fits into the world, and as Morgan makes the diffic Boyhood meets The Sun Is Also a Star in this unconventional love story by award-winning author Meredith Russo! Two kids, Morgan and Eric, are bonded for life after being born on the same day at the same time. We meet them once a year on their shared birthday as they grow and change: as Eric figures out who he is and how he fits into the world, and as Morgan makes the difficult choice to live as her true self. Over the years, they will drift apart, come together, fight, make up, and break up, and ultimately, realize how inextricably they are a part of each other. "
389,"Xander Liu survived the alien invasion, just barely. For more than a year, he has outsmarted, hidden from, and otherwise avoided the ruthless intruders, the Nahx, dodging the deadly darts that have claimed so many. When the murder of his friend leaves him in the protective company of August, a rebellious Nahx soldier, Xander is finally able to make his way back to human con Xander Liu survived the alien invasion, just barely. For more than a year, he has outsmarted, hidden from, and otherwise avoided the ruthless intruders, the Nahx, dodging the deadly darts that have claimed so many. When the murder of his friend leaves him in the protective company of August, a rebellious Nahx soldier, Xander is finally able to make his way back to human controlled territory and relative safety. But safety among the humans is not what it seems. When Raven awakes on a wide expanse of snowy sand dunes, she has many questions. What has happened to her and the other reanimated humans gathered around her? What is the meaning of the Nahx ships that hover ominously above them? And most pressing of all, where is August, who promised to keep her safe? In the shadow of an unforgiving Canadian winter, Xander and Raven find themselves on opposite sides of an alien war. Left with little choice about their roles in the looming battle, they search for answers and allies all while being drawn back to the place where their respective fates were determined, and to the one who determined them: August. Two teens fight for their lives after an alien invasion in this heart-stopping follow-up to Zero Repeat Forever. "
390,"Nate never imagined that he would be attacked by his best friend, Cam. Now, Nate is being called to deliver a sworn statement that will get Cam convicted. The problem is, the real story isn’t that easy or convenient, just like Nate and Cam’s friendship. Cam challenged Nate on every level from the day the boys met. He pushed him to break the rules, to dream, and to accept him Nate never imagined that he would be attacked by his best friend, Cam. Now, Nate is being called to deliver a sworn statement that will get Cam convicted. The problem is, the real story isn’t that easy or convenient, just like Nate and Cam’s friendship. Cam challenged Nate on every level from the day the boys met. He pushed him to break the rules, to dream, and to accept himself. But Nate, armed with a fierce moral code and conflicted by his own beliefs, started to push back. With each push, Nate and Cam moved closer to each other, but also spiraled closer to their breaking points. "
391,"In 2014, Maia Kobabe, who uses e/em/eir pronouns, thought that a comic of reading statistics would be the last autobiographical comic e would ever write. At the time, it was the only thing e felt comfortable with strangers knowing about em. Now, Gender Queer is here. Maia's intensely cathartic autobiography charts eir journey of self-identity, which includes the mortificat In 2014, Maia Kobabe, who uses e/em/eir pronouns, thought that a comic of reading statistics would be the last autobiographical comic e would ever write. At the time, it was the only thing e felt comfortable with strangers knowing about em. Now, Gender Queer is here. Maia's intensely cathartic autobiography charts eir journey of self-identity, which includes the mortification and confusion of adolescent crushes, grappling with how to come out to family and society, bonding with friends over erotic gay fanfiction, and facing the trauma of pap smears. Started as a way to explain to eir family what it means to be nonbinary and asexual, Gender Queer is more than a personal story: it is a useful and touching guide on gender identity, what it means and how to think about it, for advocates, friends, and humans everywhere. "
392,"Millie Quint is devastated when she discovers that her sort-of-best friend/sort-of-girlfriend has been kissing someone else. And because Millie cannot stand the thought of confronting her ex every day, she decides to apply for scholarships to boarding schools... the farther from Houston the better. Millie can't believe her luck when she's accepted into one of the world's Millie Quint is devastated when she discovers that her sort-of-best friend/sort-of-girlfriend has been kissing someone else. And because Millie cannot stand the thought of confronting her ex every day, she decides to apply for scholarships to boarding schools... the farther from Houston the better. Millie can't believe her luck when she's accepted into one of the world's most exclusive schools, located in the rolling highlands of Scotland. Everything about Scotland is different: the country is misty and green; the school is gorgeous, and the students think Americans are cute. The only problem: Mille's roommate Flora is a total princess. She's also an actual princess. Of Scotland. At first, the girls can barely stand each other, Flora is both high-class and high-key, but before Millie knows it, she has another sort-of-best-friend/sort-of-girlfriend. Even though Princess Flora could be a new chapter in her love life, Millie knows the chances of happily ever afters are slim... after all, real life isn't a fairy tale... or is it? "
393,"Alek Khederian thinks about his life B.E. and A.E.: Before Ethan and After Ethan. Before Ethan, Alek was just an average Armenian-American kid with a mess of curly dark hair, grades not nearly good enough for his parents, and no idea of who he was or what he wanted. After he got together with Ethan, Alek was a new man. Stylish. Confident. (And even if he wasn’t quite march Alek Khederian thinks about his life B.E. and A.E.: Before Ethan and After Ethan. Before Ethan, Alek was just an average Armenian-American kid with a mess of curly dark hair, grades not nearly good enough for his parents, and no idea of who he was or what he wanted. After he got together with Ethan, Alek was a new man. Stylish. Confident. (And even if he wasn’t quite marching in LGBTQ parades), Gay and Out and Proud. With their six-month anniversary coming up, Alek and Ethan want to do something special to celebrate. Like, really special. Like, the most special thing two people in love can do with one another. But Alek’s not sure he’s ready for that. And then he learns something about Ethan that may not just change their relationship, but end it. Alek can't bear the thought of finding out who he'd be P.E.: Post-Ethan. But he also can't forgive or forget what Ethan did. Luckily, his best friend Becky and madcap Armenian family are there to help him figure out whether it’s time to just let Ethan go, or reach out and hold his hand. Hold My Hand is a funny, smart, relatable take on the joy and challenges of teenage love, the boundaries of forgiveness, and what it really means to be honest. "
394," An empowering celebration of identity, acceptance and Hawaiian culture based on the true story of a young girl in Hawaiʻi who dreams of leading the boys-only hula troupe at her school. Ho'onani feels in-between. She doesn't see herself as wahine (girl) OR kane (boy). She's happy to be in the middle. But not everyone sees it that way. When Ho'onani finds out that there will b An empowering celebration of identity, acceptance and Hawaiian culture based on the true story of a young girl in Hawaiʻi who dreams of leading the boys-only hula troupe at her school. Ho'onani feels in-between. She doesn't see herself as wahine (girl) OR kane (boy). She's happy to be in the middle. But not everyone sees it that way. When Ho'onani finds out that there will be a school performance of a traditional kane hula chant, she wants to be part of it. But can a girl really lead the all-male troupe? Ho'onani has to try... Based on a true story, Ho'onani: Hula Warrior is a celebration of Hawaiian culture and an empowering story of a girl who learns to lead and learns to accept who she really is, and in doing so, gains the respect of all those around her. Ho'onani's story first appeared in the documentary A Place in the Middle by filmmakers Dean Hamer and Joe Wilson. "
395,"Abraham Lincoln noted that governments should be of the people, by the people, [and] for the people. And yet, female citizens have often found that they are not as well served as men. Efforts to bring fair treatment to all people regardless of their gender or orientation are an important part of making democracy work for everyone. "
396,"Nolan Grant is sixteen, gay, and (definitely) still a virgin. He's never had a boyfriend, or even been kissed. It's not like Penn Valley is brimming with prospects. And when his big sister stages an elaborate ""prom-posal"" so Nolan can ask out his not-so-secret crush, Nolan freezes. He's saved from further embarrassment by bad boy Bern, who, for his own reasons, offers to f Nolan Grant is sixteen, gay, and (definitely) still a virgin. He's never had a boyfriend, or even been kissed. It's not like Penn Valley is brimming with prospects. And when his big sister stages an elaborate ""prom-posal"" so Nolan can ask out his not-so-secret crush, Nolan freezes. He's saved from further embarrassment by bad boy Bern, who, for his own reasons, offers to fake-date Nolan. Nolan thinks it's the perfect way to get Daphne off his back and spend the rest of the year drawing narwhals, tending to plants, and avoiding whatever died under his bed a few weeks ago. What he doesn't think about is Bern's ex-girlfriend, who seriously wants to kill him. "
397,"Ibram X. Kendi's concept of antiracism reenergizes and reshapes the conversation about racial justice in America, but even more fundamentally, points us toward liberating new ways of thinking about ourselves and each other. In How to be an Antiracist , Kendi asks us to think about what an antiracist society might look like, and how we can play an active role in building it. Ibram X. Kendi's concept of antiracism reenergizes and reshapes the conversation about racial justice in America, but even more fundamentally, points us toward liberating new ways of thinking about ourselves and each other. In How to be an Antiracist , Kendi asks us to think about what an antiracist society might look like, and how we can play an active role in building it. In this book, Kendi weaves together an electrifying combination of ethics, history, law, and science, bringing it all together with an engaging personal narrative of his own awakening to antiracism. How to Be an Antiracist is an essential work for anyone who wants to go beyond an awareness of racism to the next step: contributing to the formation of a truly just and equitable society. "
398,"The crew of the Prometheus is intent on taking down the world’s clock towers so that time can run freely. Now captives, Colton, Daphne, and the others have a stark choice: join the Prometheus’s cause, or fight back in any small way they can and face the consequences. But Zavier, leader of the terrorists, has a bigger plan, to bring back the lost god of time. As new threats e The crew of the Prometheus is intent on taking down the world’s clock towers so that time can run freely. Now captives, Colton, Daphne, and the others have a stark choice: join the Prometheus’s cause, or fight back in any small way they can and face the consequences. But Zavier, leader of the terrorists, has a bigger plan, to bring back the lost god of time. As new threats emerge, loyalties must shift. No matter where the Prometheus goes, Prague, Austria, India, nowhere is safe, and every second ticks closer toward the eleventh hour. Walking the line between villainy and heroism, each will have to choose what's most important: saving those you love at the expense of the many, or making impossible sacrifices for the sake of a better world. "
399," A picture book that introduces the concept of gender identity to the youngest reader from writer Theresa Thorn and illustrator Noah Grigni. Some people are boys. Some people are girls. Some people are both, neither, or somewhere in between. This sweet, straightforward exploration of gender identity will give children a fuller understanding of themselves and others. With chil A picture book that introduces the concept of gender identity to the youngest reader from writer Theresa Thorn and illustrator Noah Grigni. Some people are boys. Some people are girls. Some people are both, neither, or somewhere in between. This sweet, straightforward exploration of gender identity will give children a fuller understanding of themselves and others. With child-friendly language and vibrant art, It Feels Good to Be Yourself provides young readers and parents alike with the vocabulary to discuss this important topic with sensitivity. "
400,"When a tornado rips through town, twelve-year-old Ivy Aberdeen's house is destroyed and her family of five is displaced. Ivy feels invisible and ignored in the aftermath of the storm, and what's worse, her notebook filled with secret drawings of girls holding hands has gone missing. Mysteriously, Ivy's drawings begin to reappear in her locker with notes from someone telling When a tornado rips through town, twelve-year-old Ivy Aberdeen's house is destroyed and her family of five is displaced. Ivy feels invisible and ignored in the aftermath of the storm, and what's worse, her notebook filled with secret drawings of girls holding hands has gone missing. Mysteriously, Ivy's drawings begin to reappear in her locker with notes from someone telling her to open up about her identity. Ivy thinks, and hopes, that this someone might be her classmate, another girl for whom Ivy has begun to develop a crush. Will Ivy find the strength and courage to follow her true feelings? "
401,"Juliet Milagros Palante is leaving the Bronx and headed to Portland, Oregon. She just came out to her family and isn’t sure if her mom will ever speak to her again. But Juliet has a plan, sort of, one that’s going to help her figure out this whole ""Puerto Rican lesbian"" thing. She’s interning with the author of her favorite book: Harlowe Brisbane, the ultimate authority on Juliet Milagros Palante is leaving the Bronx and headed to Portland, Oregon. She just came out to her family and isn’t sure if her mom will ever speak to her again. But Juliet has a plan, sort of, one that’s going to help her figure out this whole ""Puerto Rican lesbian"" thing. She’s interning with the author of her favorite book: Harlowe Brisbane, the ultimate authority on feminism, women’s bodies, and other gay-sounding stuff. Will Juliet be able to figure out her life over the course of one magical summer? Is that even possible? Or is she running away from all the problems that seem too big to handle? With more questions than answers, Juliet takes on Portland, Harlowe, and most importantly, herself. "
402,"Amanda can’t figure out what’s so exciting about kissing. It’s just a lot of teeth clanking, germ swapping, closing of eyes so you can’t see that godzilla-sized zit just inches from your own hormonal monstrosity. All of her seven kisses had been horrible in different ways, but nothing compared to the awfulness that followed Kiss Number Eight. An exploration of sexuality, f Amanda can’t figure out what’s so exciting about kissing. It’s just a lot of teeth clanking, germ swapping, closing of eyes so you can’t see that godzilla-sized zit just inches from your own hormonal monstrosity. All of her seven kisses had been horrible in different ways, but nothing compared to the awfulness that followed Kiss Number Eight. An exploration of sexuality, family, and faith, Kiss Number Eight is a coming-of-age tale filled with humor and hope. "
403," All Freddy Riley wants is for Laura Dean to stop breaking up with her. The day they got together was the best one of Freddy's life, but nothing's made sense since. Laura Dean is popular, funny, and SO CUTE... but she can be really thoughtless, even mean. Their on-again, off-again relationship has Freddy's head spinning , and Freddy's friends can't understand why she keeps All Freddy Riley wants is for Laura Dean to stop breaking up with her. The day they got together was the best one of Freddy's life, but nothing's made sense since. Laura Dean is popular, funny, and SO CUTE... but she can be really thoughtless, even mean. Their on-again, off-again relationship has Freddy's head spinning , and Freddy's friends can't understand why she keeps going back. When Freddy consults the services of a local mystic, the mysterious Seek-Her, she isn't thrilled with the advice she receives. But something's got to give: Freddy's heart is breaking in slow motion, and she may be about to lose her very best friend as well as her last shred of self-respect. Fortunately for Freddy, there are new friends, and the insight of advice columnist Anna Vice, to help her through being a teenager in love. Mariko Tamaki and Rosemary Valero-O'Connell bring to life a sweet and spirited tale of young love that asks us to consider what happens when we ditch the toxic relationships we crave to embrace the healthy ones we need. "
404," The companion book, Jacob's School Play Starring She, He, and They is coming in 2021. Preorder now. 2020 ALA Rainbow Book List Selection 2020 NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People Selection A great companion read to The World Needs Who You Were Made to Be by New York Times bestselling author Joanna Gaines, illustrated by Julianna Swaney, the beloved le The companion book, Jacob's School Play Starring She, He, and They is coming in 2021. Preorder now. 2020 ALA Rainbow Book List Selection 2020 NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People Selection A great companion read to The World Needs Who You Were Made to Be by New York Times bestselling author Joanna Gaines, illustrated by Julianna Swaney, the beloved lead character from Jacob's New Dress, which is one of The American Library Association's top 100 banned books of the last decade, is back in an encouraging story about gender expression. When Jacob goes to the boys' bathroom he is chased out because the boys think he looks like a girl because of the way he is dressed. His classmate, Sophie, has a similar experience when she tries to go to the girls' bathroom. When their teacher finds out what happened, Jacob and Sophie, with the support administration, lead change at their school as everyone discovers the many forms of gender expression and how to treat each other with respect. "
405,"Alice had her whole summer planned. Non-stop all-you-can-eat buffets while marathoning her favorite TV shows (best friends totally included) with the smallest dash of adulting, working at the library to pay her share of the rent. The only thing missing from her perfect plan? Her girlfriend (who ended things when Alice confessed she's asexual). Alice is done with dating, no Alice had her whole summer planned. Non-stop all-you-can-eat buffets while marathoning her favorite TV shows (best friends totally included) with the smallest dash of adulting, working at the library to pay her share of the rent. The only thing missing from her perfect plan? Her girlfriend (who ended things when Alice confessed she's asexual). Alice is done with dating, no thank you, do not pass go, stick a fork in her, done. But then Alice meets Takumi and she can’t stop thinking about him or the rom com-grade romance feels she did not ask for (uncertainty, butterflies, and swoons, oh my!). When her blissful summer takes an unexpected turn, and Takumi becomes her knight with a shiny library employee badge (close enough), Alice has to decide if she’s willing to risk their friendship for a love that might not be reciprocated, or understood. "
406,"As society has become more accepting of LGBT persons, an increasing number have become parents. Today, between 2 and 4 million US youth are estimated to have an LGBT parent. This book presents a real-world look at how American families are changing and helps teen readers gain an understanding of what it is like to be part of an LGBT family. "
407,"Werewolf barista Julie and her supernatural friends try to unwind at a party, but a conniving fraternity of fairy bros has other plans for our heroes. With one of their friends trapped in the frat house and the winter solstice (a notable night of magical mischief) looming ever-closer, it's up to the amorous werewolves and gregarious centaur to save the day. Collects MOONSTR Werewolf barista Julie and her supernatural friends try to unwind at a party, but a conniving fraternity of fairy bros has other plans for our heroes. With one of their friends trapped in the frat house and the winter solstice (a notable night of magical mischief) looming ever-closer, it's up to the amorous werewolves and gregarious centaur to save the day. Collects MOONSTRUCK #6-10 "
408," A graphic novel about starting over at a new school where diversity is low and the struggle to fit in is real. Seventh grader Jordan Banks loves nothing more than drawing cartoons about his life. But instead of sending him to the art school of his dreams, his parents enroll him in a prestigious private school known for its academics, where Jordan is one of the few kids of c A graphic novel about starting over at a new school where diversity is low and the struggle to fit in is real. Seventh grader Jordan Banks loves nothing more than drawing cartoons about his life. But instead of sending him to the art school of his dreams, his parents enroll him in a prestigious private school known for its academics, where Jordan is one of the few kids of color in his entire grade. As he makes the daily trip from his Washington Heights apartment to the upscale Riverdale Academy Day School, Jordan soon finds himself torn between two worlds, and not really fitting into either one. Can Jordan learn to navigate his new school culture while keeping his neighborhood friends and staying true to himself? "
409," From the author of Dear Martin comes this exploration of old friendships, new crushes, and the path to self-discovery. Courtney ""Coop"" Cooper Dumped. Again. And normally I wouldn't mind. But right now, my best friend and source of solace, Jupiter Sanchez, is ignoring me to text some girl. Rae Evelyn Chin I assumed ""new girl"" would be synonymous with ""pariah,"" but Jupiter and From the author of Dear Martin comes this exploration of old friendships, new crushes, and the path to self-discovery. Courtney ""Coop"" Cooper Dumped. Again. And normally I wouldn't mind. But right now, my best friend and source of solace, Jupiter Sanchez, is ignoring me to text some girl. Rae Evelyn Chin I assumed ""new girl"" would be synonymous with ""pariah,"" but Jupiter and Courtney make me feel like I'm right where I belong. I also want to kiss him. And her. Which is... perplexing. Jupiter Charity-Sanchez The only thing worse than losing the girl you love to a boy is losing her to your boy. That means losing him, too. I have to make a move.... One story. Three sides. No easy answers. "
410,"In her own voice, author and poet Nikki Grimes explores the truth of a harrowing childhood in a memoir in verse. Growing up with a mother suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and a mostly absent father, Nikki Grimes found herself terrorized by babysitters, shunted from foster family to foster family, and preyed upon by those she trusted. At the age of six, she poured her p In her own voice, author and poet Nikki Grimes explores the truth of a harrowing childhood in a memoir in verse. Growing up with a mother suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and a mostly absent father, Nikki Grimes found herself terrorized by babysitters, shunted from foster family to foster family, and preyed upon by those she trusted. At the age of six, she poured her pain onto a piece of paper late one night -and discovered the magic and impact of writing. For many years, Nikki's notebooks were her most enduing companions. In this memoir, Nikki shows how the power of those words helped her conquer the hazards -ordinary and extraordinary -of her life. "
411,"The long-awaited sequel to the acclaimed YA fantasy Of Fire and Stars! Mare and Denna travel to a new and dangerous kingdom where Denna will be trained to tame her magic by a mysterious queen who is not all she seems. Perfect for fans of Malinda Lo and Kristin Cashore. Princesses Denna and Mare are in love and together at last, only to face a new set of dangers. Mare just wa The long-awaited sequel to the acclaimed YA fantasy Of Fire and Stars! Mare and Denna travel to a new and dangerous kingdom where Denna will be trained to tame her magic by a mysterious queen who is not all she seems. Perfect for fans of Malinda Lo and Kristin Cashore. Princesses Denna and Mare are in love and together at last, only to face a new set of dangers. Mare just wants to settle down with the girl she loves, which would be easier if Denna weren't gifted with forbidden and volatile fire magic. Denna must learn to control her powers, which means traveling in secret to the kingdom of Zumorda, where she can seek training without fear of persecution. Determined to help, Mare has agreed to serve as an ambassador as a cover for their journey. But just as Mare and Denna arrive in Zumorda, an attack on a border town in Mynaria changes everything. Mare's diplomatic mission is now urgent: she must quickly broker an alliance with the queen of Zumorda to protect her homeland. However, the queen has no interest in allying with other kingdoms; it's Denna's untamed but powerful magic that catches her eye. The queen offers Denna a place among her elite trainees, an opportunity that would force her to choose between her magic and Mare. As Denna's powers grow stronger, Mare struggles to be the ambassador her kingdom needs. By making unconventional friends, her knowledge of Zumorda and its people grow, and so too do her suspicions about who is truly behind the attacks on Zumorda and her homeland. As rising tensions and unexpected betrayals put Mare and Denna in jeopardy and dangerous enemies emerge on all sides, can they protect their love and save their kingdoms? "
412," In her debut novel, award-winning poet Brynne Rebele-Henry re-imagines the Orpheus myth as a love story between two teenage girls who are sent to conversion therapy after being caught together in an intimate moment. Abandoned by a single mother she never knew, 16-year-old Raya, obsessed with ancient myths, lives with her grandmother in a small conservative Texas town. For ye In her debut novel, award-winning poet Brynne Rebele-Henry re-imagines the Orpheus myth as a love story between two teenage girls who are sent to conversion therapy after being caught together in an intimate moment. Abandoned by a single mother she never knew, 16-year-old Raya, obsessed with ancient myths, lives with her grandmother in a small conservative Texas town. For years Raya has been forced to hide her feelings for her best friend and true love, Sarah. When the two are outed, they are sent to Friendly Saviors: a re-education camp meant to ""fix"" them and make them heterosexual. Upon arrival, Raya vows to assume the mythic role of Orpheus to escape Friendly Saviors, and to return to the world of the living with her love, only becoming more determined after she, Sarah, and Friendly Saviors' other teen residents are subjected to abusive ""treatments"" by the staff. In a haunting voice reminiscent of Sylvia Plath, with the contemporary lyricism of David Levithan, Brynne Rebele-Henry weaves a powerful inversion of the Orpheus myth informed by the real-world truths of conversion therapy. Orpheus Girl is a mythic story of dysfunctional families, trauma, first love, heartbreak, and ultimately, the fierce adolescent resilience that has the power to triumph over darkness and ignorance. CW: There are scenes in this book that depict self-harm, homophobia, transphobia, and violence against LGBTQ characters. "
413," Pet is here to hunt a monster. Are you brave enough to look? There are no more monsters anymore, or so the children in the city of Lucille are taught. With doting parents and a best friend named Redemption, Jam has grown up with this lesson all her life. But when she meets Pet, a creature made of horns and colours and claws, who emerges from one of her mother's paintings and Pet is here to hunt a monster. Are you brave enough to look? There are no more monsters anymore, or so the children in the city of Lucille are taught. With doting parents and a best friend named Redemption, Jam has grown up with this lesson all her life. But when she meets Pet, a creature made of horns and colours and claws, who emerges from one of her mother's paintings and a drop of Jam's blood, she must reconsider what she's been told. Pet has come to hunt a monster, and the shadow of something grim lurks in Redemption's house. Jam must fight not only to protect her best friend, but also to uncover the truth, and the answer to the question , How do you save the world from monsters if no one will admit they exist? In their riveting and timely young adult debut, acclaimed novelist Akwaeke Emezi asks difficult questions about what choices a young person can make when the adults around them are in denial. "
414,"A must-have primer for young readers and a great gift for pride events and throughout the year, beautiful colors all together make a rainbow in Rainbow: A First Book of Pride. This is a sweet ode to rainbow families, and an affirming display of a parent's love for their child and a child's love for their parents. With bright colors and joyful families, this book celebrates A must-have primer for young readers and a great gift for pride events and throughout the year, beautiful colors all together make a rainbow in Rainbow: A First Book of Pride. This is a sweet ode to rainbow families, and an affirming display of a parent's love for their child and a child's love for their parents. With bright colors and joyful families, this book celebrates LGBTQ+ pride and reveals the colorful meaning behind each rainbow stripe. Readers will celebrate the life, healing, light, nature, harmony, and spirit that the rainbows in this book will bring. "
415,"Moving forward and backward in time, Jacqueline Woodson's taut and powerful new novel uncovers the role that history and community have played in the experiences, decisions, and relationships of these families, and in the life of the new child. As the book opens in 2001, it is the evening of sixteen-year-old Melody's coming of age ceremony in her grandparents' Brooklyn brow Moving forward and backward in time, Jacqueline Woodson's taut and powerful new novel uncovers the role that history and community have played in the experiences, decisions, and relationships of these families, and in the life of the new child. As the book opens in 2001, it is the evening of sixteen-year-old Melody's coming of age ceremony in her grandparents' Brooklyn brownstone. Watched lovingly by her relatives and friends, making her entrance to the music of Prince, she wears a special custom-made dress. But the event is not without poignancy. Sixteen years earlier, that very dress was measured and sewn for a different wearer: Melody's mother, for her own ceremony, a celebration that ultimately never took place. Unfurling the history of Melody's parents and grandparents to show how they all arrived at this moment, Woodson considers not just their ambitions and successes but also the costs, the tolls they've paid for striving to overcome expectations and escape the pull of history. As it explores sexual desire and identity, ambition, gentrification, education, class and status, and the life-altering facts of parenthood, Red at the Bone most strikingly looks at the ways in which young people must so often make long-lasting decisions about their lives, even before they have begun to figure out who they are and what they want to be. "
416,"Told in verse in two voices, with a chorus of fellow students, this is a story of two girls, opposites in many ways, who are drawn to each other; Kate appears to be a stereotypical cheerleader with a sleek ponytail and a perfectly polished persona, Tam is tall, athletic and frequently mistaken for a boy, but their deepening friendship inevitably changes and reveals them in Told in verse in two voices, with a chorus of fellow students, this is a story of two girls, opposites in many ways, who are drawn to each other; Kate appears to be a stereotypical cheerleader with a sleek ponytail and a perfectly polished persona, Tam is tall, athletic and frequently mistaken for a boy, but their deepening friendship inevitably changes and reveals them in ways they did not anticipate. "
417,"In her unique, generous, and affecting voice, nineteen-year-old Katie Hill shares her personal journey of undergoing gender reassignment. Have you ever worried that you'd never be able to live up to your parents' expectations? Have you ever imagined that life would be better if you were just invisible? Have you ever thought you would do anything, anything, to make the teasi In her unique, generous, and affecting voice, nineteen-year-old Katie Hill shares her personal journey of undergoing gender reassignment. Have you ever worried that you'd never be able to live up to your parents' expectations? Have you ever imagined that life would be better if you were just invisible? Have you ever thought you would do anything, anything, to make the teasing stop? Katie Hill had and it nearly tore her apart. Katie never felt comfortable in her own skin. She realized very young that a serious mistake had been made; she was a girl who had been born in the body of a boy. Suffocating under her peers' bullying and the mounting pressure to be ""normal,"" Katie tried to take her life at the age of eight years old. After several other failed attempts, she finally understood that ""Katie"", the girl trapped within her, was determined to live. In this first-person account, Katie reflects on her pain-filled childhood and the events leading up to the life-changing decision to undergo gender reassignment as a teenager. She reveals the unique challenges she faced while unlearning how to be a boy and shares what it was like to navigate the dating world and experience heartbreak for the first time in a body that matched her gender identity. Told in an unwaveringly honest voice, Rethinking Normal is a coming-of-age story about transcending physical appearances and redefining the parameters of ""normalcy"" to embody one's true self. "
418,"Twelve-year-old movie-loving Maisie is in need of a distraction from her current romantic dilemma when her Uncle Walt comes to stay with her family after being hurt on the set of the movie he's filming in Hollywood. Maisie's best friend, Cyrus, has been hanging out a lot with Gary Hackett, whose last-name sounds to Maisie like a cat barfing up a hairball. When it seems as i Twelve-year-old movie-loving Maisie is in need of a distraction from her current romantic dilemma when her Uncle Walt comes to stay with her family after being hurt on the set of the movie he's filming in Hollywood. Maisie's best friend, Cyrus, has been hanging out a lot with Gary Hackett, whose last-name sounds to Maisie like a cat barfing up a hairball. When it seems as if Hackett might like Maisie romantically, she's none too pleased, and Cyrus is even less impressed. Uncle Walt has a way of pointing Maisie in the right direction, and Maisie's love of movies also keeps her centered. Heading to the local independent theater on Saturdays to see old movies helps Maisie stay grounded as she struggles with growing up, family tensions, a grandma who seems to be losing her memory, and a love triangle she never expected. "
419,"Genderqueer adolescent Jamie and her gay friend Levi come out to her brother Steve, who encourages them to seek acceptance from friends and family. Told in verse format. "
420," Sam loves riding his bike and learning about the American Revolution. He is full of laughter and joy. There’s just one problem: Sam’s family knows him as a girl named Isabel. Sam feels a sense of relief when he finally confides in his annoying but caring sister Maggie, and then his parents, even though it takes them a while to feel comfortable with it. But with lots of lov Sam loves riding his bike and learning about the American Revolution. He is full of laughter and joy. There’s just one problem: Sam’s family knows him as a girl named Isabel. Sam feels a sense of relief when he finally confides in his annoying but caring sister Maggie, and then his parents, even though it takes them a while to feel comfortable with it. But with lots of love and support, Sam and his family learn and grow through Sam’s journey to embrace his true self. In the vein of I Am Jazz by Jessica Herthel, Sam! is based on a true story. With a note from the author explaining their family’s experience, Sam! is an important addition to a list of books that help children and adults discuss gender identity. "
421," For fans of Love, Simon and Eleanor and Park , a romantic and sweet novel about a transgender boy who falls in love for the first time, and how first love changes us all, from New York Times bestselling author Amber Smith. Chris and Maia aren’t off to a great start. A near-fatal car accident first brings them together, and their next encounters don’t fare much better. Chris’s g For fans of Love, Simon and Eleanor and Park , a romantic and sweet novel about a transgender boy who falls in love for the first time, and how first love changes us all, from New York Times bestselling author Amber Smith. Chris and Maia aren’t off to a great start. A near-fatal car accident first brings them together, and their next encounters don’t fare much better. Chris’s good intentions backfire. Maia’s temper gets the best of her. But they’re neighbors, at least for the summer, and despite their best efforts, they just can’t seem to stay away from each other. The path forward isn’t easy. Chris has come out as transgender, but he’s still processing a frightening assault he survived the year before. Maia is grieving the loss of her older sister and trying to find her place in the world without her. Falling in love was the last thing on either of their minds. But would it be so bad if it happened anyway? "
422,"Seventeen-year-old Lacey Burke is the last person on the planet who should be doling out sex advice. For starters, she’s never even kissed anyone, and she hates breaking the rules. Up until now, she's been a straight-A music geek that no one even notices. All she cares about is jamming out with her best friends, Theo and Evita. But then everything changes. When Lacey sees fi Seventeen-year-old Lacey Burke is the last person on the planet who should be doling out sex advice. For starters, she’s never even kissed anyone, and she hates breaking the rules. Up until now, she's been a straight-A music geek that no one even notices. All she cares about is jamming out with her best friends, Theo and Evita. But then everything changes. When Lacey sees first-hand how much damage the abstinence-only sex-ed curriculum of her school can do, she decides to take a stand and starts doling out wisdom and contraception to anyone who seeks her out in the girls' restroom. But things with Theo become complicated quickly, and Lacey is soon not just keeping everyone else’s secrets, but hers as well. "
423,"Quiet, sensitive Faith starts middle school already worrying about how she will fit in. To her surprise, Amanda, a popular eighth grader, convinces her to join the school soccer team, the Bloodhounds. Having never played soccer in her life, Faith ends up on the C team, a ragtag group that’s way better at drama than at teamwork. Although they are awful at soccer, Faith and Quiet, sensitive Faith starts middle school already worrying about how she will fit in. To her surprise, Amanda, a popular eighth grader, convinces her to join the school soccer team, the Bloodhounds. Having never played soccer in her life, Faith ends up on the C team, a ragtag group that’s way better at drama than at teamwork. Although they are awful at soccer, Faith and her teammates soon form a bond both on and off the soccer field that challenges their notions of loyalty, identity, friendship, and unity. The Breakaways is a portrait of friendship in its many forms, and a raw and beautifully honest look into the lives of a diverse and defiantly independent group of kids learning to make room for themselves in the world. "
424,"Stevie is eleven and loves reading and sea-creatures. She lives with her mum, and she's been best friends with Andrew since forever. Stevie's mum teases her that someday they'll get married, but Stevie knows that won't ever happen. There's a girl at school that she likes more. A lot more. Actually, she's a bit confused about how much she likes her. It's nothing like the wa Stevie is eleven and loves reading and sea-creatures. She lives with her mum, and she's been best friends with Andrew since forever. Stevie's mum teases her that someday they'll get married, but Stevie knows that won't ever happen. There's a girl at school that she likes more. A lot more. Actually, she's a bit confused about how much she likes her. It's nothing like the way she likes Andrew. It makes her fizz inside. That's a new feeling, one she doesn't understand. Stevie needs to find out if girls can like girls -love them, even -but it's hard to get any information, and she's too shy to ask out loud about it. But maybe she can find an answer in a book. With the help of a librarian, Stevie finds stories of girls loving girls, and builds up her courage to share the truth with her mum. Written in accessible verse `chapters' and in a warm and reassuring style, The Deepest Breath will be of special relevance to young girls who are starting to realise that they are attracted to other girls, but it is also a story for any young reader with an open mind who wants to understand how people's emotions affect their lives. "
425,"On the edge of town a beast haunts the woods, trapped in the Gray, its bonds loosening… Uprooted from the city, Violet Saunders doesn’t have much hope of fitting in at her new school in Four Paths, a town almost buried in the woodlands of rural New York. The fact that she’s descended from one of the town’s founders doesn’t help much, either, her new neighbours treat her with On the edge of town a beast haunts the woods, trapped in the Gray, its bonds loosening… Uprooted from the city, Violet Saunders doesn’t have much hope of fitting in at her new school in Four Paths, a town almost buried in the woodlands of rural New York. The fact that she’s descended from one of the town’s founders doesn’t help much, either, her new neighbours treat her with distant respect, and something very like fear. When she meets Justin, May, Isaac, and Harper, all children of founder families, and sees the otherworldly destruction they can wreak, she starts to wonder if the townsfolk are right to be afraid. When bodies start to appear in the woods, the locals become downright hostile. Can the teenagers solve the mystery of Four Paths, and their own part in it, before another calamity strikes? "
426,"From the founding member of We Need Diverse Books comes a powerful novel about identity, betrayal, and the meaning of family. By day, seventeen-year-old Jo Kuan works as a lady's maid for the cruel daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Atlanta. But by night, Jo moonlights as the pseudonymous author of a newspaper advice column for the genteel Southern lady, ""Dear Miss Sw From the founding member of We Need Diverse Books comes a powerful novel about identity, betrayal, and the meaning of family. By day, seventeen-year-old Jo Kuan works as a lady's maid for the cruel daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Atlanta. But by night, Jo moonlights as the pseudonymous author of a newspaper advice column for the genteel Southern lady, ""Dear Miss Sweetie."" When her column becomes wildly popular, she uses the power of the pen to address some of society's ills, but she's not prepared for the backlash that follows when her column challenges fixed ideas about race and gender. While her opponents clamor to uncover the secret identity of Miss Sweetie, a mysterious letter sets Jo off on a search for her own past and the parents who abandoned her as a baby. But when her efforts put her in the crosshairs of Atlanta's most notorious criminal, Jo must decide whether she, a girl used to living in the shadows, is ready to step into the light. With prose that is witty, insightful, and at times heartbreaking, Stacey Lee masterfully crafts an extraordinary social drama set in the New South. "
427," This stunning YA debut is a timely and heartfelt speculative narrative about healing, faith, and freedom. Seventeen-year-old Marisol has always dreamed of being American, learning what Americans and the US are like from television and Mrs. Rosen, an elderly expat who had employed Marisol's mother as a maid. When she pictured an American life for herself, she dreamed of a This stunning YA debut is a timely and heartfelt speculative narrative about healing, faith, and freedom. Seventeen-year-old Marisol has always dreamed of being American, learning what Americans and the US are like from television and Mrs. Rosen, an elderly expat who had employed Marisol's mother as a maid. When she pictured an American life for herself, she dreamed of a life like Aimee and Amber's, the title characters of her favorite American TV show. She never pictured fleeing her home in El Salvador under threat of death and stealing across the US border as ""an illegal"", but after her brother is murdered and her younger sister, Gabi's, life is also placed in equal jeopardy, she has no choice, especially because she knows everything is her fault. If she had never fallen for the charms of a beautiful girl named Liliana, Pablo might still be alive, her mother wouldn't be in hiding and she and Gabi wouldn't have been caught crossing the border. But they have been caught and their asylum request will most certainly be denied. With truly no options remaining, Marisol jumps at an unusual opportunity to stay in the United States. She's asked to become a grief keeper, taking the grief of another into her own body to save a life. It's a risky, experimental study, but if it means Marisol can keep her sister safe, she will risk anything. She just never imagined one of the risks would be falling in love, a love that may even be powerful enough to finally help her face her own crushing grief. The Grief Keeper is a tender tale that explores the heartbreak and consequences of when both love and human beings are branded illegal. "
428,"In this rollicking queer western adventure, acclaimed cartoonist Melanie Gillman (Stonewall Award Honor Book As the Crow Flies ) puts readers in the saddle alongside Flor and Grace, a Latinx outlaw and a trans runaway, as they team up to thwart a Confederate plot in the New Mexico Territory. When Flor, also known as the notorious Ghost Hawk, robs the stagecoach that Grace h In this rollicking queer western adventure, acclaimed cartoonist Melanie Gillman (Stonewall Award Honor Book As the Crow Flies ) puts readers in the saddle alongside Flor and Grace, a Latinx outlaw and a trans runaway, as they team up to thwart a Confederate plot in the New Mexico Territory. When Flor, also known as the notorious Ghost Hawk, robs the stagecoach that Grace has used to escape her Georgia home, the first thing on her mind is ransom. But when the two get to talking about Flor's plan to crash a Confederate gala and steal some crucial documents, Grace convinces Flor to let her join the heist. "
429,"""Y"" is none other than unemployed escape artist Yorick Brown (his father was a Shakespeare buff), and he's seemingly the only male human left alive after a mysterious plague kills all Y-chromosome carriers on earth. But why are he and his faithful companion, the often testy male monkey Ampersand, still alive? He sets out to find the answer (and his girlfriend), while runni ""Y"" is none other than unemployed escape artist Yorick Brown (his father was a Shakespeare buff), and he's seemingly the only male human left alive after a mysterious plague kills all Y-chromosome carriers on earth. But why are he and his faithful companion, the often testy male monkey Ampersand, still alive? He sets out to find the answer (and his girlfriend), while running from angry female Republicans (now running the government), Amazon wannabes that include his own sister (seemingly brainwashed), and other threats. "
430," A twisted tragedy leaves Brooke and her siblings on their own in this provocative new novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Way I Used To Be. How do you let go of something you’ve never had? Junior year for Brooke Winters is supposed to be about change. She’s transferring schools, starting fresh, and making plans for college so she can finally leave her hom A twisted tragedy leaves Brooke and her siblings on their own in this provocative new novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Way I Used To Be. How do you let go of something you’ve never had? Junior year for Brooke Winters is supposed to be about change. She’s transferring schools, starting fresh, and making plans for college so she can finally leave her hometown, her family, and her past behind. But all of her dreams are shattered one hot summer afternoon when her mother is arrested for killing Brooke’s abusive father. No one really knows what happened that day, if it was premeditated or self-defense, whether it was right or wrong. And now Brooke and her siblings are on their own. In a year of firsts, the first year without parents, first love, first heartbreak, and her first taste of freedom, Brooke must confront the shadow of her family’s violence and dysfunction, as she struggles to embrace her identity, finds her true place in the world, and learns how to let go. "
431,"Seventeen-year-old Rukhsana Ali tries her hardest to live up to her conservative Muslim parents’ expectations, but lately she’s finding that harder and harder to do. She rolls her eyes instead of screaming when they blatantly favor her brother and she dresses conservatively at home, saving her crop tops and makeup for parties her parents don’t know about. Luckily, only a f Seventeen-year-old Rukhsana Ali tries her hardest to live up to her conservative Muslim parents’ expectations, but lately she’s finding that harder and harder to do. She rolls her eyes instead of screaming when they blatantly favor her brother and she dresses conservatively at home, saving her crop tops and makeup for parties her parents don’t know about. Luckily, only a few more months stand between her carefully monitored life in Seattle and her new life at Caltech, where she can pursue her dream of becoming an engineer. But when her parents catch her kissing her girlfriend Ariana, all of Rukhsana’s plans fall apart. Her parents are devastated; being gay may as well be a death sentence in the Bengali community. They immediately whisk Rukhsana off to Bangladesh, where she is thrown headfirst into a world of arranged marriages and tradition. Only through reading her grandmother’s old diary is Rukhsana able to gain some much needed perspective. Rukhsana realizes she must find the courage to fight for her love, but can she do so without losing everyone and everything in her life? "
432,"Explores the Indian Removal Act and its effects. Authoritative text, colorful illustrations, illuminating sidebars, and a ""Voices from the Past"" feature make this book an exciting and informative read. Explores the Indian Removal Act and its effects. Authoritative text, colorful illustrations, illuminating sidebars, and a ""Voices from the Past"" feature make this book an exciting and informative read. "
433,"Before, Jessica has always struggled with anger issues, but come sophomore year that all changes when Vivi crashes into her life. As their relationship blossoms, Vivi not only helps Jess deal with her pain, she also encourages her to embrace her talent as an artist. And for the first time, it feels like the future is filled with possibilities. After In the midst of senior Before, Jessica has always struggled with anger issues, but come sophomore year that all changes when Vivi crashes into her life. As their relationship blossoms, Vivi not only helps Jess deal with her pain, she also encourages her to embrace her talent as an artist. And for the first time, it feels like the future is filled with possibilities. After In the midst of senior year, Jess’s perfect world is erased when Vivi suddenly passes away. Reeling from the devastating loss, Jess pushes everyone away, and throws out her plans to go to art school. Because art is Vivi and Vivi is gone forever. Desperate for an escape, Jess gets consumed in her work-study program, letting all of her dreams die. Until she makes an unexpected new friend who shows her a new way to channel her anger, passion, and creativity. Although Jess may never draw again, if she can find a way to heal and room in her heart, she just might be able to forge a new path for herself without Vivi. "
434," Twelve-year-old Sunny St. James navigates heart surgery, reconnections with a lost mother, first kisses, and emerging feelings for another girl. When Sunny St. James receives a new heart, she decides to set off on a ""New Life Plan"": 1) do awesome amazing things she could never do before; 2) find a new best friend; and 3) kiss a boy for the first time. Her ""New Life Plan"" see Twelve-year-old Sunny St. James navigates heart surgery, reconnections with a lost mother, first kisses, and emerging feelings for another girl. When Sunny St. James receives a new heart, she decides to set off on a ""New Life Plan"": 1) do awesome amazing things she could never do before; 2) find a new best friend; and 3) kiss a boy for the first time. Her ""New Life Plan"" seems to be racing forward, but when she meets her new best friend Quinn, Sunny questions whether she really wants to kiss a boy at all. When the reemergence of her mother, Sunny begins a journey to becoming the new Sunny St. James. "
435,"Max: Chill. Sports. Video games. Gay and not a big deal, not to him, not to his mom, not to his buddies. And a secret: An encounter with an older kid that makes it hard to breathe, one that he doesn't want to think about, ever. Jordan: The opposite of chill. Poetry. His ""wives"" and the Chandler Mall. Never been kissed and searching for Mr. Right, who probably won't like him Max: Chill. Sports. Video games. Gay and not a big deal, not to him, not to his mom, not to his buddies. And a secret: An encounter with an older kid that makes it hard to breathe, one that he doesn't want to think about, ever. Jordan: The opposite of chill. Poetry. His ""wives"" and the Chandler Mall. Never been kissed and searching for Mr. Right, who probably won't like him anyway. And a secret: A spiraling out of control mother, and the knowledge that he's the only one who can keep the family from falling apart. Throw in a rickety, 1980s-era food truck called Coq Au Vinny. Add in prickly pears, cloud eggs, and a murky idea of what's considered locally sourced and organic. Place it all in Mesa, Arizona, in June, where the temp regularly hits 114. And top it off with a touch of undeniable chemistry between utter opposites. Over the course of one summer, two boys will have to face their biggest fears and decide what they're willing to risk, to get the thing they want the most. "
436,"Whoever wrote the uniform policy decided (whyyy?) that girls had to wear skirts, while boys were allowed to wear pants. Sexist. Dumb. Unfair. ""Girls must wear a black, pleated, knee-length skirt."" I bet I read those words a hundred times during summer vacation. The problem wasn’t the last word in that sentence. Skirt wasn’t really the issue, not for me. The issue was the firs Whoever wrote the uniform policy decided (whyyy?) that girls had to wear skirts, while boys were allowed to wear pants. Sexist. Dumb. Unfair. ""Girls must wear a black, pleated, knee-length skirt."" I bet I read those words a hundred times during summer vacation. The problem wasn’t the last word in that sentence. Skirt wasn’t really the issue, not for me. The issue was the first word. Girls. Here’s the thing: I may seem like a girl, but on the inside, I’m a boy. "
437," Everything Handmaids wear is red: the colour of blood, which defines us. Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead, where women are prohibited from holding jobs, reading, and forming friendships. She serves in the household of the Commander and his wife, and under the new social order she has only one purpose: once a month, she must lie on her back and pray that the Co Everything Handmaids wear is red: the colour of blood, which defines us. Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead, where women are prohibited from holding jobs, reading, and forming friendships. She serves in the household of the Commander and his wife, and under the new social order she has only one purpose: once a month, she must lie on her back and pray that the Commander makes her pregnant, because in an age of declining births, Offred and the other Handmaids are valued only if they are fertile. But Offred remembers the years before Gilead, when she was an independent woman who had a job, a family, and a name of her own. Now, her memories and her will to survive are acts of rebellion. Provocative, startling, prophetic, The Handmaid's Tale has long been a global phenomenon. With this stunning graphic novel adaptation of Margaret Atwood's modern classic, beautifully realized by artist Renee Nault, the terrifying reality of Gilead has been brought to vivid life like never before. "
438,"From #1 New York Times bestseller Cassandra Clare and award-winner Wesley Chu comes the first book in a new series that follows High Warlock Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood as they tour the world after the Mortal War. The Red Scrolls of Magic is a Shadowhunters novel. All Magnus Bane wanted was a vacation, a lavish trip across Europe with Alec Lightwood, the Shadowhunter who From #1 New York Times bestseller Cassandra Clare and award-winner Wesley Chu comes the first book in a new series that follows High Warlock Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood as they tour the world after the Mortal War. The Red Scrolls of Magic is a Shadowhunters novel. All Magnus Bane wanted was a vacation, a lavish trip across Europe with Alec Lightwood, the Shadowhunter who against all odds is finally his boyfriend. But as soon as the pair settles in Paris, an old friend arrives with news about a demon-worshipping cult called the Crimson Hand that is bent on causing chaos around the world. A cult that was apparently founded by Magnus himself. Years ago. As a joke. Now Magnus and Alec must race across Europe to track down the Crimson Hand and its elusive new leader before the cult can cause any more damage. As if it wasn’t bad enough that their romantic getaway has been sidetracked, demons are now dogging their every step, and it is becoming harder to tell friend from foe. As their quest for answers becomes increasingly dire, Magnus and Alec will have to trust each other more than ever, even if it means revealing the secrets they’ve both been keeping. "
439," Told in two distinct and irresistible voices, Junauda Petrus’s bold and lyrical debut is the story of two black girls from very different backgrounds finding love and happiness in a world that seems determined to deny them both. Trinidad. Sixteen-year-old Audre is despondent, having just found out she’s going to be sent to live in America with her father because her strictl Told in two distinct and irresistible voices, Junauda Petrus’s bold and lyrical debut is the story of two black girls from very different backgrounds finding love and happiness in a world that seems determined to deny them both. Trinidad. Sixteen-year-old Audre is despondent, having just found out she’s going to be sent to live in America with her father because her strictly religious mother caught her with her secret girlfriend, the pastor’s daughter. Audre’s grandmother Queenie (a former dancer who drives a white convertible Cadillac and who has a few secrets of her own) tries to reassure her granddaughter that she won’t lose her roots, not even in some place called Minneapolis. ""America have dey spirits too, believe me,"" she tells Audre. Minneapolis. Sixteen-year-old Mabel is lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to figure out why she feels the way she feels–about her ex Terrell, about her girl Jada and that moment they had in the woods, and about the vague feeling of illness that’s plagued her all summer. Mabel’s reverie is cut short when her father announces that his best friend and his just-arrived-from-Trinidad daughter are coming for dinner. Mabel quickly falls hard for Audre and is determined to take care of her as she tries to navigate an American high school. But their romance takes a turn when test results reveal exactly why Mabel has been feeling low-key sick all summer and suddenly it’s Audre who is caring for Mabel as she faces a deeply uncertain future. Junauda Petrus’s debut brilliantly captures the distinctly lush and lyrical voices of Mabel and Audre as they conjure a love that is stronger than hatred, prison, and death and as vast as the blackness between the stars. "
440," A powerful exploration of love, identity, and self-worth through the eyes of a fierce, questioning Puerto Rican teen. Fifteen-year-old Verdad doesn't think she has time for love. She's still struggling to process the recent death of her best friend, Blanca; dealing with the high expectations of her hardworking Puerto Rican mother and the absence of her remarried father; an A powerful exploration of love, identity, and self-worth through the eyes of a fierce, questioning Puerto Rican teen. Fifteen-year-old Verdad doesn't think she has time for love. She's still struggling to process the recent death of her best friend, Blanca; dealing with the high expectations of her hardworking Puerto Rican mother and the absence of her remarried father; and keeping everyone at a distance. But when she meets Danny, a new guy at school, who happens to be trans, all bets are off. Verdad suddenly has to deal with her mother's disapproval of her relationship with Danny as well as her own prejudices and questions about her identity, and Danny himself, who is comfortable in his skin but keeping plenty of other secrets. "
441,"Being a teenager is difficult enough, but having to go through puberty whilst realising you're in the wrong body means dealing with a whole new set of problems: bullying, self-doubt and in some cases facing a physical and medical transition. Alex is an ordinary teenager: he likes pugs, donuts, retro video games and he sleeps with his socks on. He's also transgender, and was Being a teenager is difficult enough, but having to go through puberty whilst realising you're in the wrong body means dealing with a whole new set of problems: bullying, self-doubt and in some cases facing a physical and medical transition. Alex is an ordinary teenager: he likes pugs, donuts, retro video games and he sleeps with his socks on. He's also transgender, and was born female. He's been living as a male for the past few years and he has recently started his physical transition. Throughout this book, Alex will share what it means to be in his shoes, as well as his personal advice to other trans teens. Above all, he will show you that every step in his transition is another step towards happiness. This is an important and positive book, a heart-warming coming-of-age memoir with a broad appeal. "
442,"Seventeen-year-old Veronica Clarke never thought she would wish she’d failed a test until she finds herself holding a thick piece of plastic in her hands and staring at two solid pink lines. Even the most consistent use of condoms won’t prevent pregnancy when your boyfriend secretly pokes holes in them to keep you from going out-of-state for college. Veronica needs an abor Seventeen-year-old Veronica Clarke never thought she would wish she’d failed a test until she finds herself holding a thick piece of plastic in her hands and staring at two solid pink lines. Even the most consistent use of condoms won’t prevent pregnancy when your boyfriend secretly pokes holes in them to keep you from going out-of-state for college. Veronica needs an abortion, but the closest place she can legally get one is over nine hundred miles away, and Veronica doesn’t have a car. Too ashamed to ask her friends or family for help, Veronica turns to the one person she believes won’t judge her: Bailey Butler, Jefferson High’s own little black cloud of anger and snark, and Veronica’s ex-best friend. Once on the road, Veronica quickly remembers nothing with Bailey is ever simple and that means two days of stolen cars, shotguns, crazed ex-boyfriends, truck stop strippers with pro-life agendas, and a limo driver named Bob. But the pain and betrayal of their broken friendship can’t be outrun. When their fighting leads to a brutal moment of truth, Bailey abandons Veronica. Now Veronica must risk everything in order to repair the hurt she’s caused "
443,"Super Bowl Champion and three-time Pro Bowler Michael Bennett is an outspoken proponent for social justice and a man without a censor. Michael Bennett is a Super Bowl Champion, a three-time Pro Bowl defensive end, a fearless activist, a feminist, an organizer, and a change maker. He's also one of the most humorous athletes on the planet, and he wants to make you uncomfortab Super Bowl Champion and three-time Pro Bowler Michael Bennett is an outspoken proponent for social justice and a man without a censor. Michael Bennett is a Super Bowl Champion, a three-time Pro Bowl defensive end, a fearless activist, a feminist, an organizer, and a change maker. He's also one of the most humorous athletes on the planet, and he wants to make you uncomfortable. Bennett adds his voice to discussions of racism and police violence, Black athletes and their relationship to powerful institutions like the NCAA and the NFL, the role of protest in history, and the responsibilities of athletes as role models to speak out against injustice. Following in the footsteps of activist-athletes from Muhammad Ali to Colin Kaepernick, Bennett demonstrates his outspoken leadership both on and off the field. Written with award-winning sportswriter and author Dave Zirin, Things That Make White People Uncomfortable is a sports book for young people who want to make a difference, a memoir, and a book as hilarious and engaging as it is illuminating. "
444,"From Heather Corinna, founder and director of , and Isabella Rotman, cartoonist and sex educator, comes a graphic novel guide that covers essential topics for preteens and young teens about their changing bodies and feelings. Join friends Malia, Rico, Max, Sam and Alexis as they talk about all the weird and exciting parts of growing up! This supportive group o From Heather Corinna, founder and director of , and Isabella Rotman, cartoonist and sex educator, comes a graphic novel guide that covers essential topics for preteens and young teens about their changing bodies and feelings. Join friends Malia, Rico, Max, Sam and Alexis as they talk about all the weird and exciting parts of growing up! This supportive group of friends are guides for some tricky subjects. Using comics, activities and examples, they give encouragement and context for new and confusing feelings and experiences. Inclusive of different kinds of genders, sexualities, and other identities, they talk about important topics like: -Bodies, including puberty, body parts and body image -Sexual and gender identity -Gender roles and stereotypes -Crushes, relationships, and sexual feelings -Boundaries and consent -The media and cultural messages, specifically around bodies and sex -How to be sensitive, kind, accepting, and mature -Where to look for more information, support and help A fun and easy-to-read guide from expert sex educators that gives readers a good basis and an age-appropriate start with sex, bodies and relationships education! The perfect complement to any school curriculum. "
445," A poignant, heartbreaking, and uplifting story in the tradition of The Perks of Being a Wallflower about three friends coming of age in the early 1980s as they struggle to forge their own paths in the face of fear of the unknown. Michael is content to live in the shadow of his best friends, James, an enigmatic teen performance artist who everyone wants and no one can have a A poignant, heartbreaking, and uplifting story in the tradition of The Perks of Being a Wallflower about three friends coming of age in the early 1980s as they struggle to forge their own paths in the face of fear of the unknown. Michael is content to live in the shadow of his best friends, James, an enigmatic teen performance artist who everyone wants and no one can have and Becky, who calls things as she sees them, while doing all she can to protect those she loves. His brother, Connor, has already been kicked out of the house for being gay and laying low seems to be his only chance to avoid the same fate. To pass the time before graduation, Michael hangs out at The Echo where he can dance and forget about his father's angry words, the pressures of school, and the looming threat of AIDS, a disease that everyone is talking about, but no one understands. Then he meets Gabriel, a boy who actually sees him. A boy who, unlike seemingly everyone else in New York City, is interested in him and not James. And Michael has to decide what he's willing to risk to be himself., , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , - Optioned for screen by Game of Thrones’ Nikolaj Coster-Waldau’s, Ill Kippers Productions, and Pretty Little Liars’ Julian Morris "
446," A good friend will bury your body, a best friend will dig you back up. Dino doesn’t mind spending time with the dead. His parents own a funeral home, and death is literally the family business. He’s just not used to them talking back. Until Dino’s ex-best friend July dies suddenly, and then comes back to life. Except not exactly. Somehow July is not quite alive, and not quit A good friend will bury your body, a best friend will dig you back up. Dino doesn’t mind spending time with the dead. His parents own a funeral home, and death is literally the family business. He’s just not used to them talking back. Until Dino’s ex-best friend July dies suddenly, and then comes back to life. Except not exactly. Somehow July is not quite alive, and not quite dead. As Dino and July attempt to figure out what’s happening, they must also confront why and how their friendship ended so badly, and what they have left to understand about themselves, each other, and all those grand mysteries of life. "
447,"When Aidan was born, everyone thought he was a girl. His parents gave him a pretty name, his room looked like a girl's room, and he wore clothes that other girls liked wearing. After he realized he was a trans boy, Aidan and his parents fixed the parts of life that didn't fit anymore, and he settled happily into his new life. Then Mom and Dad announce that they're going to When Aidan was born, everyone thought he was a girl. His parents gave him a pretty name, his room looked like a girl's room, and he wore clothes that other girls liked wearing. After he realized he was a trans boy, Aidan and his parents fixed the parts of life that didn't fit anymore, and he settled happily into his new life. Then Mom and Dad announce that they're going to have another baby, and Aidan wants to do everything he can to make things right for his new sibling from the beginning, from choosing the perfect name to creating a beautiful room to picking out the cutest onesie. But what does ""making things right"" actually mean? And what happens if he messes up? With a little help, Aidan comes to understand that mistakes can be fixed with honesty and communication, and that he already knows the most important thing about being a big brother: how to love with his whole self. When Aidan Became a Brother is a heartwarming book that will resonate with transgender children, reassure any child concerned about becoming an older sibling, and celebrate the many transitions a family can experience. "
448,"Rufus Holt is having the worst night of his life. It begins with the reappearance of his ex-boyfriend, Sebastian, the guy who stomped his heart out like a spent cigarette. Just as Rufus is getting ready to move on, Sebastian turns up out of the blue, saying they need to ""talk."" Things couldn’t get much worse, right? But then Rufus gets a call from his sister April, begging f Rufus Holt is having the worst night of his life. It begins with the reappearance of his ex-boyfriend, Sebastian, the guy who stomped his heart out like a spent cigarette. Just as Rufus is getting ready to move on, Sebastian turns up out of the blue, saying they need to ""talk."" Things couldn’t get much worse, right? But then Rufus gets a call from his sister April, begging for help. And then he and Sebastian find her, drenched in blood and holding a knife, beside the dead body of her boyfriend, Fox Whitney. April swears she didn’t kill Fox, but Rufus knows her too well to believe she’s telling him the whole truth. April has something he needs, though, and her price is his help. Now, with no one to trust but the boy he wants to hate yet can’t stop loving, Rufus has one night to prove his sister’s innocence…or die trying. "
449," The critically acclaimed author of Felix Yz crafts a bold, heartfelt story about a trans girl solving a cyber mystery and coming into her own. Zenobia July is starting a new life. She used to live in Arizona with her father; now she's in Maine with her aunts. She used to spend most of her time behind a computer screen, improving her impressive coding and hacking skills; now The critically acclaimed author of Felix Yz crafts a bold, heartfelt story about a trans girl solving a cyber mystery and coming into her own. Zenobia July is starting a new life. She used to live in Arizona with her father; now she's in Maine with her aunts. She used to spend most of her time behind a computer screen, improving her impressive coding and hacking skills; now she's coming out of her shell and discovering a community of friends at Monarch Middle School. People used to tell her she was a boy; now she's able to live openly as the girl she always knew she was. When someone anonymously posts hateful memes on her school's website, Zenobia knows she's the one with the abilities to solve the mystery, all while wrestling with the challenges of a new school, a new family, and coming to grips with presenting her true gender for the first time. Timely and touching, Zenobia July is, at its heart, a story about finding home. "
450,"The year is 1973. The Watergate hearings are in full swing. The Vietnam War is still raging. And homosexuality is still officially considered a mental illness. In the midst of these trying times is sixteen-year-old Jonathan Collins, a bullied, anxious, asthmatic kid, who aside from an alcoholic father and his sympathetic neighbor and friend Starla, is completely alone. To The year is 1973. The Watergate hearings are in full swing. The Vietnam War is still raging. And homosexuality is still officially considered a mental illness. In the midst of these trying times is sixteen-year-old Jonathan Collins, a bullied, anxious, asthmatic kid, who aside from an alcoholic father and his sympathetic neighbor and friend Starla, is completely alone. To cope, Jonathan escapes to the safe haven of his imagination, where his hero David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust and dead relatives, including his mother, guide him through the rough terrain of his life. In his alternate reality, Jonathan can be anything: a superhero, an astronaut, Ziggy Stardust, himself, or completely ""normal"" and not a boy who likes other boys. When he completes his treatments, he will be normal, at least he hopes. But before that can happen, Web stumbles into his life. Web is everything Jonathan wishes he could be: fearless, fearsome and, most importantly, not ashamed of being gay. Jonathan doesn’t want to like brooding Web, who has secrets all his own. Jonathan wants nothing more than to be ""fixed"" once and for all. But he’s drawn to Web anyway. Web is the first person in the real world to see Jonathan completely and think he’s perfect. Web is a kind of escape Jonathan has never known. For the first time in his life, he may finally feel free enough to love and accept himself as he is. A poignant coming-of-age tale, Ziggy, Stardust and Me heralds the arrival of a stunning and important new voice in YA. "
451,"In the hours after a bridge collapse rocks their city, a group of Boston teenagers meet in the waiting room of Massachusetts General Hospital: Siblings Jason and Alexa have already experienced enough grief for a lifetime, so in this moment of confusion and despair, Alexa hopes that she can look to her brother for support. But a secret Jason has been keeping from his siste In the hours after a bridge collapse rocks their city, a group of Boston teenagers meet in the waiting room of Massachusetts General Hospital: Siblings Jason and Alexa have already experienced enough grief for a lifetime, so in this moment of confusion and despair, Alexa hopes that she can look to her brother for support. But a secret Jason has been keeping from his sister threatens to tear the siblings apart…right when they need each other most. Scott is waiting to hear about his girlfriend, Aimee, who was on a bus with her theater group when the bridge went down. Their relationship has been rocky, but Scott knows that if he can just see Aimee one more time, if she can just make it through this ordeal and he can tell her he loves her, everything will be all right. And then there’s Skyler, whose sister Kate, the sister who is more like a mother, the sister who is basically Skyler’s everything, was crossing the bridge when it collapsed. As the minutes tick by without a word from the hospital staff, Skyler is left to wonder how she can possibly move through life without the one person who makes her feel strong when she’s at her weakest. "
452," An intersectional history of the shared struggle for African American and Latinx civil rights Spanning more than two hundred years, An African American and Latinx History of the United States is a revolutionary, politically charged revisionist history, arguing that Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, otherwise known as ""The Global South"", were crucial to the development of An intersectional history of the shared struggle for African American and Latinx civil rights Spanning more than two hundred years, An African American and Latinx History of the United States is a revolutionary, politically charged revisionist history, arguing that Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, otherwise known as ""The Global South"", were crucial to the development of America as we know it. Ortiz challenges the notion of westward progress, as exalted by widely-taught formulations like ""Manifest Destiny"" and ""Jacksonian Democracy,"" and shows how placing African American, Latinx, and Indigenous voices unapologetically front and center transforms American history into one of the working class organizing themselves against imperialism. In precise detail, Ortiz traces this untold history from the Jim Crow-esque racial segregation of the Southwest, the rise and violent fall of a powerful tradition of Mexican labor organizing in the 20th century, to May 1, 2006, International Workers' Day, when migrant laborers, Chicana/os, Afrocubanos, and immigrants from every continent on earth, united in the first ""Day Without Immigrants"" to prove the value of their labor. Incisive and timely, An African American and Latinx History is a bottom-up history told from the viewpoint of African American and Latinx activists revealing the radically different ways that brown and black people of the diaspora addressed issues plaguing the United States today. "
453,"Dara’s lived a sheltered life with her single mom, Mellie. Now, at eighteen, she’s dreaming of more. When Dara digs up her never-before-seen birth certificate, her world implodes. Why are two strangers listed as her parents? Dara confronts her mother, and is stunned by what she learns: Mellie is transgender. The unfamiliar name listed under ""father""? That’s Mellie. She tra Dara’s lived a sheltered life with her single mom, Mellie. Now, at eighteen, she’s dreaming of more. When Dara digs up her never-before-seen birth certificate, her world implodes. Why are two strangers listed as her parents? Dara confronts her mother, and is stunned by what she learns: Mellie is transgender. The unfamiliar name listed under ""father""? That’s Mellie. She transitioned when Dara was a baby, shortly after Dara’s birth mother died. But Dara still has more questions than answers. Reeling, she sets off on a road trip with her best guy friend, Sam. She's determined to find the extended family she’s never met. What she discovers, and what her mother reveals, piece by piece over emails, will challenge and change Dara more than she can imagine. From rising star Jessica Verdi, this is a gorgeous, timely, and essential novel about the importance of being our true selves. "
454,"Topics such as race , gender , politics , religion , and sexuality are part of our students' lives, yet when these subjects are brought up at school teachers often struggle with how to respond. How do we create learning conditions where kids can ask the questions they want to ask, muddle through how to say the things they are thinking, and have tough conversations? How can we Topics such as race , gender , politics , religion , and sexuality are part of our students' lives, yet when these subjects are brought up at school teachers often struggle with how to respond. How do we create learning conditions where kids can ask the questions they want to ask, muddle through how to say the things they are thinking, and have tough conversations? How can we be proactive and take steps to engaging in the types of conversations where risk is high but the payoff could be even greater? Being the Change is based on the idea that people can develop skills and habits to serve them in the comprehension of social issues. Sara K. Ahmed identifies and unpacks the skills of social comprehension , providing teachers with tools and activities that help students make sense of themselves and the world as they navigate relevant topics in today's society. Each chapter includes clear, transferrable lessons and practical strategies that help students learn about a targeted social comprehension concept. From exploring identity and diversity to understanding and addressing biases and microaggressions, Sara demonstrates how to address real issues honestly in the classroom while honoring and empowering students. Dealing with social issues is uncomfortable and often messy, but you can build habitats of trust where kids and adults can make their thinking visible and cultivate empathy; where expression, identity, and social literacy matter. There is no magic formula for making the world a better place. It happens in the moments we embrace discomfort and have candid conversations. I am convinced that every class of kids I work with is filled with change agents who will make this world the one we teach toward. I believe that my students will carry the work of doing right by this world into their own lives. I'll bet you believe this about your kids, too. -Sara K. Ahmed "
455," A beautiful, raw and compassionate memoir about identity, love and understanding. Now a major motion picture starring Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe, and Lucas Hedges, directed by Joel Edgerton.. The son of a Baptist pastor and deeply embedded in church life in small town Arkansas, as a young man Garrard Conley was terrified and conflicted about his sexuality. When Garrar A beautiful, raw and compassionate memoir about identity, love and understanding. Now a major motion picture starring Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe, and Lucas Hedges, directed by Joel Edgerton.. The son of a Baptist pastor and deeply embedded in church life in small town Arkansas, as a young man Garrard Conley was terrified and conflicted about his sexuality. When Garrard was a nineteen-year-old college student, he was outed to his parents, and was forced to make a life-changing decision: either agree to attend a church-supported conversion therapy program that promised to ""cure"" him of homosexuality; or risk losing family, friends, and the God he had prayed to every day of his life. Through an institutionalized Twelve-Step Program heavy on Bible study, he was supposed to emerge heterosexual, ex-gay, cleansed of impure urges and stronger in his faith in God for his brush with sin. Instead, even when faced with a harrowing and brutal journey, Garrard found the strength and understanding to break out in search of his true self and forgiveness. By confronting his buried past and the burden of a life lived in shadow, Garrard traces the complex relationships among family, faith, and community. At times heart-breaking, at times triumphant, this memoir is a testament to love that survives despite all odds. "
456," Gender-creative Riley knows just what to wear for every occasion during a busy week with family and friends in this sweet and timely picture book from Elana K. Arnold and Linda Davick. Riley wears whatever clothes feel right each day. On Monday, Riley feels shy and wears a bunny costume to school. On Tuesday, a scary trip to the dentist calls for a super hero cape. For a tr Gender-creative Riley knows just what to wear for every occasion during a busy week with family and friends in this sweet and timely picture book from Elana K. Arnold and Linda Davick. Riley wears whatever clothes feel right each day. On Monday, Riley feels shy and wears a bunny costume to school. On Tuesday, a scary trip to the dentist calls for a super hero cape. For a trip out with Otta and Oma, a ball gown is the perfect outfit. This charming picture book is a gentle exploration of self-expression and source of encouragement for being true to oneself despite the expectations of others. "
457,"Clock mechanic Danny Hart knows he's being watched. But by whom, or what, remains a mystery. To make matters worse, clock towers have begun falling in India, though time hasn't Stopped yet. He'd hoped after reuniting with his father and exploring his relationship with Colton, he'd have some time to settle into his new life. Instead, he's asked to investigate the attacks. Af Clock mechanic Danny Hart knows he's being watched. But by whom, or what, remains a mystery. To make matters worse, clock towers have begun falling in India, though time hasn't Stopped yet. He'd hoped after reuniting with his father and exploring his relationship with Colton, he'd have some time to settle into his new life. Instead, he's asked to investigate the attacks. After inspecting some of the fallen Indian towers, he realizes the British occupation may be sparking more than just attacks. And as Danny and Colton unravel more secrets about their past, they find themselves on a dark and dangerous path, one from which they may never return. "
458,"SEXTING. VIRGINITY. CONSENT. THE BIG O... Sex-positive vlogger Hannah Witton covers it all. Nobody really has sex all figured out. So Hannah Witton wrote a book full of honest, hilarious (and sometimes awkward) anecdotes, confessions, and revelations. Hannah talks about doing it safely. Doing it joyfully. Doing it when you're ready. Not doing it. Basically, doing it the way SEXTING. VIRGINITY. CONSENT. THE BIG O... Sex-positive vlogger Hannah Witton covers it all. Nobody really has sex all figured out. So Hannah Witton wrote a book full of honest, hilarious (and sometimes awkward) anecdotes, confessions, and revelations. Hannah talks about doing it safely. Doing it joyfully. Doing it when you're ready. Not doing it. Basically, doing it the way you want, when you want (if you want). Doing It works as an introduction to sex as well as a guidebook for those who are already sexually active, with insight on topics such as healthy relationships, porn, contraception, sex shaming, and more. Approachable and empowering, this is a go-to resource for all things s-e-x. "
459,"""I need Owen to explain this. Because yes, I do know that Owen would never do that, but I also know Hannah would never lie about something like that."" Mara and Owen are about as close as twins can get. So when Mara's friend Hannah accuses Owen of rape, Mara doesn't know what to think. Can the brother she loves really be guilty of such a violent crime? Torn between the famil ""I need Owen to explain this. Because yes, I do know that Owen would never do that, but I also know Hannah would never lie about something like that."" Mara and Owen are about as close as twins can get. So when Mara's friend Hannah accuses Owen of rape, Mara doesn't know what to think. Can the brother she loves really be guilty of such a violent crime? Torn between the family she loves and her own sense of right and wrong, Mara is feeling lost, and it doesn't help that things have been strained with her ex-girlfriend and best friend since childhood, Charlie. As Mara, Hannah, and Charlie navigate this new terrain, Mara must face a trauma from her own past and decide where Charlie fits in her future. With sensitivity and openness, this timely novel confronts the difficult questions surrounding consent, victim blaming, and sexual assault. "
460,"All Pen wants is to be the kind of girl she’s always been. So why does everyone have a problem with it? They think the way she looks and acts means she’s trying to be a boy, that she should quit trying to be something she’s not. If she dresses like a girl, and does what her folks want, it will show respect. If she takes orders and does what her friend Colby wants, it will s All Pen wants is to be the kind of girl she’s always been. So why does everyone have a problem with it? They think the way she looks and acts means she’s trying to be a boy, that she should quit trying to be something she’s not. If she dresses like a girl, and does what her folks want, it will show respect. If she takes orders and does what her friend Colby wants, it will show her loyalty. But respect and loyalty, Pen discovers, are empty words. Old-world parents, disintegrating friendships, and strong feelings for other girls drive Pen to see the truth, that in order to be who she truly wants to be, she’ll have to man up. "
461," Caroline Murphy is a Hurricane Child. Being born during a hurricane is unlucky, and 12-year-old Caroline has had her share of bad luck lately. She's hated and bullied by everyone in her small school on St. Thomas of the US Virgin Islands, a spirit only she can see won't stop following her, and, worst of all, Caroline's mother left home one day and never came back. But wh Caroline Murphy is a Hurricane Child. Being born during a hurricane is unlucky, and 12-year-old Caroline has had her share of bad luck lately. She's hated and bullied by everyone in her small school on St. Thomas of the US Virgin Islands, a spirit only she can see won't stop following her, and, worst of all, Caroline's mother left home one day and never came back. But when a new student named Kalinda arrives, Caroline's luck begins to turn around. Kalinda, a solemn girl from Barbados with a special smile for everyone, becomes Caroline's first and only friend, and the person for whom Caroline has begun to develop a crush. Now, Caroline must find the strength to confront her feelings for Kalinda, brave the spirit stalking her through the islands, and face the reason her mother abandoned her. Together, Caroline and Kalinda must set out in a hurricane to find Caroline's missing mother, before Caroline loses her forever. "
462," Alternate cover edition can be foundhere For Mike Muñoz, a young Chicano living in Washington State, life has been a whole lot of waiting for something to happen. Not too many years out of high school and still doing menial work, and just fired from his latest gig as a lawn boy on a landscaping crew, he knows that he’s got to be the one to shake things up if he’s ever going Alternate cover edition can be foundhere For Mike Muñoz, a young Chicano living in Washington State, life has been a whole lot of waiting for something to happen. Not too many years out of high school and still doing menial work, and just fired from his latest gig as a lawn boy on a landscaping crew, he knows that he’s got to be the one to shake things up if he’s ever going to change his life. But how? In this funny, angry, touching, and ultimately deeply inspiring novel, bestselling author Jonathan Evison takes the reader into the heart and mind of a young man on a journey to discover himself, a search to find the secret to achieving the American dream of happiness and prosperity. That’s the birthright for all Americans, isn’t it? If so, then what is Mike Muñoz’s problem? Though he tries time and again to get his foot on the first rung of that ladder to success, he can’t seem to get a break. But then things start to change for Mike, and after a raucous, jarring, and challenging trip, he finds he can finally see the future and his place in it. And it’s looking really good. Lawn Boy is an important, entertaining, and completely winning novel about social class distinctions, about overcoming cultural discrimination, and about standing up for oneself. "
463,"""Examines the continuing fight for LGBTQ human and legal rights"", ""Examines the continuing fight for LGBTQ human and legal rights"", "
464," Author Donna Gephart crafts a dual narrative about two remarkable young people: Lily, a transgender girl, and Dunkin, a boy dealing with bipolar disorder. Sometimes our hearts see things our eyes can’t. Lily Jo McGrother, born Timothy McGrother, is a girl. But being a girl is not so easy when you look like a boy. Especially when you’re in the eighth grade. Dunkin Dorfman, Author Donna Gephart crafts a dual narrative about two remarkable young people: Lily, a transgender girl, and Dunkin, a boy dealing with bipolar disorder. Sometimes our hearts see things our eyes can’t. Lily Jo McGrother, born Timothy McGrother, is a girl. But being a girl is not so easy when you look like a boy. Especially when you’re in the eighth grade. Dunkin Dorfman, birth name Norbert Dorfman, is dealing with bipolar disorder and has just moved from the New Jersey town he’s called home for the past thirteen years. This would be hard enough, but the fact that he is also hiding from a painful secret makes it even worse. One summer morning, Lily Jo McGrother meets Dunkin Dorfman, and their lives forever change. "
465,"Hate crimes can take many forms. Assaulting someone, vandalizing their property, or simply making them feel threatened are all considered hate crimes when they are motivated by animosity for a particular group. Readers learn that these offenses often take place because the perpetrator has a fundamental misunderstanding or fear of the people in that targeted group. Informat Hate crimes can take many forms. Assaulting someone, vandalizing their property, or simply making them feel threatened are all considered hate crimes when they are motivated by animosity for a particular group. Readers learn that these offenses often take place because the perpetrator has a fundamental misunderstanding or fear of the people in that targeted group. Informative charts and discussion questions for each chapter encourage readers to think critically about the way peoples biases can dictate their behavior in ways that harm others. "
466,"When Suzette comes home to Los Angeles from her boarding school in New England, she isn't sure if she'll ever want to go back. L.A. is where her friends and family are (along with her crush, Emil). And her stepbrother, Lionel, who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, needs her emotional support. But as she settles into her old life, Suzette finds herself falling for so When Suzette comes home to Los Angeles from her boarding school in New England, she isn't sure if she'll ever want to go back. L.A. is where her friends and family are (along with her crush, Emil). And her stepbrother, Lionel, who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, needs her emotional support. But as she settles into her old life, Suzette finds herself falling for someone new...the same girl her brother is in love with. When Lionel's disorder spirals out of control, Suzette is forced to confront her past mistakes and find a way to help her brother before he hurts himself, or worse. "
467,"Whether or not you believe in fate, or luck, or love at first sight, every romance has to start somewhere. MEET CUTE is an anthology of original short stories featuring tales of ""how they first met"" from some of today’s most popular YA authors. Readers will experience Nina LaCour's beautifully written piece about two Bay Area girls meeting via a cranky customer service Twe Whether or not you believe in fate, or luck, or love at first sight, every romance has to start somewhere. MEET CUTE is an anthology of original short stories featuring tales of ""how they first met"" from some of today’s most popular YA authors. Readers will experience Nina LaCour's beautifully written piece about two Bay Area girls meeting via a cranky customer service Tweet, Sara Shepard's glossy tale about a magazine intern and a young rock star, Nicola Yoon's imaginative take on break-ups and make-ups, Katie Cotugno's story of two teens hiding out from the police at a house party, and Huntley Fitzpatrick's charming love story that begins over iced teas at a diner. There’s futuristic flirting from Kass Morgan and Katharine McGee, a riveting transgender heroine from Meredith Russo, a subway missed connection moment from Jocelyn Davies, and a girl determined to get out of her small town from Ibi Zoboi. Jennifer Armentrout writes a sweet story about finding love from a missing library book, Emery Lord has a heartwarming and funny tale of two girls stuck in an airport, Dhonielle Clayton takes a thoughtful, speculate approach to pre-destined love, and Julie Murphy dreams up a fun twist on reality dating show contestants. This incredibly talented group of authors brings us a collection of stories that are at turns romantic and witty, epic and everyday, heartbreaking and real. "
468,"It's been three years since Miles fell for Vivian, a talented and dazzling transgender girl. Eighteen months since a suicide attempt left Vivian on life support. Now Miles isn't sure who he is without her, but knows it’s time to figure out how to say goodbye. He books a solo trip to Iceland but then has a hard time leaving the refuge of his hotel room. After a little push f It's been three years since Miles fell for Vivian, a talented and dazzling transgender girl. Eighteen months since a suicide attempt left Vivian on life support. Now Miles isn't sure who he is without her, but knows it’s time to figure out how to say goodbye. He books a solo trip to Iceland but then has a hard time leaving the refuge of his hotel room. After a little push from Oskar, a local who is equal parts endearing and aloof, Miles decides to honor Vivian's life by photographing her treasured Doc Martens standing empty against the surreal landscapes. With each step he takes, Miles finds his heart healing, even as he must accept that Vivian, still in a coma, will never recover. Told through a series of instant messages to Vivian, this quirky and completely fresh novel explores love, loss, and the drastic distances we sometimes have to travel in order to move on. "
469,"¿ASÍ SE SENTÍA UN FLECHAZO DE AMOR? ¿Un dolor de estómago, una sensación burbujeante en la yema de los dedos? Cuando un tornado azota su pueblo, la casa de Ivy Aberdeen, de doce años, queda destruida y su familia termina desplazada. Ivy se siente invisible e ignorada luego de la tormenta… y lo que es peor, su cuaderno repleto de dibujos secretos de chicas tomadas de las ma ¿ASÍ SE SENTÍA UN FLECHAZO DE AMOR? ¿Un dolor de estómago, una sensación burbujeante en la yema de los dedos? Cuando un tornado azota su pueblo, la casa de Ivy Aberdeen, de doce años, queda destruida y su familia termina desplazada. Ivy se siente invisible e ignorada luego de la tormenta… y lo que es peor, su cuaderno repleto de dibujos secretos de chicas tomadas de las manos ha desaparecido. Misteriosamente, los dibujos de Ivy comienzan a reaparecer en su casillero con notas de alguien que la alienta a hablar sobre su identidad. Ivy piensa –y espera– que ese alguien sea su compañera de clase, esa chica que a Ivy le genera mariposas en el estómago. ¿Encontrará Ivy la fortaleza y el coraje para seguir sus verdaderos sentimientos? La carta de Ivy Aberdeen al mundo es una novela magnífica y tierna acerca del nacimiento de la identidad y un exponente enriquecedor de la literatura middle grade. -Una novela que aborda la sexualidad desde una perspectiva totalmente realista y conmovedora. -Ashley Herring Blake es la reconocida autora de la novela juvenil Cómo pedir un deseo. -Una novela que apela tanto a jóvenes como adultos, para hacernos reflexionar sobre la verdadera esencia del amor. "
470,"Werewolf barista Julie and her new girlfriend go on a date to a close-up magic show, but all heck breaks loose when the magician casts a horrible spell on their friend Chet. Now it's up to the team of mythical pals to stop the illicit illusionist before it's too late. The first chapter of the brand new, all-ages magical coffee-laden adventure from Lumberjanes creator GRACE Werewolf barista Julie and her new girlfriend go on a date to a close-up magic show, but all heck breaks loose when the magician casts a horrible spell on their friend Chet. Now it's up to the team of mythical pals to stop the illicit illusionist before it's too late. The first chapter of the brand new, all-ages magical coffee-laden adventure from Lumberjanes creator GRACE ELLIS and talented newcomer SHAE BEAGLE. Collects issues 1 through 5 "
471,"Ten-year-old Caspar ""Caz"" Cadman loves baseball and has a great arm. He loves the sounds, the smells, the stats. When his family moves from Toronto to a suburb of Seattle, the first thing he does is try out for the local summer team, the Redburn Ravens. Even though Caz is thrilled when he makes the team, he worries because he has a big secret. No one knows that back in Toro Ten-year-old Caspar ""Caz"" Cadman loves baseball and has a great arm. He loves the sounds, the smells, the stats. When his family moves from Toronto to a suburb of Seattle, the first thing he does is try out for the local summer team, the Redburn Ravens. Even though Caz is thrilled when he makes the team, he worries because he has a big secret. No one knows that back in Toronto, Caz used to live life as a girl named Cassandra. And it's nobody's business. Caz will tell his new friends when he's ready. But when a player on a rival team starts snooping around, Caz's past is revealed, and Caz worries it will be Toronto all over again. Will Caz's teammates rally behind their star pitcher? Or will Caz be betrayed once more? A heartwarming, funny, fast-paced story about the bravery it takes to live as your true self, no matter the cost. "
472," The dark story of the shocking resurgence of white supremacist and nationalist groups, and their path to political power Six years ago, when Vegas Tenold began reporting from the inner circle of three white power groups in America, the KKK, the National Socialist Movement, and the Traditionalist Workers Party, he found himself in the midst of small, disorganized gro The dark story of the shocking resurgence of white supremacist and nationalist groups, and their path to political power Six years ago, when Vegas Tenold began reporting from the inner circle of three white power groups in America, the KKK, the National Socialist Movement, and the Traditionalist Workers Party, he found himself in the midst of small, disorganized groups operating well outside the mainstream. But in the last few years, that has all changed. Their racially-motivated violence has been on open display at rallies in Charlottesville, Berkeley, Pikesville, Phoenix, and Boston. In response to economic grievances, anger over the presidency of Barack Obama and the visibility of Black Lives Matter, and egged on by the rhetoric of Donald Trump, membership is rising and national politicians are giving validation to these groups. One young man has emerged as a powerful figure: Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Workers Party, who was once labeled the ""Little Führer"" by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Heimbach believes that cross burning and fight-ridden conventions are a waste of time. He understands political power, and has organized a coalition of white nationalists to bring these groups into the mainstream. Everything You Love Will Burn gives readers a front-row seat at violent white supremacist conventions, newly formed separatist communities, and backroom meetings with Republican operatives. We meet a neo-Nazi lieutenant and his daughter in Brooklyn's Sheepshead Bay; a bubbly, twenty-something Klanswoman in Tennessee; and a solemn skinhead recruit in Georgia, and learn about why they've tied their fates to these movements. By turns frightening and fascinating, Everything You Love Will Burn shows us the future of hate in America. "
473,"7 Hours and 5 Minutes A powerful collection of essays from actors, activists, athletes, politicians, musicians, writers, and teens, including Senator Amy Klobuchar, actress Alia Shawkat, actor Maulik Pancholy, poet Azure Antoinette, teen activist Gavin Grimm, and many, many more, each writing about a time in their youth when they were held back because of their race, gen 7 Hours and 5 Minutes A powerful collection of essays from actors, activists, athletes, politicians, musicians, writers, and teens, including Senator Amy Klobuchar, actress Alia Shawkat, actor Maulik Pancholy, poet Azure Antoinette, teen activist Gavin Grimm, and many, many more, each writing about a time in their youth when they were held back because of their race, gender, or sexual identity, but persisted. ""Aren't you a terrorist?"" ""There are no roles for people who look like you."" ""That's a sin."" ""No girls allowed."" They've heard it all. Actress Alia Shawkat reflects on all the parts she was told she was too ""ethnic"" to play. Former NFL player Wade Davis recalls his bullying of gay classmates in an attempt to hide his own sexuality. Teen Gavin Grimm shares the story that led to the infamous ""bathroom bill,"" and how he's fighting it. Holocaust survivor Fanny Starr tells of her harrowing time in Aushwitz, where she watched her family disappear, one by one. What made them rise up through the hate? What made them overcome the obstacles of their childhood to achieve extraordinary success? How did they break out of society's limited view of who they are and find their way to the beautiful and hard-won lives they live today? With a foreword by Minnesota senator and up-and-coming Democratic party leader Amy Klobuchar, these essays share deeply personal stories of resilience, faith, love, and, yes, persistence. ""Each tale is a soulful testament to the endurance of the human spirit and reminds readers that they are not alone in their search for self. An unflinchingly honest book that should be required reading for every young person in America."", Kirkus , Starred review ""An invaluable collection of snapshots of American society."", VOYA, Starred review ""[A] gem of a book... There's a lot to study here and talk about on the way to becoming kinder, more empathetic, and most important, compassionate."", Booklist ""Readers encountering injustice in their own lives may be compelled to take heart, and even action."", Publishers Weekly ""A powerful collection of voices."", SLJ ""The sheer variation in writing styles, subject-matters, and structure to these narratives provides readers with inspiration in assorted forms and a complex interpretation of what it means to persist."", The Bulletin "
474," Not My Idea , the latest in the critically-acclaimed Ordinary Terrible Things series, is a book about whiteness. A white child sees TV news coverage of a white police officer shooting a brown person whose hands were up. Upset, he asks his mother why; she deflects, assuring him that he is safe. Later, they visit an aunt and uncle, where the TV, always on, shows a rally in res Not My Idea , the latest in the critically-acclaimed Ordinary Terrible Things series, is a book about whiteness. A white child sees TV news coverage of a white police officer shooting a brown person whose hands were up. Upset, he asks his mother why; she deflects, assuring him that he is safe. Later, they visit an aunt and uncle, where the TV, always on, shows a rally in response to the police shooting. The child glimpses a moving press conference with the victim’s family while his aunt claims she simply ""can’t watch the news."" The book’s narrator accompanies the child as he faces history and himself. The activities section urges kids to grow justice (""like a bean sprout in a milk carton"") inside of themselves, seek out and listen to the truth about racism and white supremacy, and prepare to be changed, heartbroken, and liberated by this experience. Part history lesson, part compassionate primer to assist children (and parents) past defensiveness, Not My Idea is a tangible tool for necessary conversations. "
475,"Third time’s a charm! Nate Foster returns home to Jankburg, Pennsylvania, to face his biggest challenge yet, high school, in this final novel in the Lambda Literary Award–winning Nate trilogy, which The New York Times calls ""inspired and inspiring."" When the news hits that E.T.: The Musical wasn’t nominated for a single Tony Award, not one!, the show closes, leaving Nate both o Third time’s a charm! Nate Foster returns home to Jankburg, Pennsylvania, to face his biggest challenge yet, high school, in this final novel in the Lambda Literary Award–winning Nate trilogy, which The New York Times calls ""inspired and inspiring."" When the news hits that E.T.: The Musical wasn’t nominated for a single Tony Award, not one!, the show closes, leaving Nate both out of luck and out of a job. And while Nate’s cast mates are eager to move on (the boy he understudies already landed a role on a TV show!), Nate knows it’s back to square one, also known as Jankburg, Pennsylvania. Where horror (read: high school) awaits. Desperate to turn his life from flop to fabulous, Nate takes on a huge freshman English project with his BFF, Libby: he’s going to make a musical out of Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations. (What could possibly go…right?) But when Nate’s New York crush ghosts him, and his grades start to slip, he finds the only thing harder than being on Broadway is being a freshman , especially when you’ve got a secret you’re desperate to sing out about. This magical conclusion to Tim Federle’s beloved Nate series is a love letter to theater kids young and not-so-young, and for anyone who ever wondered if they could truly go home again. Especially when doing so means facing everything you thought you’d left behind. "
476,"Internationally bestselling author Nadia Hashimi’s first novel for young readers is an emotional, beautiful, and riveting coming-of-age journey to modern-day Afghanistan that explores life as a bacha posh, a preteen girl dressed as a boy. Obayda’s family is in need of some good fortune. Her father lost one of his legs in a bomb explosion, forcing the family to move from their Internationally bestselling author Nadia Hashimi’s first novel for young readers is an emotional, beautiful, and riveting coming-of-age journey to modern-day Afghanistan that explores life as a bacha posh, a preteen girl dressed as a boy. Obayda’s family is in need of some good fortune. Her father lost one of his legs in a bomb explosion, forcing the family to move from their home city of Kabul to a small village, where life is very different and Obayda’s father almost never leaves his room. One day, Obayda’s aunt has an idea to bring the family luck, dress Obayda, the youngest of her sisters, as a boy, a bacha posh. Now Obayda is Obayd. Life in this in-between place is confusing, but once Obayda meets another bacha posh, everything changes. The two of them can explore the village on their own, climbing trees, playing sports, and more. But their transformation won’t last forever, unless the two best friends can figure out a way to make it stick and make their newfound freedoms endure. "
477,"A heartening story of two girls who discover their friendship is something more. But how, among their backward town, will Sam and Allie face what they know is true about themselves? Welcome to Daniel Boone Middle School in the 1970s, where teachers and coaches must hide who they are, and girls who like girls are forced to question their own choices. Presented in the voice A heartening story of two girls who discover their friendship is something more. But how, among their backward town, will Sam and Allie face what they know is true about themselves? Welcome to Daniel Boone Middle School in the 1970s, where teachers and coaches must hide who they are, and girls who like girls are forced to question their own choices. Presented in the voice of a premier storyteller, One True Way sheds exquisite light on what it means to be different, while at the same time being wholly true to oneself. Through the lives and influences of two girls, readers come to see that love is love is love. Set against the backdrop of history and politics that surrounded gay rights in the 1970s South, this novel is a thoughtful, eye-opening, look at tolerance, acceptance, and change, and will widen the hearts of all readers. "
478," A primer for peaceful protest, resistance, and activism from the author of Rodzilla and Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag. Protesting. Standing up for what’s right. Uniting around the common good, kids have questions about all of these things they see and hear about each day. Through sparse and lyrical writing, Rob Sanders introduces abstract concepts lik A primer for peaceful protest, resistance, and activism from the author of Rodzilla and Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag. Protesting. Standing up for what’s right. Uniting around the common good, kids have questions about all of these things they see and hear about each day. Through sparse and lyrical writing, Rob Sanders introduces abstract concepts like ""fighting for what you believe in"" and turns them into something actionable. Jared Schorr’s bold, bright illustrations brings the resistance to life making it clear that one person can make a difference. And together, we can accomplish anything. "
479,"Modern presidents face resistance from a split nation. Political Resistance in the Current Age covers movements that resisted recent presidential administrations from George W. Bush to Donald Trump, what inspired the movements, and the change they brought about. Easy-to-read text, vivid images, and helpful back matter give readers a clear look at this subject. Features inc Modern presidents face resistance from a split nation. Political Resistance in the Current Age covers movements that resisted recent presidential administrations from George W. Bush to Donald Trump, what inspired the movements, and the change they brought about. Easy-to-read text, vivid images, and helpful back matter give readers a clear look at this subject. Features include a table of contents, infographics, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Core Library is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a division of ABDO. "
480," The very first picture book about the remarkable and inspiring story of the Gay Pride Flag! In this deeply moving and empowering true story, young readers will trace the life of the Gay Pride Flag, from its beginnings in 1978 with social activist Harvey Milk and designer Gilbert Baker to its spanning of the globe and its role in today’s world. Award-winning author Rob Sande The very first picture book about the remarkable and inspiring story of the Gay Pride Flag! In this deeply moving and empowering true story, young readers will trace the life of the Gay Pride Flag, from its beginnings in 1978 with social activist Harvey Milk and designer Gilbert Baker to its spanning of the globe and its role in today’s world. Award-winning author Rob Sanders’s stirring text, and acclaimed illustrator Steven Salerno’s evocative images, combine to tell this remarkable, and undertold, story. A story of love, hope, equality, and pride. "
481,"In 1955, eighteen-year-old Janet Jones keeps the love she shares with her best friend Marie a secret. It’s not easy being gay in Washington, DC, in the age of McCarthyism, but when she discovers a series of books about women falling in love with other women, it awakens something in Janet. As she juggles a romance she must keep hidden and a newfound ambition to write and pu In 1955, eighteen-year-old Janet Jones keeps the love she shares with her best friend Marie a secret. It’s not easy being gay in Washington, DC, in the age of McCarthyism, but when she discovers a series of books about women falling in love with other women, it awakens something in Janet. As she juggles a romance she must keep hidden and a newfound ambition to write and publish her own story, she risks exposing herself, and Marie, to a danger all too real. Sixty-two years later, Abby Zimet can’t stop thinking about her senior project and its subject, classic 1950s lesbian pulp fiction. Between the pages of her favorite book, the stresses of Abby’s own life are lost to the fictional hopes, desires and tragedies of the characters she’s reading about. She feels especially connected to one author, a woman who wrote under the pseudonym ""Marian Love,"" and becomes determined to track her down and discover her true identity. In this novel told in dual narratives, New York Times bestselling author Robin Talley weaves together the lives of two young women connected across generations through the power of words. A stunning story of bravery, love, how far we’ve come and how much farther we have to go. "
482,"Gilbert Baker always knew he wanted a life full of color and sparkle. In his small, gray, flat Kansas hometown, he helped his grandma sew and created his own art whenever he could. It wasn't easy; life tried over and over again to make Gilbert conform. But his sparkle always shone through. He dreamed of someday going somewhere as vibrant and colorful as he was. Set against Gilbert Baker always knew he wanted a life full of color and sparkle. In his small, gray, flat Kansas hometown, he helped his grandma sew and created his own art whenever he could. It wasn't easy; life tried over and over again to make Gilbert conform. But his sparkle always shone through. He dreamed of someday going somewhere as vibrant and colorful as he was. Set against the backdrop of San Francisco during the day rights movement of the 1970s, Gilbert's story unfolds just like the flag he created: in a riot of color, joy, and pride. Includes a Reader Note thta provides more in-depth historical context and further exploration of Gilbert's life. "
483,"By the late 1960s, the slow pace of progress brought about by the civil rights movement caused growing dissatisfaction for some. The assassinations of civil rights leaders during this time convinced many activists that white supremacy could not be countered with silence. The Black Power movement arose to address these concerns by holding a philosophy that black Americans c By the late 1960s, the slow pace of progress brought about by the civil rights movement caused growing dissatisfaction for some. The assassinations of civil rights leaders during this time convinced many activists that white supremacy could not be countered with silence. The Black Power movement arose to address these concerns by holding a philosophy that black Americans could obtain basic human needs through self-reliance and self-determination. Readers will learn about the movement's ideals, the methods used to achieve them, and the people who led the campaign for improved social conditions for all African Americans. "
484,"The heartwarming transgender love story, based on true events! Drawn in the style of diary comics with an upbeat, adorable flair, this is a charming tale about Chii, a woman assigned male at birth. Her story starts with her childhood and follows the ups and downs of exploring her sexuality, gender, and transition, as well as falling in love with a man who’s head over heels The heartwarming transgender love story, based on true events! Drawn in the style of diary comics with an upbeat, adorable flair, this is a charming tale about Chii, a woman assigned male at birth. Her story starts with her childhood and follows the ups and downs of exploring her sexuality, gender, and transition, as well as falling in love with a man who’s head over heels for her. Now they want to get married, so Chii’s about to embark on a new adventure: becoming a bride! "
485,"Seventeen, fashion-obsessed, and gay, Abby Ives has always been content playing the sidekick in other people's lives. While her friends and sister have plunged headfirst into the world of dating and romances, Abby has stayed focused on her plus-size style blog and her dreams of taking the fashion industry by storm. When she lands a prized internship at her favorite local b Seventeen, fashion-obsessed, and gay, Abby Ives has always been content playing the sidekick in other people's lives. While her friends and sister have plunged headfirst into the world of dating and romances, Abby has stayed focused on her plus-size style blog and her dreams of taking the fashion industry by storm. When she lands a prized internship at her favorite local boutique, she’s thrilled to take her first step into her dream career. She doesn't expect to fall for her fellow intern, Jordi Pérez. Abby knows it's a big no-no to fall for a colleague. She also knows that Jordi documents her whole life in photographs, while Abby would prefer to stay behind the scenes. Then again, nothing is going as expected this summer. She's competing against the girl she's kissing to win a paid job at the boutique. She's somehow managed to befriend Jax, a lacrosse-playing bro type who needs help in a project that involves eating burgers across L.A.'s eastside. Suddenly, she doesn't feel like a sidekick. Is it possible Abby's finally in her own story? But when Jordi's photography puts Abby in the spotlight, it feels like a betrayal, rather than a starring role. Can Abby find a way to reconcile her positive yet private sense of self with the image that other people have of her? Is this just Abby’s summer of fashion? Or will it truly be The Summer of Jordi Pérez (and the Best Burger in Los Ángeles) ? "
486," It sounded like a respectable and worthy enough death for an explorer -tumbling from an ice bridge to be impaled upon a mammoth tusk -but Stella really, really didn't want that to happen, just the same. Join Stella Starflake Pearl and her three fellow explorers as they trek across the snowy Icelands and come face-to-face with frost fairies, snow queens, outlaw hideouts, u It sounded like a respectable and worthy enough death for an explorer -tumbling from an ice bridge to be impaled upon a mammoth tusk -but Stella really, really didn't want that to happen, just the same. Join Stella Starflake Pearl and her three fellow explorers as they trek across the snowy Icelands and come face-to-face with frost fairies, snow queens, outlaw hideouts, unicorns, pygmy dinosaurs and carnivorous cabbages... When Stella and three other junior explorers get separated from their expedition can they cross the frozen wilderness and live to tell the tale? "
487," A fresh, charming rom-com perfect for fans of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda and Boy Meets Boy about Nathan Bird, who has sworn off happy endings but is sorely tested when his former best friend, Ollie, moves back to town. Nathan Bird doesn’t believe in happy endings. Although he’s the ultimate film buff and an aspiring screenwriter, Nate’s seen the demise of too many rel A fresh, charming rom-com perfect for fans of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda and Boy Meets Boy about Nathan Bird, who has sworn off happy endings but is sorely tested when his former best friend, Ollie, moves back to town. Nathan Bird doesn’t believe in happy endings. Although he’s the ultimate film buff and an aspiring screenwriter, Nate’s seen the demise of too many relationships to believe that happy endings exist in real life. Playing it safe to avoid a broken heart has been his MO ever since his father died and left his mom to unravel, but this strategy is not without fault. His best-friend-turned-girlfriend-turned-best-friend-again, Florence, is set on making sure Nate finds someone else. And in a twist that is rom-com-worthy, someone does come along: Oliver James Hernández, his childhood best friend. After a painful mix-up when they were little, Nate finally has the chance to tell Ollie the truth about his feelings. But can Nate find the courage to pursue his own happily ever after? "
488," A timely and captivating memoir about gender identity set against the backdrop of the transgender equality movement, by a leading activist and the National Press Secretary for the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest LGBTQ civil rights organization. Sarah McBride is on a mission to fight for transgender rights around the world. But before she was a prominent activis A timely and captivating memoir about gender identity set against the backdrop of the transgender equality movement, by a leading activist and the National Press Secretary for the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest LGBTQ civil rights organization. Sarah McBride is on a mission to fight for transgender rights around the world. But before she was a prominent activist, and before she became the first transgender person to speak at the Democratic National Convention in 2016, she was a teenager struggling with her identity. With emotional depth and unparalleled honesty, Sarah shares her personal struggle with gender identity, coming out to her supportive but distraught parents, and finding her way as a woman. She inspires readers with her barrier-breaking political journey that took her, in just four years, from a frightened, closeted college student to one of the nation's most prominent transgender activists walking the halls of the White House, passing laws, and addressing the country in the midst of a heated presidential election. She also details the heartbreaking romance with her first love and future husband Andy, a trans man and activist, who passed away from cancer in 2014 just days after they were married. Sarah's story of identity, love, and tragic loss serves as a powerful entry point for readers who want to gain a deeper understanding of gender identity and what it means to be openly transgender. From issues like bathroom access to healthcare, identification and schools, Sarah weaves the important political milestones, cultural and political debates, and historical context into a personal journey that will open hearts and change minds. Tomorrow Will Be Different highlights Sarah’s work as an activist and the key issues at the forefront of the fight for trans equality, providing a call-to-arms and empowering look at the road ahead. The fight for equality and freedom has only just begun. ""We must never be a country that says there’s only one way to love, only one way to look, and only one way to live."" –Sarah McBride "
489,"For most of human history, the garments women wore under their clothes were hidden. The earliest underwear provided warmth, and protection. But eventually, women's undergarments became complex structures designed to shape their bodies to fit the fashion ideals of the time. In the modern era, undergarments are out in the open, from the designer corsets Madonna wore on stage, For most of human history, the garments women wore under their clothes were hidden. The earliest underwear provided warmth, and protection. But eventually, women's undergarments became complex structures designed to shape their bodies to fit the fashion ideals of the time. In the modern era, undergarments are out in the open, from the designer corsets Madonna wore on stage, to Beyonce's pregnancy announcement on Instagram. This feminist exploration of women's underwear reveals the intimate role lingerie plays in defining women's bodies, sexuality, gender identity, and body image. It is a story of control and restraint but also female empowerment, and self-expression. You will never look at underwear the same way again. "
490,"In this modern fairy tale, a noble prince and a brave knight come together to defeat a terrible monster and in the process find true love in a most unexpected place. ""Thank you,"" he told his parents. ""I appreciate that you tried, but I’m looking for something special in a partner by my side."" Once upon a time, in a kingdom far from here, there was a prince in line to take the In this modern fairy tale, a noble prince and a brave knight come together to defeat a terrible monster and in the process find true love in a most unexpected place. ""Thank you,"" he told his parents. ""I appreciate that you tried, but I’m looking for something special in a partner by my side."" Once upon a time, in a kingdom far from here, there was a prince in line to take the throne, so his parents set out to find him a kind and worthy bride. The three of them traveled the land far and wide, but the prince didn't quite find what he was looking for in the princesses they met. While they were away, a terrible dragon threatened their land, and all the soldiers fled. The prince rushed back to save his kingdom from the perilous beast and was met by a brave knight in a suit of brightly shining armor. Together they fought the dragon and discovered that special something the prince was looking for all along. "
491,"Arthur is only in New York for the summer, but if Broadway has taught him anything, it’s that the universe can deliver a showstopping romance when you least expect it. Ben thinks the universe needs to mind its business. If the universe had his back, he wouldn’t be on his way to the post office carrying a box of his ex-boyfriend’s things. But when Arthur and Ben meet-cute at Arthur is only in New York for the summer, but if Broadway has taught him anything, it’s that the universe can deliver a showstopping romance when you least expect it. Ben thinks the universe needs to mind its business. If the universe had his back, he wouldn’t be on his way to the post office carrying a box of his ex-boyfriend’s things. But when Arthur and Ben meet-cute at the post office, what exactly does the universe have in store for them? Maybe nothing. After all, they get separated. Maybe everything. After all, they get reunited. But what if they can’t quite nail a first date... or a second first date... or a third? What if Arthur tries too hard to make it work... and Ben doesn’t try hard enough? What if life really isn’t like a Broadway play? But what if it is? "
492," GAME OF THRONES MEETS BLADE RUNNER IN THIS YA FANTASY DUOLOGY INSPIRED BY NORSE MYTHOLOGY FROM NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR AMANDA HOCKING. Between the Blade and the Heart WHEN THE FATE OF THE WORLD IS AT STAKE, LOYALTIES WILL BE TESTED. As one of Odin's Valkyries, Malin's greatest responsibility is to slay immortals and return them to the underworld. But when she GAME OF THRONES MEETS BLADE RUNNER IN THIS YA FANTASY DUOLOGY INSPIRED BY NORSE MYTHOLOGY FROM NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR AMANDA HOCKING. Between the Blade and the Heart WHEN THE FATE OF THE WORLD IS AT STAKE, LOYALTIES WILL BE TESTED. As one of Odin's Valkyries, Malin's greatest responsibility is to slay immortals and return them to the underworld. But when she unearths a secret that could unravel the balance of all she knows, Malin along with her best friend and her ex-girlfriend must decide where their loyalties lie. And if helping the blue-eyed boy Asher enact his revenge is worth the risk, to the world and her heart. From the Earth to the Shadows SHE WILL SAVE THE WORLD OR DIE TRYING. While dealing with dark revelations about her life and her world, Malin Krigarie finds herself with new allies, and new enemies. Her quest for the truth leads her to places she never thought possible, and she's never been one to shy away from a fight. But for all her strength and determination, will it be enough to rescue the people she cares about and save the world before it's too late? "
493,"Following the alphabet this book uses poetry and expository text to celebrate America's diverse population and showcase the remarkable achievements and contributions that have come from the many people who have chosen to make our country their home. Topics include well-known landmarks and institutions (the Statue of Liberty and the White House, our national parks system) a Following the alphabet this book uses poetry and expository text to celebrate America's diverse population and showcase the remarkable achievements and contributions that have come from the many people who have chosen to make our country their home. Topics include well-known landmarks and institutions (the Statue of Liberty and the White House, our national parks system) and famous citizens whose talents helped make the United States a world leader (Albert Einstein and Madeleine Albright). In addition to celebrating America's history and development, key concepts such as naturalization and steps to citizenship are explained in easy-to-understand terms for the young reader. "
494," Think positive. Don’t worry; be happy. Keep calm and carry on. Maeve has heard it all before. She’s been struggling with severe anxiety for a long time, and as much as she wishes it was something she could just talk herself out of, it’s not. She constantly imagines the worst, composes obituaries in her head, and is always ready for things to fall apart. To add to her troubl Think positive. Don’t worry; be happy. Keep calm and carry on. Maeve has heard it all before. She’s been struggling with severe anxiety for a long time, and as much as she wishes it was something she could just talk herself out of, it’s not. She constantly imagines the worst, composes obituaries in her head, and is always ready for things to fall apart. To add to her troubles, her mom, the only one who really gets what Maeve goes through, is leaving for six months, so Maeve will be sent to live with her dad in Vancouver. Vancouver brings a slew of new worries, but Maeve finds brief moments of calm (as well as even more worries) with Salix, a local girl who doesn’t seem to worry about anything. Between her dad’s wavering sobriety, her very pregnant stepmom insisting on a home birth, and her bumbling courtship with Salix, this summer brings more catastrophes than even Maeve could have foreseen. Will she be able to navigate through all the chaos to be there for the people she loves? "
495,"An accessible guide to coming out to family and friends, this title provides transgender readers with insight about what steps to take when thinking about coming out. It addresses how to answer questions that friends and family might ask as well as the potential steps involved in a gender transition. For trans allies, this resource is a useful tool to understand how to be An accessible guide to coming out to family and friends, this title provides transgender readers with insight about what steps to take when thinking about coming out. It addresses how to answer questions that friends and family might ask as well as the potential steps involved in a gender transition. For trans allies, this resource is a useful tool to understand how to be supportive of a loved one during their journey to express their true gender. Readers also will learn how to fight back against transgender discrimination at school and in their community. "
496,"What is gender? Is gender changeable? Does gender always match up with ones sexuality or outward appearance? These are questions at the forefront of contemporary debates for increased rights for trans men, trans women, and others who do not conform to our societys gender norms. Students will read the experiences of gender non-conforming individualsas well as court decision What is gender? Is gender changeable? Does gender always match up with ones sexuality or outward appearance? These are questions at the forefront of contemporary debates for increased rights for trans men, trans women, and others who do not conform to our societys gender norms. Students will read the experiences of gender non-conforming individualsas well as court decisions related to recent legal cases and media coveragein order to better understand the challenges they face today. "
497,"A fantastic, fabulous, funny YA debut from Jeffery Self, one of the gay icons of the YouTube generation, that follows one high school student on a drag race to his future. Debut YA author Jeffery Self takes us on a road trip with an insecure high school senior who has one goal: to be the first in his family to leave Clearwater, Florida, and go to college. The problem is, he A fantastic, fabulous, funny YA debut from Jeffery Self, one of the gay icons of the YouTube generation, that follows one high school student on a drag race to his future. Debut YA author Jeffery Self takes us on a road trip with an insecure high school senior who has one goal: to be the first in his family to leave Clearwater, Florida, and go to college. The problem is, he has zero means of paying for school, until his friends convince him to compete in a drag teen competition for a college scholarship. "
498," Danny Tozer has a problem: she just inherited the powers of Dreadnought, the world’s greatest superhero. Until Dreadnought fell out of the sky and died right in front of her, Danny was trying to keep people from finding out she’s transgender. But before he expired, Dreadnought passed his mantle to her, and those secondhand superpowers transformed Danny’s body into what she’ Danny Tozer has a problem: she just inherited the powers of Dreadnought, the world’s greatest superhero. Until Dreadnought fell out of the sky and died right in front of her, Danny was trying to keep people from finding out she’s transgender. But before he expired, Dreadnought passed his mantle to her, and those secondhand superpowers transformed Danny’s body into what she’s always thought it should be. Now there’s no hiding that she’s a girl. It should be the happiest time of her life, but Danny’s first weeks finally living in a body that fits her are more difficult and complicated than she could have imagined. Between her father’s dangerous obsession with ""curing"" her girlhood, her best friend suddenly acting like he’s entitled to date her, and her fellow superheroes arguing over her place in their ranks, Danny feels like she’s in over her head. She doesn’t have much time to adjust. Dreadnought’s murderer, a cyborg named Utopia, still haunts the streets of New Port City, threatening destruction. If Danny can’t sort through the confusion of coming out, master her powers, and stop Utopia in time, humanity faces extinction. "
499,"Debuting on the New York stage, Zara is unprepared, for Eli, the girl who makes the world glow; for Leopold, the director who wants perfection; and for death in the theater. Zara Evans has come to the Aurelia Theater, home to the visionary director Leopold Henneman, to play her dream role in Echo and Ariston , the Greek tragedy that taught her everything she knows about love. Debuting on the New York stage, Zara is unprepared, for Eli, the girl who makes the world glow; for Leopold, the director who wants perfection; and for death in the theater. Zara Evans has come to the Aurelia Theater, home to the visionary director Leopold Henneman, to play her dream role in Echo and Ariston , the Greek tragedy that taught her everything she knows about love. When the director asks Zara to promise that she will have no outside commitments, no distractions, it’s easy to say yes. But it’s hard not to be distracted when there’s a death at the theater, and then another, especially when Zara doesn’t know if they’re accidents, or murder, or a curse that always comes in threes. It’s hard not to be distracted when assistant lighting director Eli Vasquez, a girl made of tattoos and abrupt laughs and every form of light, looks at Zara. It’s hard not to fall in love. In heart-achingly beautiful prose, Amy Rose Capetta has spun a mystery and a love story into an impossible, inevitable whole, and cast lantern light on two girls, finding each other on a stage set for tragedy. "
500,"Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) young people in the 21st century can find unprecedented support in a proud, vibrant, and diverse community both online and off. The resources and ability to connect with LGBT people around the world are exciting and very new. This book explores the history of the LGBT community in America from its roots in the free-thinking se Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) young people in the 21st century can find unprecedented support in a proud, vibrant, and diverse community both online and off. The resources and ability to connect with LGBT people around the world are exciting and very new. This book explores the history of the LGBT community in America from its roots in the free-thinking seaport cities of the 1800s, through the social revolution of World War II, the early activists of the 1950s, the Pride movements of the 1970s, the AIDS crisis, and todays move toward integration with mainstream communities. It is a story of courage in the face of oppression, demanding civil rights, and LGBT people making meaningful and authentic lives for themselveswhile having fun too. LGBT people today are the heirs of the hopes and dreams and hard work of past generations. This is an inspiring story of an American minority group that is still fighting for full equality. Each title in this series contains a foreword from the founder of the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN), color photos throughout, and back matter including: an index and further reading lists for books and internet resources. Key Icons appear throughout the books in this series in an effort to encourage library readers to build knowledge, gain awareness, explore possibilities and expand their viewpoints through our content rich non-fiction books. Key Icons in this series are as follows: Words to Understand are shown at the front of each chapter with definitions. These words are set in boldfaced type in that chapter, so that readers are able to reference back to the definitions, building their vocabulary and enhancing their reading comprehension. Sidebars are highlighted graphics with content rich material within that allows readers to "
501,"From New York Times bestselling author Andrew Solomon comes a stunning, poignant, and affecting young adult edition of his award-winning masterpiece, Far From the Tree , which explores the impact of extreme differences between parents and children. The old adage says that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, meaning that children usually resemble their parents. But what From New York Times bestselling author Andrew Solomon comes a stunning, poignant, and affecting young adult edition of his award-winning masterpiece, Far From the Tree , which explores the impact of extreme differences between parents and children. The old adage says that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, meaning that children usually resemble their parents. But what happens when the apples fall somewhere else, sometimes a couple of orchards away, sometimes on the other side of the world? In this young adult edition, Andrew Solomon profiles how families accommodate children who have a variety of differences: families of people who are deaf, who are dwarfs, who have Down syndrome, who have autism, who have schizophrenia, who have multiple severe disabilities, who are prodigies, who commit crimes, and more. Elegantly reported by a spectacularly original and compassionate thinker, Far From the Tree explores how people who love each other must struggle to accept each other, a theme in every family’s life. The New York Times calls the adult edition a ""wise and beautiful"" volume, that ""will shake up your preconceptions and leave you in a better place."" "
502,"As acceptance for the LGBT community grows, our society is coming to understand that many gender identities are not binary. Young adulthood is a critical time for exploring and coming to terms with gender identity. Readers learn about non-binary identities and the issues the community still faces despite the progress that has been made in the 21st century. Fact boxes highl As acceptance for the LGBT community grows, our society is coming to understand that many gender identities are not binary. Young adulthood is a critical time for exploring and coming to terms with gender identity. Readers learn about non-binary identities and the issues the community still faces despite the progress that has been made in the 21st century. Fact boxes highlight transgender and non-binary role models in the media, and contact information for LGBT organizations is provided. This volume is an important resource for young adults of all genders and their allied friends and family. "
503,"When people look at George, they think they see a boy. But she knows she's not a boy. She knows she's a girl. George thinks she'll have to keep this a secret forever. Then her teacher announces that their class play is going to be Charlotte's Web. George really, really, REALLY wants to play Charlotte. But the teacher says she can't even try out for the part... because sh When people look at George, they think they see a boy. But she knows she's not a boy. She knows she's a girl. George thinks she'll have to keep this a secret forever. Then her teacher announces that their class play is going to be Charlotte's Web. George really, really, REALLY wants to play Charlotte. But the teacher says she can't even try out for the part... because she's a boy. With the help of her best friend, Kelly, George comes up with a plan. Not just so she can be Charlotte, but so everyone can know who she is, once and for all. "
504,"Chicago Public Library's 2017 Best of the Best Books List for Teen Nonfiction! Welcoming and inclusive of all self-identified girls, GIRL: Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You is an uncensored, unbiased, and fantastically relevant guide, jam-packed with what you want and need to know. A growing-up guide for the 21st century, GIRL covers what everyone is talking about, healthy Chicago Public Library's 2017 Best of the Best Books List for Teen Nonfiction! Welcoming and inclusive of all self-identified girls, GIRL: Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You is an uncensored, unbiased, and fantastically relevant guide, jam-packed with what you want and need to know. A growing-up guide for the 21st century, GIRL covers what everyone is talking about, healthy sexuality, loving relationships, and gender fluidity, as well as thornier subjects such as STIs, consent, and sexual assault. Plus you'll find self-reflection quizzes, cool resources, and must-read real-life stories from girls like you! From the Introduction: The language around sex and sexuality is so important. There are a lot of words, from anatomy to psychology to culturally evolving words. If you don't know the definition of a word, don't let this intimidate you. Many of the chapters start with defining words that are important to that particular topic; if you come across a word that you don't know that isn't defined in the book, just do a quick Internet search for it. The language around sexuality, particularly as it applies to identity, is changing quickly. If there are words about identity that feel outdated, replace them with words that resonate for you. "
505,"It's hard enough being a girl on the brink of puberty without dealing with a barrage of mixed messages about femininity. From self-image to peer pressure, consumerism to feminism, girls have a lot to grapple with. This volume looks at issues relating to gender identity and how girls can cope with the conflicts that arise when we question what it means to be female. It's hard enough being a girl on the brink of puberty without dealing with a barrage of mixed messages about femininity. From self-image to peer pressure, consumerism to feminism, girls have a lot to grapple with. This volume looks at issues relating to gender identity and how girls can cope with the conflicts that arise when we question what it means to be female. "
506," After a hate crime occurs in his small Texas town, Adrian Piper must discover his own power, decide how to use it, and know where to draw the line in this ""powerful debut"" novel ( Publishers Weekly , starred review) exquisitely illustrated by the author. Adrian Piper is used to blending into the background. He may be a talented artist, a sci-fi geek, and gay, but at his Texas After a hate crime occurs in his small Texas town, Adrian Piper must discover his own power, decide how to use it, and know where to draw the line in this ""powerful debut"" novel ( Publishers Weekly , starred review) exquisitely illustrated by the author. Adrian Piper is used to blending into the background. He may be a talented artist, a sci-fi geek, and gay, but at his Texas high school, those traits would only bring him the worst kind of attention. In fact, the only place he feels free to express himself is at his drawing table, crafting a secret world through his own Renaissance art-inspired superhero, Graphite. But in real life, when a shocking hate crime flips his world upside down, Adrian must decide what kind of person he wants to be. Maybe it’s time to not be so invisible after all, no matter how dangerous the risk. "
507,"As boys become men, pressure to fit into set images of masculinity can be overwhelming. And stereotypes about what makes a man a man can make the early stages of puberty, the beginning of physical, emotional, and sexual maturity, all the more confusing. This volume looks at issues relating to gender identity and how boys can deal with the conflicts that arise when boys As boys become men, pressure to fit into set images of masculinity can be overwhelming. And stereotypes about what makes a man a man can make the early stages of puberty, the beginning of physical, emotional, and sexual maturity, all the more confusing. This volume looks at issues relating to gender identity and how boys can deal with the conflicts that arise when boys fit, or do not fit, the masculinity mould. "
508,"When Griffin's first love and ex-boyfriend, Theo, dies in a drowning accident, his universe implodes. Even though Theo had moved to California for college and started seeing Jackson, Griffin never doubted Theo would come back to him when the time was right. But now, the future he's been imagining for himself has gone far off course. To make things worse, the only person wh When Griffin's first love and ex-boyfriend, Theo, dies in a drowning accident, his universe implodes. Even though Theo had moved to California for college and started seeing Jackson, Griffin never doubted Theo would come back to him when the time was right. But now, the future he's been imagining for himself has gone far off course. To make things worse, the only person who truly understands his heartache is Jackson. But no matter how much they open up to each other, Griffin's downward spiral continues. He's losing himself in his obsessive compulsions and destructive choices, and the secrets he's been keeping are tearing him apart. If Griffin is ever to rebuild his future, he must first confront his history, every last heartbreaking piece in the puzzle of his life. "
509,"Ben Carver is back to normal. He’s getting all As in his classes at the Natick School. He was just elected captain of the baseball team. He’s even won a big scholarship for college, if he can keep up his grades. All that foolishness with Rafe Goldberg last semester is over now, and he just needs to be a Carver, work hard, and stay focused. Except… There’s Hannah, a gorgeous Ben Carver is back to normal. He’s getting all As in his classes at the Natick School. He was just elected captain of the baseball team. He’s even won a big scholarship for college, if he can keep up his grades. All that foolishness with Rafe Goldberg last semester is over now, and he just needs to be a Carver, work hard, and stay focused. Except… There’s Hannah, a gorgeous girl who attracts him and distracts him. There’s his mother, whose quiet unhappiness he’s noticing for the first time. School is harder, the pressure higher, the scholarship almost slipping away. And there’s Rafe, funny, kind, dating someone else…and maybe the real normal that Ben needs. "
510,"This great guide is a much-needed way to introduce young readers to the gender galaxy. Readers will become familiar with some of the many gender identities a person can have, such as trans man, trans woman, gender fluid, bigender, or two-spirit. Theyll learn about bodies beyond the gender binary, as well as the differences between gender expression, gender identity, and se This great guide is a much-needed way to introduce young readers to the gender galaxy. Readers will become familiar with some of the many gender identities a person can have, such as trans man, trans woman, gender fluid, bigender, or two-spirit. Theyll learn about bodies beyond the gender binary, as well as the differences between gender expression, gender identity, and sexuality. A chapter on transphobia and cissexism acknowledges the discrimination and mistreatment that trans people face, but the support that trans communities can provide is also emphasized. Perfect for both transgender teens and young trans allies. "
511,"""First published by Book Life in 2016"", Copyright page. ""First published by Book Life in 2016"", Copyright page. "
512," ""What’s your name?"" ""Serene."" ""Serena?"" Elliot asked. ""Serene,"" said Serene. ""My full name is Serene-Heart-in-the-Chaos-of-Battle."" Elliot’s mouth fell open. ""That is badass."" The Borderlands aren’t like anywhere else. Don’t try to smuggle a phone or any other piece of technology over the wall that marks the Border, unless you enjoy a fireworks display in your backpack. (Ballpoi ""What’s your name?"" ""Serene."" ""Serena?"" Elliot asked. ""Serene,"" said Serene. ""My full name is Serene-Heart-in-the-Chaos-of-Battle."" Elliot’s mouth fell open. ""That is badass."" The Borderlands aren’t like anywhere else. Don’t try to smuggle a phone or any other piece of technology over the wall that marks the Border, unless you enjoy a fireworks display in your backpack. (Ballpoint pens are okay.) There are elves, harpies, and, best of all as far as Elliot is concerned, mermaids. Elliot? Who’s Elliot? Elliot is thirteen years old. He’s smart and just a tiny bit obnoxious. Sometimes more than a tiny bit. When his class goes on a field trip and he can see a wall that no one else can see, he is given the chance to go to school in the Borderlands. It turns out that on the other side of the wall, classes involve a lot more weaponry and fitness training and fewer mermaids than he expected. On the other hand, there’s Serene-Heart-in-the-Chaos-of-Battle, an elven warrior who is more beautiful than anyone Elliot has ever seen, and then there’s her human friend Luke: sunny, blond, and annoyingly likeable. There are lots of interesting books. There’s even the chance Elliot might be able to change the world. "
513," If you could change your story, would you? Jane has lived a mostly ordinary life, raised by her recently deceased aunt Magnolia, whom she counted on to turn life into an adventure. Without Aunt Magnolia, Jane is directionless. Then an old acquaintance, the glamorous and capricious Kiran Thrash, blows back into Jane’s life and invites her to a gala at the Thrashes’ extravaga If you could change your story, would you? Jane has lived a mostly ordinary life, raised by her recently deceased aunt Magnolia, whom she counted on to turn life into an adventure. Without Aunt Magnolia, Jane is directionless. Then an old acquaintance, the glamorous and capricious Kiran Thrash, blows back into Jane’s life and invites her to a gala at the Thrashes’ extravagant island mansion called Tu Reviens. Jane remembers her aunt telling her: ""If anyone ever invites you to Tu Reviens, promise me that you’ll go."" What Jane doesn’t know is that at Tu Reviens her story will change; the house will offer her five choices that could ultimately determine the course of her untethered life. But every choice comes with a price. She might fall in love, she might lose her life, she might come face-to-face with herself. At Tu Reviens, anything is possible. "
514,"Seventeen-year-old Jaya Mehta detests wealth, secrets, and privilege, though he has them all. His family is Indian, originally from Gujarat. Rasa Santos, like many in Hawaii, is of mixed ethnicity. All she has are siblings, three of them, plus a mother who controls men like a black widow spider and leaves her children whenever she wants to. Neither Jaya nor Rasa have ever Seventeen-year-old Jaya Mehta detests wealth, secrets, and privilege, though he has them all. His family is Indian, originally from Gujarat. Rasa Santos, like many in Hawaii, is of mixed ethnicity. All she has are siblings, three of them, plus a mother who controls men like a black widow spider and leaves her children whenever she wants to. Neither Jaya nor Rasa have ever known real love or close family―not until their chance meeting one sunny day on a mountain in Hau’ula. The unlikely love that blooms between them must survive the stranglehold their respective pasts have on them. Each of their present identities has been shaped by years of extreme family struggles. By the time they cross paths, Jaya is a transgender outsider with depressive tendencies and the stunningly beautiful Rasa thinks sex is her only power until a violent pimp takes over her life. Will their love transcend and pull them forward, or will they remain stuck and separate in the chaos of their pasts? "
515,"South Africa is loud. Listen. Do you hear the song and dance of it? The chorus of Khayelitsha life? Every voice is different, its pitch and tone and intonation as distinct as the words we choose and how we wrap our mouths around them. But everybody has a voice, and everybody sings… Fifteen year old Neo loves music, it punctuates her life and shapes the way she views the wor South Africa is loud. Listen. Do you hear the song and dance of it? The chorus of Khayelitsha life? Every voice is different, its pitch and tone and intonation as distinct as the words we choose and how we wrap our mouths around them. But everybody has a voice, and everybody sings… Fifteen year old Neo loves music, it punctuates her life and shapes the way she views the world. A life in radio is all she’s ever wanted. When Umzi Radio broadcasts live in a nearby bar Neo can’t resist. She sneaks out to see them, and she falls in love, with music, and the night, but also with a girl: Tale has a voice like coffee poured into a bright steel mug, and she commands the stage. It isn’t normal. Isn’t right. Neo knows that she’s supposed to go to school and get a real job and find a nice young boy to settle down with. It’s written everywhere – in childhood games, and playground questions, in the textbooks, in her parents’ faces. But Tale and music are underneath her skin, and try as she might, she can’t stop thinking about them. "
516,"In 1999, two sibling directors hit it big with their second film, The Matrix. After achieving critical and commercial success with The Matrix, the Wachowskis went on to direct two sequels to that film and a string of other box office successes, including V for Vendetta and Jupiter Ascending. This title tracks the story of sister Lana, recipient of the Human Rights Campaign In 1999, two sibling directors hit it big with their second film, The Matrix. After achieving critical and commercial success with The Matrix, the Wachowskis went on to direct two sequels to that film and a string of other box office successes, including V for Vendetta and Jupiter Ascending. This title tracks the story of sister Lana, recipient of the Human Rights Campaign's Visibility Award in 2012 for having been the first major Hollywood director to come out as transgender. Since making her transition public, Wachowski has become an important advocate, raising awareness of the unique challenges faced by transgender youth. "
517,"Great strides have been made in securing rights for the LGBT community in recent years. Although statistics prove that acceptance of LGBT individuals has grown substantially in the past decade, there are still many people who ignore the laws in favor of their own beliefs. This anthology brings together writings from diverse sources to construct a well-balanced examination Great strides have been made in securing rights for the LGBT community in recent years. Although statistics prove that acceptance of LGBT individuals has grown substantially in the past decade, there are still many people who ignore the laws in favor of their own beliefs. This anthology brings together writings from diverse sources to construct a well-balanced examination of LGBT rights in the United States and around the world. Readers will be exposed to both sides of the same-sex marriage debate, the controversy over restroom access for transgender individuals, and the reasons why the LGBT community continues to fight for its rights. "
518,"""Hope is found in the past fir present and future athletes who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning/queen, or other. In clear, readable text, the author details prejudices faced by athletes whose gender identity does not conform with their biological sex, are romantically and sexually attracted to individuals of the same gender, or are questioning their gender i ""Hope is found in the past fir present and future athletes who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning/queen, or other. In clear, readable text, the author details prejudices faced by athletes whose gender identity does not conform with their biological sex, are romantically and sexually attracted to individuals of the same gender, or are questioning their gender identity and sexual orientation. In an effort to help break down these prejudices, multiple examples of LGBTQ athletes are presented...The positive tone and multitude of examples create optimistic belief that LGBTQ athletes will be able to be true to themselves while competing in their chosen sport."" -Kirkus, June 1 2016 "
519,"A gorgeously written and deeply felt literary young adult novel of identity, millennial anxiety, and first love, from the widely acclaimed author of The Mystery of Hollow Places In Savannah Espinoza’s small New Mexico hometown, kids either flee after graduation or they’re trapped there forever. Vanni never planned to get stuck, but that was before her father was diagnosed wi A gorgeously written and deeply felt literary young adult novel of identity, millennial anxiety, and first love, from the widely acclaimed author of The Mystery of Hollow Places In Savannah Espinoza’s small New Mexico hometown, kids either flee after graduation or they’re trapped there forever. Vanni never planned to get stuck, but that was before her father was diagnosed with Huntington’s disease, leaving her and her mother to care for him. Now, she doesn’t have much of a plan at all: living at home, working as a performing mermaid at a second-rate water park, distracting herself with one boy after another. That changes the day she meets Leigh. Disillusioned with small-town life and looking for something greater, Leigh is not a ""nice girl."" She is unlike anyone Vanni has met, and a friend when Vanni desperately needs one. Soon enough, Leigh is much more than a friend. But caring about another person stirs up the moat Vanni has carefully constructed around herself, and threatens to bring to the surface the questions she’s held under for so long. With her signature stunning writing, Rebecca Podos, author of The Mystery of Hollow Places , has crafted a story of first love and of the complex ways in which the deepest parts of us are hidden, even from ourselves. "
520,"Sixteen-year-old Sana Kiyohara has too many secrets. Some are small, like how it bothers her when her friends don’t invite her to parties. Some are big, like that fact that her father may be having an affair. And then there’s the one that she can barely even admit to herself, the one about how she might have a crush on her best friend. When Sana and her family move to Califo Sixteen-year-old Sana Kiyohara has too many secrets. Some are small, like how it bothers her when her friends don’t invite her to parties. Some are big, like that fact that her father may be having an affair. And then there’s the one that she can barely even admit to herself, the one about how she might have a crush on her best friend. When Sana and her family move to California she begins to wonder if it’s finally time for some honesty, especially after she meets Jamie Ramirez. Jamie is beautiful and smart and unlike anyone Sana’s ever known. There are just a few problems: Sana’s new friends don’t trust Jamie’s crowd; Jamie’s friends clearly don’t want her around anyway; and a sweet guy named Caleb seems to have more-than-friendly feelings for her. Meanwhile, her dad’s affair is becoming too obvious to ignore anymore. Sana always figured that the hardest thing would be to tell people that she wants to date a girl, but as she quickly learns, telling the truth is easy… what comes after it, though, is a whole lot more complicated. "
521,"Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people have long struggled with the conflict of being able to participate fully in their religious faith while remaining true to themselves. The good news is that today many LGBT people of faith are finding support and inclusion in religious communities that have entered the 21st century committed to the full inclusion of LGBT Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people have long struggled with the conflict of being able to participate fully in their religious faith while remaining true to themselves. The good news is that today many LGBT people of faith are finding support and inclusion in religious communities that have entered the 21st century committed to the full inclusion of LGBT people. Learn how the worlds major religious traditionsChristianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduismview homosexuality, and how LGBT people of faith navigate within those traditions. Examine why some religious groups still condemn homosexuality and reject LGBT people. And discover that while certain religions have always had a place for gay and lesbian people in their communities, others are working hard to create a place. Each title in this series contains a foreword from the founder of the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN), color photos throughout, and back matter including: an index and further reading lists for books and internet resources. Key Icons appear throughout the books in this series in an effort to encourage library readers to build knowledge, gain awareness, explore possibilities and expand their viewpoints through our content rich non-fiction books. Key Icons in this series are as follows: Words to Understand are shown at the front of each chapter with definitions. These words are set in boldfaced type in that chapter, so that readers are able to reference back to the definitions, building their vocabulary and enhancing their reading comprehension. Sidebars are highlighted graphics with content rich material within that allows readers to build knowledge and broaden their perspectives by weaving together additional information to provide realistic and holistic perspe "
522,"The humorous struggles of Pauline Porter, as she struggles to run the family bookstore. But that's the easy part. The hard part is trying to raise her two teenage sons, Tyrell and Yusuf. She loves to read, they'd rather play video games. She likes to eat healthy, they'd rather eat junk food. She loves ol' school music, they listen to hip hop. But it would all be worth The humorous struggles of Pauline Porter, as she struggles to run the family bookstore. But that's the easy part. The hard part is trying to raise her two teenage sons, Tyrell and Yusuf. She loves to read, they'd rather play video games. She likes to eat healthy, they'd rather eat junk food. She loves ol' school music, they listen to hip hop. But it would all be worth it if they ever came to realize that all she wants to do is to keep them happy and safe. Based on the popular Mama's Boyz syndicated comic strip. "
523," I Needed to Win. They Needed to Die. Sallot Leon is a thief, and a good one at that. But gender fluid Sal wants nothing more than to escape the drudgery of life as a highway robber and get closer to the upper-class, and the nobles who destroyed their home. When Sal steals a flyer for an audition to become a member of The Left Hand, the Queen’s personal assassins, named after t I Needed to Win. They Needed to Die. Sallot Leon is a thief, and a good one at that. But gender fluid Sal wants nothing more than to escape the drudgery of life as a highway robber and get closer to the upper-class, and the nobles who destroyed their home. When Sal steals a flyer for an audition to become a member of The Left Hand, the Queen’s personal assassins, named after the rings she wears, Sal jumps at the chance to infiltrate the court and get revenge. But the audition is a fight to the death filled with clever circus acrobats, lethal apothecaries, and vicious ex-soldiers. A childhood as a common criminal hardly prepared Sal for the trials. And as Sal succeeds in the competition, and wins the heart of Elise, an intriguing scribe at court, they start to dream of a new life and a different future, but one that Sal can have only if they survive. "
524," Looking for group for the quest of a lifetime. Dylan doesn’t have a lot of experience with comfort. His room in the falling-down Village Estates can generously be categorized as ""squalid,"" and he sure as hell isn’t getting any love from his mother, who seemed to, no, definitely did, enjoy the perks that went along with being the parent of a ""cancer kid."" Now that Dylan’s sudde Looking for group for the quest of a lifetime. Dylan doesn’t have a lot of experience with comfort. His room in the falling-down Village Estates can generously be categorized as ""squalid,"" and he sure as hell isn’t getting any love from his mother, who seemed to, no, definitely did, enjoy the perks that went along with being the parent of a ""cancer kid."" Now that Dylan’s suddenly in remission, all he’s left with is a lingering OxyContin addiction and a hunger for something, anything, but the life he’s known. His only escape has been in the form of his favorite video game, World of Warcraft, and the one true friend who makes him feel understood, even if it’s just online. Dylan met Arden playing Warcraft, and now he wants to take her on a real mission, one he never thought he’d live to set out on: a journey to a mysterious ship in the middle of the Salton Sea. But Arden is fighting her own battles, ones that Dylan can’t always help her win. As they navigate their way west, they grapple with Arden’s father (who refuses to recognize his daughter’s true gender), Dylan’s addiction, and the messy, complicated romance fighting so hard to blossom through the cracks of their battle-hardened hearts. "
525,"Fifteen-year-old Aki Simon has a theory. And it's mostly about sex. No, it isn't that kind of theory. Aki already knows she's bisexual, even if, until now, it's mostly been in the hypothetical sense. Aki has dated only guys so far, and her best friend, Lori, is the only person who knows she likes girls, too. Actually, Aki's theory is that she's got only one shot at living a Fifteen-year-old Aki Simon has a theory. And it's mostly about sex. No, it isn't that kind of theory. Aki already knows she's bisexual, even if, until now, it's mostly been in the hypothetical sense. Aki has dated only guys so far, and her best friend, Lori, is the only person who knows she likes girls, too. Actually, Aki's theory is that she's got only one shot at living an interesting life, and that means she's got to stop sitting around and thinking so much. It's time for her to actually do something. Or at least try. So when Aki and Lori set off on a church youth-group trip to a small Mexican town for the summer and Aki meets Christa, slightly older, far more experienced, it seems her theory is prime for the testing. But it's not going to be easy. For one thing, how exactly do two girls have sex, anyway? And more important, how can you tell if you're in love? It's going to be a summer of testing theories, and the result may just be love. "
526,"World history has been made by countless lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, and you’ve never heard of many of them. Queer author and activist Sarah Prager delves deep into the lives of 23 people who fought, created, and loved on their own terms. From high-profile figures like Abraham Lincoln and Eleanor Roosevelt to the trailblazing gender-ambiguous World history has been made by countless lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals, and you’ve never heard of many of them. Queer author and activist Sarah Prager delves deep into the lives of 23 people who fought, created, and loved on their own terms. From high-profile figures like Abraham Lincoln and Eleanor Roosevelt to the trailblazing gender-ambiguous Queen of Sweden and a bisexual blues singer who didn’t make it into your history books, these astonishing true stories uncover a rich queer heritage that encompasses every culture, in every era. "
527,"Only nine months after her debut as the superhero Dreadnought, Danny Tozer is already a scarred veteran. Protecting a city the size of New Port is a team-sized job and she’s doing it alone. Between her newfound celebrity and her demanding cape duties, Dreadnought is stretched thin, and it’s only going to get worse. When she crosses a newly discovered billionaire supervilla Only nine months after her debut as the superhero Dreadnought, Danny Tozer is already a scarred veteran. Protecting a city the size of New Port is a team-sized job and she’s doing it alone. Between her newfound celebrity and her demanding cape duties, Dreadnought is stretched thin, and it’s only going to get worse. When she crosses a newly discovered billionaire supervillain, Dreadnought comes under attack from all quarters. From her troubled family life to her disintegrating friendship with Calamity, there’s no lever too cruel for this villain to use against her. She might be hard to kill, but there’s more than one way to destroy a hero. Before the war is over, Dreadnought will be forced to confront parts of herself she never wanted to acknowledge. And behind it all, an old enemy waits in the wings, ready to unleash a plot that will scar the world forever. "
528,"Casey loves to play with his blocks, puzzles, and dump truck, but he also loves things that sparkle, shimmer, and glitter. When his older sister, Jessie, shows off her new shimmery skirt, Casey wants to wear a shimmery skirt too. When Jessie comes home from a party with glittery nails, Casey wants glittery nails too. And when Abuelita visits wearing an armful of sparkly br Casey loves to play with his blocks, puzzles, and dump truck, but he also loves things that sparkle, shimmer, and glitter. When his older sister, Jessie, shows off her new shimmery skirt, Casey wants to wear a shimmery skirt too. When Jessie comes home from a party with glittery nails, Casey wants glittery nails too. And when Abuelita visits wearing an armful of sparkly bracelets, Casey gets one to wear, just like Jessie. The adults in Casey's life embrace his interests, but Jessie isn't so sure. Boys aren't supposed to wear sparkly, shimmery, glittery things. Then, when older boys at the library tease Casey for wearing -girl-things, Jessie realizes that Casey has the right to be himself and wear whatever he wants. Why can't both she and Casey love all things shimmery, glittery, and sparkly? Here is a sweet, heartwarming story about acceptance, respect, and the freedom to be yourself in a world where any gender expression should be celebrated. Sparkly things are for everyone to enjoy! "
529,"Poignant and captivating, Ignatz Award winner Tillie Walden's powerful graphic memoir, Spinning , captures what it's like to come of age, come out, and come to terms with leaving behind everything you used to know. It was the same every morning. Wake up, grab the ice skates, and head to the rink while the world was still dark. Weekends were spent in glitter and tights at comp Poignant and captivating, Ignatz Award winner Tillie Walden's powerful graphic memoir, Spinning , captures what it's like to come of age, come out, and come to terms with leaving behind everything you used to know. It was the same every morning. Wake up, grab the ice skates, and head to the rink while the world was still dark. Weekends were spent in glitter and tights at competitions. Perform. Smile. And do it again. She was good. She won. And she hated it. For ten years, figure skating was Tillie Walden's life. She woke before dawn for morning lessons, went straight to group practice after school, and spent weekends competing at ice rinks across the state. It was a central piece of her identity, her safe haven from the stress of school, bullies, and family. But over time, as she switched schools, got into art, and fell in love with her first girlfriend, she began to question how the close-minded world of figure skating fit in with the rest of her life, and whether all the work was worth it given the reality: that she, and her friends on the figure skating team, were nowhere close to Olympic hopefuls. It all led to one question: What was the point? The more Tillie thought about it, the more Tillie realized she'd outgrown her passion, and she finally needed to find her own voice. "
530," Mattie is chosen to play Romeo opposite her crush in the eighth grade production of Shakespeare’s most beloved play in this Romeo and Juliet inspired novel from the author of Truth or Dare. Mattie, a star student and passionate reader, is delighted when her English teacher announces the eighth grade will be staging Romeo and Juliet. And she is even more excited when, after Mattie is chosen to play Romeo opposite her crush in the eighth grade production of Shakespeare’s most beloved play in this Romeo and Juliet inspired novel from the author of Truth or Dare. Mattie, a star student and passionate reader, is delighted when her English teacher announces the eighth grade will be staging Romeo and Juliet. And she is even more excited when, after a series of events, she finds herself playing Romeo, opposite Gemma Braithwaite’s Juliet. Gemma, the new girl at school, is brilliant, pretty, outgoing, and, if all that wasn’t enough: British. As the cast prepares for opening night, Mattie finds herself growing increasingly attracted to Gemma and confused, since, just days before, she had found herself crushing on a boy named Elijah. Is it possible to have a crush on both boys AND girls? If that wasn’t enough to deal with, things backstage at the production are starting to rival any Shakespearean drama! In this sweet and funny look at the complicated nature of middle school romance, Mattie learns how to be the lead player in her own life. "
531," Can friendship, Star Trek, drama club, and a whole lot of coffee get two nerdy best friends through the beginning of their senior year of high school? Meg and Linus are best friends bound by a shared love of school, a coffee obsession, and being queer. It’s not always easy to be the nerdy lesbian or gay kid in a suburban town. But they have each other. And a few Star Trek b Can friendship, Star Trek, drama club, and a whole lot of coffee get two nerdy best friends through the beginning of their senior year of high school? Meg and Linus are best friends bound by a shared love of school, a coffee obsession, and being queer. It’s not always easy to be the nerdy lesbian or gay kid in a suburban town. But they have each other. And a few Star Trek boxed sets. They're pretty happy. But then Sophia, Meg’s longtime girlfriend, breaks up with Meg. Linus starts tutoring the totally dreamy new kid, Danny, and Meg thinks setting them up is the perfect project to distract herself from her own heartbreak. But Linus isn’t so sure Danny even likes guys, and maybe Sophia isn't quite as out of the picture as Meg thought she was.... From crowdsourced young adult imprint Swoon Reads comes Meg & Linus by Hanna Nowinski, a fun friendship story about two quirky teens who must learn to get out of their comfort zones and take risks, even if that means joining the drama club, making new friends, and learning how to stand on your own. Praise for Meg and Linus , from the Swoon Reads community: ""I also love that friendship takes center stage in this story.... I didn't want the story to end! Such a beautiful story."" , Rita, reader on ""I liked that both characters are queer, and while it is a part of the story, it's not the story itself.... It's delightfully refreshing."" , Tammy Wanzer, reader on ""What made this unique was the strong friendship between the two narrators (who were not romantically interested in each other), and how that friendship influenced their romances with their partners. It was also refreshing to have LGBT representation that was beyond stereotypes."" , Julia Durrant, reader on ""This book is a really lovely story about young love and being true to yourself despite the pressures to conform."" , Jill Watkins, reader on "" Get ready to fall in love with two oddball nerdy best friends.... This adorable, warm hearted contemporary YA is tremendously funny , and full of some seriously swoony moments.... The world needs more diverse love stories, whether that be long time girlfriends working through some issues, first crushes or friendships."" , Charlie, reader on "
532," The first thing you’re going to want to know about me is: Am I a boy, or am I a girl? Riley Cavanaugh is many things: Punk rock. Snarky. Rebellious. And gender fluid. Some days Riley identifies as a boy, and others as a girl. The thing is…Riley isn’t exactly out yet. And between starting a new school and having a congressman father running for reelection in uber-conservativ The first thing you’re going to want to know about me is: Am I a boy, or am I a girl? Riley Cavanaugh is many things: Punk rock. Snarky. Rebellious. And gender fluid. Some days Riley identifies as a boy, and others as a girl. The thing is…Riley isn’t exactly out yet. And between starting a new school and having a congressman father running for reelection in uber-conservative Orange County, the pressure, media and otherwise, is building up in Riley’s so-called ""normal"" life. On the advice of a therapist, Riley starts an anonymous blog to vent those pent-up feelings and tell the truth of what it’s REALLY like to be a gender fluid teenager. But just as Riley’s starting to settle in at school, even developing feelings for a mysterious outcast, the blog goes viral, and an unnamed commenter discovers Riley’s real identity, threatening exposure. Riley must make a choice: walk away from what the blog has created, a lifeline, new friends, a cause to believe in, or stand up, come out, and risk everything. "
533,"One teenager in a skirt. One teenager with a lighter. One moment that changes both of their lives forever. If it weren't for the 57 bus, Sasha and Richard never would have met. Both were high school students from Oakland, California, one of the most diverse cities in the country, but they inhabited different worlds. Sasha, a white teen, lived in the middle-class foothills an One teenager in a skirt. One teenager with a lighter. One moment that changes both of their lives forever. If it weren't for the 57 bus, Sasha and Richard never would have met. Both were high school students from Oakland, California, one of the most diverse cities in the country, but they inhabited different worlds. Sasha, a white teen, lived in the middle-class foothills and attended a small private school. Richard, a black teen, lived in the crime-plagued flatlands and attended a large public one. Each day, their paths overlapped for a mere eight minutes. But one afternoon on the bus ride home from school, a single reckless act left Sasha severely burned, and Richard charged with two hate crimes and facing life imprisonment. The case garnered international attention, thrusting both teenagers into the spotlight. "
534,"Gender dysphoria negatively affects the lives of many transgender individuals, who can experience serious emotional difficulties when dealing with family, friends, and society as a whole. Teens and Gender Dysphoria explains the nature of the disorder, its causes, what living with it is like, and whether it can be treated or cured. "
535,"Newbery Medalist Richard Peck brings us this big-hearted novel about gay marriage from a kid’s endearing perspective When Archer is in sixth grade, his beloved uncle Paul marries another man, Archer’s favorite student teacher. But that’s getting ahead of the story, and a wonderful story it is. In Archer’s sweetly naïve but observant voice, his life through elementary school Newbery Medalist Richard Peck brings us this big-hearted novel about gay marriage from a kid’s endearing perspective When Archer is in sixth grade, his beloved uncle Paul marries another man, Archer’s favorite student teacher. But that’s getting ahead of the story, and a wonderful story it is. In Archer’s sweetly naïve but observant voice, his life through elementary school is recounted: the outspoken, ever-loyal friends he makes, the teachers who blunder or inspire, and the family members who serve as his role models. From one exhilarating, unexpected episode to another, Archer’s story rolls along as he puzzles over the people in his life and the kind of person he wants to become…and manages to help his uncle become his best self as well. "
536,"A beautiful and evocative look at identity and creativity, The Gallery of Unfinished Girls is a stunning debut in magical realism. Perfect for fans of The Walls Around Us and Bone Gap. Mercedes Moreno is an artist. At least, she thinks she could be, even though she hasn’t been able to paint anything worthwhile in the past year. Her lack of inspiration might be because her ab A beautiful and evocative look at identity and creativity, The Gallery of Unfinished Girls is a stunning debut in magical realism. Perfect for fans of The Walls Around Us and Bone Gap. Mercedes Moreno is an artist. At least, she thinks she could be, even though she hasn’t been able to paint anything worthwhile in the past year. Her lack of inspiration might be because her abuela is in a coma. Or the fact that Mercedes is in love with her best friend, Victoria, but is too afraid to admit her true feelings. Despite Mercedes’s creative block, art starts to show up in unexpected ways. A piano appears on her front lawn one morning, and a mysterious new neighbor invites Mercedes to paint with her at the Red Mangrove Estate. At the Estate, Mercedes can create in ways she hasn’t ever before. But Mercedes can’t take anything out of the Estate, including her new-found clarity. Mercedes can’t live both lives forever, and ultimately she must choose between this perfect world of art and truth and a much messier reality. ""A dreamy and subtle work of art, The Gallery of Unfinished Girls explores love, family, and the maddening, magical drive to create art."", Adi Alsaid, author of Let's Get Lost "
537," A thrilling YA debut about teen spies disguised as ""love interests"", whoever gets the girl lives; but the one she rejects, dies. There is a secret organization that cultivates teenage spies. The agents are called Love Interests because getting close to people destined for great power means getting valuable secrets. Caden is a Nice: The boy next door, sculpted to physical per A thrilling YA debut about teen spies disguised as ""love interests"", whoever gets the girl lives; but the one she rejects, dies. There is a secret organization that cultivates teenage spies. The agents are called Love Interests because getting close to people destined for great power means getting valuable secrets. Caden is a Nice: The boy next door, sculpted to physical perfection. Dylan is a Bad: The brooding, dark-souled guy, and dangerously handsome. The girl they are competing for is important to the organization, and each boy will pursue her. Will she choose a Nice or the Bad? Both Caden and Dylan are living in the outside world for the first time. They are well-trained and at the top of their games. They have to be -whoever the girl doesn't choose will die. What the boys don't expect are feelings that are outside of their training. Feelings that could kill them both. From debut author Cale Dietrich comes a fast-paced adventure that is full of both action and romance and subverts common tropes. "
538,"Three weeks have passed since Cassandra Leung pledged her allegiance to the ruthless pirate-queen Santa Elena and set free Bao, the sea monster Reckoner she’d been forced to train. The days as a pirate trainee are long and grueling, but it’s not the physical pain that Cas dreads most. It’s being forced to work with Swift, the pirate girl who broke her heart. But Cas has ev Three weeks have passed since Cassandra Leung pledged her allegiance to the ruthless pirate-queen Santa Elena and set free Bao, the sea monster Reckoner she’d been forced to train. The days as a pirate trainee are long and grueling, but it’s not the physical pain that Cas dreads most. It’s being forced to work with Swift, the pirate girl who broke her heart. But Cas has even bigger problems when she discovers that Bao is not the only monster swimming free. Other Reckoners illegally sold to pirates have escaped their captors and are taking the NeoPacific by storm, attacking ships at random and ruining the ocean ecosystem. As a Reckoner trainer, Cas might be the only one who can stop them. But how can she take up arms against creatures she used to care for and protect? Will Cas embrace the murky morals that life as a pirate brings or perish in the dark waters of the NeoPacific? "
539,"Seventeen-year-old Molly Peskin-Suso knows all about unrequited love, she’s lived through it twenty-six times. She crushes hard and crushes often, but always in secret. Because no matter how many times her twin sister, Cassie, tells her to woman up, Molly can’t stomach the idea of rejection. So she’s careful. Fat girls always have to be careful. Then a cute new girl enters C Seventeen-year-old Molly Peskin-Suso knows all about unrequited love, she’s lived through it twenty-six times. She crushes hard and crushes often, but always in secret. Because no matter how many times her twin sister, Cassie, tells her to woman up, Molly can’t stomach the idea of rejection. So she’s careful. Fat girls always have to be careful. Then a cute new girl enters Cassie’s orbit, and for the first time ever, Molly’s cynical twin is a lovesick mess. Meanwhile, Molly’s totally not dying of loneliness, except for the part where she is. Luckily, Cassie’s new girlfriend comes with a cute hipster-boy sidekick. Will is funny and flirtatious and just might be perfect crush material. Maybe more than crush material. And if Molly can win him over, she’ll get her first kiss and she’ll get her twin back. There’s only one problem: Molly’s coworker Reid. He’s an awkward Tolkien superfan with a season pass to the Ren Faire, and there’s absolutely no way Molly could fall for him. Right? "
540,"How do you live your life if your past is based on a lie? A new novel in both verse and prose from #1 New York Times bestselling author, Ellen Hopkins. For as long as she can remember, it’s been just Ariel and Dad. Ariel’s mom disappeared when she was a baby. Dad says home is wherever the two of them are, but Ariel is now seventeen and after years of new apartments, new sch How do you live your life if your past is based on a lie? A new novel in both verse and prose from #1 New York Times bestselling author, Ellen Hopkins. For as long as she can remember, it’s been just Ariel and Dad. Ariel’s mom disappeared when she was a baby. Dad says home is wherever the two of them are, but Ariel is now seventeen and after years of new apartments, new schools, and new faces, all she wants is to put down some roots. Complicating things are Monica and Gabe, both of whom have stirred a different kind of desire. Maya’s a teenager who’s run from an abusive mother right into the arms of an older man she thinks she can trust. But now she’s isolated with a baby on the way, and life’s getting more complicated than Maya ever could have imagined. Ariel and Maya’s lives collide unexpectedly when Ariel’s mother shows up out of the blue with wild accusations: Ariel wasn’t abandoned. Her father kidnapped her fourteen years ago. What is Ariel supposed to believe? Is it possible Dad’s woven her entire history into a tapestry of lies? How can she choose between the mother she’s been taught to mistrust and the father who has taken care of her all these years? In bestselling author Ellen Hopkins’s deft hands, Ariel’s emotionally charged journey to find out the truth of who she really is balances beautifully with Maya’s story of loss and redemption. This is a memorable portrait of two young women trying to make sense of their lives and coming face to face with themselves, for both the last and the very first time. "
541," Adam Silvera reminds us that there’s no life without death and no love without loss in this devastating yet uplifting story about two people whose lives change over the course of one unforgettable day. On September 5, a little after midnight, Death-Cast calls Mateo Torrez and Rufus Emeterio to give them some bad news: They’re going to die today. Mateo and Rufus are total str Adam Silvera reminds us that there’s no life without death and no love without loss in this devastating yet uplifting story about two people whose lives change over the course of one unforgettable day. On September 5, a little after midnight, Death-Cast calls Mateo Torrez and Rufus Emeterio to give them some bad news: They’re going to die today. Mateo and Rufus are total strangers, but, for different reasons, they’re both looking to make a new friend on their End Day. The good news: There’s an app for that. It’s called the Last Friend, and through it, Rufus and Mateo are about to meet up for one last great adventure, to live a lifetime in a single day. "
542,"As transgender issues have been gaining more attention in recent years, many states, organizations, and schools have altered non-discrimination laws and regulations to explicitly include transgender rights. Unfortunately, much progress needs to be made to fully grant transgender citizens all the rights and protections they deserve. This title examines the rights of the tra As transgender issues have been gaining more attention in recent years, many states, organizations, and schools have altered non-discrimination laws and regulations to explicitly include transgender rights. Unfortunately, much progress needs to be made to fully grant transgender citizens all the rights and protections they deserve. This title examines the rights of the transgender community and the areas in which further action is still needed for their protection. Readers are presented with useful information on how to become trans allies and how to fight against trans discrimination in their day-to-day lives. "
543,"""While transgender people have become more visible and gained a measure of acceptance from our cisnormative society in recent years, the need for trans role models to inspire young transgender people is still very real. This title profiles a host of accomplished transgender people who have made their names in a wide range of fields, including sports, politics, activism, en ""While transgender people have become more visible and gained a measure of acceptance from our cisnormative society in recent years, the need for trans role models to inspire young transgender people is still very real. This title profiles a host of accomplished transgender people who have made their names in a wide range of fields, including sports, politics, activism, entertainment, and the arts. It includes historical pioneers such as Christine Jorgensen, Marsha P. Johnson, and Sylvia Riveraas well as present-day figuressuch as Lana and Lilly Wachowski, Kye Allums, and Laverne Cox."", Publisher's description. "
544,"From the author of The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley comes a brand-new novel about a teenage boy who must decide whether or not the world is worth saving. Henry Denton has spent years being periodically abducted by aliens. Then the aliens give him an ultimatum: The world will end in 144 days, and all Henry has to do to stop it is push a big red button. Only he isn’t sure he From the author of The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley comes a brand-new novel about a teenage boy who must decide whether or not the world is worth saving. Henry Denton has spent years being periodically abducted by aliens. Then the aliens give him an ultimatum: The world will end in 144 days, and all Henry has to do to stop it is push a big red button. Only he isn’t sure he wants to. After all, life hasn’t been great for Henry. His mom is a struggling waitress held together by a thin layer of cigarette smoke. His brother is a jobless dropout who just knocked someone up. His grandmother is slowly losing herself to Alzheimer’s. And Henry is still dealing with the grief of his boyfriend’s suicide last year. Wiping the slate clean sounds like a pretty good choice to him. But Henry is a scientist first, and facing the question thoroughly and logically, he begins to look for pros and cons: in the bully who is his perpetual one-night stand, in the best friend who betrayed him, in the brilliant and mysterious boy who walked into the wrong class. Weighing the pain and the joy that surrounds him, Henry is left with the ultimate choice: push the button and save the planet and everyone on it…or let the world, and his pain, be destroyed forever. "
545,"Who do you think you are? Part of identity is how people experience their gender. Transphobia is intolerance of any part of the range of gender identity. This accessible, illustrated book offers information, quizzes, comics and true-to-life scenarios to help kids better understand gender identity and determine what they can do to identify and counter transphobia in their s Who do you think you are? Part of identity is how people experience their gender. Transphobia is intolerance of any part of the range of gender identity. This accessible, illustrated book offers information, quizzes, comics and true-to-life scenarios to help kids better understand gender identity and determine what they can do to identify and counter transphobia in their schools, homes and communities. Considered from the viewpoint of gender challengers, gender enforcers and witnesses, transphobic behavior is identified, examined and put into a context that kids can use to understand and accept themselves and others for whatever gender they are, even if that's no gender at all! "
546," A ripped-from-the-headlines novel that explores the power of being an ally, and a friend, when a kidnapped boy returns to his hometown. Sam Walsh had been missing for three years. His older sister, Beth, thought he was dead. His childhood friend Josh thought it was all his fault. They were the last two people to see him alive. Until now. Because Sam has been found, and he’s co A ripped-from-the-headlines novel that explores the power of being an ally, and a friend, when a kidnapped boy returns to his hometown. Sam Walsh had been missing for three years. His older sister, Beth, thought he was dead. His childhood friend Josh thought it was all his fault. They were the last two people to see him alive. Until now. Because Sam has been found, and he’s coming home. Beth desperately wants to understand what happened to her brother, but her family refuses to talk about it, even though Sam is clearly still affected by the abuse he faced at the hands of his captor. And as Sam starts to confide in Josh about his past, Josh can’t admit the truths he’s hidden deep within himself: that he’s gay, and developing feelings for Sam. And, even bigger: that he never told the police everything he saw the day Sam disappeared. As Beth and Josh struggle with their own issues, their friends and neighbors slowly turn on Sam, until one night when everything explodes. Beth can’t live in silence. Josh can’t live with his secrets. And Sam can’t continue on until the whole truth of what happened to him is out in the open. For fans of thought-provoking stories like The Face on the Milk Carton , this is a book about learning to be an ally, even when the community around you doesn’t want you to be. "
547,"""We were eight years in power"" was the lament of Reconstruction-era black politicians as the American experiment in multiracial democracy ended with the return of white supremacist rule in the South. Now Ta-Nehisi Coates explores the tragic echoes of that history in our own time: the unprecedented election of a black president followed by a vicious backlash that fueled the ""We were eight years in power"" was the lament of Reconstruction-era black politicians as the American experiment in multiracial democracy ended with the return of white supremacist rule in the South. Now Ta-Nehisi Coates explores the tragic echoes of that history in our own time: the unprecedented election of a black president followed by a vicious backlash that fueled the election of the man Coates argues is America's ""first white president."" But the story of these present-day eight years is not just about presidential politics. This book also examines the new voices, ideas, and movements for justice that emerged over this period, and the effects of the persistent, haunting shadow of our nation's old and unreconciled history. Coates powerfully examines the events of the Obama era from his intimate and revealing perspective, the point of view of a young writer who begins the journey in an unemployment office in Harlem and ends it in the Oval Office, interviewing a president. We Were Eight Years in Power features Coates's iconic essays first published in The Atlantic, including Fear of a Black President, The Case for Reparations and The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration , along with eight fresh essays that revisit each year of the Obama administration through Coates's own experiences, observations, and intellectual development, capped by a bracingly original assessment of the election that fully illuminated the tragedy of the Obama era. We Were Eight Years in Power is a vital account of modern America, from one of the definitive voices of this historic moment. "
548,"Darkness: Where light is not. Light: Brightness or illumination from a particular source. Absolute brightness: The mystery of Leonard Pelkey. This is the story of a luminous force of nature: a boy who encounters evil and whose magic isn't truly felt until he disappears. Phoebe’s life in Neptune, New Jersey, is somewhat unremarkable. She helps her mom out with her hair salon Darkness: Where light is not. Light: Brightness or illumination from a particular source. Absolute brightness: The mystery of Leonard Pelkey. This is the story of a luminous force of nature: a boy who encounters evil and whose magic isn't truly felt until he disappears. Phoebe’s life in Neptune, New Jersey, is somewhat unremarkable. She helps her mom out with her hair salon, she goes to school, and she envies her perfect older sister. But everything changes when Leonard arrives. Leonard is an orphan, a cousin who Phoebe never knew she had. When he comes to live with Phoebe’s family, he upsets the delicate balance of their lives. He’s gay and confident about who he is. He inspires the people around him. He sees people not as they are, but as they hope to be. One day, Leonard goes missing. Phoebe, her family, and her community fight to understand what happened, and to make sense of why someone might want to extinguish the beautiful absolute brightness that was Leonard Pelkey. "
549,"Aleecia is 15 years old, living in Fort Pierce, Florida. She can't believe it when Kyle, the 18-year-old captain of the football team, falls for her. She would do anything to keep him, even have sex without a condom. When she gets pregnant, she tells Kyle, and he stands by her. Together, they move into the garage of her mothers house to raise the baby. She finishes high sc Aleecia is 15 years old, living in Fort Pierce, Florida. She can't believe it when Kyle, the 18-year-old captain of the football team, falls for her. She would do anything to keep him, even have sex without a condom. When she gets pregnant, she tells Kyle, and he stands by her. Together, they move into the garage of her mothers house to raise the baby. She finishes high school while he goes off to college. But by the time the baby is born, theyve grown apart and she is left to raise the baby alone. "
550," ""Something wicked this way comes."" Maria Lyon and Lily Boiten are their school’s ultimate power couple, even if no one knows it but them. Only one thing stands between them and their perfect future: campus superstar Delilah Dufrey. Golden child Delilah is a legend at the exclusive Acheron Academy, and the presumptive winner of the distinguished Cawdor Kingsley Prize. She runs ""Something wicked this way comes."" Maria Lyon and Lily Boiten are their school’s ultimate power couple, even if no one knows it but them. Only one thing stands between them and their perfect future: campus superstar Delilah Dufrey. Golden child Delilah is a legend at the exclusive Acheron Academy, and the presumptive winner of the distinguished Cawdor Kingsley Prize. She runs the school, and if she chose, she could blow up Maria and Lily’s whole world with a pointed look, or a carefully placed word. But what Delilah doesn’t know is that Lily and Maria are willing to do anything, absolutely anything, to make their dreams come true. And the first step is unseating Delilah for the Kingsley Prize. The full scholarship, awarded to Maria, will lock in her attendance at Stanford―and four more years in a shared dorm room with Lily. Maria and Lily will stop at nothing to ensure their victory, including harnessing the dark power long rumored to be present on the former plantation that houses their school. But when feuds turn to fatalities, and madness begins to blur the distinction between what’s real and what is imagined, the girls must decide where they draw the line. "
551,"Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer or Questioning. Each of these terms has an individual meaning and community around them. Through interviews with professionals as well as those in the LGBTQ community, readers can learn not only the definition of each of these words, but also what it means on a greater scale. Perfect for research or personal use, this text will provid Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer or Questioning. Each of these terms has an individual meaning and community around them. Through interviews with professionals as well as those in the LGBTQ community, readers can learn not only the definition of each of these words, but also what it means on a greater scale. Perfect for research or personal use, this text will provide teens with answers to many of their questions about sexuality and create a dialogue through which they can learn to accept each other and themselves. "
552,"Alex has two dreams: to become a farmer and a man. There's only one problem: Alex is a girl who believes she was born in the wrong body. She has never shared the truth about herself, not even with her best friend, until now. Alex is about to discover the meaning of the word trans and that her dream can become real. This novel explores the challenging life of a small town t Alex has two dreams: to become a farmer and a man. There's only one problem: Alex is a girl who believes she was born in the wrong body. She has never shared the truth about herself, not even with her best friend, until now. Alex is about to discover the meaning of the word trans and that her dream can become real. This novel explores the challenging life of a small town transsexual. "
553,"Westing is not your typical school. For starters, you have to have one very important quality in order to be admitted, you have to be dying. Every student at Westing has been diagnosed with PPV, or the Peter Pan Virus. No one is expected to live to graduation. What do you do when you go to a school where no one has a future? Noah Falls, his girlfriend Alice, and his best fri Westing is not your typical school. For starters, you have to have one very important quality in order to be admitted, you have to be dying. Every student at Westing has been diagnosed with PPV, or the Peter Pan Virus. No one is expected to live to graduation. What do you do when you go to a school where no one has a future? Noah Falls, his girlfriend Alice, and his best friend Marty spend their time drinking, making out, and playing video games on But when an older boy named Zach (who Noah may or may not be in love with) invites Noah and Marty to join his secret Polo Club, the lives of both boys change as they struggle to find meaning in their shortened existence. With an innovative format that includes interstitial documents, such as flyers, postcards, and handwritten notes, Away We Go is a funny, honest look at first love and tragic heartbreak. "
554,"Addie has always known what she was running toward. In cross-country, in life, in love. Until she and her boyfriend, her sensitive, good-guy boyfriend, are careless one night and she ends up pregnant. Addie makes the difficult choice to have an abortion. And after that, even though she knows it was the right decision for her, nothing is the same anymore. She doesn’t want anyon Addie has always known what she was running toward. In cross-country, in life, in love. Until she and her boyfriend, her sensitive, good-guy boyfriend, are careless one night and she ends up pregnant. Addie makes the difficult choice to have an abortion. And after that, even though she knows it was the right decision for her, nothing is the same anymore. She doesn’t want anyone besides her parents and her boyfriend to know what happened; she doesn’t want to run cross-country; she can’t bring herself to be excited about anything. Until she reconnects with Juliana, a former teammate who’s going through her own dark places. "
555,"Tall, meaty, muscle-bound, and hairier than most throw rugs, Dylan doesn’t look like your average fifteen-year-old, so, naturally, high school has not been kind to him. To make matters worse, on the day his school bans hats (his preferred camouflage), Dylan goes up on his roof only to fall and wake up in the hospital with a broken leg, and a mandate to attend group therapy Tall, meaty, muscle-bound, and hairier than most throw rugs, Dylan doesn’t look like your average fifteen-year-old, so, naturally, high school has not been kind to him. To make matters worse, on the day his school bans hats (his preferred camouflage), Dylan goes up on his roof only to fall and wake up in the hospital with a broken leg, and a mandate to attend group therapy for self-harmers. Dylan vows to say nothing and zones out at therapy, until he meets Jamie. She’s funny, smart, and so stunning, even his womanizing best friend, JP, would be jealous. She’s also the first person to ever call Dylan out on his self-pitying and superficiality. As Jamie’s humanity and wisdom begin to rub off on Dylan, they become more than just friends. But there is something Dylan doesn’t know about Jamie, something she shared with the group the day he wasn’t listening. Something that shouldn’t change a thing. She is who she’s always been, an amazing photographer and devoted friend, who also happens to be transgender. But will Dylan see it that way? "
556," ""This is your country, this is your world, this is your body, and you must find some way to live within the all of it."" In a profound work that pivots from the biggest questions about American history and ideals to the most intimate concerns of a father for his son, Ta-Nehisi Coates offers a powerful new framework for understanding our nation’s history and current crisis. ""This is your country, this is your world, this is your body, and you must find some way to live within the all of it."" In a profound work that pivots from the biggest questions about American history and ideals to the most intimate concerns of a father for his son, Ta-Nehisi Coates offers a powerful new framework for understanding our nation’s history and current crisis. Americans have built an empire on the idea of ""race,"" a falsehood that damages us all but falls most heavily on the bodies of black women and men, bodies exploited through slavery and segregation, and, today, threatened, locked up, and murdered out of all proportion. What is it like to inhabit a black body and find a way to live within it? And how can we all honestly reckon with this fraught history and free ourselves from its burden? Between the World and Me is Ta-Nehisi Coates’s attempt to answer these questions in a letter to his adolescent son. Coates shares with his son, and readers, the story of his awakening to the truth about his place in the world through a series of revelatory experiences, from Howard University to Civil War battlefields, from the South Side of Chicago to Paris, from his childhood home to the living rooms of mothers whose children’s lives were taken as American plunder. Beautifully woven from personal narrative, reimagined history, and fresh, emotionally charged reportage, Between the World and Me clearly illuminates the past, bracingly confronts our present, and offers a transcendent vision for a way forward. "
557," In Boston, a young woman finds herself pregnant, even though she is still a virgin. In Ireland, another young woman discovers she is in the same impossible condition. And in cities all around the world, medical authorities are overwhelmed by epidemics, droughts, famines, floods, and worse. It all feels like a sign that something awful is coming. Anne Fitzgerald, a former nun In Boston, a young woman finds herself pregnant, even though she is still a virgin. In Ireland, another young woman discovers she is in the same impossible condition. And in cities all around the world, medical authorities are overwhelmed by epidemics, droughts, famines, floods, and worse. It all feels like a sign that something awful is coming. Anne Fitzgerald, a former nun turned private investigator, is hired by the Archdiocese of Boston to investigate the immaculate conceptions. Even as she comes to care about and trust the young women, she realizes that both are in great danger. Terrifying forces of light and darkness are gathering. Stepping into uncharted territory where the unknown is just the beginning, Anne must discover the truth, to save the young women, to save herself, and to protect the future of all mankind. "
558,"Themes: teen pregnancy, single mothers, drug abuse, responsibility Three very different girls. But all of them alone. Isolated. And pregnant. They meet at the county s education program for expecting teens. No way will they go to their town s only high school with their growing bellies. Too humiliating. Each girl just hopes to get through the drama. And graduate on time."" Themes: teen pregnancy, single mothers, drug abuse, responsibility Three very different girls. But all of them alone. Isolated. And pregnant. They meet at the county s education program for expecting teens. No way will they go to their town s only high school with their growing bellies. Too humiliating. Each girl just hopes to get through the drama. And graduate on time."" "
559,"Alone at home, twelve-year-old Grayson Sender glows, immersed in beautiful thoughts and dreams. But at school, Grayson grasps at shadows, determined to fly under the radar. Because Grayson has been holding onto a secret for what seems like forever: ""he"" is a girl on the inside, stuck in the wrong gender’s body. The weight of this secret is crushing, but leaving it behind wo Alone at home, twelve-year-old Grayson Sender glows, immersed in beautiful thoughts and dreams. But at school, Grayson grasps at shadows, determined to fly under the radar. Because Grayson has been holding onto a secret for what seems like forever: ""he"" is a girl on the inside, stuck in the wrong gender’s body. The weight of this secret is crushing, but leaving it behind would mean facing ridicule, scorn, and rejection. Despite these dangers, Grayson’s true self itches to break free. Strengthened by an unexpected friendship and a caring teacher who gives her a chance to step into the spotlight, Grayson might finally have the tools to let her inner light shine. Debut author Ami Polonsky’s moving, beautifully-written novel shines with the strength of a young person’s spirit and the enduring power of acceptance. "
560,"Sixteen-year-old Solomon is agoraphobic. He hasn’t left the house in three years, which is fine by him. Ambitious Lisa desperately wants to get into the second-best psychology program for college (she’s being realistic). But is ambition alone enough to get her in? Enter Lisa. Determined to ""fix"" Sol, Lisa steps into his world, along with her charming boyfriend, Clark, and soo Sixteen-year-old Solomon is agoraphobic. He hasn’t left the house in three years, which is fine by him. Ambitious Lisa desperately wants to get into the second-best psychology program for college (she’s being realistic). But is ambition alone enough to get her in? Enter Lisa. Determined to ""fix"" Sol, Lisa steps into his world, along with her charming boyfriend, Clark, and soon the three form an unexpected bond. But, as Lisa learns more about Sol and he and Clark grow closer and closer, the walls they’ve built around themselves start to collapse and their friendships threaten to do the same. "
561,"A new kind of big-hearted novel about being seen for who you really are. Amanda Hardy is the new girl in school. Like anyone else, all she wants is to make friends and fit in. But Amanda is keeping a secret, and she's determined not to get too close to anyone. But when she meets sweet, easygoing Grant, Amanda can't help but start to let him into her life. As they spend more A new kind of big-hearted novel about being seen for who you really are. Amanda Hardy is the new girl in school. Like anyone else, all she wants is to make friends and fit in. But Amanda is keeping a secret, and she's determined not to get too close to anyone. But when she meets sweet, easygoing Grant, Amanda can't help but start to let him into her life. As they spend more time together, she realizes just how much she is losing by guarding her heart. She finds herself yearning to share with Grant everything about herself, including her past. But Amanda's terrified that once she tells him the truth, he won't be able to see past it. Because the secret that Amanda's been keeping? It's that at her old school, she used to be Andrew. Will the truth cost Amanda her new life, and her new love? Meredith Russo's If I Was Your Girl is a universal story about feeling different and a love story that everyone will root for. "
562,"One sunny day, Errol finds that Thomas the Teddy is sad, and Errol can't figure out why. Then Thomas the Teddy finally tells Errol what Teddy has been afraid to say: 'In my heart, I've always known that I'm a girl Teddy, not a boy Teddy. I wish my name was Tilly.' And Errol says, 'I don't care if you're a girl teddy or a boy teddy! What matters is that you are my friend.' One sunny day, Errol finds that Thomas the Teddy is sad, and Errol can't figure out why. Then Thomas the Teddy finally tells Errol what Teddy has been afraid to say: 'In my heart, I've always known that I'm a girl Teddy, not a boy Teddy. I wish my name was Tilly.' And Errol says, 'I don't care if you're a girl teddy or a boy teddy! What matters is that you are my friend.' "
563,"17-year-old high school senior Candace has everything figured out. She attends St. Pauls an exclusive prep school in Concord, New Hampshire, and is on her way to Princeton the next fall. However, when she falls for exchange student Danilo, her orderly life is changed forever. At the end of her senior year, Candace finds out she is pregnant and is forced to postpone college 17-year-old high school senior Candace has everything figured out. She attends St. Pauls an exclusive prep school in Concord, New Hampshire, and is on her way to Princeton the next fall. However, when she falls for exchange student Danilo, her orderly life is changed forever. At the end of her senior year, Candace finds out she is pregnant and is forced to postpone college for a year. She decides to keep her baby without telling Danilo and moves back home and takes a job as a waitress. As her younger sister prepares to leave for college, Candace reflects on the twisting labyrinth of choices she had made. "
564," Invisible Man, Got the Whole World Watching is an account of how, politically and culturally, the existing script for black manhood has been rewritten for the millennial generation. Young men of this age have watched as Barack Obama was elected president but have also witnessed the deaths of Oscar Grant, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Akai Gurley, and so many other young b Invisible Man, Got the Whole World Watching is an account of how, politically and culturally, the existing script for black manhood has been rewritten for the millennial generation. Young men of this age have watched as Barack Obama was elected president but have also witnessed the deaths of Oscar Grant, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Akai Gurley, and so many other young black men killed by police or vigilante violence. Chronicling his personal and political education during these tumultuous years, Smith narrates his own coming-of-age story and his struggles to come into his own at a time when too many black men do not survive into adulthood. From Barack Obama’s landmark speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004 to the recent and widely reported cases of violence against women, from powerful moments of black self-determination like LeBron James’ ""decision"" to the mobilization of thousands of young black men in the wake of Trayvon Martin’s death, Invisible Man, Got the Whole World Watching documents of how these public milestones have challenged cultural notions of black manhood. Part memoir, part political tract, this book is an unprecedented and intimate glimpse into what it means to be young, black, and male in America today, and what it means to be treated as a human in a society dependent on your subjugation. "
565,"Isabella and Carlos live in St. Louis, MOand are totally in love. They are 18, finishing their senior year in high school, and decide to have a baby together and get married. Carlos joins the military and is killed in action in Afghanistan. Isabella is devastated. A year later, she has a new boyfriend, but he isnt nice to her or her baby. She fears for her and her babys sa Isabella and Carlos live in St. Louis, MOand are totally in love. They are 18, finishing their senior year in high school, and decide to have a baby together and get married. Carlos joins the military and is killed in action in Afghanistan. Isabella is devastated. A year later, she has a new boyfriend, but he isnt nice to her or her baby. She fears for her and her babys safety. "
566,"Jasmine is a 19-year-old college freshman studying accounting at UNLVand a professional dancer in Las Vegas. After being date-raped by the director of her show, Jasmine gets pregnant. She tries to keep the baby and support it on her own, but is finding it hard. She no longer can practice enough to be a great dancer, and drops out of school. After a fateful decision, she is Jasmine is a 19-year-old college freshman studying accounting at UNLVand a professional dancer in Las Vegas. After being date-raped by the director of her show, Jasmine gets pregnant. She tries to keep the baby and support it on her own, but is finding it hard. She no longer can practice enough to be a great dancer, and drops out of school. After a fateful decision, she is forced to acknowledge that she cant take care of her daughter and gives her up for adoption. She returns home to New Jersey where she gets a job as a waitress. One day her dance instructor from high school comes into the restaurant where Jasmine is working and offers her a job teaching dance to teens. When she finds herself back on her feet and self-sufficient, she is determined to get her daughter back. "
567,"Fifteen-year-old Alyx Atlas was raised as a boy, yet she knows something others don’t. She’s a girl. And after her dad dies, it becomes painfully obvious that she must prove it now, to herself and to the world. Born with ambiguous genitalia, Alyx has always felt a little different. But it’s after she sustains a terrible beating behind a 7-Eleven that she and her mother pack Fifteen-year-old Alyx Atlas was raised as a boy, yet she knows something others don’t. She’s a girl. And after her dad dies, it becomes painfully obvious that she must prove it now, to herself and to the world. Born with ambiguous genitalia, Alyx has always felt a little different. But it’s after she sustains a terrible beating behind a 7-Eleven that she and her mother pack up their belongings and move from California to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to start a new life, and Alyx begins over again, this time as a girl. Alyx quickly makes new friends, earns a spot on the girls’ varsity basketball team, and for the first time in her life feels like she fits in. That is, until her prowess on the court proves too much for the jealous, hotheaded Pepper Pitmani, who sets out to uncover Alyx’s secret. A dangerous game of Truth or Dare exposes Alyx’s difference and will disqualify her entire basketball team from competing in the state championships unless Alyx can prove, once and for all, that she is a girl. But will Alyx find the courage to stand up for the truth of her personhood, or will she do what she’s always done, run away? Whatever she decides, she knows there’s much more at stake than a championship win. "
568,"From the outside, Brendan Chase seems to have it pretty easy. He’s a star wrestler, a video game aficionado, and a loving boyfriend to his seemingly perfect match, Vanessa. But on the inside, Brendan struggles to understand why his body feels so wrong, why he sometimes fantasizes having long hair, soft skin, and gentle curves. Is there even a name for guys like him? Guys wh From the outside, Brendan Chase seems to have it pretty easy. He’s a star wrestler, a video game aficionado, and a loving boyfriend to his seemingly perfect match, Vanessa. But on the inside, Brendan struggles to understand why his body feels so wrong, why he sometimes fantasizes having long hair, soft skin, and gentle curves. Is there even a name for guys like him? Guys who sometimes want to be girls? Or is Brendan just a freak? In Freakboy's razor-sharp verse, Kristin Clark folds three narratives into one powerful story: Brendan trying to understand his sexual identity, Vanessa fighting to keep her and Brendan’s relationship alive, and Angel struggling to confront her demons. "
569,"The last time Jess saw her father, she was a boy named Jeremy. Now she’s a high school graduate, soon to be on her way to art school. But first, Jess has some unfinished business with her dad. So she’s driving halfway across the country to his wedding. He happens to be marrying her mom’s ex-best friend. It’s not like Jess wasn’t invited; she was. She just told them she was The last time Jess saw her father, she was a boy named Jeremy. Now she’s a high school graduate, soon to be on her way to art school. But first, Jess has some unfinished business with her dad. So she’s driving halfway across the country to his wedding. He happens to be marrying her mom’s ex-best friend. It’s not like Jess wasn’t invited; she was. She just told them she wasn’t coming. Surprise! Luckily, Jess isn’t making this trip alone. Her best friend, Christophe, nicknamed Chunk, is joining her. Chunk has always been there for Jess, and he’s been especially supportive of her transition, which has recently been jump-started with hormone therapy. Along the way from California to Chicago, Jess and Chunk will visit roadside attractions, make a new friend or two, and learn a few things about themselves, and each other, that call their true feelings about their relationship into question. "
570,"Seventeen-year-old Leroy wants to study art and become a painter. Although he has good relationships with his family and friends, Leroy is far from being happy. With his older brother now in jail, Leroy feels even more trapped by his big secret. He is gay and doesn't dare come out and disrupt an already difficult time for his family. Leroy goes on an incredible, yet painf Seventeen-year-old Leroy wants to study art and become a painter. Although he has good relationships with his family and friends, Leroy is far from being happy. With his older brother now in jail, Leroy feels even more trapped by his big secret. He is gay and doesn't dare come out and disrupt an already difficult time for his family. Leroy goes on an incredible, yet painful and terrifying, journey from Dallas to Taos, and from fear to love. "
571,"""Love Beyond, Body, Space, and Time"" is a collection of indigenous science fiction and urban fantasy focusing on LGBT and two-spirit characters. These stories range from a transgender woman trying an experimental transition medication to young lovers separated through decades and meeting far in their own future. These are stories of machines and magic, love, and self-love. ""Love Beyond, Body, Space, and Time"" is a collection of indigenous science fiction and urban fantasy focusing on LGBT and two-spirit characters. These stories range from a transgender woman trying an experimental transition medication to young lovers separated through decades and meeting far in their own future. These are stories of machines and magic, love, and self-love. This collection features prose stories by: Cherie Dimaline ""The Girl Who Grew a Galaxy,"" ""Red Rooms"" Gwen Benaway ""Ceremonies for the Dead"" David Robertson ""Betty: The Helen Betty Osborne Story,"" Tales From Big Spirit series Richard Van Camp ""The Lesser Blessed,"" ""Three Feathers"" Mari Kurisato ""Celia’s Song,"" ""Bent Box"" Nathan Adler ""Wrist"" Daniel Heath Justice ""The Way of Thorn and Thunder: The Kynship Chronicles"" Darcie Little Badger ""Nkásht íí, The Sea Under Texas"" Cleo Keahna And an introduction by Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair ""Manitowapow,"" with a foreword by Grace Dillon ""Walking the Clouds"". Edited by Hope Nicholson ""Moonshot,"" ""The Secret Loves of Geek Girls"" "
572,"At age 14, Luciana is ready to be grown up, but makes some very bad decisions to prove it. After having unprotected sex with many partners, Luciana gets pregnant but is not entirely sure who the father is. After court ordered paternity testing confirms that the father is a 19-year-old man, Luciana and her family decide to press charges. Ultimately, Luciana wants a clean br At age 14, Luciana is ready to be grown up, but makes some very bad decisions to prove it. After having unprotected sex with many partners, Luciana gets pregnant but is not entirely sure who the father is. After court ordered paternity testing confirms that the father is a 19-year-old man, Luciana and her family decide to press charges. Ultimately, Luciana wants a clean break from her past. She aborts the baby and finds a new life as a YouTube sensation. "
573,"While living in Santa Barbara and attending a private school, Maria's life was comfortably boring. Then her sister died, her father lost his job, and the whole family was forced to start over. When they move to the barrio in East L.A. to live with Maria's grandma Maria recovers her roots and becomes empowered. She can't continue hiding that she is a lesbian when she meets While living in Santa Barbara and attending a private school, Maria's life was comfortably boring. Then her sister died, her father lost his job, and the whole family was forced to start over. When they move to the barrio in East L.A. to live with Maria's grandma Maria recovers her roots and becomes empowered. She can't continue hiding that she is a lesbian when she meets Natalia, a grumpy chola who smells like sugar and turns Maria's life upside down. "
574,"Mikala is a native Hawaiian growing up in New Jersey with her grandparents. Although they are a loving couple, they have their own dreams and hopes for Mikala. First on this list, is having her date a guy from her own culture. Two problems: Mikala likes girls, and she hates everything that has to do with Hawaii. Mikala is forced to lie to her grandparents while writing fan Mikala is a native Hawaiian growing up in New Jersey with her grandparents. Although they are a loving couple, they have their own dreams and hopes for Mikala. First on this list, is having her date a guy from her own culture. Two problems: Mikala likes girls, and she hates everything that has to do with Hawaii. Mikala is forced to lie to her grandparents while writing fantasies in her diary. She and Soledad, her only lesbian friend, sneak out to New York City once in a while to live as themselves. While partying in the Big Apple Mikala has an experience that will change her life forever. "
575,"Megan Henske isn’t one to heed warnings… When the last letters in her alphabet cereal are D, I, and E, she doesn’t crawl right back into bed. When her online girlfriend won’t text a photo, she just sends more of herself. And when she realizes that Cynthia, her boss at a Chicago ghost tour company, isn’t joking about making stops more haunted by killing people there, she do Megan Henske isn’t one to heed warnings… When the last letters in her alphabet cereal are D, I, and E, she doesn’t crawl right back into bed. When her online girlfriend won’t text a photo, she just sends more of herself. And when she realizes that Cynthia, her boss at a Chicago ghost tour company, isn’t joking about making stops more haunted by killing people there, she doesn’t quit her job, she may even help. But who is responsible for the deaths of prominent figures in the murdermonger industry? Could it be the head of the rival tour company? Or could it be someone near and dear to Megan? Soon after she learns that she has an uncanny resemblance to a flapper who disappeared in 1922, Megan receives a warning she can’t ignore: the next ghost on the tour might be her… "
576,"Betrothed since childhood to the prince of Mynaria, Princess Dennaleia has always known what her future holds. Her marriage will seal the alliance between Mynaria and her homeland, protecting her people from other hostile lands. But Denna has a secret. She possesses an Affinity for fire, a dangerous gift for the future queen of a kingdom where magic is forbidden. Now, Denna Betrothed since childhood to the prince of Mynaria, Princess Dennaleia has always known what her future holds. Her marriage will seal the alliance between Mynaria and her homeland, protecting her people from other hostile lands. But Denna has a secret. She possesses an Affinity for fire, a dangerous gift for the future queen of a kingdom where magic is forbidden. Now, Denna must learn the ways of her new home while trying to hide her growing magic. To make matters worse, she must learn to ride Mynaria’s formidable warhorses, and her teacher is the person who intimidates her most, the prickly and unconventional Princess Amaranthine, called Mare, the sister of her betrothed. When a shocking assassination leaves the kingdom reeling, Mare and Denna reluctantly join forces to search for the culprit. As the two become closer, Mare is surprised by Denna’s intelligence and bravery, while Denna is drawn to Mare’s independent streak. And soon their friendship is threatening to blossom into something more. But with dangerous conflict brewing that makes the alliance more important than ever, acting on their feelings could be deadly. Forced to choose between their duty and their hearts, Mare and Denna must find a way to save their kingdoms, and each other. "
577,"Describes the importance of role models to gay and lesbian youth and introduces readers to some of the most admired gay and lesbian role models in sports, entertainment, and politics. "
578,"""An exclusive Gallup Poll book"", P. [4] of cover. ""An exclusive Gallup Poll book"", P. [4] of cover. "
579,"""An exclusive Gallup poll book"", Back cover. ""An exclusive Gallup poll book"", Back cover. "
580,"Launching Our Black Children for Success is a groundbreaking book that goes beyond the typical ""how to get your kid into the best school or college"" advice. This extraordinary book takes black parents step-by-step through the stages of child development so they can build a solid foundation for success in their children. It shows how to best instill pride, self-discipline, Launching Our Black Children for Success is a groundbreaking book that goes beyond the typical ""how to get your kid into the best school or college"" advice. This extraordinary book takes black parents step-by-step through the stages of child development so they can build a solid foundation for success in their children. It shows how to best instill pride, self-discipline, social skills, a work ethic, and a way to deal with the inevitable racism and prejudice their children will face. Authors Joyce Ladner and Theresa Foy DiGeronimo also offer a practical guide for overcoming the many injustices and obstacles African American families face and show how to shepherd their kids through the process that is required to help children keep their ""eyes on the prize."" Launching Our Black Children for Success helps parents to provide the strength and the strategies their children need to seek out whatever career they dream of and deserve. "
581,Explores the issues surrounding gay people of color.
582,"""An exclusive Gallup poll book"", Back cover. ""An exclusive Gallup poll book"", Back cover. "
583,"Someone brutally murdered Mary Mathison, daughter of a prominent and very conservative local pastor. Whoever it was is now taunting Avery, a transgender boy, with disturbing messages, claiming that Mary’s murder was revenge for her relationship with Avery. The killer’s demands are simple and horrific: Avery must repent for changing his gender identity, or he will be the ne Someone brutally murdered Mary Mathison, daughter of a prominent and very conservative local pastor. Whoever it was is now taunting Avery, a transgender boy, with disturbing messages, claiming that Mary’s murder was revenge for her relationship with Avery. The killer’s demands are simple and horrific: Avery must repent for changing his gender identity, or he will be the next one killed. Can Avery deny who he is to catch Mary’s killer? Or will sacrificing himself be the ultimate betrayal? "
584,"When it was first published in 2003, GLBTQ quickly became the indispensable resource for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning teens. This fully revised and updated edition retains all of the straightforward information and practical advice of the original edition while providing a contemporary look at society and its growing acceptance of people who are GLB When it was first published in 2003, GLBTQ quickly became the indispensable resource for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning teens. This fully revised and updated edition retains all of the straightforward information and practical advice of the original edition while providing a contemporary look at society and its growing acceptance of people who are GLBTQ. Included are updates on efforts to promote equality, including the current status of legislative initiatives concerning safe schools, gay marriage, workplace equality, transgender expression, and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Issues-based information and advice address coming out, prejudice, getting support, staying safe, making healthy choices, and thriving in school. This frank, sensitive book is written for young people who are beginning to question their sexual or gender identity, those who are ready to work for GLBTQ rights, and those who may need advice, guidance, or reassurance that they are not alone. "
585,"Mark Walden spent ten years producing video games for a living before finally deciding that perhaps it was time to do some real work. With the bitter taste of rejection from the NASA astronaut training programme still in his mouth he decided (luckily) that maybe he should try and write a book instead. He is happily married (as is his wife, he hopes) and is the proud father Mark Walden spent ten years producing video games for a living before finally deciding that perhaps it was time to do some real work. With the bitter taste of rejection from the NASA astronaut training programme still in his mouth he decided (luckily) that maybe he should try and write a book instead. He is happily married (as is his wife, he hopes) and is the proud father of Megan. He is owned by Marge, his cat, who has provided invaluable assistance at every stage of the writing of both books. Titles in This Set Rogue Higher School of Villainous Education Escape Velocity Zero hour Dreadnought The Overlord protocol "
586,"""An exclusive Gallup poll book"", Back cover. ""An exclusive Gallup poll book"", Back cover. "
587,"Thea Galehouse has always known how to take care of herself. With a flighty club-owner mom and a standoffish, recovering-alcoholic dad, Thea has made her own way in her hometown of New York, attending the prestigious and competitive Stuyvesant High School. But one chat with Will, a handsome and witty senior, and she's a goner, completely hooked on him and unable to concentr Thea Galehouse has always known how to take care of herself. With a flighty club-owner mom and a standoffish, recovering-alcoholic dad, Thea has made her own way in her hometown of New York, attending the prestigious and competitive Stuyvesant High School. But one chat with Will, a handsome and witty senior, and she's a goner, completely hooked on him and unable to concentrate on anything else. Always worried that she loves Will more than he loves her, Thea is pleasantly surprised when their romance weathers his move to college and Will goes out of his way to involve her in his life. But then, Thea misses a period. And that starts Thea and Will on a wild ride that neither of them could have possibly prepared for. When they decide to keep the baby, their concerned parents chip in what they can to keep Will in school and give both teenagers a comfortable place to raise their child. But when a freak accident leaves Thea shaken and threatens to upend their little family altogether, Thea is forced to turn to the last place she would have chosen for comfort: her stiff, uncompromising father. This smart, touching first novel brims with realistic, beautifully drawn characters, and reminds us that love is never as easy or predictable as we might like it to be. "
588,"Jamie and Elaine have been best friends forever, and now they're finally juniors in high school. Elaine has a steady boyfriend, and Jamie could have one, if she'd just open her eyes and see Paul. But Jamie has a bigger problem to worry about. Then Elaine gets in trouble, something they thought only happened to other girls. Are there any good choices for a girl in trouble? Jamie and Elaine have been best friends forever, and now they're finally juniors in high school. Elaine has a steady boyfriend, and Jamie could have one, if she'd just open her eyes and see Paul. But Jamie has a bigger problem to worry about. Then Elaine gets in trouble, something they thought only happened to other girls. Are there any good choices for a girl in trouble? In Trouble is a novel born of author Ellen Levine's interviews with women who came of age in the late 1950s and early 1960s, including those who knew what it was like to be a teen facing a horrible choice. In the decades before Roe v. Wade , a young woman in trouble had very few options, and all of them meant shame, isolation, and maybe much worse. Jamie and Elaine's stories are just two among the thousands of stories of teenagers facing unplanned pregnancies., ""Website"" "
589,"Growing up isn't easy. Many young people endure bullying that makes them feel they have nowhere to turn, especially LGBT kids and teens who often hide their sexuality for fear of being bullied. Without openly gay mentors, they don't know what the future may hold. After a number of suicides by LGBT students who were bullied in school, syndicated columnist Dan Savage uploade Growing up isn't easy. Many young people endure bullying that makes them feel they have nowhere to turn, especially LGBT kids and teens who often hide their sexuality for fear of being bullied. Without openly gay mentors, they don't know what the future may hold. After a number of suicides by LGBT students who were bullied in school, syndicated columnist Dan Savage uploaded a video to YouTube with his partner, Terry Miller, to inspire hope for LGBT youth. The video launched the 'It Gets Better Project', initiating a worldwide phenomenon. This is a collection of expanded essays and new material from celebrities and everyday people who have posted videos of encouragement, as well as new contributors. We can show LGBT youth the happiness, potential, and positivity their lives will have if they can get through their teen years. ""It Gets Better"" reminds teenagers in the LGBT community that they are not alone, and it WILL get better. "
590," For his final new series, New York Times mega-bestselling author E. Lynn Harris introduces Bentley L. Dean, owner of the hottest modeling agency in Miami’s sexy South Beach. Only the world’s most beautiful models make the roster of Picture Perfect Modeling agency and they only do shoots for the most elite photographers and magazines. They are fashionista roya For his final new series, New York Times mega-bestselling author E. Lynn Harris introduces Bentley L. Dean, owner of the hottest modeling agency in Miami’s sexy South Beach. Only the world’s most beautiful models make the roster of Picture Perfect Modeling agency and they only do shoots for the most elite photographers and magazines. They are fashionista royalty, and the owners, Bentley L. Dean and his beautiful partner Alexandra, know it. But even Picture Perfect isn’t immune from hard times, so when Sterling Sneed, a rich, celebrity party planner promises to pay a ludicrously high fee for some models, Bentley finds he can’t refuse. Even though the job is not exactly a photo shoot, Bentley agrees to supply fifteen gorgeous models as eye candy for an ""A"" list party, to look good, be charming and, well, entertain the guests. They don’t have to do anything they don’t want to, but... His models are pros and he figures they can handle the pressure, until one drops out and Bentley asks his protégé Jah, a beautiful kid who Bentley treats as if he were his own son, to substitute. Suddenly, the stakes are much higher, particularly when Jah falls in love with the hottest African American movie star in America. Seth Sinclair is very handsome, very famous, and very married, and his closeted gay life makes him very dangerous as well. Can Bentley’s fatherly guidance save Jah from making a fatal mistake? "
591,"Declan loves death metal, particularly from Finland. And video games, violent ones. And internet porn, any kind, really. He goes to school with Neilly Foster and spends most of his classroom time wondering what it might be like to know her, to talk to her, maybe even to graze against her sweater in the hallway. Neilly is an accomplished gymnast, naturally beautiful, and a Declan loves death metal, particularly from Finland. And video games, violent ones. And internet porn, any kind, really. He goes to school with Neilly Foster and spends most of his classroom time wondering what it might be like to know her, to talk to her, maybe even to graze against her sweater in the hallway. Neilly is an accomplished gymnast, naturally beautiful, and a constant presence at all the best parties (to which Declan is never invited). She's the queen of cool, the princess of poker face, and her rule is uncontested, or it was until today, when she's dumped by her boyfriend, betrayed by her former BFF Lulu, and then informed she's getting a new brother, of the freaky fellow classmate variety. Declan's dad is marrying Neilly's mom. Soon. Which means they'll be moving in together. "
592,"Bean (née Pearl) and Henry, misfits and best friends, have the strangest mothers in town. Henry’s mom Sally never leaves the house. Bean’s mom Lexie, if she is home, is likely nursing a hangover or venting to her friend Claire about Bean’s beloved grandfather Gus, the third member of their sunny household. Gus’s death unleashes a host of family secrets that brings them all Bean (née Pearl) and Henry, misfits and best friends, have the strangest mothers in town. Henry’s mom Sally never leaves the house. Bean’s mom Lexie, if she is home, is likely nursing a hangover or venting to her friend Claire about Bean’s beloved grandfather Gus, the third member of their sunny household. Gus’s death unleashes a host of family secrets that brings them all together. And they threaten to change everything, including Bean’s relationship with Henry, her first friend, and who also might turn out to be her first love. "
593,"The pink jumper was practically glowing in my grey bedroom. It was like a tiny bit of Dorothy’s Oz in boring old black-and-white Kansas. Pink was for girls. Ava Simpson is trying on a whole new image. Stripping the black dye from her hair, she heads off to the Billy Hughes School for Academic Excellence, leaving her uber-cool girlfriend, Chloe, behind. Ava is quickly taken u The pink jumper was practically glowing in my grey bedroom. It was like a tiny bit of Dorothy’s Oz in boring old black-and-white Kansas. Pink was for girls. Ava Simpson is trying on a whole new image. Stripping the black dye from her hair, she heads off to the Billy Hughes School for Academic Excellence, leaving her uber-cool girlfriend, Chloe, behind. Ava is quickly taken under the wing of perky, popular Alexis who insists that: a) she’s a perfect match for handsome Ethan; and b) she absolutely must audition for the school musical. But while she’s busy trying to fit in , with Chloe, with Alexis and her Pastel friends, even with the misfits in the stage crew , Ava fails to notice that her shiny reinvented life is far more fragile than she imagined. Debut author Wikinson takes a lighthearted but timely and resonant look at a teen's attempts to don a new personality and figure out who she really wants to be. "
594,"In this fresh, poignant novel Mike is struggling to come to terms with her father's suicide and her mother's detachment from her family. Mike (real name Mary Elizabeth) is gay and likes to pump iron, play softball and fix plumbing. When a glamorous new girl, Xanadu, arrives in Mike's small Kansas town, she falls in love at first sight. Xanadu is everything that Mike is not In this fresh, poignant novel Mike is struggling to come to terms with her father's suicide and her mother's detachment from her family. Mike (real name Mary Elizabeth) is gay and likes to pump iron, play softball and fix plumbing. When a glamorous new girl, Xanadu, arrives in Mike's small Kansas town, she falls in love at first sight. Xanadu is everything that Mike is not -cool, confident, feminine, sexy and -straight! No matter how close their growing friendship is, Mike is always going to be 'far from Xanadu'. Following the success of Luna, Julie Ann Peters' has written a heartbreaking, yet ultimately hopeful, novel which will speak to anyone who has ever fallen in love with someone who can't love them back. "
595,"""An exclusive Gallup poll book"", Back cover. ""An exclusive Gallup poll book"", Back cover. "
596,"Carlos Duarte knows that he's fabulous. He's got a better sense of style than half the fashionistas in New York City, and he can definitely apply makeup like nobody's business. He may only be in high school, but when he lands the job of his dreams, makeup artist at the FeatureFace counter in Macy's, he's sure that he's finally on his way to great things. But the makeup art Carlos Duarte knows that he's fabulous. He's got a better sense of style than half the fashionistas in New York City, and he can definitely apply makeup like nobody's business. He may only be in high school, but when he lands the job of his dreams, makeup artist at the FeatureFace counter in Macy's, he's sure that he's finally on his way to great things. But the makeup artist world is competitive and cutthroat, and for Carlos to reach his dreams, he'll have to believe in himself more than ever. "
597,"Escrito por una educadora profesional y su hija en un estilo reconfortante y acertado, ¿Qué pasa en mi cuerpo? El libro para muchachas brinda consejos sensatos y directos sobre los cambios de forma y tamaño por los que pasa el cuerpo, el estirón de crecimiento, el desarrollo de los senos, los órganos reproductivos, el ciclo menstrual, los vellos corporales, la dieta y el e Escrito por una educadora profesional y su hija en un estilo reconfortante y acertado, ¿Qué pasa en mi cuerpo? El libro para muchachas brinda consejos sensatos y directos sobre los cambios de forma y tamaño por los que pasa el cuerpo, el estirón de crecimiento, el desarrollo de los senos, los órganos reproductivos, el ciclo menstrual, los vellos corporales, la dieta y el ejercicio, las sentimientos románticos y sexuales, y la pubertad en el sexo opuesto. También incluye información sobre la anorexia y bulimia, las enfermedades de transmisión sexual, el sida y los métodos anticonceptivos. Con ilustraciones detalladas y casos reales a lo largo del libro, además de una introducción para los padres y una sección útil de recursos, esta exitosa guía de crecimiento es un libro esencial sobre la pubertad y la salud para todas las muchachas desde los diez años de edad en adelante. "
598,"For over 25 years, the Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series has developed and set the standard for current-issue studies. With more than 90 volumes covering nearly every controversial contemporary topic, Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. Each title explores a specific issue by placing expert op For over 25 years, the Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series has developed and set the standard for current-issue studies. With more than 90 volumes covering nearly every controversial contemporary topic, Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. Each title explores a specific issue by placing expert opinions in a unique pro/con format. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. By choosing from such diverse sources and including both popular and unpopular views, the Opposing Viewpoints editorial team has adhered to its commitment to editorial objectivity. Readers are exposed to many sides of a debate, which promotes issue awareness as well as critical thinking. In short, Opposing Viewpoints is the best research and learning tool for exploring the issues that continually shape and define our turbulent and changing world. "
599,"Seventeen-year-old Alyssa thought she knew who she was. She had her family and her best friends and, most important, she had Sarah. Sarah, her girlfriend, with whom she dreamed with about the day they could move far away and live out and proud and accepted for themselves, instead of having to hide their relationship. Alyssa never thought she would have to make that move by Seventeen-year-old Alyssa thought she knew who she was. She had her family and her best friends and, most important, she had Sarah. Sarah, her girlfriend, with whom she dreamed with about the day they could move far away and live out and proud and accepted for themselves, instead of having to hide their relationship. Alyssa never thought she would have to make that move by herself, but disowned by her father and cut off from everyone she loves, she is forced to move hundreds of miles away to live with Carly, the biological mother she barely knows, in a town where everyone immediately dismisses her as ""Carly's girl."" As Alyssa struggles to forget her past and come to terms with her future, will she be able to build a new life for herself and believe in love again? Or will she be forced to relive the mistakes that have cost her everything and everyone she cared about? National Book Award finalist Julie Anne Peters has written a compelling novel about coming out, finding love, and discovering your place in the world. Alyssa's story will speak to anyone who has known the joy and pain of first love and the struggle to start over again. "
600," A gay suburban hip-hopper freaks out her Christian high school, and falls in love, in this righteously funny and totally tender YA debut, for real. Listen up: You’re about to get rocked by the fiercest, baddest all-girl hip-hop crew in the Twin Cities, or at least in the wealthy, white, Bible-thumping suburb of Holyhill, Minnesota. Our heroine, Esme Rockett (aka MC Fe A gay suburban hip-hopper freaks out her Christian high school, and falls in love, in this righteously funny and totally tender YA debut, for real. Listen up: You’re about to get rocked by the fiercest, baddest all-girl hip-hop crew in the Twin Cities, or at least in the wealthy, white, Bible-thumping suburb of Holyhill, Minnesota. Our heroine, Esme Rockett (aka MC Ferocious) is a Jewish lesbian lyricist. In her crew, Esme’s got her BFFs Marcy (aka DJ SheStorm, the butchest straight girl in town) and Tess (aka The ConTessa, the pretty, popular powerhouse of a vocalist). But Esme’s feelings for her co-MC, Rowie (MC Rohini), a beautiful, brilliant, beguiling desi chick, are bound to get complicated. And before they know it, the queer hip-hop revolution Esme and her girls have exploded in Holyhill is on the line. Exciting new talent Laura Goode lays down a snappy, provocative, and heartfelt novel about discovering the rhythm of your own truth. "
601,"Examines stereotypes of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people and provides information on how to take action against such stereotypes. "
602,"All too often, groups who do not effectively define themselves find that others assume the power to explain them. Until recently, this has certainly been the case with American Latinos/as, as evidenced by demeaning media stereotypes and the groups's near-invisibility in U.S. history texts. Indeed, as the demise of the Soviet empire shifted America's national anxieties to do All too often, groups who do not effectively define themselves find that others assume the power to explain them. Until recently, this has certainly been the case with American Latinos/as, as evidenced by demeaning media stereotypes and the groups's near-invisibility in U.S. history texts. Indeed, as the demise of the Soviet empire shifted America's national anxieties to domestic irritants, images of Latinos/as changed for the worse. Immigration reform acts in 1965 and 1986 brought millions of new immigrants from Latin American countries. By the end of the 1980s, their presence had become vexing to many. English-only movements sprang up. Bilingual education came under attack. Movements to close the border gained momentum. Now, Latinos/as are speaking back. The Latino Condition brings together some of these new voices, and some of the pioneers, in law, sociology, history, politics, and literature. This pathbreaking volume addresses such questions as: Who exactly is a Latino/a? Who is Hispanic? Who is Chicano/a? How did Spanish-speaking people come to the United States? Should the United States try to control Latino/a immigration and is this even possible? How has ""the silent minority"" been stereotyped by popular culture? Why don't traditional civil rights remedies work for Latinos/as? Is assimilation possible, or even desirable, for all Latinos/as? What makes for conflict between Latinos/as and other racial groups? Are Latinos/as a race or an ethnicity? Should Latino/a children be taught in Spanish? What can border theory tell us about culture, language, and power? "
603,"The Test follows the story of Liselle Mason, a former Bluford student who first appeared in Until We Meet Again. Liselle Mason is in trouble. For weeks, she ignored the changes in her body and tried to forget her brief relationship with Oscar Price, her moody classmate at Bluford High. But when Liselle's clothes stop fitting, and her brother notices her growing belly, she The Test follows the story of Liselle Mason, a former Bluford student who first appeared in Until We Meet Again. Liselle Mason is in trouble. For weeks, she ignored the changes in her body and tried to forget her brief relationship with Oscar Price, her moody classmate at Bluford High. But when Liselle's clothes stop fitting, and her brother notices her growing belly, she panics. A pregnancy test confirms her biggest fears. Unwilling to admit the truth, Liselle suddenly faces a world with no easy answers. Where will she turn? Who will she tell? What will she do? "
604,"The fifth grade. The threshold to puberty, and the beginning of the end of childhood innocence. Shuichi Nitori and his new friend Yoshino Takatsuki have happy homes, loving families, and are well-liked by their classmates. But they share a secret that further complicates a time of life that is awkward for anyone: Shuichi is a boy who wants to be a girl, and Yoshino is a gi The fifth grade. The threshold to puberty, and the beginning of the end of childhood innocence. Shuichi Nitori and his new friend Yoshino Takatsuki have happy homes, loving families, and are well-liked by their classmates. But they share a secret that further complicates a time of life that is awkward for anyone: Shuichi is a boy who wants to be a girl, and Yoshino is a girl who wants to be a boy. Written and drawn by one of today's most critically acclaimed creators of manga, Shimura portrays Shuishi and Yoshino's very private journey with affection, sensitivity, gentle humor, and unmistakable flair and grace. Book One introduces our two protagonists and the friends and family whose lives intersect with their own. Yoshino is rudely reminded of her sex by immature boys whose budding interest in girls takes clumsily cruel forms. Shuichi's secret is discovered by Saori, a perceptive and eccentric classmate. And it is Saori who suggests that the fifth graders put on a production of The Rose of Versailles for the farewell ceremony for the sixth graders, with boys playing the roles of women, and girls playing the roles of men. Wandering Son is a sophisticated work of literary manga translated with rare skill and sensitivity by veteran translator and comics scholar Matt Thorn. "
605,"In the second volume of Shimura Takako's superb coming-of-age story, our transgender protagonists, Shuichi and Yoshino, have entered the sixth grade. Shuichi spends a precious gift of cash from his grandmother on a special present for himself, a purchase that triggers a chain of events in which his sister Maho learns his secret, and Shuichi inadvertently steals the heart o In the second volume of Shimura Takako's superb coming-of-age story, our transgender protagonists, Shuichi and Yoshino, have entered the sixth grade. Shuichi spends a precious gift of cash from his grandmother on a special present for himself, a purchase that triggers a chain of events in which his sister Maho learns his secret, and Shuichi inadvertently steals the heart of a boy Maho in interested in. The transgender woman who showed so much interest in Yoshino (when she was wearing a boy’s school uniform) in volume one reappears with her boyfriend, and becomes a mentor and friend to the two children. And the kids go on a class trip that is a rite of passage Shuichi would rather pass up. Shuichi is called a ""faggot"" by another boy, and the dramatic nature in which Saori comes to Shuichi’s defense leads the two to discover a shared fondness for Anne of Green Gables. But despite his propensity to cry (a propensity noted repeatedly by his more outgoing sister), Shuichi finds strength and courage he didn’t know he had. A sophisticated work translated with sophistication by veteran translator and comics scholar Matt Thorn. "
606,"""An exclusive Gallup poll book"", P. [4] of cover. ""An exclusive Gallup poll book"", P. [4] of cover. "
607,"Eighteen-year-old Evan and his best friend, Davis, get beaten up for being loners. For being gay. For just being themselves. But as rough as things often seem, at least Evan can take comfort in his sweet, sexy boyfriend Erik -whom he’s kept secret from everyone for almost a year. Then Evan and Davis are recruited to join the Chasers, a fringe crowd that promises them prot Eighteen-year-old Evan and his best friend, Davis, get beaten up for being loners. For being gay. For just being themselves. But as rough as things often seem, at least Evan can take comfort in his sweet, sexy boyfriend Erik -whom he’s kept secret from everyone for almost a year. Then Evan and Davis are recruited to join the Chasers, a fringe crowd that promises them protection and status. Davis is swept up in the excitement, but Evan is caught between his loyalty to Davis and his love for Erik. Evan’s lied to keep his two worlds separate. Now his lies are about to implode…and destroy the very relationships he’s been trying to protect. "
608,"For months, Cass Meyer has heard her best friend Julia, a wannabe Broadway composer, whispering about a top-secret project. Then Julia is killed in a sudden car accident, and while Cass is still reeling from her death, Julia’s boyfriend and her other drama friends make it their mission to bring to fruition the nearly-completed secret project: a musical about an orphaned ni For months, Cass Meyer has heard her best friend Julia, a wannabe Broadway composer, whispering about a top-secret project. Then Julia is killed in a sudden car accident, and while Cass is still reeling from her death, Julia’s boyfriend and her other drama friends make it their mission to bring to fruition the nearly-completed secret project: a musical about an orphaned ninja princess entitled Totally Sweet Ninja Death Squad. Cass isn’t one of the drama people. She doesn’t feel at home with Julia’s drama friends, and she doesn’t see a place for her in the play. Things only get worse when she finds out that Heather Galloway, the girl who made her miserable all through middle school, has been cast as the ninja princess. Cass can’t take a summer of swallowing her pride and painting sets, so she decides to follow her original plan for a cross-country road trip with Julia. Even if she has a touring bicycle instead of a driver’s license, and even if Julia’s ashes are coming along in Tupperware. Totally Sweet Ninja Death Squad is a story about friendship. About love. About traveling a thousand miles just to find yourself. About making peace with the past, and making sense of it. And it’s a story about the bloodiest high school musical one quiet suburb has ever seen. "
609,"Fourteen-year-old Stark McClellan (nicknamed Stick because he’s tall and thin) is bullied for being ""deformed"" – he was born with only one ear. His older brother Bosten is always there to defend Stick. But the boys can’t defend one another from their abusive parents. When Stick realizes Bosten is gay, he knows that to survive his father's anger, Bosten must leave home. Stic Fourteen-year-old Stark McClellan (nicknamed Stick because he’s tall and thin) is bullied for being ""deformed"" – he was born with only one ear. His older brother Bosten is always there to defend Stick. But the boys can’t defend one another from their abusive parents. When Stick realizes Bosten is gay, he knows that to survive his father's anger, Bosten must leave home. Stick has to find his brother, or he will never feel whole again. In his search, he will encounter good people, bad people, and people who are simply indifferent to kids from the wrong side of the tracks. But he never loses hope of finding love – and his brother. "
610,"An infant left in the trash to die. A teenage mother who never knew she was pregnant... Before That Morning, these were the words most often used to describe straight-A student and star soccer player Devon Davenport: responsible, hardworking, mature. But all that changes when the police find Devon home sick from school as they investigate the case of an abandoned baby. An infant left in the trash to die. A teenage mother who never knew she was pregnant... Before That Morning, these were the words most often used to describe straight-A student and star soccer player Devon Davenport: responsible, hardworking, mature. But all that changes when the police find Devon home sick from school as they investigate the case of an abandoned baby. Soon the connection is made. Devon has just given birth; the baby in the trash is hers. After That Morning, there's only one way to define Devon: attempted murderer. And yet gifted author Amy Efaw does the impossible. She turns Devon into an empathetic character, a girl who was in such deep denial that she refused to believe she was pregnant. Through airtight writing and fast-paced, gripping storytelling, Ms. Efaw takes the reader on Devon's unforgettable journey toward clarity, acceptance, and redemption. "
611,"In poignant and insightful interviews, Anrénee Englander presents the voices of ten pregnant teens as they discuss their experiences and choices around motherhood, adoption and abortion. First published to critical acclaim in 1997, this new edition contains the original interviews as well as d material including a resources section. Presenting different points of view, DEA In poignant and insightful interviews, Anrénee Englander presents the voices of ten pregnant teens as they discuss their experiences and choices around motherhood, adoption and abortion. First published to critical acclaim in 1997, this new edition contains the original interviews as well as d material including a resources section. Presenting different points of view, DEAR DIARY, I’M PREGNANT is a non-judgmental source of information for all teens that provides support and guidance for those who find themselves in this situation. Chosen by The New York Public Library’s ""Books for the Teen Age"" list and hailed by The Globe and Mail for its ""…frank, revealing and brave conversations,"" this is a must-read book for young women looking for reassurance that they are not alone. "
612,Provides opposing viewpoints on the topic of abortion.
613,"Book by Payment, Simone "
614,"Jacqueline Woodson's remarkable, award-winning story of a boy coming to grips a sudden change in his family. Melanin Sun's mother has some big news: she's in love with a woman. Now he has many decisions to make: Should he stand by his mother even though it could mean losing his friends? Should he abandon the only family he's ever known? Either way, Melanin Sun is about to l Jacqueline Woodson's remarkable, award-winning story of a boy coming to grips a sudden change in his family. Melanin Sun's mother has some big news: she's in love with a woman. Now he has many decisions to make: Should he stand by his mother even though it could mean losing his friends? Should he abandon the only family he's ever known? Either way, Melanin Sun is about to learn the true meaning of sacrifice, prejudice, and love. "
615,"Girls are cutting themselves with razors. Girls are convinced they're fat, and starve themselves to prove it. Other girls are so anxious about grades they can't sleep at night, at eleven years of age. What's going on? In Girls on the Edge , Dr. Leonard Sax provides the answers. He shares stories of girls who look confident and strong on the outside, but are fragile within. Girls are cutting themselves with razors. Girls are convinced they're fat, and starve themselves to prove it. Other girls are so anxious about grades they can't sleep at night, at eleven years of age. What's going on? In Girls on the Edge , Dr. Leonard Sax provides the answers. He shares stories of girls who look confident and strong on the outside, but are fragile within. He shows why a growing proportion of teen and tween girls are confused about their sexual identity, or are obsessed with grades or Facebook. Dr. Sax provides parents with tools to help girls become confident women, along with practical tips on helping your daughter choose a sport, nurturing her spirit through female centered activities, and more. Compelling and inspiring, Girls on the Edge points the way to a new future for today's young women. "
616," Cinderella retold In the wake of her father's death, Ash is left at the mercy of her cruel stepmother. Consumed with grief, her only joy comes by the light of the dying hearth fire, rereading the fairy tales her mother once told her. In her dreams, someday the fairies will steal her away, as they are said to do. When she meets the dark and dangerous fairy Sidhean, she b Cinderella retold In the wake of her father's death, Ash is left at the mercy of her cruel stepmother. Consumed with grief, her only joy comes by the light of the dying hearth fire, rereading the fairy tales her mother once told her. In her dreams, someday the fairies will steal her away, as they are said to do. When she meets the dark and dangerous fairy Sidhean, she believes that her wish may be granted. The day that Ash meets Kaisa, the King's Huntress, her heart begins to change. Instead of chasing fairies, Ash learns to hunt with Kaisa. Though their friendship is as delicate as a new bloom, it reawakens Ash's capacity for love-and her desire to live. But Sidhean has already claimed Ash for his own, and she must make a choice between fairy tale dreams and true love. Entrancing, empowering, and romantic, Ash is about the connection between life and love, and solitude and death, where transformation can come from even the deepest grief. "
617,"The 40th anniversary edition of a groundbreaking teen classic When the grandmother who raised him dies, Davy Ross, a lonely thirteen-year-old boy, must move to Manhattan to live with his estranged mother. Between alcohol-infused lectures about her self-sacrifice and awkward visits with his distant father, Davy's only comfort is his beloved dachshund Fred. Things start to l The 40th anniversary edition of a groundbreaking teen classic When the grandmother who raised him dies, Davy Ross, a lonely thirteen-year-old boy, must move to Manhattan to live with his estranged mother. Between alcohol-infused lectures about her self-sacrifice and awkward visits with his distant father, Davy's only comfort is his beloved dachshund Fred. Things start to look up when he and a boy from school become friends. But when their relationship takes an unexpected turn, Davy struggles to understand what happened and what it might mean. "
618,"Elle is a loner. She doesn’t need people. Which is a good thing, because she’s on her own: she had to move into her own apartment so her mother’s boyfriend won’t have to deal with her. Then she meets Frank, the guy who lives next door. He’s older and has a girlfriend, but Elle can’t stop thinking about him. Frank isn’t like anyone Elle has ever met. He listens to her. He’s Elle is a loner. She doesn’t need people. Which is a good thing, because she’s on her own: she had to move into her own apartment so her mother’s boyfriend won’t have to deal with her. Then she meets Frank, the guy who lives next door. He’s older and has a girlfriend, but Elle can’t stop thinking about him. Frank isn’t like anyone Elle has ever met. He listens to her. He’s gentle. And Elle is falling for him, hard. But Frank is different in a way that Elle was never prepared for: he’s transgender. And when Elle learns the truth, her world is turned upside down. Now she’ll have to search inside herself to find not only the true meaning of friendship but her own role in jumpstarting the world. Tender, honest, and compassionate, Jumpstart the World is a stunning story to make you laugh, cry, and honor the power of love. "
619,"Sylvie and Carl have been friends since they were tiny children. They’ve always played together, eaten with each other’s families, called each other boyfriend and girlfriend and deep down, Sylvie has always believed that they’d end up married to each other. They even have a magical fantasy world that belongs to them alone , and the glass hut where it’s all created, at the Sylvie and Carl have been friends since they were tiny children. They’ve always played together, eaten with each other’s families, called each other boyfriend and girlfriend and deep down, Sylvie has always believed that they’d end up married to each other. They even have a magical fantasy world that belongs to them alone , and the glass hut where it’s all created, at the bottom of Carl’s garden. But as they become teenagers, things are starting to change. They each have different friends. Sylvie would still rather spend all her time with Carl. But Carl has a new friend, Paul, who is taking all his attention. And he seems much less happy to be called Sylvie’s boyfriend. And in a game of spin the bottle, he avoids having to kiss her. Sylvie can tell his feelings have changed and that her plans for the future may be affected. But can she guess at the true reasons behind it all? A moving, compelling and delicately handled treatment of sexuality from the Children’s Laureate. "
620,"GLBT issues such as same-sex marriage, Dont Ask Dont Tell, and hate crime legislation are at the forefront of American political discourse. This informative book investigates these topics, as well as many other issues facing the GLBT community. These hot-button topics are presented in an even-handed manner, allowing students to learn without the influence of media distorti GLBT issues such as same-sex marriage, Dont Ask Dont Tell, and hate crime legislation are at the forefront of American political discourse. This informative book investigates these topics, as well as many other issues facing the GLBT community. These hot-button topics are presented in an even-handed manner, allowing students to learn without the influence of media distortion and mixed messages. "
621,GLBT teens face some tough challenges at school and in the community. Advice is given regarding interacting with school personnel and friends and dealing with bullies.
622,"Rosie walks in on an armed robbery in her father's convenience store. Who is the masked man? And why does she think she knows him? Everyone has something to hide., , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , There's a masked man in the store, and it isn't Halloween. I duck down again, fast. I hear someone say, ""This is a stickup."" It's the guy in the mask. He Rosie walks in on an armed robbery in her father's convenience store. Who is the masked man? And why does she think she knows him? Everyone has something to hide., , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , There's a masked man in the store, and it isn't Halloween. I duck down again, fast. I hear someone say, ""This is a stickup."" It's the guy in the mask. He has a weird voice, like it's not a normal voice. He says, ""Is there anyone else in the store?"" That tells me that the masked man hasn't seen me. ""No,"" my dad says without even a second's hesitation. "
623,"If you could change who you are, would you? Should you? Fifteen-year-old Jamie Bates has a simple strategy for surviving high school: fit in, keep a low profile, and above all, protect his biggest secret, he's gay. But when a classmate discovers the truth, a terrified Jamie does all he can to change who he is. At first, it's easy. Everyone notices when he starts hanging out If you could change who you are, would you? Should you? Fifteen-year-old Jamie Bates has a simple strategy for surviving high school: fit in, keep a low profile, and above all, protect his biggest secret, he's gay. But when a classmate discovers the truth, a terrified Jamie does all he can to change who he is. At first, it's easy. Everyone notices when he starts hanging out with Celia Gamez, the richest and most beautiful girl in school. And when he steals an experimental new drug that's supposed to ""cure"" his attraction to guys, Jamie thinks he's finally going to have a ""normal"" life. But as the drug's side effects worsen and his relationship with Celia heats up, Jamie begins to realize that lying and using could shatter the fragile world of deception that he's created-and hurt the people closest to him. Told with equal doses of humor and suspense, Love Drugged explores the consequences of a life constructed almost entirely of lies... especially the lies we tell ourselves. "
624,"This volume compiled by Ilan Stavans examines the importance of ritual and celebration and the quincea-era celebration's growing social importance to in the Latino community, particularly in the United States., The essays explore the quincea-era and the coming-of-age ritual from various angles. Prior to 2007, the quincea-era received no formal ritual through the Catholic This volume compiled by Ilan Stavans examines the importance of ritual and celebration and the quincea-era celebration's growing social importance to in the Latino community, particularly in the United States., The essays explore the quincea-era and the coming-of-age ritual from various angles. Prior to 2007, the quincea-era received no formal ritual through the Catholic Church, which has since issued one. As such, the role of religion and the Catholic Church in the quincea-era celebration is given extensive consideration. Gender, family status, class, race, as well as the aspects of performance are all discussed as central themes of the celebration. Delving through myriad perspectives, Quincea-eras illuminates the festivities' form and function in creating social and personal identity within the family and the larger Latino community. "
625,"Kendra, fifteen, hasn't felt safe since she began to recall devastating memories of childhood sexual abuse, especially because she still can't remember the most important detail, her abuser's identity. Frightened, Kendra believes someone is always watching and following her, leaving menacing messages only she understands. If she lets her guard down even for a minute, it c Kendra, fifteen, hasn't felt safe since she began to recall devastating memories of childhood sexual abuse, especially because she still can't remember the most important detail, her abuser's identity. Frightened, Kendra believes someone is always watching and following her, leaving menacing messages only she understands. If she lets her guard down even for a minute, it could cost Kendra her life. To relieve the pressure, Kendra cuts; aside from her brilliantly expressive artwork, it's her only way of coping. Since her own mother is too self-absorbed to hear her cries for help, Kendra finds support in others instead: from her therapist and her art teacher, from Sandy, the close family friend who encourages her artwork, and from Meghan, the classmate who's becoming a friend and maybe more. But the truth about Kendra's abuse is just waiting to explode, with startling unforeseen consequences. Scars is the unforgettable story of one girl's frightening path to the truth. Watch the book trailer here: "
626,"Fourth grade is a year of changes, challenges, and ordinary joys for India McAllister. She lives in Maine with her artist mom and their dog, Tofu. Her father lives in the next town over with his new partner, Richard and their bird, Beatrice Strawberry. India – named for the ink, not the subcontinent – was adopted from China as a baby. Being the only Chinese girl in her sma Fourth grade is a year of changes, challenges, and ordinary joys for India McAllister. She lives in Maine with her artist mom and their dog, Tofu. Her father lives in the next town over with his new partner, Richard and their bird, Beatrice Strawberry. India – named for the ink, not the subcontinent – was adopted from China as a baby. Being the only Chinese girl in her small town fuels India's search for identity. India reports in her own words and drawings about life, adventures (many with her good friend Colby) and all things annoying as well as what makes her happy. First three on the happy list: Tofu, Bird, and Colby! The Accidental Adventures of India McAllister is a 2011 Bank Street -Best Children's Book of the Year. "
627,"In the wake of talk of a ""postracial"" America upon Barack Obama’s ascension as president of the United States, Michele Norris, cohost of National Public Radio’s flagship program All Things Considered, set out to write, through original reporting, a book about ""the hidden conversation"" on race that is unfolding nationwide. She would, she thought, base her book on the frank In the wake of talk of a ""postracial"" America upon Barack Obama’s ascension as president of the United States, Michele Norris, cohost of National Public Radio’s flagship program All Things Considered, set out to write, through original reporting, a book about ""the hidden conversation"" on race that is unfolding nationwide. She would, she thought, base her book on the frank disclosures of others on the subject, but she was soon disabused of her presumption when forced to confront the fact that ""the conversation"" in her own family had not been forthright. Norris unearthed painful family secrets that compelled her to question her own self-understanding: from her father’s shooting by a Birmingham police officer weeks after his discharge from the navy at the conclusion of World War II to her maternal grandmother’s peddling pancake mix as an itinerant Aunt Jemima to white farm women in the Midwest. In what became a profoundly personal and bracing journey into her family’s past, Norris traveled from her childhood home in Minneapolis to her ancestral roots in the Deep South to explore the reasons for the ""things left unsaid"" by her father and mother when she was growing up, the better to come to terms with her own identity. Along the way she discovered how her character was forged by both revelation and silence. Extraordinary for Norris’s candor in examining her own racial legacy and what it means to be an American, The Grace of Silence is also informed by rigorous research in its evocation of time and place, scores of interviews with ordinary folk, and wise observations about evolving attitudes, at once encouraging and disturbing, toward race in America today. For its particularity and universality, it is powerfully moving, a tour de force. "
628," A mind-expanding and myth-destroying exploration of ""whiteness"", an illuminating work on the history of race and power. Eminent historian Nell Irvin Painter tells perhaps the most important forgotten story in American history. Beginning at the roots of Western civilization, she traces the invention of the idea of a white race, often for economic, scientific, and political en A mind-expanding and myth-destroying exploration of ""whiteness"", an illuminating work on the history of race and power. Eminent historian Nell Irvin Painter tells perhaps the most important forgotten story in American history. Beginning at the roots of Western civilization, she traces the invention of the idea of a white race, often for economic, scientific, and political ends. She shows how the origins of American identity in the eighteenth century were intrinsically tied to the elevation of white skin into the embodiment of beauty, power, and intelligence; how the great American intellectuals, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, insisted that only Anglo Saxons were truly American; and how the definitions of who is ""white"" and who is ""American"" have evolved over time. A story filled with towering historical figures, The History of White People closes an enormous gap in a literature that has long focused on the nonwhite, and it forcefully reminds us that the concept of ""race"" is an all-too-human invention whose meaning, importance, and reality have changed according to a long and rich history. 70 illustrations. "
629,"Feni is furious when she finds out that her mother has agreed to take a fifteen-year-old pregnant girl into their home until her baby is born. What kind of girl would let herself get into so much trouble? How can Feni live under the same roof with someone like that? Her worst fears are confirmed when Rebecca arrives: she is mean, bossy, and uneducated. Feni decides she wil Feni is furious when she finds out that her mother has agreed to take a fifteen-year-old pregnant girl into their home until her baby is born. What kind of girl would let herself get into so much trouble? How can Feni live under the same roof with someone like that? Her worst fears are confirmed when Rebecca arrives: she is mean, bossy, and uneducated. Feni decides she will have nothing to do with her. But it’s hard not to be curious about a girl so close to her in age who seems so different.... "
630,"Noah Nordstrom has been dissing the religious beliefs of his father, who hosts a popular Christian radio show and whom Noah accuses of spreading hate. When two local gay teens are murdered, Noah’s anti-evangelism intensifies, he’s convinced that the killer is a caller on his dad’s program. Then Noah meets Will Reed, a cool guy. But when he learns that Will is gay, Noah gets Noah Nordstrom has been dissing the religious beliefs of his father, who hosts a popular Christian radio show and whom Noah accuses of spreading hate. When two local gay teens are murdered, Noah’s anti-evangelism intensifies, he’s convinced that the killer is a caller on his dad’s program. Then Noah meets Will Reed, a cool guy. But when he learns that Will is gay, Noah gets a little weirded out. Especially since Will seems really into him. Noah gives Will the brush-off. Meanwhile, the killer is still at large... and soon Noah finds the next victim. It’s Will. Racked with guilt, Noah decides to investigate. He knows the serial killer is targeting gay teens, but only those who live in foster homes, whose deaths are not that important to society; they are the less-dead. Noah, however, is determined to prove that someone cares. With the help of Will’s journal, which he pocketed at the scene of the crime and in which the killer has written clues, Noah closes in on an opponent more dangerous than he can guess. "
631,"""Boys, let us get up a club."" With those words, six restless young men raided the linens at a friend’s mansion in 1866. They pulled white sheets over their heads, hopped on horses, and cavorted through the streets of Pulaski, Tennessee. Soon, the six friends named their club the Ku Klux Klan and began patterning their initiations after fraternity rites, with passwords and m ""Boys, let us get up a club."" With those words, six restless young men raided the linens at a friend’s mansion in 1866. They pulled white sheets over their heads, hopped on horses, and cavorted through the streets of Pulaski, Tennessee. Soon, the six friends named their club the Ku Klux Klan and began patterning their initiations after fraternity rites, with passwords and mysterious handshakes. All too quickly, this club would grow into the self-proclaimed ""Invisible Empire,"" with secret dens spread across the South. On their brutal raids, the nightriders would claim to be ghosts of Confederate soldiers and would use psychological and physical terror against former slaves who dared to vote, own land, attend school, or worship as they pleased. This is the story of how a secret terrorist group took root in America’s democracy. Filled with chilling and vivid personal accounts unearthed from oral histories, congressional documents, and other primary sources, this is a book to read and remember. "
632,"The co-creator of the popular online Midwest Teen Sex Show brings us a hilarious, honest, and in-depth look at every teen's favorite subject: sex. This isn't your mother's sex book: It's punchy and unapologetic. At the same time, it teaches teens the practical ins and outs of being sexually active and, above all, how to stay safe. With humorous illustrations by San Francis The co-creator of the popular online Midwest Teen Sex Show brings us a hilarious, honest, and in-depth look at every teen's favorite subject: sex. This isn't your mother's sex book: It's punchy and unapologetic. At the same time, it teaches teens the practical ins and outs of being sexually active and, above all, how to stay safe. With humorous illustrations by San Francisco Chronicle cartoon artist Michael Capozzola, this book features chapters on everything including: foreplay, different forms of sex (all of them!), masturbation, sexual orientation and gender identity, body issues, relationships, virginity, birth control, and protection against diseases. Modern teens are faced daily with making decisions about whether to have sex and how to protect themselves if they do, and they need an engaging and relatable resource for getting the right information. That's what this book is about. "
633," You only hurt the ones you love. Logan Witherspoon recently discovered that his girlfriend of three years cheated on him. But things start to look up when a new student breezes through the halls of his small-town high school. Sage Hendricks befriends Logan at a time when he no longer trusts or believes in people. Sage has been homeschooled for a number of years and her pare You only hurt the ones you love. Logan Witherspoon recently discovered that his girlfriend of three years cheated on him. But things start to look up when a new student breezes through the halls of his small-town high school. Sage Hendricks befriends Logan at a time when he no longer trusts or believes in people. Sage has been homeschooled for a number of years and her parents have forbidden her to date anyone, but she won't tell Logan why. One day, Logan acts on his growing feelings for Sage. Moments later, he wishes he never had. Sage finally discloses her big secret: she was born a boy. Enraged, frightened, and feeling betrayed, Logan lashes out at Sage and disowns her. But once Logan comes to terms with what happened, he reaches out to Sage in an attempt to understand her situation. But Logan has no idea how rocky the road back to friendship will be. "
634,"Thoughtful Pete, tough Pauly, twins Eric and Nicole, strange Raymond: As kids they were tight; now they've grown up, and apart. They agree to get together one last time, but, twisted by personal histories and fueled by pharmaceuticals, old jealousies surface. The party's soon over, and the group splinters off into the night. Into the noise and heat and chaos of the carniva Thoughtful Pete, tough Pauly, twins Eric and Nicole, strange Raymond: As kids they were tight; now they've grown up, and apart. They agree to get together one last time, but, twisted by personal histories and fueled by pharmaceuticals, old jealousies surface. The party's soon over, and the group splinters off into the night. Into the noise and heat and chaos of the carnival. Days later, a girl goes missing. The prime suspect in her disappearance? One of their own, one of the old gang. Pete doesn't know what to believe: Could one of his childhood friends really be a cold-blooded killer? "
635,"This raw, moving novel follows two teenagers-one, a Mohawk-wearing 17-year-old violent misfit; the other, a gay 13-year-old cast out by his family, hustling on the streets and trying to survive. Acclaimed author Davida Wills Hurwin creates a riveting narrative told in alternating perspectives of their lives before and after the violent hate crime that changed both their fu This raw, moving novel follows two teenagers-one, a Mohawk-wearing 17-year-old violent misfit; the other, a gay 13-year-old cast out by his family, hustling on the streets and trying to survive. Acclaimed author Davida Wills Hurwin creates a riveting narrative told in alternating perspectives of their lives before and after the violent hate crime that changed both their futures. This tragic but ultimately inspirational journey of two polarized teens, their violent first meeting, and their peaceful reunion years later is an unforgettable story of survival and forgiveness. This story is inspired by the real lives of Matthew Boger and Timothy Zaal, who have shared their story on The Oprah Winfrey Show and NPR. "
636,"Our gender is part of who we are. Being male or female or how a person acts should not make life more dangerous. And yet it does. This book explores how people have experienced gender prejudices, discrimination, and outright attacks. "
637,"Babygirl Daniels is Detroit's voice on peer pressure, first love, and the tough decisions teenagers face. Asia Smith walks through life with a silver spoon in her mouth, thanks to her father, who spares no expense when it comes to his baby girl. But when he dies tragically, her extravagant lifestyle is brought down a notch. She struggles to adjust to her new life with Aunt Babygirl Daniels is Detroit's voice on peer pressure, first love, and the tough decisions teenagers face. Asia Smith walks through life with a silver spoon in her mouth, thanks to her father, who spares no expense when it comes to his baby girl. But when he dies tragically, her extravagant lifestyle is brought down a notch. She struggles to adjust to her new life with Auntie Joy. Asia thinks that entering high school will help her world return to normal. She's excited about attending the hypest school in Detroit along with her best friend, Tracey. They're closer than ever and loving their freshman experienceuntil they fall for the same boy. Tracey turns her back on Asia, and things get complicated. Asia puts her new boyfriend before her old friendship. She's willing to do anything to keep him interestedeven things she's not quite ready to handle. When she ends up pregnant, the boyfriend she thought would be with her forever quickly disappears, and she's left to deal with the consequences of growing up too fast. Will her life ever get back on track? "
638,"17-year-olds Patrice and DeMario spent one intimate, yet careless, night together. Months later, they find themselves anticipating the birth of their first child. "
639,"Hate crimes are crimes that are motivated by hate or prejudice, whether it is based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender. Many people argue that these crimes should carry extra penalties because, in the words of former Supreme Court Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, this conduct is thought to inflict greater individual and societal harm...bias-motivated crim Hate crimes are crimes that are motivated by hate or prejudice, whether it is based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender. Many people argue that these crimes should carry extra penalties because, in the words of former Supreme Court Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, this conduct is thought to inflict greater individual and societal harm...bias-motivated crimes are more likely to provoke retaliatory crimes, inflict distinct emotional harms on their victims, and incite community unrest. Opponents of hate-crime laws argue that extra penalties amount to prosecuting people for thought crimes. ""Hate Crimes"" examines both sides of this debate. "
640,"A girl thought to be a boy steals her sister's skirt, while a boy thought to be a girl refuses to wear a cornflower blue dress. One boy's love of a soldier leads to the death of a stranger. The present takes a bittersweet journey into the past when a man revisits the summer school where he had ""an accidental romance."" And a forgotten mother writes a poignant letter to the A girl thought to be a boy steals her sister's skirt, while a boy thought to be a girl refuses to wear a cornflower blue dress. One boy's love of a soldier leads to the death of a stranger. The present takes a bittersweet journey into the past when a man revisits the summer school where he had ""an accidental romance."" And a forgotten mother writes a poignant letter to the teenage daughter she hasn't seen for fourteen years. Poised between the past and the future are the stories of now. In nontraditional narratives, short stories, and brief graphics, tales of anticipation and regret, eagerness and confusion present distinctively modern views of love, sexuality, and gender identification. Together, they reflect the vibrant possibilities available for young people learning to love others, and themselves, in today's multifaceted and quickly changing world. "
641,"Marmee, Meema, and the kids are just like any other family on the block. In their beautiful house, they cook dinner together, they laugh together, and they dance together. But some of the other families don't accept them. They say they are different. How can a family have two moms and no dad? But Marmee and Meema's house is full of love. And they teach their children that Marmee, Meema, and the kids are just like any other family on the block. In their beautiful house, they cook dinner together, they laugh together, and they dance together. But some of the other families don't accept them. They say they are different. How can a family have two moms and no dad? But Marmee and Meema's house is full of love. And they teach their children that different doesn't mean wrong. And no matter how many moms or dads they have, they are everything a family is meant to be. Here is a true Polacco story of a family, living by their own rules, and the strength they gain by the love they feel. "
642," First there is a Before, and then there is an After.... The lives of three teens, Claire, Jasper, and Peter, are altered forever on September 11, 2001. Claire, a high school junior, has to get to her younger brother in his classroom. Jasper, a college sophomore from Brooklyn, wakes to his parents’ frantic calls from Korea, wondering if he’s okay. Peter, a classmate of Clai First there is a Before, and then there is an After.... The lives of three teens, Claire, Jasper, and Peter, are altered forever on September 11, 2001. Claire, a high school junior, has to get to her younger brother in his classroom. Jasper, a college sophomore from Brooklyn, wakes to his parents’ frantic calls from Korea, wondering if he’s okay. Peter, a classmate of Claire’s, has to make his way back to school as everything happens around him. Here are three teens whose intertwining lives are reshaped by this catastrophic event. As each gets to know the other, their moments become wound around each other’s in a way that leads to new understandings, new friendships, and new levels of awareness for the world around them and the people close by. David Levithan has written a novel of loss and grief, but also one of hope and redemption as his characters slowly learn to move forward in their lives, despite being changed forever. "
643,"THE CRIME It all started when Will mooned the girls' school bus. It wasn't his finest moment. And it's the last time William Armstrong will sully the St. Andrew's community, says Principal Waddlehead-er, Waverton. THE PUNISHMENT That's when a teacher worried about Will's home situation comes up with an idea. Why not let Will, a talented guitarist, give back to the school in a THE CRIME It all started when Will mooned the girls' school bus. It wasn't his finest moment. And it's the last time William Armstrong will sully the St. Andrew's community, says Principal Waddlehead-er, Waverton. THE PUNISHMENT That's when a teacher worried about Will's home situation comes up with an idea. Why not let Will, a talented guitarist, give back to the school in a progressive manner? Why not have him play in... THE SCHOOL MUSICAL ? THE MUSICAL Now Will is stuck in the school production of The Boy Friend. He's a laughingstock, and he has to give up his weekends for a show set at a girls' finishing school. THE PLAYERS There's the trombone-playing seventh grader who proclaims himself Will's best friend and refuses to leave his side. Then there's the undeniably attractive leading lady. Although she might be in love with her costar, the new football hero (and dazzling singer!). Sharp-witted, funny, and poignant all at once, this is the story of a boy going through a difficult time who, in a most unlikely way, discovers the person he truly wants to be. "
644,"La vida de Allie ha dado un giro terrible. Sus padres se pelean todo el tiempo, le esta yendo muy mal en la escuela y, por si fuera poco, piensa que tal vez este embarazada. Incapaz de enfrentar a sus padres, decide irse de su casa y tomar la carretera con su amigo Razz, un patinador profesional de skateboarding. Cuando un enfrentamiento pone a Allie en peligro, Razz y All La vida de Allie ha dado un giro terrible. Sus padres se pelean todo el tiempo, le esta yendo muy mal en la escuela y, por si fuera poco, piensa que tal vez este embarazada. Incapaz de enfrentar a sus padres, decide irse de su casa y tomar la carretera con su amigo Razz, un patinador profesional de skateboarding. Cuando un enfrentamiento pone a Allie en peligro, Razz y Allie deciden volver, pero pasan justo por el camino de un tornado. Para sobrevivir al horror y la destruccion que sigue a la tormenta, Allie debe hacer uso de toda su fortaleza. Allie's life has just taken a turn for the worse. Not only do her parents fight all the time, but she is failing classes at school and she thinks she may be pregnant. Unable to face her parents, she decides to run away. She hooks up with her friend Razz, a professional skateboarder, and goes on the road. When confrontations put Allie in danger, Razz and Allie head toward home and right into the path of a tornado. To survive the horror and destruction that follow the storm, she must find her inner strength. "
645,"TJ, a sturdy teenaged girl with little self-confidence, becomes best friends with a new, gay student in her high school, and when he is bullied and she tries to convince him to tell the authorities, he refuses. Presenting a raw, bitingly humorous portrait of high school life, this novel shows how magic and misery weave through one special friendship. "
646,"With Roz and Eva everything becomes a contest, who can snag the best role in the school play, have the cutest boyfriend, pull off the craziest prank. Still, they're as close as sisters can be. Until Eva deletes Roz from her life like so much junk e-mail for no reason that Roz understands. Now Eva hangs out with the annoyingly petite cheerleaders, and Roz fantasizes about s With Roz and Eva everything becomes a contest, who can snag the best role in the school play, have the cutest boyfriend, pull off the craziest prank. Still, they're as close as sisters can be. Until Eva deletes Roz from her life like so much junk e-mail for no reason that Roz understands. Now Eva hangs out with the annoyingly petite cheerleaders, and Roz fantasizes about slipping bovine growth hormone into their Gatorade. Roz has a suspicion about Eva. In turn, Eva taunts Roz with a dare, which leads to an act of total insanity. Drama geeks clamor for attention, Shakespearean insults fly, and Roz steals the show in Lauren Bjorkman's hilarious debut novel. "
647,"There are only three great loves in T.C. Keller's life: the Red Sox, his father, and his best friend and unofficial ""brother,"" Augie. But ninth grade is the year when he falls head-over-cleats in love with Ale Perez. She's pretty, sassy, smart, and a great dancer. Ale is so busy playing hard to get that she doesn't realize that she just might be falling head-over-tap shoes There are only three great loves in T.C. Keller's life: the Red Sox, his father, and his best friend and unofficial ""brother,"" Augie. But ninth grade is the year when he falls head-over-cleats in love with Ale Perez. She's pretty, sassy, smart, and a great dancer. Ale is so busy playing hard to get that she doesn't realize that she just might be falling head-over-tap shoes for T.C.'s Boston accent, too. Meanwhile, T.C.'s best friend, Augie, is falling in love as well, but with a boy? It may not be so clear to him; but to the rest of his family and friends, it's totally obvious that Augie, who loves musicals and old school screen sirens such as Judy Garland, is head-over-heels in love with Andy Wexler. Told in alternating perspectives, this is the story of their most excellent year, where these three friends discover themselves, love, and that a little magic and Mary Poppins can go a long way. "
648,"Perfectionist Shawna dates the right boys, gets good grades, and follows her father's every rule. So when her estranged lesbian mother dies, Shawna needs to figure out how to have the perfect reaction. But anger from being abandoned ten years ago, combined with the introduction of her mother's other family, threatens to leave Shawna spinning out of control. A relatable and Perfectionist Shawna dates the right boys, gets good grades, and follows her father's every rule. So when her estranged lesbian mother dies, Shawna needs to figure out how to have the perfect reaction. But anger from being abandoned ten years ago, combined with the introduction of her mother's other family, threatens to leave Shawna spinning out of control. A relatable and honest teen voice-and a shocking secret-make this novel a true page-turner. An ALA Best Book for Young Adults Powerful and compelling... this sensitive and heart-wrenching story slowly unfolds into a gripping read. -Booklist, starred review Garsee has created an intense, frank novel with fragile, resilient, believable characters. -School Library Journal "
649,A power-packed book dealing with issues youth will face. Carl Sommer exposes the many dangers of casual sex and the many benefits of abstinence from sex until marriage. Sommer uses straight talk to challenge today's youth to examine this important topic that has the potential of destroying their lives. A must read for those wanting a bright future. A power-packed book dealing with issues youth will face. Carl Sommer exposes the many dangers of casual sex and the many benefits of abstinence from sex until marriage. Sommer uses straight talk to challenge today's youth to examine this important topic that has the potential of destroying their lives. A must read for those wanting a bright future.
650,"On Long Island, I'd been anonymous. Just one of 2,567 students, not at the top of the head, not at the bottom. Just a brown-haired piece of the middle. Take me out and nothing would collapse. No one would notice. But in Kansas, I was marked out. The new kid. The stranger. The boy with the weird accent. The boy with the weird dad, and no mom. From the moment Madison Pagels t On Long Island, I'd been anonymous. Just one of 2,567 students, not at the top of the head, not at the bottom. Just a brown-haired piece of the middle. Take me out and nothing would collapse. No one would notice. But in Kansas, I was marked out. The new kid. The stranger. The boy with the weird accent. The boy with the weird dad, and no mom. From the moment Madison Pagels tripped me as I walked down the aisle of the school bus at 7:07 a.m. to the moment Madison's best friend, Chelsea Monroe, tripped me as I walked up the aisle at 3:56 p.m., and at the spitballs, hall-pulling, snickers, catcalls, ""Kick me"" notes, and fistfights in between, the school day pretty much seemed to revolve around me. After one rock-solid week of this, I decided that if there had to be a target on my head, I'd paint it there myself. "
651,"As the 2008 presidential election approaches, the topic of abortion is once again at the forefront of the debate. Some people oppose abortion because they believe that a human being exists from the moment of conception; some people believe abortion should remain legal because a woman should have the right to choose whether or not to have a baby. In THE ABORTION DEBATE: UND As the 2008 presidential election approaches, the topic of abortion is once again at the forefront of the debate. Some people oppose abortion because they believe that a human being exists from the moment of conception; some people believe abortion should remain legal because a woman should have the right to choose whether or not to have a baby. In THE ABORTION DEBATE: UNDERSTANDING THE ISSUES, author Johannah Haney looks at all sides of the controversy. She explains the terms and issues involved, looks at topics the two sides can agree upon, and examines the part abortion could play in American politics of the future. "
652," How could I choose betwen my sexuality and my spirituality, two of the most important parts that made me whole? High school senior Paul has dated Angie since middle school, and they're good together. They have a lot of the same interests, like singing in their church choir and being active in Bible club. But when Manuel transfers to their school, Paul has to rethink his l How could I choose betwen my sexuality and my spirituality, two of the most important parts that made me whole? High school senior Paul has dated Angie since middle school, and they're good together. They have a lot of the same interests, like singing in their church choir and being active in Bible club. But when Manuel transfers to their school, Paul has to rethink his life. Manuel is the first openly gay teen anyone in their small town has ever met, and yet he says he's also a committed Christian. Talking to Manuel makes Paul reconsider thoughts he has kept hidden, and listening to Manuel's interpretation of Biblical passages on homosexuality causes Paul to reevaluate everything he believed. Manuel's outspokenness triggers dramatic consequences at school, culminating in a terrifying situation that leads Paul to take a stand. Lambda Literary Award-winning author Alex Sanchez tackles a subject ripped from the headlines in this exciting and thought-provoking exploration of what it means to be both religious and gay. "
653,"Every sexual encounter presents the risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease, and unprotected sex risks pregnancy. Providing a picture of teenage sexual behaviour and its consequences, this book offers advice to teenagers and encourages discussion with parents and peers. "
654,"It's Dade's last summer at home. He has a crappy job at Food World, a ""boyfriend"" who won't publicly acknowledge his existence (maybe because Pablo also has a girlfriend), and parents on the verge of a divorce. College is Dade's shining beacon of possibility, a horizon to keep him from floating away. Then he meets the mysterious Alex Kincaid. Falling in real love finally l It's Dade's last summer at home. He has a crappy job at Food World, a ""boyfriend"" who won't publicly acknowledge his existence (maybe because Pablo also has a girlfriend), and parents on the verge of a divorce. College is Dade's shining beacon of possibility, a horizon to keep him from floating away. Then he meets the mysterious Alex Kincaid. Falling in real love finally lets Dade come out of the closet -and, ironically, ignites a ruthless passion in Pablo. But just when true happiness has set in, tragedy shatters the dreamy curtain of summer, and Dade will use every ounce of strength he's gained to break from his past and start fresh with the future. "
655," A National Book Award Finalist offers an intense portrait of an abusive relationship. Johanna is steadfast, patient, reliable; the go-to girl, the one everyone can count on. But always being there for others can’t give Johanna everything she needs, it can’t give her Reeve Hartt. Reeve is fierce, beautiful, wounded, elusive; a flame that draws Johanna’s fluttering moth. Johann A National Book Award Finalist offers an intense portrait of an abusive relationship. Johanna is steadfast, patient, reliable; the go-to girl, the one everyone can count on. But always being there for others can’t give Johanna everything she needs, it can’t give her Reeve Hartt. Reeve is fierce, beautiful, wounded, elusive; a flame that draws Johanna’s fluttering moth. Johanna is determined to get her, against all advice, and to help her, against all reason. But love isn’t always reasonable, right? In the precarious place where attraction and need collide, a teenager experiences the dark side of a first love, and struggles to find her way into a new light. "
656,"This thought-provoking reference work explores the evolution of America's heated abortion debate in a selection of over 40 primary documents from the 19th century to the present day. The guide includes not only key laws and court cases that have determined abortion policy, but also political speeches, medical essays, theological writings, newspaper advertisements, magazine This thought-provoking reference work explores the evolution of America's heated abortion debate in a selection of over 40 primary documents from the 19th century to the present day. The guide includes not only key laws and court cases that have determined abortion policy, but also political speeches, medical essays, theological writings, newspaper advertisements, magazine articles, and popular books that offer insight into America's changing attitudes towards women, race, the medical field, and the role of government in its citizens' personal lives. Each document is preceded by an introduction and is followed by analysis to help readers understand its significance and historical context. Today abortion is America's most contentious political and religious rallying point. Yet 150 years ago it was a virtual non-issue, quietly performed for centuries by women and mid-wives. What changed? This thought-provoking reference work explores the evolution of America's abortion debate in a balanced selection of over 40 primary documents by doctors, feminists, religious leaders, politicians, extremists, and judges from the 19th century to the present day. This guide not only examines the key laws and court cases, like Roe v. Wade and the Partial Birth Abortion Ban, that have determined abortion policy, but offers insight into America's changing attitudes towards women, race, the medical field, and the role of government in its citizens' personal lives. Memoirs of early abortion providers, excerpts from popular women's self-help books, the complete text of Pope Paul VI's Humanae Vitae, and personal writings from key liberal and conservative figures on both sides of the debate provide a more complete picture of an issue that is deeply personal, deeply divisive, and anything but clear-cut. A straightforward and accessible book, ideal for both students and general readers looking to expand their understanding of one of the most complicated, and still unresolved, issues of our day. Each excerpt is preceded by a brief explanation of its significance and followed by author analysis to help readers understand its implications and the historical context in which is it was written. Readers gain direct access to America's most important legal papers and transcripts on abortion, complimented by a well rounded view of the public beliefs and sentiments that have fueled abortion debates. Suggestions for further reading conclude each chapter, perfect for research or to guide interested readers in their search for material. The front matter includes a Timeline of major events in abortion history, and the back matter, offers a Bibliography of 50 titles on abortion and over 30 Web links. "
657,"Derek thinks he might be falling in love. The problem is, he hasn't been entirely honest with his online boyfriend. Derek sent Ethan a photo taken before he got depressed and gained eighty pounds. Derek hasn't been honest with his employer either. When he lied about his age and experience to get a job with disabled adults, the last thing he expected was to meet a woman lik Derek thinks he might be falling in love. The problem is, he hasn't been entirely honest with his online boyfriend. Derek sent Ethan a photo taken before he got depressed and gained eighty pounds. Derek hasn't been honest with his employer either. When he lied about his age and experience to get a job with disabled adults, the last thing he expected was to meet a woman like Aaliyah. Smart, prickly and often difficult, Aaliyah challenges Derek's ideas about honesty and trust. Derek has to choose whether to risk telling the truth or to give up the most important relationship in his life. "
658,"LES WANTS the girl. He thinks she’s amazing, exotic, perfect. But he doesn’t know how to talk to her, kiss her, or make her realize that he’s the best and only guy for her in the whole wide world. Once he masters these things, she’ll be his! Easy-peasy, right? The gulf between dreamgirl and realgirl is explored and made somewhat less vast in this bawdy yet romantic not-quit LES WANTS the girl. He thinks she’s amazing, exotic, perfect. But he doesn’t know how to talk to her, kiss her, or make her realize that he’s the best and only guy for her in the whole wide world. Once he masters these things, she’ll be his! Easy-peasy, right? The gulf between dreamgirl and realgirl is explored and made somewhat less vast in this bawdy yet romantic not-quite-coming-of-age. Teens will relate to 14-year-old Les’s hilarious and squirmy longings, and the fulsomely awkward efforts he puts forth to make his real life match his fantasies. The story also portrays the perils of unexamined hero-worship, and the strength and humanity of people that may seem plain and boring, but who stand up for what is right when called upon to do so. It is a tale both hilarious and thoughtful, in which, to paraphrase the old Rolling Stones adage, one boy figures out that even if you indeed can’t always get what you want, if you try sometime, you just might find you get what you need. "
659,"In the same vein of Kalisha Buckhanon’s critically-acclaimed debut novel Upstate , again she shares an emotionally beautiful story about today’s youth that magnifies the unforgettable power of hope and the human spirit. Buckhanon takes us to Chicago, 1992, and into the life of fifteen-year-old Shivana Montgomery, who believes all Black women wind up the same: single and rais In the same vein of Kalisha Buckhanon’s critically-acclaimed debut novel Upstate , again she shares an emotionally beautiful story about today’s youth that magnifies the unforgettable power of hope and the human spirit. Buckhanon takes us to Chicago, 1992, and into the life of fifteen-year-old Shivana Montgomery, who believes all Black women wind up the same: single and raising children alone, like her mother. Until the sudden visit of her beautiful and free-spirited Aunt Jewel, Shivana spends her days desperately struggling to understand life and the growing pains of her environment. When she accidentally becomes pregnant by an older man and must decide what to do, she begins a journey towards adulthood with only a mysterious voice inside to guide her. When she falls in love with Rasul, a teenager with problems of his own, together they fight to rise above their circumstances and move toward a more positive future. Through the voice of the unborn child and a narrative sweeping from slavery onward, Buckhanon narrates Shivana’s connection to a past history of Black women who found themselves at the mercy of tragic circumstances. "
660,"Ogunquit, Maine. That’s not where you’d expect to find a guy like Danny. He’s not a tourist. He’s not a local. And he’s definitely not gay. As far as he can tell, only he and the bartender at Dishes, where he works as a dishwasher, are straight. But that’s not what bothers Danny. What bothers him is that he’s got straight-guy problems in a very gay town. While he’s hitting Ogunquit, Maine. That’s not where you’d expect to find a guy like Danny. He’s not a tourist. He’s not a local. And he’s definitely not gay. As far as he can tell, only he and the bartender at Dishes, where he works as a dishwasher, are straight. But that’s not what bothers Danny. What bothers him is that he’s got straight-guy problems in a very gay town. While he’s hitting on a cute waitress, the cute waiters are hitting on him. And could the cute waitress have a thing for his thirty-six-year-old dad? It’s one crazy summer in a crazy Maine town. "
661,"Finding love is simple with the One True Love Plan. If only life were as easy as your sisters. Abby's heard that one before. And it's true. Shelby and Kait aren't exactly prim and proper. Abby is determined not to follow in their footsteps, so she has created the One True Love Plan. The most important part of the plan is Rule #1: Find Someone New. This means finding a guy Finding love is simple with the One True Love Plan. If only life were as easy as your sisters. Abby's heard that one before. And it's true. Shelby and Kait aren't exactly prim and proper. Abby is determined not to follow in their footsteps, so she has created the One True Love Plan. The most important part of the plan is Rule #1: Find Someone New. This means finding a guy who hasn't already dated Shelby or Kait. But when Abby starts falling for the possible father of Kait's baby, she has to figure out if some rules are meant to be broken. This debut novel, a modern comedy of errors, is as lighthearted and irreverant as its title. "
662," ""The quality here is head and shoulders above most young writers’ collections, and in fact it’s well above many adult anthologies as well."" , Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books (starred review) The poets are straight, gay, lesbian, bi, or transgender. They live next door or across an ocean; they are innocent or experienced; their lyric explorations range from new lo ""The quality here is head and shoulders above most young writers’ collections, and in fact it’s well above many adult anthologies as well."" , Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books (starred review) The poets are straight, gay, lesbian, bi, or transgender. They live next door or across an ocean; they are innocent or experienced; their lyric explorations range from new love to stale love, obsession to ennui, ecstasy to heartbreak, and every nuance in between. Whether the romantic escapades described are touching, comical, or tragic, whether the feelings expressed are tender and sweet or brutal and biting, readers will find the love these young poets openly share to be exquisitely, excruciatingly, endlessly fascinating. Here is a collection to turn to again and again, because life , and love , keep on changing. "
663,"Ellie Gold is an orthodox Jewish teenager living in Toronto in the late eighties. Ellie has no doubts about her strict religious upbringing until she falls in love with another girl at her grandmother's cottage. Aware that homosexuality clashes with Jewish observance, Ellie feels forced to either alter her sexuality or leave her community. Meanwhile, Ellie's mother, Chana, Ellie Gold is an orthodox Jewish teenager living in Toronto in the late eighties. Ellie has no doubts about her strict religious upbringing until she falls in love with another girl at her grandmother's cottage. Aware that homosexuality clashes with Jewish observance, Ellie feels forced to either alter her sexuality or leave her community. Meanwhile, Ellie's mother, Chana, becomes convinced she has a messianic role to play, and her sister, Neshama, chafes against the restrictions of her faith. Ellie is afraid there is no way to be both gay and Jewish, but her mother and sister offer alternative concepts of God that help Ellie find a place for herself as a queer Jew. "
664," Cue the pretend drum-roll: Keats's parents have a big surprise. No, they're not having a new baby. It's, wait for it, wait for it, a family road trip! Okay, so this is not exactly the birthday present Keats had in mind (no iPod?!), but when Dad parks a rented RV in the Dalinger's driveway, Keats piles in with the rest of his family, and the manny, of course, b Cue the pretend drum-roll: Keats's parents have a big surprise. No, they're not having a new baby. It's, wait for it, wait for it, a family road trip! Okay, so this is not exactly the birthday present Keats had in mind (no iPod?!), but when Dad parks a rented RV in the Dalinger's driveway, Keats piles in with the rest of his family, and the manny, of course, bound for the open road. From the big skies of farm country to the bright lights of Las Vegas, this, in typical manny fabulousness, is an all-American adventure filled with more Glamour -dos than Glamour -don'ts. But a stopover at the manny's childhood home is making the manny feel not so fabulous. Why can't his parents ever accept him for who he is? And Keats, at first, sees their point. Why does the manny always have to be so interesting? Hit the road for more manny shenanigans, where it's all about Elton John, Diet Coke, and being brave enough to be yourself. "
665,"Marisol Guzman has deferred college for a year to accomplish two things: She will write a novel and she will fall in love. How hard could that be? She gets her very own apartment (with her high school best friend as roommate) and a waitressing job at a classic Harvard Square coffeehouse. When she enrolls in an adult education class, ""How to Write Your First Novel"", the Marisol Guzman has deferred college for a year to accomplish two things: She will write a novel and she will fall in love. How hard could that be? She gets her very own apartment (with her high school best friend as roommate) and a waitressing job at a classic Harvard Square coffeehouse. When she enrolls in an adult education class, ""How to Write Your First Novel"", there are two big surprises waiting for her: John Galardi, aka ""Gio,"" a fellow zine writer who fell head over heels for her last spring (despite the fact that she's a lesbian) and her instructor, Olivia Frost, the most exquisitely beautiful woman she's ever seen. But as Marisol ventures into what seems to be her storybook romance with Olivia, things start to go off track. Between the ups and downs of her new relationship, her strained friendship with Lee (a newly out lesbian who is crushing big-time on Marisol), and her roommate's new boyfriend (who is equally afraid of Marisol and their cat) moving in, Marisol starts losing sight of her goals. Is she too blinded by love to see the lies? In this long-anticipated companion novel to the Printz Honor Book Hard Love , which critics called ""A bittersweet tale of self-expression and the struggle to achieve self-love,"" Ellen Wittlinger offers a novel just as emotionally honest and deeply felt. "
666,"The book contains articles by some of the most prominent scholars in the field who tell the stories of women who were humiliated, tortured and murdered; their eternally etched-in-the-memory stories of struggle and survival. This collection of articles is based on two international conferences on women in the Holocaust, held in recent years at Beit Berl Academic College, Be The book contains articles by some of the most prominent scholars in the field who tell the stories of women who were humiliated, tortured and murdered; their eternally etched-in-the-memory stories of struggle and survival. This collection of articles is based on two international conferences on women in the Holocaust, held in recent years at Beit Berl Academic College, Beit Theresienstadt, and the Ghetto Fighters House in Israel. The editor, Esther Hertzog, is a daughter of Holocaust survivors, who never spoke about the subject at home. She discovered a feminist perspective on the Holocaust at a conference at Oxford she attended, almost by chance, seven years ago. That experience motivated her to speak with her mother and document their conversations in the article that appears herein. "
667,"La vida de Mateo parece no tener rumbo; las cosas empeoran aún más cuando Lorena, su novia, se embaraza. La madre de Lorena quiere dar al bebé en adopción, pero cuando Mateo lo mira por primera vez, su vida cambia y decide huir de la ciudad con él. Novela sobre la transición de la adolescencia a la madurez. "
668,"A female pharaoh? A woman general in the Kahn's army? A female Viking raider? No way, you say? Look again. Appearances can be deceiving... Based on legends, poems, letters and first-hand accounts, these seven biographical tales tell of women who disguised themselves as men. From ancient Egypt through the Middle Ages to the 19th century, this historically accurate graphic t A female pharaoh? A woman general in the Kahn's army? A female Viking raider? No way, you say? Look again. Appearances can be deceiving... Based on legends, poems, letters and first-hand accounts, these seven biographical tales tell of women who disguised themselves as men. From ancient Egypt through the Middle Ages to the 19th century, this historically accurate graphic treatment is perfect to transport readers back to bygone eras. The lives of these daring women were often filled with danger and the fear of discovery. However, for the sake of freedom, ambition, love or adventure, these women risked everything. No Girls Allowed brings a contemporary edge to a part of history largely untold -until now. "
669,"Star quarterback Bobby Framingham, one of the most talented high school football players in California, knows he's different from his teammates. They're like brothers, but they don't know one essential thing: Bobby is gay. Can he still be one of the guys and be honest about who he is? When he's outed against his will by a student reporter, Bobby must find a way to earn bac Star quarterback Bobby Framingham, one of the most talented high school football players in California, knows he's different from his teammates. They're like brothers, but they don't know one essential thing: Bobby is gay. Can he still be one of the guys and be honest about who he is? When he's outed against his will by a student reporter, Bobby must find a way to earn back his teammates' trust and accept that his path to success might be more public, and more difficult, than he'd hoped. An affecting novel about identity that also delivers great sportswriting. "
670,"Provides users with a detailed and authoritative overview of this event, as well as the principal figures involved in this pivotal episode in U.S. history. "
671,"Vincent has always known, deep down inside, that he was gay. He was fine with that. The problem was that his faith told him he was a sinner and damned to hell. "
672,"""Provides basic consumer health information for teens about puberty, development, and sexuality, maintaining sexual health, and preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Includes index and resource information"", ""Provides basic consumer health information for teens about puberty, development, and sexuality, maintaining sexual health, and preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Includes index and resource information"", "
673," I'm not crazy. I don't see what the big deal is about what happened. But apparently someone does think it's a big deal because here I am. I bet it was my mother. She always overreacts. Fifteen-year-old Jeff wakes up on New Year's Day to find himself in the hospital. Make that the psychiatric ward. With the nutjobs. Clearly, this is all a huge mistake. Forget about the banda I'm not crazy. I don't see what the big deal is about what happened. But apparently someone does think it's a big deal because here I am. I bet it was my mother. She always overreacts. Fifteen-year-old Jeff wakes up on New Year's Day to find himself in the hospital. Make that the psychiatric ward. With the nutjobs. Clearly, this is all a huge mistake. Forget about the bandages on his wrists and the notes on his chart. Forget about his problems with his best friend, Allie, and her boyfriend, Burke. Jeff's perfectly fine, perfectly normal, not like the other kids in the hospital with him. Now they've got problems. But a funny thing happens as his forty-five-day sentence drags on: the crazies start to seem less crazy. Compelling, witty, and refreshingly real, Suicide Notes is a darkly humorous novel from award-winning author Michael Thomas Ford that examines that fuzzy line between ""normal"" and the rest of us. "
674, -Primary Research and Sources -Historic Documents -Essential Facts -Original Maps -Timeline
675,"Provides information on the myths of sex-hidden meanings behind an admirer's advances. This book describes what guys (and girls) say about sex when the other isn't around, how to deal when you wish you hadn't done it; and more. Provides information on the myths of sex-hidden meanings behind an admirer's advances. This book describes what guys (and girls) say about sex when the other isn't around, how to deal when you wish you hadn't done it; and more. "
676,"Colette has been bored and lonely ever since her best friend, Sadie, dumped her the summer before they stared high school. She tries to be perfect for everyone left in her life: her parents, her younger brothers, her church youth group, even her boyfriend, Mark. But Colette is restless. And she misses Sadie. When Sadie tells Colette that she needs her old friend to join her Colette has been bored and lonely ever since her best friend, Sadie, dumped her the summer before they stared high school. She tries to be perfect for everyone left in her life: her parents, her younger brothers, her church youth group, even her boyfriend, Mark. But Colette is restless. And she misses Sadie. When Sadie tells Colette that she needs her old friend to join her on a family vacation to the Greek Islands, one that leaves in only a few days, Colette is shocked to hear their old magic word: need. And she finds herself agreeing. Colette tries to relax and enjoy her Grecian surroundings but it’s not easy to go on vacation with the person who hurt you most in the world. When the reason for the trip finally surfaces, Colette finds out this is not only a fun vacation. Sadie has kept an enormous secret from Colette for years...forever. It’s a summer full of surprises, but that might be what Colette needs. "
677,"Back in grade school, Maxie and Rick were best friends. Rick would design crazy inventions, and Maxie, the artistic one, would draw them. Then something terrible happened to Rick, and he vanished from her school and her life. Years later, he shows up at Maxie's high school. In some ways he's the same person she once knew. But in other ways -frightening ones -he's very, v Back in grade school, Maxie and Rick were best friends. Rick would design crazy inventions, and Maxie, the artistic one, would draw them. Then something terrible happened to Rick, and he vanished from her school and her life. Years later, he shows up at Maxie's high school. In some ways he's the same person she once knew. But in other ways -frightening ones -he's very, very different... "
678,"Sometimes, the cost of love is too steep Olivia's twin brother, Liam, has been her best friend her whole life. But when he starts dating, Olivia is left feeling alone, so she tries to drive away Liam's girlfriends in an effort to get her best friend back. But she meets her match in Zoey, Liam's latest fling. A call-it-like-she-sees-it kind of girl, Zoey sees right through Ol Sometimes, the cost of love is too steep Olivia's twin brother, Liam, has been her best friend her whole life. But when he starts dating, Olivia is left feeling alone, so she tries to drive away Liam's girlfriends in an effort to get her best friend back. But she meets her match in Zoey, Liam's latest fling. A call-it-like-she-sees-it kind of girl, Zoey sees right through Olivia's tricks. What starts as verbal sparring between the two changes into something different, however, as they share their deepest insecurities and learn they have a lot in common. Olivia falls for Zoey, believing her brother could never get serious with her. But when Liam confesses that he's in love with Zoey, Olivia has to decide who deserves happiness more: her brother or herself? "
679," A heartfelt, laugh-out-loud-funny story of romance, family, and self-discovery. Alek Khederian should have guessed something was wrong when his parents took him to a restaurant. Everyone knows that Armenians never eat out. Between bouts of interrogating the waitress and criticizing the menu, Alek’s parents announce that he’ll be attending summer school in order to bring up A heartfelt, laugh-out-loud-funny story of romance, family, and self-discovery. Alek Khederian should have guessed something was wrong when his parents took him to a restaurant. Everyone knows that Armenians never eat out. Between bouts of interrogating the waitress and criticizing the menu, Alek’s parents announce that he’ll be attending summer school in order to bring up his grades. Alek is sure this experience will be the perfect hellish end to his hellish freshman year of high school. He never could’ve predicted that he’d meet someone like Ethan. Ethan is everything Alek wishes he were: confident, free-spirited, and irreverent. He can’t believe a guy this cool wants to be his friend. And before long, it seems like Ethan wants to be more than friends. Alek has never thought about having a boyfriend, he’s barely ever had a girlfriend, but maybe it’s time to think again. "
680,"Nine is the ninth female born in her batch of ten females and ten males. By design, her life in Freedom Province is without complications or consequences. However, such freedom comes with a price. The Prime Maker is determined to keep that price a secret from the new batches of citizens that are born, nurtured, and raised androgynously. But Nine isn't like every other batch Nine is the ninth female born in her batch of ten females and ten males. By design, her life in Freedom Province is without complications or consequences. However, such freedom comes with a price. The Prime Maker is determined to keep that price a secret from the new batches of citizens that are born, nurtured, and raised androgynously. But Nine isn't like every other batcher. She harbors indecision and worries about her upcoming Remake Day, her seventeenth birthday, the age when batchers fly to the Remake facility and have the freedom to choose who and what they'll be. When Nine discovers the truth about life outside of Freedom Province, including the secret plan of the Prime Maker, she is pulled between two worlds and two lives. Her decisions will test her courage, her heart, and her beliefs. Who can she trust? Who does she love? And most importantly, who will she decide to be? "
681,"Almost 10 years before Brown vs. Board of Education , Sylvia Mendez and her parents helped end school segregation in California. An American citizen of Mexican and Puerto Rican heritage who spoke and wrote perfect English, Mendez was denied enrollment to a ""Whites only"" school. Her parents took action by organizing the Hispanic community and filing a lawsuit in federal dist Almost 10 years before Brown vs. Board of Education , Sylvia Mendez and her parents helped end school segregation in California. An American citizen of Mexican and Puerto Rican heritage who spoke and wrote perfect English, Mendez was denied enrollment to a ""Whites only"" school. Her parents took action by organizing the Hispanic community and filing a lawsuit in federal district court. Their success eventually brought an end to the era of segregated education in California. "
682,"Doesn't everyone you know think about, talk about, and worry about sexuality? Sexuality is taught about in classrooms, whispered about in school hallways, worried about on the nightly news, and made scandalous on talk shows and late-night television. People express their sexuality in many ways, and we receive many, often conflicting, messages about what are appropriate and Doesn't everyone you know think about, talk about, and worry about sexuality? Sexuality is taught about in classrooms, whispered about in school hallways, worried about on the nightly news, and made scandalous on talk shows and late-night television. People express their sexuality in many ways, and we receive many, often conflicting, messages about what are appropriate and inappropriate expressions of sexuality. As you grow and learn about your own and other people's sexualities, many things can be exciting, confusing, and even frightening. It can be disturbing to have sexual fantasies and urges and not know the boundary between so-called normal thoughts and behaviors and those that might be considered disordered. Prior to 1960, sexually deviant behaviors were poorly understood and were considered to be failures in morality or a result of poor upbringing. People suffering from these conditions were often treated with electro-shock, talk therapy, jail sentences, and confinement in mental institutions, all of which had little positive effect on the patients. Today, with advances in treatments like drug therapy, there is new hope for those who have spent so long suffering in silence and shame. Sexual Disorders defines different sexual disorders, explains the criteria that put them over the boundary line into the realm of psychiatric illness, and examines methods of treatment available to help individuals with these illnesses. In this book's pages, you will learn about treatments used throughout history, the newest drug therapy available, and alternative approaches for managing these disorders. "
683,"Did Native Americans suffer genocide? This controversial question lies at the heart of Native America and the Question of Genocide. After reviewing the various meanings of the word ""genocide,"" author Alex Alvarez examines a range of well-known examples, such as the Sand Creek Massacre and the Long Walk of the Navajo, to determine where genocide occurred and where it did no Did Native Americans suffer genocide? This controversial question lies at the heart of Native America and the Question of Genocide. After reviewing the various meanings of the word ""genocide,"" author Alex Alvarez examines a range of well-known examples, such as the Sand Creek Massacre and the Long Walk of the Navajo, to determine where genocide occurred and where it did not. The book explores the destructive beliefs of the European settlers and then looks at topics including disease, war, and education through the lens of genocide. Native America and the Question of Genocide shows the diversity of Native American experiences postcontact and illustrates how tribes relied on ever-evolving and changing strategies of confrontation and accommodation, depending on their location, the time period, and individuals involved, and how these often resulted in very different experiences. Alvarez treats this difficult subject with sensitivity and uncovers the complex realities of this troubling period in American history. "
684,"Seventeen-year-old Arin Andrews shares all the hilarious, painful, and poignant details of undergoing gender reassignment as a high school student in this winning memoir. We've all felt uncomfortable in our own skin at some point, and we've all been told that it's just a part of growing up. But for Arin Andrews, it wasn't a phase that would pass. He had been born in the bo Seventeen-year-old Arin Andrews shares all the hilarious, painful, and poignant details of undergoing gender reassignment as a high school student in this winning memoir. We've all felt uncomfortable in our own skin at some point, and we've all been told that it's just a part of growing up. But for Arin Andrews, it wasn't a phase that would pass. He had been born in the body of a girl and there seemed to be no relief in sight. In this revolutionary memoir, Arin details the journey that led him to make the life-transforming decision to undergo gender reassignment as a high school junior. In his captivatingly witty, honest voice, Arin reveals the challenges he faced as a girl, the humiliation and anger he felt after getting kicked out of his private school, and all the changes, both mental and physical, he experienced once his transition began. Arin also writes about the thrill of meeting and dating a young transgender woman named Katie Hill and the heartache that followed after they broke up. Some Assembly Required is a true coming-of-age story about knocking down obstacles and embracing family, friendship, and first love. But more than that, it is a reminder that self-acceptance does not come ready-made with a manual and spare parts. Rather, some assembly is always required. "
685,"Myth...or truth? 1.Only people who have sex with many partners get sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 2.If I always use a condom, I can't catch an STI. 3.Using two condoms is even safer than one. 4.Oral sex is safe without a condom. 5.If I don't have any symptoms, I don't have an STI. Do you know if these statements are true or false? Are you certain? Don't be too emb Myth...or truth? 1.Only people who have sex with many partners get sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 2.If I always use a condom, I can't catch an STI. 3.Using two condoms is even safer than one. 4.Oral sex is safe without a condom. 5.If I don't have any symptoms, I don't have an STI. Do you know if these statements are true or false? Are you certain? Don't be too embarrassed to find out about STIs. These infections are avoidable, and most are treatable. This book will give you the information you need to make good decisions, and stay safe. "
686,"Cleverly revealing the basics of reproduction in an age-appropriate way, award-winning Sophie Blackall has created a beautiful picture book full of playful details to amuse and engage readers. Sooner or later, every child will ask, Where do babies come from? Answering this question has never been this easy or entertaining! Join a curious little boy who asks everyone from h Cleverly revealing the basics of reproduction in an age-appropriate way, award-winning Sophie Blackall has created a beautiful picture book full of playful details to amuse and engage readers. Sooner or later, every child will ask, Where do babies come from? Answering this question has never been this easy or entertaining! Join a curious little boy who asks everyone from his babysitter to the mailman, getting all sorts of funny answers along the way, before his parents gently set him straight. "
687," When the boy you love asks you to keep his greatest secret, do you? A thought-provoking, achingly complex novel about prejudice and the many meanings of love from Nina de Gramont, author of Meet Me at the River, which Kirkus Reviews called a ""must-read."" Sixteen-year-old Wren has been content to stay in her best friend Allie’s shadow. It doesn’t bother her that Ally gets th When the boy you love asks you to keep his greatest secret, do you? A thought-provoking, achingly complex novel about prejudice and the many meanings of love from Nina de Gramont, author of Meet Me at the River, which Kirkus Reviews called a ""must-read."" Sixteen-year-old Wren has been content to stay in her best friend Allie’s shadow. It doesn’t bother her that Ally gets the cutest guys, the cutest clothes, and even a modeling gig, Wren is happy hanging with the horses on her family’s farm and avoiding the jealousy of other girls. But when Tim, the most intriguing guy in school, starts hanging out with Ally and Wren, jealousy is unavoidable, but not the kind Wren expects. Because even though Ally is way into him and Wren hasn’t flirted, not one little bit, it becomes increasingly clear that Tim prefers Wren’s company above anyone else’s. Tim’s unexpected devotion comes at the exact time Wren’s home life is about to be turned upside down. But at least there is Tim...always a gentleman and ever dependable. But as his own seemingly perfect world comes spiraling down around him and he tells Wren his biggest secret, Wren must decide what she’ll really do for love. "
688,"A mysterious girl who won’t speak; a coal black seal named Nera that returns to the same place very year; a bitter feud of unknown origin, strange things are happening on Whidbey Island, and Becca King, is drawn into the maelstrom of events. But Becca, first met in The Edge of Nowhere , has her own secrets to hide. Still on the run from her criminal stepfather, Becca is liv A mysterious girl who won’t speak; a coal black seal named Nera that returns to the same place very year; a bitter feud of unknown origin, strange things are happening on Whidbey Island, and Becca King, is drawn into the maelstrom of events. But Becca, first met in The Edge of Nowhere , has her own secrets to hide. Still on the run from her criminal stepfather, Becca is living in a secret location. Even Derric, the Ugandan orphan with whom Becca shares a close, romantic relationship, can’t be allowed to know her whereabouts. As secrets of past and present are revealed, Becca becomes aware of her growing paranormal powers, and events build to a shocking climax anticipated by no one. Acclaimed author Elizabeth George brings her extraordinary talents to this intriguing story that blends mystery and myth. "
689,"Colby Wyatt has had a rough year. Her dad disappeared, she doesn’t have a place to live, and she’s addicted to meth. Thankfully, her best friend Gigi’s grandma takes her in, and Colby helps out with the family business, selling stolen goods in Gram’s pawnshop, stuff that Colby and Gigi along with Gigi’s brother Milo steal when they break into people’s houses, which Colby i Colby Wyatt has had a rough year. Her dad disappeared, she doesn’t have a place to live, and she’s addicted to meth. Thankfully, her best friend Gigi’s grandma takes her in, and Colby helps out with the family business, selling stolen goods in Gram’s pawnshop, stuff that Colby and Gigi along with Gigi’s brother Milo steal when they break into people’s houses, which Colby is pretty good at. Now she’s pregnant. Colby doesn’t tell anyone who the dad is. Instead, she checks herself into rehab so she can get clean and figure out how to keep the baby. Though Colby isn’t sure how to make a family, she’s determined to make things work, and she’s sure she can save Gigi too. But sometimes, no matter how hard you wish for something, it just doesn’t come true. "
690,"Bullies beware! A freak accident gives five middle school bullies super powers. But instead of being able to transform into cool super-beings, they take on the characteristics of the kids they bully. Sure their abilities may be at an all-time high, but do they really have what it takes to save their school when their self-esteem is at an all-time low? ""The Offenders is the Bullies beware! A freak accident gives five middle school bullies super powers. But instead of being able to transform into cool super-beings, they take on the characteristics of the kids they bully. Sure their abilities may be at an all-time high, but do they really have what it takes to save their school when their self-esteem is at an all-time low? ""The Offenders is the best use of detention since The Breakfast Club -funny, exciting, and the most charming thing I've read in ages. Writing something entertaining is tough, but writing something important is even tougher. Jerry and his boys have made it look easy."" -Drew Pearce, writer of Iron Man 3 "
691,"Every summer, Rose goes with her mom and dad to a lake house in Awago Beach. It's their getaway, their refuge. Rosie's friend Windy is always there, too, like the little sister she never had. But this summer is different. Rose's mom and dad won't stop fighting, and when Rose and Windy seek a distraction from the drama, they find themselves with a whole new set of problems. Every summer, Rose goes with her mom and dad to a lake house in Awago Beach. It's their getaway, their refuge. Rosie's friend Windy is always there, too, like the little sister she never had. But this summer is different. Rose's mom and dad won't stop fighting, and when Rose and Windy seek a distraction from the drama, they find themselves with a whole new set of problems. It's a summer of secrets and sorrow and growing up, and it's a good thing Rose and Windy have each other. In This One Summer two stellar creators redefine the teen graphic novel. Cousins Mariko and Jillian Tamaki, the team behind Skim , have collaborated on this gorgeous, heartbreaking, and ultimately hopeful story about a girl on the cusp of her teen age, a story of renewal and revelation. "
692,"Growing up, Liz Prince wasn't a girly girl, dressing in pink tutus or playing pretty princess like the other girls in her neighborhood. But she wasn't exactly one of the guys, either. She was somewhere in between. But with the forces of middle school, high school, parents, friendship, and romance pulling her this way and that, ""the middle"" wasn't exactly an easy place to b Growing up, Liz Prince wasn't a girly girl, dressing in pink tutus or playing pretty princess like the other girls in her neighborhood. But she wasn't exactly one of the guys, either. She was somewhere in between. But with the forces of middle school, high school, parents, friendship, and romance pulling her this way and that, ""the middle"" wasn't exactly an easy place to be. Tomboy follows award-winning author and artist Liz Prince through her early years and explores, with humor, honesty, and poignancy, what it means to ""be a girl."" "
693,"Jem Halliday is in love with her best friend. It doesn't matter that Kai is gay, or that he'll never look at her the way she looks at him. Jem is okay with that. But when Kai is outed online by one of their classmates, he does the unthinkable and commits suicide. Jem is left to pick up the pieces of her broken life. Before he died, Kai left her twelve letters, one for each Jem Halliday is in love with her best friend. It doesn't matter that Kai is gay, or that he'll never look at her the way she looks at him. Jem is okay with that. But when Kai is outed online by one of their classmates, he does the unthinkable and commits suicide. Jem is left to pick up the pieces of her broken life. Before he died, Kai left her twelve letters, one for each month of the year, and those letters are all Jem has left. That, and revenge. Although Kai's letters beg her not to investigate what happened, Jem can't let it go. She needs to know who did this, and she'll stop at nothing to find the person responsible for Kai's death. One way or another, someone is going down. Someone is going to pay. "
694,"Shimura Takako's groundbreaking, critically acclaimed, and beloved Wandering Son continues to explore gender identity among its cast of middle school students in our 7th volume. Nitori-kun gets his first signs of acne. This may well be the end of the world. But when he turns to nationally famous model Anna-chan for help, events take an unexpected turn. Meanwhile, Nitori-ku Shimura Takako's groundbreaking, critically acclaimed, and beloved Wandering Son continues to explore gender identity among its cast of middle school students in our 7th volume. Nitori-kun gets his first signs of acne. This may well be the end of the world. But when he turns to nationally famous model Anna-chan for help, events take an unexpected turn. Meanwhile, Nitori-kun and Chiba-san are scouted by the theater club after the success of their gender-bending play, The Rose of Versailles. But when Takatsuki-san congratulates Chiba-san, Chiba-san calls her a hypocrite. If Takatsuki-san wanted to join the theater club, she wouldn't congratulate Chiba-san, she'd be jealous. So says Chiba-san, but what does she know? "
695,"Shimura Takako's sensitive and charming manga series about two middle-schoolers wrestling with their gender identities continues. Faced with unwanted changes to their growing bodies, male-identified Takatsuki-san discovers the wonders of ""breast binders,"" and female-identified Nitori-kun explores the limits of his ability to ""pass."" Also: the success of their performance o Shimura Takako's sensitive and charming manga series about two middle-schoolers wrestling with their gender identities continues. Faced with unwanted changes to their growing bodies, male-identified Takatsuki-san discovers the wonders of ""breast binders,"" and female-identified Nitori-kun explores the limits of his ability to ""pass."" Also: the success of their performance of The Rose of Versailles in the fifth grade -in which the boys played the women and the girls played the men -inspires our protagonists to put on another gender-bending play for the junior-high school festival. They riff on Romeo and Juliet. Nitori-kun and his friend Chiba-san write the script together, but Chiba-san has an agenda: She wants to play Romeo, with Nitori-kun in the role of Juliet. But Nitori-kun wants Takatsuki-san to play Romeo... Chiba-san forces Nitori-kun to confront a question he's been avoiding. Are his feelings for Takatsuki-san those of a boy for a girl, a girl for a girl, or a girl for a boy? Meanwhile, Maho plans a trip to the beach with her boyfriend, and Nitori-kun must chaperone. "
696,"This close look at Wonder Woman’s history portrays a complicated heroine who is more than just a female Superman with a golden lasso and bullet-deflecting bracelets. The original Wonder Woman was ahead of her time, advocating female superiority and the benefits of matriarchy in the 1940s. At the same time, her creator filled the comics with titillating bondage imagery, and This close look at Wonder Woman’s history portrays a complicated heroine who is more than just a female Superman with a golden lasso and bullet-deflecting bracelets. The original Wonder Woman was ahead of her time, advocating female superiority and the benefits of matriarchy in the 1940s. At the same time, her creator filled the comics with titillating bondage imagery, and Wonder Woman was tied up as often as she saved the world. In the 1950s, Wonder Woman begrudgingly continued her superheroic mission, wishing she could settle down with her boyfriend instead, all while continually hinting at hidden lesbian leanings. While other female characters stepped forward as women’s lib took off in the late 1960s, Wonder Woman fell backwards, losing her superpowers and flitting from man to man. Ms. magazine and Lynda Carter restored Wonder Woman’s feminist strength in the 1970s, turning her into a powerful symbol as her checkered past was quickly forgotten. Exploring this lost history adds new dimensions to the world’s most beloved female character, and Wonder Woman Unbound delves into her comic book and its spin-offs as well as the myriad motivations of her creators to showcase the peculiar journey that led to Wonder Woman’s iconic status. "
697,"Teens have questions about sex. This simple manual answers their questions, honestly, simply, and reliably. What does an orgasm feel like? Does masturbating have any long-term negative effects? Does alcohol kill brain cells? Teens have questions about sex; it's a matter of who they ask and how reliable the answers are. Collected directly from teens and presented in a simple an Teens have questions about sex. This simple manual answers their questions, honestly, simply, and reliably. What does an orgasm feel like? Does masturbating have any long-term negative effects? Does alcohol kill brain cells? Teens have questions about sex; it's a matter of who they ask and how reliable the answers are. Collected directly from teens and presented in a simple and accessible Q&A format, 100 QUESTIONS YOU'D NEVER ASK YOUR PARENTS provides information about sex, drug, body, and mood in a way that's honest, nonjudgmental, and responsible. "
698," A is for Activist is an ABC board book for the next generation of progressives: Families that want their kids to grow up in a space that is unapologetic about activism, environmental justice, civil rights, LGBTQ rights, and so on. "
699," Enjoy responsibly. Sex. Sometimes it feels like everybody's doing it. Maybe you are. Maybe you're thinking about it. Maybe it's years away. Whatever. You need to be ready, in your head, and down there. You have to know the right stuff in order to do it. Got questions? Who doesn't. ""The Sex Lady"" will break it down for you. • Does size matter? • How do you prevent ST Enjoy responsibly. Sex. Sometimes it feels like everybody's doing it. Maybe you are. Maybe you're thinking about it. Maybe it's years away. Whatever. You need to be ready, in your head, and down there. You have to know the right stuff in order to do it. Got questions? Who doesn't. ""The Sex Lady"" will break it down for you. • Does size matter? • How do you prevent STDs? • What birth control options are there? • If someone says they're a virgin, what does that mean? • Am I ready? Am I normal? The more you know, the easier it is to make safe, and smart, decisions about sex. "
700,"A 2006 report commissioned by Brown University revealed that institution's complex and contested involvement in slavery-setting off a controversy that leapt from the ivory tower to make headlines across the country. But Brown's troubling past was far from unique. In Ebony and Ivy , Craig Steven Wilder, a rising star in the profession of history, lays bare uncomfortable trut A 2006 report commissioned by Brown University revealed that institution's complex and contested involvement in slavery-setting off a controversy that leapt from the ivory tower to make headlines across the country. But Brown's troubling past was far from unique. In Ebony and Ivy , Craig Steven Wilder, a rising star in the profession of history, lays bare uncomfortable truths about race, slavery, and the American academy. Many of America's revered colleges and universities, from Harvard, Yale, and Princeton to Rutgers, Williams College, and UNC, were soaked in the sweat, the tears, and sometimes the blood of people of color. The earliest academies proclaimed their mission to Christianize the savages of North America, and played a key role in white conquest. Later, the slave economy and higher education grew up together, each nurturing the other. Slavery funded colleges, built campuses, and paid the wages of professors. Enslaved Americans waited on faculty and students; academic leaders aggressively courted the support of slave owners and slave traders. Significantly, as Wilder shows, our leading universities, dependent on human bondage, became breeding grounds for the racist ideas that sustained them. Ebony and Ivy is a powerful and propulsive study and the first of its kind, revealing a history of oppression behind the institutions usually considered the cradle of liberal politics. "
701,"The Walker family is good at keeping secrets from the world. They are even better at keeping them from each other. Max Walker is a golden boy, with a secret that the world may not be ready for. This novel is a riveting tale of a family in crisis, a fascinating exploration of identity, and a coming-of-age story like no other. "
702,"This time, there are no choices. Lucian ""Lucky"" Spark leads a double life. By day, he trains to become one of the Establishment elite. At night, he sabotages his oppressors from within, seeking to avenge the murder of his love, Digory Tycho, and rescue his imprisoned brother. But when he embarks on a risky plot to assassinate members of the Establishment hierarchy, Lucky is This time, there are no choices. Lucian ""Lucky"" Spark leads a double life. By day, he trains to become one of the Establishment elite. At night, he sabotages his oppressors from within, seeking to avenge the murder of his love, Digory Tycho, and rescue his imprisoned brother. But when he embarks on a risky plot to assassinate members of the Establishment hierarchy, Lucky is thrust into the war between the Establishment and the rebellion, where the lines between friend and foe are blurred beyond recognition. His only chance for survival lies in facing the secrets of the Sowing, a mystery rooted in the ashes of the apocalyptic past that threatens to destroy Lucky’s last hope for the future. "
703,"Seventeen-year-old Sahar has been in love with her best friend, Nasrin, since they were six. They’ve shared stolen kisses and romantic promises. But Iran is a dangerous place for two girls in love, Sahar and Nasrin could be beaten, imprisoned, even executed if their relationship came to light. So they carry on in secret, until Nasrin’s parents announce that they’ve arranged f Seventeen-year-old Sahar has been in love with her best friend, Nasrin, since they were six. They’ve shared stolen kisses and romantic promises. But Iran is a dangerous place for two girls in love, Sahar and Nasrin could be beaten, imprisoned, even executed if their relationship came to light. So they carry on in secret, until Nasrin’s parents announce that they’ve arranged for her marriage. Nasrin tries to persuade Sahar that they can go on as they have been, only now with new comforts provided by the decent, well-to-do doctor Nasrin will marry. But Sahar dreams of loving Nasrin exclusively, and openly. Then Sahar discovers what seems like the perfect solution. In Iran, homosexuality may be a crime, but to be a man trapped in a woman’s body is seen as nature’s mistake, and sex reassignment is legal and accessible. As a man, Sahar could be the one to marry Nasrin. Sahar will never be able to love the one she wants, in the body she wants to be loved in, without risking her life. Is saving her love worth sacrificing her true self? "
704,"According to the recent United States Census, there are 650,000 same-sex couple households in the U.S., and an estimated one-quarter of those households are raising children. In the past few years, several states across the nation have passed Freedom to Marry bills for same-sex couples. But even with the rise in recognition of LGBTQ families, acceptance has not necessarily According to the recent United States Census, there are 650,000 same-sex couple households in the U.S., and an estimated one-quarter of those households are raising children. In the past few years, several states across the nation have passed Freedom to Marry bills for same-sex couples. But even with the rise in recognition of LGBTQ families, acceptance has not necessarily followed. Unfortunately, young adults in LGBTQ families encounter many challenges, from derision by their peers to the embarrassment of being perceived as different.LGBTQ Families: The Ultimate Teen Guide focuses on the difficulties young people face as members of households in which one or more members are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transsexual, or queer/questioning. This book offers encouragement, insights, and resources to help them cope with and embrace the uniqueness of their family life. Teens and adults from LGBTQ families, and teens who identify as LGBTQ themselves, tell their personal stories and share strategies they use to deal with a sometimes unaccepting society. Topics discussed include politics, religion, media, and bullying.Aimed at young adults with LGBTQ parents, teens who identify as LGBTQ, those who support LGBTQs, and anyone wanting to educate themselves on the topic, this book will broaden understanding and enable teens and their peers to embrace the diversity of the modern family. "
705,"When Azure's principal gives her the chance to turn the school's traditional (and boring) senior prom into an event that will appeal to everyone, not just the jocks and cheerleaders, she jumps at the opportunity. Soon Azure manages to convince her best friends, Luke and Radhika, to join the prom committee as well. Facing heavy opposition and admittedly clueless about prom l When Azure's principal gives her the chance to turn the school's traditional (and boring) senior prom into an event that will appeal to everyone, not just the jocks and cheerleaders, she jumps at the opportunity. Soon Azure manages to convince her best friends, Luke and Radhika, to join the prom committee as well. Facing heavy opposition and admittedly clueless about prom logistics, the three friends are nonetheless determined to succeed, if Luke's and Azure's secret crushes on Radhika don't push the committee members, and their friendships, to the breaking point first. Told in two voices and filled with comical missed connections, It's Our Prom (So Deal with It) explores the ups and downs of planning an alternative prom, while dealing with an unrequited crush on your best friend, and shines with National Book Award finalist Julie Anne Peters's unmistakable wit and insight. "
706,"Each title in the highly acclaimed Opposing Viewpoints series explores a specific issue by placing expert opinions in a unique pro/con format; the viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find publications.; Opposing Viewpoints: Abortion explores issues surrounding abortion including whether abortion is immoral, how Roe v. Wade has im Each title in the highly acclaimed Opposing Viewpoints series explores a specific issue by placing expert opinions in a unique pro/con format; the viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find publications.; Opposing Viewpoints: Abortion explores issues surrounding abortion including whether abortion is immoral, how Roe v. Wade has impacted abortion, should abortion rights be restricted, and other concerns about abortion.; ""Each volume in the Opposing Viewpoints Series could serve as a model not only providing access to a wide diversity of opinions, but also stimulating readers to do further research for group discussion and individual interest. Both shrill and moderate, th"" "
707,"As a defender for the Fraser High girls soccer team, Addie used to be ready for anything. There was no play she couldn't shut down. But now the biggest threat on the field is one of her teammates... who is also Addie's former best friend. When Eva Riley moved to town, she and Addie became super close. But when Eva wanted to be more than friends, Addie put soccer first i As a defender for the Fraser High girls soccer team, Addie used to be ready for anything. There was no play she couldn't shut down. But now the biggest threat on the field is one of her teammates... who is also Addie's former best friend. When Eva Riley moved to town, she and Addie became super close. But when Eva wanted to be more than friends, Addie put soccer first instead. Suddenly Eva's sending Addie mean notes. Then she's screwing up Addie's plays. After a while, Addie's not sure she even wants her friend back. She has to worry about other things, like keeping her spot on the team after Eva's latest act of sabotage., ""Journal"" "
708,"Sam is a geek movie-buff with a ragtag group of loser friends who have been taking abuse from the popular kids for years. But when the super-cool Camilla moves to town, she surprises everyone by choosing to spend time with Sam's group. Suddenly they go from geek to chic, and find that not everything boils down to us and them. With their social lives in flux, Sam and Camill Sam is a geek movie-buff with a ragtag group of loser friends who have been taking abuse from the popular kids for years. But when the super-cool Camilla moves to town, she surprises everyone by choosing to spend time with Sam's group. Suddenly they go from geek to chic, and find that not everything boils down to us and them. With their social lives in flux, Sam and Camilla spend more and more time together. They become the best of friends, and Sam finds that he's happier and more comfortable in his own skin than ever before. But eventually Sam must admit to himself that he's fallen in love. If he confesses his true feelings to Camilla, will everything change again? "
709,"Best friends Stephen and Marco know a thing or two about impossible missions. It's thanks to them that cell phone thieves at school are apprehended, lost puppies are returned, and gym uniforms are lent out to the forgetful thirteen-year-old masses. When Marco finds out that Benji -the dream exchange student on whom he has a crush -and his band are playing at the high scho Best friends Stephen and Marco know a thing or two about impossible missions. It's thanks to them that cell phone thieves at school are apprehended, lost puppies are returned, and gym uniforms are lent out to the forgetful thirteen-year-old masses. When Marco finds out that Benji -the dream exchange student on whom he has a crush -and his band are playing at the high schoolprom, he enlists Stephen's help to crash prom and get Marco onstage to profess his love. But as most veteran operatives know, not all heists run smoothly. Stephen is sick of Marco calling the shots 99.97 percent of the time, and he's especially sick of being the sidekick. On top of it all, Marco and Stephen need to act fast -before Benji goes back to England at the end of the school year. Even though these boys are experts in espionage, it's going to take a mission impossible to pull this maneuver off. "
710,"Today's classrooms are more diverse than ever before. In order to reach these students, educators must be aware of the issues facing their various cultural, racial, ethnic, and language groups. Focusing on the pertinent issues in multicultural education, this new edition raises these critical issues and facilitates meaningful discussion. It has been completely updated with Today's classrooms are more diverse than ever before. In order to reach these students, educators must be aware of the issues facing their various cultural, racial, ethnic, and language groups. Focusing on the pertinent issues in multicultural education, this new edition raises these critical issues and facilitates meaningful discussion. It has been completely updated with the latest developments in the field to provide the educator with all the tools necessary to become effective practitioners. "
711," Based on a true story, an impassioned and propulsive debut novel about a headstrong girl from Far Rockaway, Queens, who is trying to find her place in the world Written in an urban vernacular that’s electrifying and intimate, On the Come Up introduces a heroine whose voice is irrepressible, dynamic, and unstintingly honest. Thirteen-year-old AnnMarie Walker dreams of a worl Based on a true story, an impassioned and propulsive debut novel about a headstrong girl from Far Rockaway, Queens, who is trying to find her place in the world Written in an urban vernacular that’s electrifying and intimate, On the Come Up introduces a heroine whose voice is irrepressible, dynamic, and unstintingly honest. Thirteen-year-old AnnMarie Walker dreams of a world beyond Far Rockaway, where the sway of the neighborhood keeps her tied to old ideas about success. While attending a school for pregnant teens, AnnMarie comes across a flyer advertising movie auditions in Manhattan. Astonishingly, improbably, and four months before she’s due to give birth, she lands a lead role. For a time, AnnMarie soars, acting for the camera, flying to the Sundance Film Festival, seeing her face on-screen. But when the film fades from view and the realities of her life set in, AnnMarie’s grit and determination are the only tools left to keep her moving forward. Told with remarkable compassion and based on the real-life story of Anna Simpson, whom the author met during the filming of the award-winning Our Song , Hannah Weyer’s debut novel is an incredible act of literary ventriloquism that powerfully illuminates the lives of the urban unseen. "
712," My name is Ruby. This book is about me. It tells the deeply hideous story of what happens when my mother dies and I'm dragged three thousand miles away from my gorgeous boyfriend, Ray, to live in L.A. with my father, who I've never even met because he's such a scumbag that he divorced my mom before I was born. The only way I've ever even ""seen"" him is in the movies, since he's this m My name is Ruby. This book is about me. It tells the deeply hideous story of what happens when my mother dies and I'm dragged three thousand miles away from my gorgeous boyfriend, Ray, to live in L.A. with my father, who I've never even met because he's such a scumbag that he divorced my mom before I was born. The only way I've ever even ""seen"" him is in the movies, since he's this megafamous actor who's been way too busy trying to win Oscars to even visit me once in fifteen years. Everyone loves my father. Everyone but me. "
713,"The award-winning novel about being out, being proud, and being ready for something else... now in paperback. Rafe is a normal teenager from Boulder, Colorado. He plays soccer. He's won skiing prizes. He likes to write. And, oh yeah, he's gay. He's been out since 8th grade, and he isn't teased, and he goes to other high schools and talks about tolerance and stuff. And whi The award-winning novel about being out, being proud, and being ready for something else... now in paperback. Rafe is a normal teenager from Boulder, Colorado. He plays soccer. He's won skiing prizes. He likes to write. And, oh yeah, he's gay. He's been out since 8th grade, and he isn't teased, and he goes to other high schools and talks about tolerance and stuff. And while that's important, all Rafe really wants is to just be a regular guy. Not that GAY guy. To have it be a part of who he is, but not the headline, every single time. So when he transfers to an all-boys' boarding school in New England, he decides to keep his sexuality a secret, not so much going back in the closet as starting over with a clean slate. But then he sees a classmate break down. He meets a teacher who challenges him to write his story. And most of all, he falls in love with Ben... who doesn't even know that love is possible. This witty, smart, coming-out-again story will appeal to gay and straight kids alike as they watch Rafe navigate feeling different, fitting in, and what it means to be himself. "
714,"Knox was born into one of the City’s wealthiest families. A Patron, he has everything a boy could possibly want, the latest tech, the coolest clothes, and a Proxy to take all his punishments. When Knox breaks a vase, Syd is beaten. When Knox plays a practical joke, Syd is forced to haul rocks. And when Knox crashes a car, killing one of his friends, Syd is branded and sente Knox was born into one of the City’s wealthiest families. A Patron, he has everything a boy could possibly want, the latest tech, the coolest clothes, and a Proxy to take all his punishments. When Knox breaks a vase, Syd is beaten. When Knox plays a practical joke, Syd is forced to haul rocks. And when Knox crashes a car, killing one of his friends, Syd is branded and sentenced to death. Syd is a Proxy. His life is not his own. Then again, neither is Knox’s. Knox and Syd have more in common than either would guess. So when Knox and Syd realize that the only way to beat the system is to save each other, they flee. Yet Knox’s father is no ordinary Patron, and Syd is no ordinary Proxy. The ensuing cross-country chase will uncover a secret society of rebels, test both boys’ resolve, and shine a blinding light onto a world of those who owe and those who pay. Some debts, it turns out, cannot be repaid. "
715," Starting middle school brings all the usual challenges , until the unthinkable happens, and Fern and her family must find a way to heal. Twelve-year-old Fern feels invisible. It seems as though everyone in her family has better things to do than pay attention to her: Mom (when she’s not meditating) helps Dad run the family restaurant; Sarah is taking a gap year after high s Starting middle school brings all the usual challenges , until the unthinkable happens, and Fern and her family must find a way to heal. Twelve-year-old Fern feels invisible. It seems as though everyone in her family has better things to do than pay attention to her: Mom (when she’s not meditating) helps Dad run the family restaurant; Sarah is taking a gap year after high school; and Holden pretends that Mom and Dad and everyone else doesn’t know he’s gay, even as he fends off bullies at school. Then there’s Charlie: three years old, a ""surprise"" baby, the center of everyone’s world. He’s devoted to Fern, but he’s annoying, too, always getting his way, always dirty, always commanding attention. If it wasn’t for Ran, Fern’s calm and positive best friend, there’d be nowhere to turn. Ran’s mantra, ""All will be well,"" is soothing in a way that nothing else seems to be. And when Ran says it, Fern can almost believe it’s true. But then tragedy strikes-and Fern feels not only more alone than ever, but also responsible for the accident that has wrenched her family apart. All will not be well. Or at least all will never be the same. "
716,"Las respuestas a alguna de las preguntas más embarazosas del mundo. «No dejes que nadie te líe. Todo el mundo dice que la infancia y los años de colegio son la época más feliz de la vida. Pero eso no es del todo cierto. La etapa que va entre los diez y los catorce años puede ser muy divertida, pero, desde el punto de vista físico, van a ser probablemente los años más descon Las respuestas a alguna de las preguntas más embarazosas del mundo. «No dejes que nadie te líe. Todo el mundo dice que la infancia y los años de colegio son la época más feliz de la vida. Pero eso no es del todo cierto. La etapa que va entre los diez y los catorce años puede ser muy divertida, pero, desde el punto de vista físico, van a ser probablemente los años más desconcertantes de toda tu vida. Esto se debe a que te estás transformando de niño a adulto. Te están ocurriendo grandes cambios, tanto físicos como mentales. Este libro no resolverá todos tus problemas y a lo mejor ni siquiera de respuesta a todas tus preguntas. Pero cuando lo hayas leído, seguramente habrás aprendido un montón sobre lo que te está pasando, y estarás mucho mejor preparado para afrontarlo.» "
717,"A growing number of todays kids have two moms or two dads. The bullying of LGBT youth is an issue that has become a fixture in the news. This book uses age-appropriate text to describe the struggles faced by the LGBT community in America, to introduce people from all walks of life that belong to the LGBT community, and to describe important events that affect all Americans A growing number of todays kids have two moms or two dads. The bullying of LGBT youth is an issue that has become a fixture in the news. This book uses age-appropriate text to describe the struggles faced by the LGBT community in America, to introduce people from all walks of life that belong to the LGBT community, and to describe important events that affect all Americans, such as the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. "
718,"This book examines Roe v. Wade, and its effects on abortion rights in the United States. "
719,"Inspired by the acclaimed Opposing Viewpoints series, this series helps readers gain an awareness of current issues and develop critical thinking skills by presenting a wealth of information on contemporary issues in a colorful, easy-to-read format.; Sexual orientation continues to be a contentious topic. IIOVP: Sexual Orientation explores the questions of the nature of se Inspired by the acclaimed Opposing Viewpoints series, this series helps readers gain an awareness of current issues and develop critical thinking skills by presenting a wealth of information on contemporary issues in a colorful, easy-to-read format.; Sexual orientation continues to be a contentious topic. IIOVP: Sexual Orientation explores the questions of the nature of sexual orientation; how schools should handle sexual orientation; and what laws should be made regarding sexual orientation.; In addition to pro/con articles, each Introducing Issues with Opposing Viewpoints volume includes appealing features designed to help students understand the complexities of current issues: Full-color photographs, charts, graphs, and cartoons supplement the text; Engaging fact boxes provide at-a-glance information; Guided reading questions aid comprehension; A list of basic facts about the issue broadens readers’ understanding; Glossary, annotated bibliography, Web sites, and organizations to contact supplement student research. "
720,"Experts estimate that approximately 1.2 million abortions occur in the United States annually. Through objective discussion, numerous direct quotes, and full-color illustrations this title examines What Are the Origins of the Abortion Controversy? Is Abortion Moral? Should States Have the Right to Place Limits on Abortion?Should Late-Term Abortions Be Banned? What Measures Experts estimate that approximately 1.2 million abortions occur in the United States annually. Through objective discussion, numerous direct quotes, and full-color illustrations this title examines What Are the Origins of the Abortion Controversy? Is Abortion Moral? Should States Have the Right to Place Limits on Abortion?Should Late-Term Abortions Be Banned? What Measures Will Reduce the Need for Abortion? "
721,"Recruitment Day is here...if you fail, a loved one will die... For Lucian ""Lucky"" Spark, Recruitment Day means the Establishment, a totalitarian government, will force him to become one of five Recruits competing to join the ruthless Imposer task force. Each Recruit participates in increasingly difficult and violent military training for a chance to advance to the next leve Recruitment Day is here...if you fail, a loved one will die... For Lucian ""Lucky"" Spark, Recruitment Day means the Establishment, a totalitarian government, will force him to become one of five Recruits competing to join the ruthless Imposer task force. Each Recruit participates in increasingly difficult and violent military training for a chance to advance to the next level. Those who fail must choose an ""Incentive"", a family member, to be brutally killed. If Lucky fails, he’ll have to choose death for his only living relative: Cole, his four-year-old brother. Lucky will do everything he can to keep his brother alive, even if it means sacrificing the lives of other Recruits’ loved ones. What Lucky isn’t prepared for is his undeniable attraction to the handsome, rebellious Digory Tycho. While Lucky and Digory train together, their relationship grows. But daring to care for another Recruit in a world where love is used as the ultimate weapon is extremely dangerous. As Lucky soon learns, the consequences can be deadly... "
722,"Lucas and Tessa have always had a close friendship. So it's no surprise when Lucas finally realizes his true feeling for Tessa and he asks her to Prom. What no one expected, especially Lucas, was for Tessa to come out as a lesbian-or for Tessa's decision to wear a tuxedo and escort her female crush to Prom, to spark a firestorm of controversy. Humiliated and confused, Luca Lucas and Tessa have always had a close friendship. So it's no surprise when Lucas finally realizes his true feeling for Tessa and he asks her to Prom. What no one expected, especially Lucas, was for Tessa to come out as a lesbian-or for Tessa's decision to wear a tuxedo and escort her female crush to Prom, to spark a firestorm of controversy. Humiliated and confused, Lucas must decide if he should stand on the sidelines or if he should stand by his friend to make sure that Tessa Masterson will go to Prom. "
723,"Behind-the-scenes secrets could turn deadly for Desmond and Riley... Life in the Heights has never been easy for seventeen-year-old Riley Frost, but when she's publicly dumped and outed at the same time, she becomes an immediate social outcast at her high school. So Riley swears off romance and throws herself into solving the shocking murder of her favorite teacher, Ms. Dun Behind-the-scenes secrets could turn deadly for Desmond and Riley... Life in the Heights has never been easy for seventeen-year-old Riley Frost, but when she's publicly dumped and outed at the same time, she becomes an immediate social outcast at her high school. So Riley swears off romance and throws herself into solving the shocking murder of her favorite teacher, Ms. Dunn. Riley turns to her best friend, budding filmmaker Desmond Brandt, for help. What she doesn't know is that Dez has been secretly directing her life, blackmailing her friends, and hoping his manipulations will make her love him. When his schemes go too far, Dez's web of lies threatens to destroy both of their lives. "
724," Was he... you know? Bella doesn't know if Dominic was gay or not, but she knows he was bullied. And she knows the adults who could have helped didn't because of some stupid policy. Now Dominic's dead. It's never been Bella's thing to stand up for a cause, but for some reason, this fight has become her fight., ""Journal"" Was he... you know? Bella doesn't know if Dominic was gay or not, but she knows he was bullied. And she knows the adults who could have helped didn't because of some stupid policy. Now Dominic's dead. It's never been Bella's thing to stand up for a cause, but for some reason, this fight has become her fight., ""Journal"" "
725,"In our the global community of the twenty-first century, multicultural issues have growing relevance. This series will help students better understand the prejudices specific minority groups face, as well as provide them with resources to fight against intolerance and foster understanding. "
726,"That's the day the trouble started. The trouble that nearly ruined my life. The trouble that turned me Dark. The trouble that begs me for revenge. Celia Door enters her freshman year of high school with giant boots, dark eyeliner, and a thirst for revenge against Sandy Firestone, the girl who did something unspeakable to Celia last year. But then Celia meets Drake, the cool new That's the day the trouble started. The trouble that nearly ruined my life. The trouble that turned me Dark. The trouble that begs me for revenge. Celia Door enters her freshman year of high school with giant boots, dark eyeliner, and a thirst for revenge against Sandy Firestone, the girl who did something unspeakable to Celia last year. But then Celia meets Drake, the cool new kid from New York City who entrusts her with his deepest, darkest secret. When Celia's quest for justice threatens her relationship with Drake, she's forced to decide which is sweeter: revenge or friendship. This debut novel from Karen Finneyfrock establishes her as a bright, bold, razor-sharp new voice for teens, perfect for fans of The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Will Grayson, Will Grayson. "
727,"People in Merit, Wisconsin, always said Jimmy was... you know. But people said all sorts of stupid stuff. Nobody really knew anything. Nobody really knew Jimmy. I guess you could say I knew Jimmy as well as anyone (which was not very well). I knew what scared him. And I knew he had dreams, even if I didn't understand them. Even if he nearly ruined my life to pursue them. People in Merit, Wisconsin, always said Jimmy was... you know. But people said all sorts of stupid stuff. Nobody really knew anything. Nobody really knew Jimmy. I guess you could say I knew Jimmy as well as anyone (which was not very well). I knew what scared him. And I knew he had dreams, even if I didn't understand them. Even if he nearly ruined my life to pursue them. Jimmy's dead now, and I definitely know that better than anyone. I know about blood and bone and how bodies decompose. I know about shadows and stones and hatchets. I know what a last cry for help sounds like. I know what blood looks like on my own hands. What I don't know is if I can trust my own eyes. I don't know who threw the stone. Who swung the hatchet? Who are the shadows? What do the living owe the dead? "
728," From one of our most acclaimed historians, a wise and provocative call to re-examine the way we look at the past: not merely as the story of incessant conflict between groups but also of human solidarity throughout the ages. Investigating the six most salient categories of human identity, difference, and confrontation, religion, nation, class, gender, race, and civilizatio From one of our most acclaimed historians, a wise and provocative call to re-examine the way we look at the past: not merely as the story of incessant conflict between groups but also of human solidarity throughout the ages. Investigating the six most salient categories of human identity, difference, and confrontation, religion, nation, class, gender, race, and civilization, David Cannadine questions just how determinative each of them has really been. For while each has motivated people dramatically at particular moments, they have rarely been as pervasive, as divisive, or as important as is suggested by such simplified polarities as ""us versus them,"" ""black versus white,"" or ""the clash of civilizations."" For most of recorded time, these identities have been more fluid and these differences less unbridgeable than political leaders, media commentators, and some historians, would have us believe. Throughout history, in fact, fruitful conversations have continually taken place across these allegedly impermeable boundaries of identity: the world, as Cannadine shows, has never been simply and starkly divided between any two adversarial solidarities but always an interplay of overlapping constituencies. Yet our public discourse is polarized more than ever around the same simplistic divisions, and Manichean narrative has become the default mode to explain everything that is happening in the world today. With wide-ranging erudition, David Cannadine compellingly argues against the pervasive and pernicious idea that conflict is the inevitable state of human affairs. The Undivided Past is an urgently needed work of history, one that is also about the present, and the future. "
729,"The real me? I thought. What was I now, the fake me? Would I suddenly wake up and discover I?d dreamt up this entire year or had been in some sort of coma? Eighteen-year-old Simon Peters wants to stand up for the truth about who he is. His love for Stephen is unwavering, but does he have the courage to defend it when his entire church community, including his eldest brothe The real me? I thought. What was I now, the fake me? Would I suddenly wake up and discover I?d dreamt up this entire year or had been in some sort of coma? Eighteen-year-old Simon Peters wants to stand up for the truth about who he is. His love for Stephen is unwavering, but does he have the courage to defend it when his entire church community, including his eldest brother Paul, have ostracized him? Will Stephen's feelings change now that he's been banished to the Waverly Christian Center to learn how to be ?normal? again? Trapped in a cashier's job he hates, struggling to maintain peace with his brothers after their parents have died, and determined to look after his mute twin and his friend Tina, Simon puts everyone else's needs before his own. It takes a courageous act on the part of Jude, his devoted twin, to change both of their lives forever. Jude, who is wiser than anyone ever knew. Jude, who understands that the meaning of the fig tree blooming in their scrappy backyard can finally set them free. "
730,"Wandering Son has garnered extensive praise (from the GLBT community, from manga fans, and from comics fans in general) for its uniquely funny, warm, and sensitive treatment of the travails of two Japanese tweens who find themselves coping with the knotty issue of gender identification, as they slowly realize that maybe they aren't who they were meant to be. In this latest Wandering Son has garnered extensive praise (from the GLBT community, from manga fans, and from comics fans in general) for its uniquely funny, warm, and sensitive treatment of the travails of two Japanese tweens who find themselves coping with the knotty issue of gender identification, as they slowly realize that maybe they aren't who they were meant to be. In this latest volume, love is in the air. It's in the trees and on the streets. It's hanging on the walls and piled in great heaps on the floor. Or is it really love? These sixth and seventh graders don't really know. But something is definitely amiss. They can't sleep, and when they do sleep they have strange dreams. They get angry and cry, they blush and grin like idiots, for no reason. And it isn't even spring. But the standard rules apply: If A is in love with B, B is certain to be in love with C, and C is likely to be in love with D, or possibly A. And now it seems a good third of the alphabet is in love with our shy hero(ine), Nitori-kun. But the flip-side of love is jealousy, and hate. The simple friendships of childhood develop into the complex, tense relationships of adolescence. Friends become strangers, or worse. But while everyone seems to have caught the bug, Volume 4 revolves solidly around the triangle of Nitori-kun, Takatsukisan, and Chiba-san. Yet centrifugal force seems to push the three away from each other, and there is a certain grimness as they say goodbye to elementary school, and put on the (highly gendered) uniforms of junior high school. "
731,"In the latest volume of the acclaimed series about transgender kids exploring their unfolding identities, we've reached a big event; the junior high school entrance ceremony. The boys wear black uniforms with stand-up collars based on mid-19th century European military uniforms and the girls wear navy blazers, tan skirts, and red ribbon neckties. Enter our heroes; Nitori-k In the latest volume of the acclaimed series about transgender kids exploring their unfolding identities, we've reached a big event; the junior high school entrance ceremony. The boys wear black uniforms with stand-up collars based on mid-19th century European military uniforms and the girls wear navy blazers, tan skirts, and red ribbon neckties. Enter our heroes; Nitori-kun is forced to wear a boy's uniform while Takatsuki-san has to wear a girl's! Yet one girl, Sarashia Chizuru, draws stares, whispers, and pointed fingers, because this long-haired beauty is wearing a boy's uniform. Both Nitori-kun and Takatsuki-san are awed by the girl's courage, but Takatsuki-san is particularly vexed by their own faintheartedness. They envy more than a few other students who experience such liberty in wearing either uniform and ponder what it ultimately means about themselves. Envy and jealousy are prominent themes in Volume 5 Chiba-san is jealous of Takatsuki-san, for whom Nitori-kun still carries a tortch. Maho envies Anna-chan's professionalism as a model. And Chii-chan's loyal sidekick, Shiri Momoko, is intensely jealous of anyone in whom Chii-chan shows the slightest interest. And so our protagonists set off on the journey to adolescence.... "
732,"The teen years are a fertile and fevered period of self-doubt, self-exploration, and identity building. Teen boys experience enormous pressure to think and act in certain ways and to not ""stick out"" for any reason. This book seeks to lay bare the many pressures being exerted upon teen males to develop into a socially acceptable type of manhood. Tackling head-on issues such The teen years are a fertile and fevered period of self-doubt, self-exploration, and identity building. Teen boys experience enormous pressure to think and act in certain ways and to not ""stick out"" for any reason. This book seeks to lay bare the many pressures being exerted upon teen males to develop into a socially acceptable type of manhood. Tackling head-on issues such as bullying, peer pressure, parental disapproval, sexual confusion and anxiety, safe sex, and life as an LGBT teen, this book is for all teen maleswhether straight, gay, or bisexualwho wish to grow into manhood in their own way and be the best men they can be. "
733,"Dante can swim. Ari can't. Dante is articulate and self-assured. Ari has a hard time with words and suffers from self-doubt. Dante gets lost in poetry and art. Ari gets lost in thoughts of his older brother who is in prison. Dante is fair skinned. Ari's features are much darker. It seems that a boy like Dante, with his open and unique perspective on life, would be the last Dante can swim. Ari can't. Dante is articulate and self-assured. Ari has a hard time with words and suffers from self-doubt. Dante gets lost in poetry and art. Ari gets lost in thoughts of his older brother who is in prison. Dante is fair skinned. Ari's features are much darker. It seems that a boy like Dante, with his open and unique perspective on life, would be the last person to break down the walls that Ari has built around himself. But against all odds, when Ari and Dante meet, they develop a special bond that will teach them the most important truths of their lives, and help define the people they want to be. But there are big hurdles in their way, and only by believing in each other―and the power of their friendship―can Ari and Dante emerge stronger on the other side. "
734,"Astrid Jones desperately wants to confide in someone, but her mother's pushiness and her father's lack of interest tell her they're the last people she can trust. Instead, Astrid spends hours lying on the backyard picnic table watching airplanes fly overhead. She doesn't know the passengers inside, but they're the only people who won't judge her when she asks them her most Astrid Jones desperately wants to confide in someone, but her mother's pushiness and her father's lack of interest tell her they're the last people she can trust. Instead, Astrid spends hours lying on the backyard picnic table watching airplanes fly overhead. She doesn't know the passengers inside, but they're the only people who won't judge her when she asks them her most personal questions, like what it means that she's falling in love with a girl. As her secret relationship becomes more intense and her friends demand answers, Astrid has nowhere left to turn. She can't share the truth with anyone except the people at thirty thousand feet, and they don't even know she's there. But little does Astrid know just how much even the tiniest connection will affect these strangers' lives, and her own, for the better. In this truly original portrayal of a girl struggling to break free of society's definitions, Printz Honor author A.S. King asks readers to question everything, and offers hope to those who will never stop seeking real love. "
735,"""This is Beautiful Music for Ugly Children, on community radio 90.3, KZUK. I'm Gabe. Welcome to my show."" My birth name is Elizabeth, but I'm a guy. Gabe. My parents think I've gone crazy and the rest of the world is happy to agree with them, but I know I'm right. I've been a boy my whole life. When you think about it, I'm like a record. Elizabeth is my A side, the song ever ""This is Beautiful Music for Ugly Children, on community radio 90.3, KZUK. I'm Gabe. Welcome to my show."" My birth name is Elizabeth, but I'm a guy. Gabe. My parents think I've gone crazy and the rest of the world is happy to agree with them, but I know I'm right. I've been a boy my whole life. When you think about it, I'm like a record. Elizabeth is my A side, the song everybody knows, and Gabe is my B side, not heard as often, but just as good. It's time to let my B side play. "
736,"Describes different methods of birth control, their rates of effectiveness and their drawbacks. "
737,"""The best thing to do for someone who thinks he's lost his whole life is to make him feel like it's been given back to him. That's why I can do this. Fire can fix it."" William Tucker always does the right thing. He excels at high school, works at the grocery store, passes out bulletins at his father's church, and still finds time to fight fires as the newest volunteer fire ""The best thing to do for someone who thinks he's lost his whole life is to make him feel like it's been given back to him. That's why I can do this. Fire can fix it."" William Tucker always does the right thing. He excels at high school, works at the grocery store, passes out bulletins at his father's church, and still finds time to fight fires as the newest volunteer firefighter in Coosa Creek, Alabama. But no matter how many good deeds William does, it never seems like enough. So when his father's expectations and the community's hypocrisy become too much to bear, William's obsession with doing good transforms into something far more dangerous. "
738,"PLACES, EVERYONE! Callie loves theater. And while she would totally try out for her middle school's production of Moon Over Mississippi , she can't really sing. Instead she's the set designer for the drama department stage crew, and this year she's determined to create a set worthy of Broadway on a middle-school budget. But how can she, when she doesn't know much about carpe PLACES, EVERYONE! Callie loves theater. And while she would totally try out for her middle school's production of Moon Over Mississippi , she can't really sing. Instead she's the set designer for the drama department stage crew, and this year she's determined to create a set worthy of Broadway on a middle-school budget. But how can she, when she doesn't know much about carpentry, ticket sales are down, and the crew members are having trouble working together? Not to mention the onstage AND offstage drama that occurs once the actors are chosen. And when two cute brothers enter the picture, things get even crazier! "
739,"When Cameron rescues a baby abandoned in the woods, everyone says it is a miracle. A stroke of luck that he just happened to be there, riding his bike along that trail, and heard the baby's cry. But Cameron has a secret: It wasn't just luck. He was there because his twin sister Katie begged him to go. Did Katie know about the baby? Is she covering for someone? At first Cam When Cameron rescues a baby abandoned in the woods, everyone says it is a miracle. A stroke of luck that he just happened to be there, riding his bike along that trail, and heard the baby's cry. But Cameron has a secret: It wasn't just luck. He was there because his twin sister Katie begged him to go. Did Katie know about the baby? Is she covering for someone? At first Cameron just wants some answers but once he knows the truth he has to decide what to do with it. "
740,"Andrew Solomon’s startling proposition in Far from the Tree is that being exceptional is at the core of the human condition, that difference is what unites us. He writes about families coping with deafness, dwarfism, Down's syndrome, autism, schizophrenia, or multiple severe disabilities; with children who are prodigies, who are conceived in rape, who become criminals, who Andrew Solomon’s startling proposition in Far from the Tree is that being exceptional is at the core of the human condition, that difference is what unites us. He writes about families coping with deafness, dwarfism, Down's syndrome, autism, schizophrenia, or multiple severe disabilities; with children who are prodigies, who are conceived in rape, who become criminals, who are transgender. While each of these characteristics is potentially isolating, the experience of difference within families is universal, and Solomon documents triumphs of love over prejudice in every chapter. All parenting turns on a crucial question: to what extent should parents accept their children for who they are, and to what extent they should help them become their best selves. Drawing on ten years of research and interviews with more than three hundred families, Solomon mines the eloquence of ordinary people facing extreme challenges. Elegantly reported by a spectacularly original and compassionate thinker, Far from the Tree explores how people who love each other must struggle to accept each other, a theme in every family’s life. "
741," In the wake of the post-9/11 sniper shootings, fragile love finds a stronghold in this intense, romantic novel from the author of Break and Invincible Summer. It's a year after 9/11. Sniper shootings throughout the D.C. area have everyone on edge and trying to make sense of these random acts of violence. Meanwhile, Craig and Lio are just trying to make sense of their lives. In the wake of the post-9/11 sniper shootings, fragile love finds a stronghold in this intense, romantic novel from the author of Break and Invincible Summer. It's a year after 9/11. Sniper shootings throughout the D.C. area have everyone on edge and trying to make sense of these random acts of violence. Meanwhile, Craig and Lio are just trying to make sense of their lives. Craig’s crushing on quiet, distant Lio, and preoccupied with what it meant when Lio kissed him...and if he’ll do it again...and if kissing Lio will help him finally get over his ex-boyfriend, Cody. Lio feels most alive when he's with Craig. He forgets about his broken family, his dead brother, and the messed up world. But being with Craig means being vulnerable...and Lio will have to decide whether love is worth the risk. This intense, romantic novel from the author of Break and Invincible Summer is a poignant look at what it is to feel needed, connected, and alive. "
742,"Teenage twins Ysabel and Justin Nicholas are lucky. Ysabel's jewelry designs have already caught the eyes of the art world and Justin's intelligence and drive are sure to gain him entrance into the most prestigious of colleges. They even like their parents. But their father has a secret, one that threatens to destroy the twins' happy family and life as they know it. Over the Teenage twins Ysabel and Justin Nicholas are lucky. Ysabel's jewelry designs have already caught the eyes of the art world and Justin's intelligence and drive are sure to gain him entrance into the most prestigious of colleges. They even like their parents. But their father has a secret, one that threatens to destroy the twins' happy family and life as they know it. Over the course of spring break, Ysabel and Justin will be forced to come to terms with their dad's new life, but can they overcome their fears to piece together their happy family again? From the Hardcover edition. "
743,"""I don't see why I have to become this new person just because I like guys. Most of who I am has nothing to do with who I hump."" Will's never been obvious about being gay. Not like Daniel, who takes the heat, and the beatings, at Spencer High. But then Will's best friend outs him on Facebook, and his small-town life starts to spin out of control. If he's not like everyo ""I don't see why I have to become this new person just because I like guys. Most of who I am has nothing to do with who I hump."" Will's never been obvious about being gay. Not like Daniel, who takes the heat, and the beatings, at Spencer High. But then Will's best friend outs him on Facebook, and his small-town life starts to spin out of control. If he's not like everyone else, and he's not like Daniel, then who is he? [Fry reading level -4.3] "
744,"Cody Manywounds's intentions are good, but it seems that every time he makes one little mistake, he gets caught. He got into some serious trouble with his friends a while ago, but since then, things have been looking up, his grades are good, his girlfriend is hot, and the escape to university (and more girls) is just around the corner. Then it all comes crashing down with Cody Manywounds's intentions are good, but it seems that every time he makes one little mistake, he gets caught. He got into some serious trouble with his friends a while ago, but since then, things have been looking up, his grades are good, his girlfriend is hot, and the escape to university (and more girls) is just around the corner. Then it all comes crashing down with a single text message: I'm pregnant. Call me.: ) When Cody's girlfriend decides to get an abortion, he finds himself dealing with conflicting emotions, and discovers how little a say he is given in the matter. "
745,"Nearly 82 percent of teen pregnancies are unplanned. This insightful resource contains comprehensive information about the realities of teen pregnancy. The physical and emotional aspects, the birth experience, preparations for the babys care, and issues to consider about adoption or abortion. It also covers birth control, and encouragement for those who experience miscarri Nearly 82 percent of teen pregnancies are unplanned. This insightful resource contains comprehensive information about the realities of teen pregnancy. The physical and emotional aspects, the birth experience, preparations for the babys care, and issues to consider about adoption or abortion. It also covers birth control, and encouragement for those who experience miscarriage, stillbirth, and other feelings of loss are carefully examined. This accessible volume includes some meaningful questions asked by teens and answered by psychologist Dr. Jan Hittleman. "
746,"The summer after high-school graduation, a year after her mother’s tragic death, Anna has no plans – beyond her need to put a lot of miles between herself and the past. With forever friend Kat, a battered copy of Kerouac’s DHARMA BUMS, and a car with a dodgy oil filter, the girls set out on an epic road trip across the USA. Maybe somewhere along the way they’ll prove or di The summer after high-school graduation, a year after her mother’s tragic death, Anna has no plans – beyond her need to put a lot of miles between herself and the past. With forever friend Kat, a battered copy of Kerouac’s DHARMA BUMS, and a car with a dodgy oil filter, the girls set out on an epic road trip across the USA. Maybe somewhere along the way they’ll prove or disprove the existence of God. Maybe they’ll even get laid... It’s a journey both outward and inward. Through the Badlands and encounters with predatory men and buffalo. A crazy bus ride to Mexico with a bunch of hymn-singing missionaries. Facing death, naked in the forest with an enraged grizzly bear... Gradually, Anna realizes that this is a voyage of discovery into her own self, her own silent pain – and into the tangled history that she and Kat share. What is love? What is sexual identity? And how do you find a way forward into a new future – a way to declare openly and without fear all that lies within you? "
747," It’s 1971, and seventeen-year-old Chloe and her best friend MJ head to San Francisco to ring in the New Year. But Chloe has an ulterior motive, and a secret. She’s pregnant and has devised a plan not to be. In San Francisco’s flower-power heyday, it was (just about) legal to end her pregnancy. But as soon as the girls cross the Golden Gate, the scheme star It’s 1971, and seventeen-year-old Chloe and her best friend MJ head to San Francisco to ring in the New Year. But Chloe has an ulterior motive, and a secret. She’s pregnant and has devised a plan not to be. In San Francisco’s flower-power heyday, it was (just about) legal to end her pregnancy. But as soon as the girls cross the Golden Gate, the scheme starts to unravel amid the bellbottoms, love-beads, and bongs. Chloe’s secrets escalate until she betrays everyone she cares about. MJ, who has grave doubts about Chloe’s plan. Her groovy aunt Kiki, who’s offered the girls a place to crash. Her self-absorbed mother meditating back in Phoenix. And maybe, especially, the boy she wishes she’d waited for. "
748,"Ellen loves Link and James. Her older brother and his best friend are the only company she ever wants. She knows they fight, but she makes it a policy never to take sides. She loves her brother, the math genius and track star. She is totally, madly in love with James, his face full of long eyelashes and hidden smiles. ""When you grow out of it,"" James teases her, ""you will Ellen loves Link and James. Her older brother and his best friend are the only company she ever wants. She knows they fight, but she makes it a policy never to take sides. She loves her brother, the math genius and track star. She is totally, madly in love with James, his face full of long eyelashes and hidden smiles. ""When you grow out of it,"" James teases her, ""you will break my heart."" Ellen knows she’ll never outgrow it. She’ll always love James just the way she’ll always love Link. Then someone at school asks if Link and James might be in love with each other. A simple question. Link refuses to discuss it. James refuses to stay friends with a boy so full of secrets. Ellen’s parents want Link to keep his secrets to himself, but Ellen wants to know who her brother really is. When is curiosity a betrayal? And if James says he loves her, isn’t that just another way of saying he still loves Link? My Heartbeat is a fast, furious story in which a quirky triangle learns to change its shape and Ellen, at least, learns the limits of what you can ever know about whom you love. "
749,"Justin has two goals for sophomore year: to date Chuck, the hottest boy in school, and to become the king of Cool U, the table in the cafeteria where the ""in"" crowd sits. Unfortunately, he has the wrong look (short, plump, Brillo-pad curls), he has the wrong interests (Broadway, chorus violin), and he has the wrong friends (Spencer, into Eastern religions, and Mary Ann, w Justin has two goals for sophomore year: to date Chuck, the hottest boy in school, and to become the king of Cool U, the table in the cafeteria where the ""in"" crowd sits. Unfortunately, he has the wrong look (short, plump, Brillo-pad curls), he has the wrong interests (Broadway, chorus violin), and he has the wrong friends (Spencer, into Eastern religions, and Mary Ann, who doesn't shave her armpits). And Chuck? Well, he's not gay; he's dating Becky, a girl in chorus with whom Justin is friendly. But Justin is determined. In detention one day (because he saw Chuck get it first), Justin comes up with a perfect plan: to allow Becky to continue dating Chuck, whom Becky's dad hates. They will pretend that Becky is dating Justin, whom Becky's dad loves. And when Becky and Justin go out on a fake date, Chuck will meet up with them for a real date with Becky. Chuck's bound to find Justin irresistable, right? What could go wrong? Seth Rudetsky's first novel for young adults is endearingly human, and laugh-out-loud funny, and any kid who ever aspired to Cool U will find Justin a welcome ally in the fight for popularity. "
750,"Twelve-year-old June Farrell is sure of one thing, she’s great at making pies, and she plans to prove it by winning a blue ribbon in the Champlain Valley Fair pie competition. But a backlash against Vermont’s civil union law threatens her family’s security and their business. Even when faced with bullying, June won’t give up on winning the blue ribbon; more importantly, she Twelve-year-old June Farrell is sure of one thing, she’s great at making pies, and she plans to prove it by winning a blue ribbon in the Champlain Valley Fair pie competition. But a backlash against Vermont’s civil union law threatens her family’s security and their business. Even when faced with bullying, June won’t give up on winning the blue ribbon; more importantly, she won’t give up on her family. "
751,"This timely series examines a broad range of perceived or actual legal rights and freedoms that impact the lives of American teens; many volumes cover how the Bill of Rights are interpreted and protected with regard to minors.; This volume in the new Teen Rights and Freedoms series explores real or perceived teen rights related to privacy issues, including whether or not a This timely series examines a broad range of perceived or actual legal rights and freedoms that impact the lives of American teens; many volumes cover how the Bill of Rights are interpreted and protected with regard to minors.; This volume in the new Teen Rights and Freedoms series explores real or perceived teen rights related to privacy issues, including whether or not a student's right to privacy is more restricted than an adult's right to privacy; the impact of blank parenta; This timely new series from Greenhaven Press examines a broad range of perceived or actual legal rights and freedoms that impact the lives of American teens. Many of the volumes cover rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights and how these rights are int "
752,"When her best guy friend falls victim to a vicious hate crime, sixteen-year-old Cat sets out to discover who in her small town did it. Richly atmospheric, this daring mystery mines the secrets of a tightly knit Southern community and examines the strength of will it takes to go against everyone you know in the name of justice. Against a backdrop of poverty, clannishness, dr When her best guy friend falls victim to a vicious hate crime, sixteen-year-old Cat sets out to discover who in her small town did it. Richly atmospheric, this daring mystery mines the secrets of a tightly knit Southern community and examines the strength of will it takes to go against everyone you know in the name of justice. Against a backdrop of poverty, clannishness, drugs, and intolerance, Myracle has crafted a harrowing coming-of-age tale couched in a deeply intelligent mystery. Smart, fearless, and compassionate, this is an unforgettable work from a beloved author. "
753,"With surveys showing that 46 percent of American teens have had sex, and nearly 750,000 teen pregnancies each year, many experts agree that teenage sex and pregnancy is a serious problem. Through objective overviews, primary sources, and full-color illustrations, this title examines: Is Teenage Sex and Pregnancy a Serious Problem? What Influences Teenagers' Attitudes Towar With surveys showing that 46 percent of American teens have had sex, and nearly 750,000 teen pregnancies each year, many experts agree that teenage sex and pregnancy is a serious problem. Through objective overviews, primary sources, and full-color illustrations, this title examines: Is Teenage Sex and Pregnancy a Serious Problem? What Influences Teenagers' Attitudes Toward Sex and Pregnancy? What Are the Consequences of Teenage Sex and Pregnancy? and What Should Be Taught in Sex Education? "
754,"Includes information on what factors influence teenage sexuality, what are significant teen sexuality issues, how should society educate teens about sex, and how should society respond to teenage sexuality? "
755,"Jesse cuts her own hair with a Swiss Army knife. She wears big green fisherman's boots. She's the founding (and only) member of NOLAW, the National Organization to Liberate All Weirdos. Emily wears sweaters with faux pearl buttons. She's vice president of the student council. She has a boyfriend. These two girls have nothing in common, except the passionate ""private time"" t Jesse cuts her own hair with a Swiss Army knife. She wears big green fisherman's boots. She's the founding (and only) member of NOLAW, the National Organization to Liberate All Weirdos. Emily wears sweaters with faux pearl buttons. She's vice president of the student council. She has a boyfriend. These two girls have nothing in common, except the passionate ""private time"" they share every Tuesday afternoon. Jesse wishes their relationship could be out in the open, but Emily feels she has too much to lose. When they find themselves on opposite sides of a heated school conflict, they each have to decide what's more important: what you believe in, or the one you love? "
756,"If you received a letter from your older self, what do you think it would say? What do you wish it would say? That the boy you were crushing on in History turns out to be gay too, and that you become boyfriends in college? That the bully who is making your life miserable will one day become so insignificant that you won't remember his name until he shows up at your book sig If you received a letter from your older self, what do you think it would say? What do you wish it would say? That the boy you were crushing on in History turns out to be gay too, and that you become boyfriends in college? That the bully who is making your life miserable will one day become so insignificant that you won't remember his name until he shows up at your book signing? In this anthology, sixty-three award-winning authors such as Michael Cunningham, Amy Bloom, Jacqueline Woodson, Gregory Maguire, David Levithan, and Armistead Maupin make imaginative journeys into their pasts, telling their younger selves what they would have liked to know then about their lives as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgendered people. Through stories, in pictures, with bracing honesty, these are words of love and understanding, reasons to hold on for the better future ahead. They will tell you things about your favorite authors that you never knew before. And they will tell you about yourself. "
757," A masterful poetic exploration of the impact of Matthew Shepard’s murder on the world. On the night of October 6, 1998, a gay twenty-one-year-old college student named Matthew Shepard was lured from a Wyoming bar by two young men, savagely beaten, tied to a remote fence, and left to die. Gay Awareness Week was beginning at the University of Wyoming, and the keynote speaker A masterful poetic exploration of the impact of Matthew Shepard’s murder on the world. On the night of October 6, 1998, a gay twenty-one-year-old college student named Matthew Shepard was lured from a Wyoming bar by two young men, savagely beaten, tied to a remote fence, and left to die. Gay Awareness Week was beginning at the University of Wyoming, and the keynote speaker was Lesléa Newman, discussing her book Heather Has Two Mommies. Shaken, the author addressed the large audience that gathered, but she remained haunted by Matthew’s murder. October Mourning, a novel in verse, is her deeply felt response to the events of that tragic day. Using her poetic imagination, the author creates fictitious monologues from various points of view, including the fence Matthew was tied to, the stars that watched over him, the deer that kept him company, and Matthew himself. More than a decade later, this stunning cycle of sixty-eight poems serves as an illumination for readers too young to remember, and as a powerful, enduring tribute to Matthew Shepard’s life. "
758,"Each anthology in the new Global Viewpoints series (which does not duplicate any material in the Opposing Viewpoints series) delivers contemporary perspectives on the featured issue, with the majority of the material reflecting stances of countries other than the United States. Primary sources, including speeches and government documents, join essays from international m Each anthology in the new Global Viewpoints series (which does not duplicate any material in the Opposing Viewpoints series) delivers contemporary perspectives on the featured issue, with the majority of the material reflecting stances of countries other than the United States. Primary sources, including speeches and government documents, join essays from international magazines and news sources for a truly panoramic view. Helpful features include an annotated table of contents, a world map and country index, a bibliography and a subject index. "
759,"""An exclusive Gallup poll book"", Back cover. ""An exclusive Gallup poll book"", Back cover. "
760,"You Mean I Can Ask That? Boys' bodies do the craziest things! They can knock a baseball out to right field or trip in front of class. But at a certain point, those bodies start to grow up and go through some wild changes. You might be wondering things like: Why don't I look like him? How can I get buff without steroids? And how can I handle that talk my parents want to hav You Mean I Can Ask That? Boys' bodies do the craziest things! They can knock a baseball out to right field or trip in front of class. But at a certain point, those bodies start to grow up and go through some wild changes. You might be wondering things like: Why don't I look like him? How can I get buff without steroids? And how can I handle that talk my parents want to have, -you know, the talk? Yikes! Guy Talk answers all the important questions you want answers to but would rather not ask, mixing fun with great advice for growing guys. "
761,"Alice comes home on the first day of junior high with a list of seven things about seventh grade that stink. The one good thing she can think of (besides getting out at 2:30 instead of 3:00) is that she's friends with everybody, and that gives her the idea of setting a goal to make it through the entire school year with everyone liking her.That turns out to be easier sai Alice comes home on the first day of junior high with a list of seven things about seventh grade that stink. The one good thing she can think of (besides getting out at 2:30 instead of 3:00) is that she's friends with everybody, and that gives her the idea of setting a goal to make it through the entire school year with everyone liking her.That turns out to be easier said than done, when Alice gets on the wrong side of the school bully, Denise ""Mack-Truck"" Whitlock. But Alice's problems with Denise pale before the romantic entanglements of her father and her older brother, Lester. And when Alice decides to help them out, life gets even more complicated. "
762,"Contentious issues such as civil liberties and abortion touch on people's deeply held beliefs. This series captures the passion and depth of these debates, examining how the courts have helped to shape each issue through their rulings. Each volume focuses on a specific issue, presenting primary source materials like the text of court rulings and dissenting opinions, as wel Contentious issues such as civil liberties and abortion touch on people's deeply held beliefs. This series captures the passion and depth of these debates, examining how the courts have helped to shape each issue through their rulings. Each volume focuses on a specific issue, presenting primary source materials like the text of court rulings and dissenting opinions, as well as analysis and opinion on the rulings. This engaging series offers a wealth of information on the historical and contemporary aspects of issues confronting society, while meeting the academic demand for reliable information tied to law and social sciences. "
763,"When Cameron Post's parents die suddenly in a car crash, her shocking first thought is relief. Relief they'll never know that, hours earlier, she had been kissing a girl. But that relief doesn't last, and Cam is soon forced to move in with her conservative aunt Ruth and her well-intentioned but hopelessly old-fashioned grandmother. She knows that from this point on, her lif When Cameron Post's parents die suddenly in a car crash, her shocking first thought is relief. Relief they'll never know that, hours earlier, she had been kissing a girl. But that relief doesn't last, and Cam is soon forced to move in with her conservative aunt Ruth and her well-intentioned but hopelessly old-fashioned grandmother. She knows that from this point on, her life will forever be different. Survival in Miles City, Montana, means blending in and leaving well enough alone (as her grandmother might say), and Cam becomes an expert at both. Then Coley Taylor moves to town. Beautiful, pickup-driving Coley is a perfect cowgirl with the perfect boyfriend to match. She and Cam forge an unexpected and intense friendship, one that seems to leave room for something more to emerge. But just as that starts to seem like a real possibility, ultrareligious Aunt Ruth takes drastic action to ""fix"" her niece, bringing Cam face-to-face with the cost of denying her true self, even if she's not exactly sure who that is. The Miseducation of Cameron Post is a stunning and unforgettable literary debut about discovering who you are and finding the courage to live life according to your own rules. "
764,"""An exclusive Gallup Poll book"", P. [4] of cover. ""An exclusive Gallup Poll book"", P. [4] of cover. "
765,"Adonis is a jock. He's on the football team and he's dating one of the prettiest girls in school. Alan is the new kid. He wears lipstick and joins the Fashion Club. Soon enough the football team is out to get him. Adonis is glad to go along with his teammates... until they come up with a dangerous plan to humiliate Alan. Now Adonis must decide whether he wants to be a g Adonis is a jock. He's on the football team and he's dating one of the prettiest girls in school. Alan is the new kid. He wears lipstick and joins the Fashion Club. Soon enough the football team is out to get him. Adonis is glad to go along with his teammates... until they come up with a dangerous plan to humiliate Alan. Now Adonis must decide whether he wants to be a guy who follows the herd or a man who does what's right. From critically acclaimed author Paul Volponi comes this discussable and finely wrought story of bullies, victims, and the bystanders caught in between. "
766,"Donovan's two moms are getting married, and he can't wait for the celebration to begin. After all, as ringbearer, he has a very important job to do. Any boy or girl with same-sex parents, or who knows a same-sex couple, will appreciate this picture book about love, family, and marriage. The story captures the joy and excitement of a wedding day while the illustrations show Donovan's two moms are getting married, and he can't wait for the celebration to begin. After all, as ringbearer, he has a very important job to do. Any boy or girl with same-sex parents, or who knows a same-sex couple, will appreciate this picture book about love, family, and marriage. The story captures the joy and excitement of a wedding day while the illustrations show the happy occasion from a child's point of view. "
767,"As shown in the first two volumes of this acclaimed series, Shuichi and his friend Yoshino have a secret: Shuichi is a boy who wants to be a girl, and Yoshino is a girl who wants to be a boy. But one day, abruptly, their secret is exposed, and the two find themselves the target of sixth-grade cruelty. Their friendship is strained, as Yoshino makes a half-hearted effort at b As shown in the first two volumes of this acclaimed series, Shuichi and his friend Yoshino have a secret: Shuichi is a boy who wants to be a girl, and Yoshino is a girl who wants to be a boy. But one day, abruptly, their secret is exposed, and the two find themselves the target of sixth-grade cruelty. Their friendship is strained, as Yoshino makes a half-hearted effort at being a normal girl... and their mentor, Yuki, reveals the harder reality of being transgendered. Meanwhile, Shuichi 's sister, Maho, realizes her dream of becoming a model, and drags Shuichi along for the ride. Shuichi meets another boy who wants to be a girl, and finds himself on an arranged date with a boy who doesn't know that the girl he has a crush on is actually a boy. After an unhurried, almost leisurely buildup that gave us an opportunity to get to know and understand our protagonists, artist Shimura picks up the pace in this latest volume, with tears and laughs aplenty. A sophisticated work translated with rare sophistication by veteran translator and comics scholar Matt Thorn. "
768,Otto is on the run from US security forces -the least of his problems in a desperate race to rescue his kidnapped friends and thwart a supremely dangerous renegade faction of the world's most powerful villains Otto is on the run from US security forces -the least of his problems in a desperate race to rescue his kidnapped friends and thwart a supremely dangerous renegade faction of the world's most powerful villains
769,"British socialite Zoe Anderson-Howe’s pampered life is abruptly shattered when she’s taken hostage by FARC guerrillas while on a business trip to Bogota. While her father struggles to come up with the ransom, she must endure hardships that test her both mentally and physically. Elite Operative Fetch has been living in the Colombian jungle for six months on a mission to infi British socialite Zoe Anderson-Howe’s pampered life is abruptly shattered when she’s taken hostage by FARC guerrillas while on a business trip to Bogota. While her father struggles to come up with the ransom, she must endure hardships that test her both mentally and physically. Elite Operative Fetch has been living in the Colombian jungle for six months on a mission to infiltrate the FARC and orchestrate the rescue of western hostages. When Zoe is added to her assignment, Fetch’s sense of duty must override the disdain she initially feels for the self-indulgent tabloid queen. The task of freeing Zoe gains new urgency when it appears she may be the key to stopping a mysterious new virus that is racing across the globe, killing indiscriminately. The support Fetch counted on is needed elsewhere. Can she get Zoe out of there on her own, and will that be enough to save the millions of lives in peril? Third in the romantic intrigue series: Elite Operatives "
770,"Describes health concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. "
771,"""An exclusive Gallup Poll book"", P. [4] of cover. ""An exclusive Gallup Poll book"", P. [4] of cover. "
772,"For as long as they've been friends, Elias has been relying on his buddy Jordan. It's Jordan's mom who takes him in when his own mother is on an alcoholic binge; it's Jordan who acts as the brother and role model that Elias doesn't have. But now they've gone too far, and a schoolyard fight has landed them both in jail. The judge gives them a warning: Shape up, or face time For as long as they've been friends, Elias has been relying on his buddy Jordan. It's Jordan's mom who takes him in when his own mother is on an alcoholic binge; it's Jordan who acts as the brother and role model that Elias doesn't have. But now they've gone too far, and a schoolyard fight has landed them both in jail. The judge gives them a warning: Shape up, or face time in juvie. The clock is already ticking when Jordan gets his girlfriend pregnant and then comes up with a bigtime takedown that'll set them both up for life. For Elias, it's not worth the risk. But can he free himself of Jordan's influence in time? [Fry Reading Level -4.2] "
773,"For most of her childhood Geena has felt like an outcast. She's not quite like other girls; somehow she's 'different'. But when Geena meets new boyfriend Sean, things seem to change. So begins a journey through anger, shame, loneliness -and to a gradual realisation that brings both strength and pride. For most of her childhood Geena has felt like an outcast. She's not quite like other girls; somehow she's 'different'. But when Geena meets new boyfriend Sean, things seem to change. So begins a journey through anger, shame, loneliness -and to a gradual realisation that brings both strength and pride. "
774,"When Alex Beekman and his twin sister, Rita, move to town, Alex threatens sixteen-year-old Todd O'Connor's position on the varsity soccer team, as well as that of Randy Tovitch, the star striker. Randy starts a name-calling campaign, calling Alex ""a fag"" in order to force him from the team. As team members choose sides, Todd faces the loss of his girlfriend and learns a pa When Alex Beekman and his twin sister, Rita, move to town, Alex threatens sixteen-year-old Todd O'Connor's position on the varsity soccer team, as well as that of Randy Tovitch, the star striker. Randy starts a name-calling campaign, calling Alex ""a fag"" in order to force him from the team. As team members choose sides, Todd faces the loss of his girlfriend and learns a painful family secret from his beloved uncle. Will Todd cave in to peer pressure, or will he get off the fence and find a way to ""do the right thing?"" Selected for the ALA list of ""Books for the Reluctant Reader."" "
775,"On the 20th anniversary of the momentous Roe v. Wade decision, here is the engrossing story of the case by the attorney who successfully argued it in the Supreme Court, now with a new chapter on the current situation. B/W photos. "
776,"Hate. It's the farthest feeling from sixteen-year-old Carla Wayland's mind. She can't believe people would persecute others just because they are different. But she isn't about to worry about the injustice surrounding her because she's in love with handsome and popular Andy Harris. Although raised to act on her ethical beliefs, Carla finds that her enchantment with Andy ma Hate. It's the farthest feeling from sixteen-year-old Carla Wayland's mind. She can't believe people would persecute others just because they are different. But she isn't about to worry about the injustice surrounding her because she's in love with handsome and popular Andy Harris. Although raised to act on her ethical beliefs, Carla finds that her enchantment with Andy makes her a silent partner in his hate campaign and harassment of gay couple Stephan Jones and Frank Montgomery. At first Carla manages to overlook and explain away Andy's atrocious behavior toward the men. But Stephan drowns as a direct result of what Andy and his friends do, and Carla can no longer deny the truth. Carla must decide before the trial which side she's on and what she stands for. Will justice prevail? "
777,"In The Facts of Life , Harold Morowitz and James Trefil, two distinguished scientists and science writers, examine what modern biology can contribute to our understanding of the abortion debate. Sensitive to the myriad ethical and religious arguments beyond the realm of science that swirl around abortion, the authors focus on one crucial question, when does a fetus acquire In The Facts of Life , Harold Morowitz and James Trefil, two distinguished scientists and science writers, examine what modern biology can contribute to our understanding of the abortion debate. Sensitive to the myriad ethical and religious arguments beyond the realm of science that swirl around abortion, the authors focus on one crucial question, when does a fetus acquire humanness, that quality that sets us apart from all other living things. While humans are linked via cell structure and cell chemistry with all life on our planet, from monkeys to fruit flys to pumpkins, it is the human brain structure which makes us who we are. Reviewing the latest advances in molecular biology, evolutionary biology, embryology, neurophysiology, and neonatology, fields that all bear on this question, the authors reveal a surprising consensus of scientific opinion; that humanness begins around the twenty-forth week of gestation when connections needed for brain function are finally made. A fascinating inquiry, moving across various scientific disciplines, The Facts of Life makes a valuable contribution to the continuing abortion controversy, and offers a fascinating glimpse of what makes us uniquely human. "
778,"Discusses the physical, emotional, and ethical aspects of sex including such topics as pre-adolescent sex play, masturbation, homosexuality, dating and petting, intercourse and its consequences, and other related topics. "
779,Uses a question-and-answer format to present sex information for preteens.
780,"These attractive educational books address students' questions in areas ranging from health and well-being to responsibility.Adolescence is a period of enormous physical, emotional, and social change for teenage girls. This can be a time as exciting as it is scary. Many girls are concerned and confused by the physical and emotional changes they go through as they mature. K These attractive educational books address students' questions in areas ranging from health and well-being to responsibility.Adolescence is a period of enormous physical, emotional, and social change for teenage girls. This can be a time as exciting as it is scary. Many girls are concerned and confused by the physical and emotional changes they go through as they mature. Kahaner maps out the road to womanhood for these teens with lots of reassurance, understanding, and, above all, celebration. "
781,"Examines current controversies in medical ethics, including issues such as abortion, organ transplantation, euthanasia, and health care for teenagers, the critically ill, and AIDS patients. "
782,"Author Catherine Whitney places the debate of abortion in terms of its history and confronts head on the issue in which people are so sure of an answer, and so strongly divided on what the answer is. Whitney follows America's abortion debate chronologically and by subject, with chapters on Roe vs. Wade, dissension within the Catholic Church, and other contemporary matters. Author Catherine Whitney places the debate of abortion in terms of its history and confronts head on the issue in which people are so sure of an answer, and so strongly divided on what the answer is. Whitney follows America's abortion debate chronologically and by subject, with chapters on Roe vs. Wade, dissension within the Catholic Church, and other contemporary matters. "
783,"A precise and thorough reference to the critical issue of our time. Chapter-by-chapter all the issues in the abortion cases reviewed by the Court from 1973 through 1989 are clearly defined; justices' comments are liberally quoted. Cases include Texas statutes ( Roe v. Wade, 1973), Missouri statutes ( Planned Parenthood v. Danford, 1976), and on through the Missouri regulatio A precise and thorough reference to the critical issue of our time. Chapter-by-chapter all the issues in the abortion cases reviewed by the Court from 1973 through 1989 are clearly defined; justices' comments are liberally quoted. Cases include Texas statutes ( Roe v. Wade, 1973), Missouri statutes ( Planned Parenthood v. Danford, 1976), and on through the Missouri regulation of abortion case, Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, decided in 1989. "
784,"Discusses practical aspects of becoming a teenage mother, including what to do, how to do it, where to go for help, and what should be known about such topics as budgeting and baby care. "
785,"Jack is a teenager who wants nothing more than to be normal -even if being normal means having divorced parents and a rather strange best friend. But when Jack's father takes him out in a rowboat on Lake Watchmayoyo and tells his son that he's gay, nothing will ever be normal again. Jack is a teenager who wants nothing more than to be normal -even if being normal means having divorced parents and a rather strange best friend. But when Jack's father takes him out in a rowboat on Lake Watchmayoyo and tells his son that he's gay, nothing will ever be normal again. "
786,"Devastated to discover that Uncle Rob, his hero, is dying of AIDS, twelve-year-old Gary, in need of advice and guidance in his life, finds that it is Uncle Rob himself who gives him strength to face the future. "
787,"In a somewhat episodic format the book brings problems such as racial bigotry, atempted rape, and incest to the reader's attention... The author treats her subject with sensitivity, compassion, and understanding., The Horn Book. In a somewhat episodic format the book brings problems such as racial bigotry, atempted rape, and incest to the reader's attention... The author treats her subject with sensitivity, compassion, and understanding., The Horn Book. "
788,"Accelerated Reader is a program based on the fact that students become more motivated to read if they are tested on the content of the books they have read and are rewarded for correct answers. Students read each book, individually take the test on the computer, and receive gratification when they score well. Schools using the Accelerated Reader program have seen a signifi Accelerated Reader is a program based on the fact that students become more motivated to read if they are tested on the content of the books they have read and are rewarded for correct answers. Students read each book, individually take the test on the computer, and receive gratification when they score well. Schools using the Accelerated Reader program have seen a significant increase in reading among their students.These Coping books will help your middle school and high school students cope with personal and social issues they encounter every day. "
789,"From the back-alley clinics of illegal abortionists to the behind-the scene deliberations of the Supreme Court justices, Roe v. Wade is a riveting history of the thorniest ethical debate ever brought before the Supreme Court. this is the bull story behind the struggle of two lawyers, Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee and their unwed, unemployed, pregnant client Norma McCor From the back-alley clinics of illegal abortionists to the behind-the scene deliberations of the Supreme Court justices, Roe v. Wade is a riveting history of the thorniest ethical debate ever brought before the Supreme Court. this is the bull story behind the struggle of two lawyers, Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee and their unwed, unemployed, pregnant client Norma McCorvey. In this updated edition Faux details recent challengesand erosions to the decision-including parental consent laws and bans on partial-birth abortions-and illuminates how the ruling has impacted public attitudes and policy. "
790,"Examines the physical and psychological changes that teenage boys experience as they grow into manhood and discusses such aspects as grooming, social responsibilities and pressures, and sexual behavior. "
791,"The third novel in the Roosevelt High School Series focuses on the difficult issue of a young man's struggle with his sexual orientation, a conflict made more difficult by his family's traditional Hispanic expectations. The third novel in the Roosevelt High School Series focuses on the difficult issue of a young man's struggle with his sexual orientation, a conflict made more difficult by his family's traditional Hispanic expectations. "
792,"In this important study of the abortion controversy in the United States, Kristin Luker examines the issues, people, and beliefs on both sides of the abortion conflict. She draws data from twenty years of public documents and newspaper accounts, as well as over two hundred interviews with both pro-life and pro-choice activists. She argues that moral positions on abortion a In this important study of the abortion controversy in the United States, Kristin Luker examines the issues, people, and beliefs on both sides of the abortion conflict. She draws data from twenty years of public documents and newspaper accounts, as well as over two hundred interviews with both pro-life and pro-choice activists. She argues that moral positions on abortion are intimately tied to views on sexual behavior, the care of children, family life, technology, and the importance of the individual. "
793,"A guide to help the teenage girl learn who she is and what she wants, avoid a few pitfalls, and learn the facts she needs to make decisions. "
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2020 Black Lives Matter marches,"Markovics, Joyce L.",2021
A complicated love story set in space,"Hutchinson, Shaun David",2021
A lesson in vengeance,"Lee, Victoria",2021
As far as you'll take me,"Stamper, Phil",2021
Be dazzled,"La Sala, Ryan",2021
Black Lives Matter : from hashtag to the streets,"Tyner, Artika R.",2021
Can't take that away,"Salvatore, Steven",2021
Follow your arrow,"Verdi, Jessica",2021
Have I ever told you Black lives matter,"King, Shani M.",2021
Perfect on paper,"Gonzales, S.",2021
Protesting police violence in modern America,"Harris, Duchess",2021
Race and policing in modern America,"Harris, Duchess",2021
Race and the media in modern America,"Harris, Duchess",2021
Racial justice in America : topics for change,"Nichols, Hedreich",2021
Spin with me,"Polonsky, Ami",2021
The girls I've been,"Sharpe, Tess",2021
The key to you and me,"Brown, Jaye Robin",2021
What is the Black Lives Matter movement?,"Nichols, Hedreich",2021
What is white privilege?,"Erickson, Leigh Ann",2021
"#BlackLivesMatter : protesting racism","Thomas, Rachel L.",2020
A good kind of trouble,"Ramee, Lisa Moore",2020
A high five for Glenn Burke,"Bildner, Phil",2020
A home for goddesses and dogs,"Connor, Leslie",2020
All out : the no-longer-secret stories of queer teens throughout the ages,Saundra Mitchell,2020
Ana on the edge,"Sass, A. J.",2020
Beyond the gender binary,"Menon, Alok",2020
Blood sport,"McAdam, Tash",2020
Brave Face: A Memoir,"Hutchinson, Shaun David",2020
Caste : the origins of our discontents,"Wilkerson, Isabel",2020
Cemetery boys,"Thomas, Aiden",2020
Ciel,"Labelle, Sophie",2020
Cinderella is dead,"Bayron, Kalynn",2020
Class act,"Craft, Jerry",2020
"Cynical theories : how activist scholarship made everything about race, gender, and identity--and why this harms everybody","Pluckrose, Helen",2020
Darius the Great deserves better,"Khorram, Adib",2020
Each of us a desert,"Oshiro, Mark",2020
Fairest : a memoir,"Talusan, Meredith",2020
Felix ever after,"Callender, Kacen",2020
Flamer,"Curato, Mike",2020
Forget this ever happened,"Clarke, Cassandra Rose",2020
Freeing Finch,"Rorby, Ginny",2020
Girl crushed,"Heaney, Katie",2020
Hands Up,"McDaniel, Breanna",2020
Hello now,"Valentine, Jenny",2020
Hood feminism : notes from the women that a movement forgot,"Kendall, Mikki",2020
Hot dog girl,"Dugan, Jennifer",2020
How it all blew up,"Ahmadi, Arvin",2020
I am water,"Specksgoor, Meg",2020
I hope you're listening,"Ryan, Tom",2020
Identity : a story of transitioning,"Maison, Corey",2020
If we were us,"Walther, K.L.",2020
In The Dream House,"Machado, Carmen Maria",2020
In the role of Brie Hutchens . . .,"Melleby, Nicole",2020
Infinity son,"Silvera, Adam",2020
Into the real,"Brewer, Z",2020
Jane against the world : Roe v. Wade and the fight for reproductive rights,"Blumenthal, Karen",2020
Julián at the wedding,"Love, Jessica",2020
La luna dentro de mi,"Salazar, Aida",2020
Late to the party,"Quindlen, Kelly",2020
Lobizona,"Garber, Romina",2020
"Love, Creekwood a Simonverse novella","Albertalli, Becky",2020
"Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor","Saad, Layla",2020
Middle school's a drag : you better werk!,"Howard, Greg",2020
"More than a game : race, gender, and politics in sports","Doeden, Matt",2020
My heart underwater,"Fantauzzo, Laurel Flores",2020
My rainbow,"Neal, Trinity",2020
Rainbow revolutionaries : 50 LGBTQ+ people who made history,"Prager, Sarah",2020
"Rainbow revolutions : power, pride, and protest in the fight for queer rights","Lawson, Jamie",2020
Real talk about sex & consent : what every teen needs to know,"Bradshaw, Cheryl M.",2020
Reverie,"La Sala, Ryan",2020
Rick,"Gino, Alex",2020
"She, he, they, them : understanding gender identity","Stanborough, Rebecca",2020
Shout,"Anderson, Laurie Halse",2020
The art of saving the world,"Duyvis, Corinne",2020
The Black Flamingo,"Atta, Dean",2020
The blood countess,"Popović, Lana",2020
The bridge,"Konigsberg, Bill",2020
The deep & dark blue,"Smith, Niki",2020
The fight for LGBTQ+ rights,"Smith, Devlin",2020
The fire never goes out : a memoir in pictures,"Stevenson, Noelle",2020
The gravity of us,"Stamper, Phil",2020
The love curse of Melody McIntyre,"Talley, Robin",2020
The magic fish,"Trung, Le Nguyen",2020
The midnight lie,"Rutkoski, Marie",2020
The migration north,"De Medeiros, James",2020
The moon within,"Salazar, Aida",2020
The new Jim Crow : mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness,"Alexander, Michelle",2020
The ship we built,"Bean, Lexie",2020
The truth about keeping secrets,"Brown, Savannah",2020
The whispers,"Howard, Greg",2020
"They, She, He Easy as ABC","Gonzalez, Maya Christina",2020
"This book is anti-racist : 20 lessons on how to wake up, take action, and do the work","Jewell, Tiffany",2020
This is your time,"Bridges, Ruby",2020
Understanding gender,"Dawson, Juno",2020
V For Vendetta,"Moore, Alan",2020
Wayward witch,"Córdova, Zoraida",2020
When they call you a terrorist : a story of Black Lives Matter and the power to change the world,"Khan-Cullors, Patrisse",2020
When we were magic,"Gailey, Sarah",2020
Who I was with her,"Tyndall, Nita",2020
"You do you : figuring out your body, dating, and sexuality","Mirk, Sarah",2020
A kids book about racism,"Memory, Jelani",2019
All eyes on us,"Frick, Kit",2019
All the bad apples,"Fowley-Doyle, Moïra",2019
All the things we do in the dark,"Mitchell, Saundra",2019
An indigenous peoples' history of the United States for young people,"Mendoza, Jean",2019
Avoiding bullies? : skills to outsmart and stop them,"Spilsbury, Louise",2019
Birthday,"Russo, Meredith",2019
Cold falling white,"Prendergast, Gabriell",2019
Deposing Nathan,"Smedley, Zack",2019
Firestarter,"Sim, Tara",2019
Gender equality,"Léonard, Marie des Neiges",2019
Gender queer,"Kobabe, Maia",2019
Her royal highness,"Hawkins, Rachel",2019
Hold my hand,"Barakiva, Michael",2019
Ho'onani : hula warrior,"Gale, Heather",2019
How (not) to ask a boy to prom,"Goslee, S. J.",2019
How to be an antiracist,"Kendi, Ibram X.",2019
It feels good to be yourself : a book about gender identity,"Thorn, Theresa",2019
Ivy Aberdeen's letter to the world,"Blake, Ashley Herring",2019
Jacob's room to choose,"Hoffman, Sarah",2019
Juliet takes a breath,"Rivera, Gabby",2019
Kiss number 8,"Venable, Colleen A. F.",2019
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me,"Tamaki, Mariko",2019
Let's talk about love,"Kann, Claire",2019
LGBT families,"Currie-McGhee, L. K.",2019
"Moonstruck. Vol. 2, Some enchanted evening","Ellis, Grace",2019
New kid,"Craft, Jerry",2019
Odd one out,"Stone, Nic",2019
Of ice and shadows,"Coulthurst, Audrey",2019
Ordinary Hazards: A Memoir,"Grimes, Nikki",2019
Orpheus girl,"Rebele-Henry, Brynne",2019
Pet,"Emezi, Akwaeke",2019
Rainbow : a first book of pride,"Genhart, Michael",2019
Red at the bone,"Woodson, Jacqueline",2019
Redwood and Ponytail,"Holt, K. A.",2019
Rethinking normal : a memoir in transition,"Hill, Katie Rain",2019
Sam!,"Gabriel, Dani",2019
Saturdays with Hitchcock,"Wittlinger, Ellen",2019
Some girls bind,"James, Rory",2019
Something like gravity,"Smith, Amber",2019
Stage dreams,"Gillman, Melanie",2019
"The birds, the bees, and you and me","Hinebaugh, Olivia",2019
The Breakaways,"Johnson, Cathy G.",2019
The deepest breath,"Grehan, Meg",2019
The devouring gray,"Herman, Christine Lynn",2019
The downstairs girl,"Lee, Stacey",2019
The grief keeper,"Villasante, Alexandra",2019
The Handmaid's Tale: The Graphic Novel,"Atwood, Margaret",2019
The Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears,"Hamen, Susan E.",2019
The Last Man,"Vaughan, Brian K.",2019
The last to let go,"Smith, Amber",2019
The love & lies of Rukhsana Ali,"Khan, Sabina",2019
The meaning of birds,"Brown, Jaye Robin",2019
The mighty heart of Sunny St. James,"Blake, Ashley Herring",2019
The music of what happens,"Konigsberg, Bill",2019
The pants project,"Clarke, Cat",2019
The past and other things that should stay buried,"Hutchinson, Shaun David",2019
The red scrolls of magic,"Clare, Cassandra",2019
The stars and the blackness between them,"Petrus, Junauda",2019
The truth is,"Ramos, NoNieqa",2019
Things that make white people uncomfortable : adapted for young adults,"Bennett, Michae",2019
Trans mission : my quest to a beard,"Bertie, Alex",2019
Unpregnant,"Hendriks, Jenni",2019
"Wait, what? : a comic book guide to relationships, bodies, and growing up","Corinna, Heather",2019
We are lost and found,"Dunbar, Helene",2019
What Riley wore,"Arnold, Elana K.",2019
When Aidan became a brother,"Lukoff, Kyle",2019
White rabbit,"Roehrig, Caleb",2019
Zenobia July,"Bunker, Lisa",2019
"Ziggy, Stardust & me","Brandon, James",2019
All we can do is wait : a novel,"Lawson, Richard",2018
An African American and Latinx history of the United States,"Ortiz, Paul",2018
And she was,"Verdi, Jessica",2018
Being the Change: Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension,"Ahmed, Sara",2018
"Boy erased : a memoir of identity, faith, and family","Conley, Garrard",2018
Chainbreaker,"Sim, Tara",2018
Doing it!,"Witton, Hannah",2018
Everything you love will burn : inside the rebirth of white nationalism in America,"Tenold, Vegas",2018
Girl made of stars,"Blake, Ashley Herring",2018
Girl mans up,"Girard, M-E.",2018
Harvey Milk : the first openly gay elected official in the United States,"Hollander, Barbara Gottfried",2018
Hate crimes : when intolerance turns violent,"Sharif, Meghan",2018
Hurricane Child,"Callender, Kheryn",2018
La carta de Ivy Aberdeen al mundo,"Blake, Ashley Herrin",2018
Lawn Boy,"Evison, Jonathan",2018
LGBTQ rights,"Hyde, Natalie",2018
Lily and Dunkin,"Gephart, Donna",2018
Little & Lion,"Colbert, Brandy",2018
Meet cute,Jennifer L. Armentrout,2018
Miles away from you,"Rutledge, A. B.",2018
"Moonstruck. Vol. 1, Magic to brew","Ellis, Grace",2018
My life as a diamond,"Manzer, Jenny",2018
Nate expectations,"Federle, Tim",2018
"Nevertheless, we persisted : 48 voices of defiance, strength, and courage.","Klobuchar, Amy",2018
Not my idea : a book about whiteness,"Higginbotham, Anastasia",2018
Not my idea : a book about whiteness,"Higginbotham, Anastasia",2018
One half from the east,"Hashimi, Nadia",2018
One true way,"Hitchcock, Shannon",2018
Peaceful fights for equal rights,"Sanders, Rob",2018
Political resistance in the current age,"Harris, Duchess",2018
Pride : the story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag,"Sanders, Rob",2018
Prince & knight,"Haack, Daniel",2018
Pulp,"Talley, Robin",2018
Sewing the rainbow : the story of Gilbert Baker and the rainbow flag,"Pitman, Gayle E.",2018
Ship it,"Lundin, Britta",2018
So you want to talk about race,"Oluo, Ijeoma",2018
Staying fat for Sarah Byrnes,"Crutcher, Chris",2018
The art of being normal,"Williamson, Lisa",2018
The Black power movement and civil unrest,"Hinton, Kerry",2018
The bride was a boy,Chii (Mangaka),2018
The Polar Bear Explorers' Club,"Bell, Alex",2018
The summer of Jordi Perez (and the best burger in Los Angeles),"Spalding, Amy",2018
This is kind of an epic love story,"Callender, Kacen",2018
"Tomorrow will be different : love, loss, and the fight for trans equality","McBride, Sarah",2018
Underneath it all : a history of women's underwear,"Keyser, Amber",2018
"Valkyrie. Book one, Between the blade and the heart","Hocking, Amanda",2018
W is for welcome : a celebration of America's diversity,"Herzog, Brad",2018
What if it's us,"Albertalli, Becky",2018
What's racism?,"Rogers, Amy B.",2018
10 things I can see from here,"Mac, Carrie",2017
A line in the dark,"Lo, Malinda",2017
"A very, very bad thing","Self, Jeffery",2017
A woman's right to an abortion : Roe v. Wade,"Herda, D. J.",2017
Alan Cole is not a coward,"Bell, Eric",2017
All American Boys,"Reynolds, Jason",2017
At the broken places : a mother and trans son pick up the pieces,"Collins, Mary",2017
At the edge of the universe,"Hutchinson, Shaun David",2017
Autoboyography,"Lauren, Christina",2017
Before I had the words : on being a transgender young adult,"Kergil, Skylar",2017
Being Jazz : my life as a (transgender) teen,"Jennings, Jazz.",2017
Coming out as transgender,"Brezina, Corona",2017
Critical perspectives on gender identity,Nicki Peter Petrikowski,2017
Drag teen : a tale of angst and wigs,"Self, Jeffery",2017
Draw the line,"Linn, Laurent",2017
Dreadnought,"Daniels, April",2017
Echo after echo,"Capetta, Amy Rose",2017
Far from the tree : how children and their parents learn to accept one another,"Solomon, Andrew",2017
Finding community,"Rodi, Robert",2017
Gender identity : the search for self,"Light, Kate",2017
George,"Gino, Alex",2017
"Girl : love, sex, romance, and being you","Rayne, Karen",2017
Girlness : deal with it body and soul,"Peters, Diane",2017
Guyness : deal with it body and soul,"Pitt, Steve",2017
History is all you left me,"Silvera, Adam",2017
Honestly Ben,"Konigsberg, Bill",2017
Identifying as transgender,"Woods, Sara",2017
Identity & gender,"Ogden, Charlie",2017
In other lands : a novel,"Brennan, Sarah Rees",2017
It's not like it's a secret,"Sugiura, Misa",2017
"Jane, unlimited","Cashore, Kristin",2017
Jaya and Rasa,"Patel, Sonia",2017
Kaleidoscope song,"Benwell, Fox",2017
Lana Wachowski,"Mapua, Jeff",2017
LGBTQ rights,Susan Henneberg,2017
LGBTQ+ athletes claim the field : striving for equality,"Cronn-Mills, Kirstin",2017
Like water,"Podos, Rebecca",2017
Living with religion and faith,"Rodi, Robert",2017
Looking for group,"Harrison, Rory",2017
Mama's boyz : in living color!,"Craft, Jerry",2017
Mask of shadows,"Miller, Linsey",2017
Meg & Linus,"Nowinski, Hanna",2017
Our own private universe,"Talley, Robin",2017
Pants project,"Clarke, Cat",2017
"Queer, there and everywhere : 23 people who changed the world","Prager, Sarah",2017
Sovereign,"Daniels, April",2017
Sparkle boy,"Newman, Lesléa",2017
Spinning,"Walden, Tillie",2017
Star-crossed,"Dee, Barbara",2017
Symptoms of being human,"Garvin, Jeff",2017
Teens and gender dysphoria,"Nardo, Don",2017
The 57 Bus,"Slater, Dashka",2017
The best man,"Peck, Richard",2017
The edge of the abyss,"Skrutskie, Emily",2017
The gallery of unfinished girls,"Karcz, Lauren",2017
The Love Interest,"Dietrich, Cale",2017
The upside of unrequited,"Albertalli, Becky",2017
The you I've never known,"Hopkins, Ellen",2017
They both die at the end,"Silvera, Adam",2017
Transgender rights and protections,"Klein, Rebecca T.",2017
Transgender role models and pioneers,"Penne, Barbra",2017
Transphobia : deal with it and be a gender transcender,"Skelton, J. Wallace",2017
We are the ants,"Hutchinson, Shaun David",2017
We now return to regular life : a novel,"Wilson, Martin",2017
We were eight years in power : an American tragedy,"Coates, Ta-Nehisi",2017
Absolute brightness,"Lecesne, James",2016
Aleecia,"Wells, Maggie",2016
Alex,"Aguilar Zeleny, Sylvia",2016
Are you LGBTQ?,"Nagle, Jeanne",2016
As I descended,"Talley, Robin",2016
Ask me how I got here,"Heppermann, Christine",2016
Away we go,"Ostrovski, Emil",2016
Beast,"Spangler, Brie",2016
Between the world and me,"Coates, Ta-Nehisi",2016
Bloodline,"Aros, Dana",2016
Candace,"Wells, Maggie",2016
Chasing the day,"Aros, Dana",2016
Con tango son tres,"Richardson, Justin",2016
Cradle and all,"Patterson, James",2016
Do you wonder about sex and sexuality?,"Feinstein, Stephen",2016
Double exposure,"Birdsall, Bridget",2016
Expecting,"Freeman, Shannon",2016
Freakboy,"Clark, Kristin Elizabeth",2016
Gracefully Grayson,"Polonsky, Ami",2016
Highly illogical behavior,"Whaley, John Corey",2016
If I was your girl,"Russo, Meredith",2016
Introducing Teddy : a gentle story about gender and friendship,"Walton, Jess",2016
"Invisible man, got the whole world watching : a young black man's education","Smith, Mychal Denzel",2016
Isabella,"Wells, Maggie",2016
Jasmine,"Wells, Maggie",2016
"Jess, Chunk, and the road trip to infinity","Clark, Kristin Elizabeth",2016
Just kill me,"Selzer, Adam",2016
Launching our Black children for success : a guide for parents of kids from three to eighteen,"Ladner, Joyce A",2016
Leroy,"Aguilar Zeleny, Sylvia",2016
Look past,"Devine, Eric",2016
"Love beyond body, space, and time : an indigenous LGBT sci-fi anthology",Hope Nicholson,2016
Luciana,"Wells, Maggie",2016
Maria,"Aguilar Zeleny, Sylvia",2016
Mikala,"Aguilar Zeleny, Sylvia",2016
Of fire and stars,"Coulthurst, Audrey",2016
"One of a kind, like me = Único como yo","Mayeno, Laurin",2016
Pride : celebrating diversity & community,"Stevenson, Robin",2016
Qué nos hace humanos,"Garvin, Jeff",2016
Raise the stakes,"Atwood, Megan",2016
Read me like a book,"Kessler, Liz",2016
"Sex, puberty, and all that stuff : a guide to growing up","Bailey, Jacqui.",2016
Shawna,"Wells, Maggie",2016
South of Sunshine,"Elmendorf, Dana",2016
Stamped from the beginning : the definitive history of racist ideas in America,"Kendi, Ibram X.",2016
Tattoo Atlas,"Floreen, Tim",2016
Teens and LGBT issues,"Wilcox, Christine",2016
The great American whatever,"Federle, Tim",2016
The Lottery,"Hyman, Miles",2016
The other boy,"Hennessey, M. G.",2016
Tom,"Aguilar Zeleny, Sylvia",2016
Transgender rights and issues,"Pelleschi, Andrea",2016
Under threat,"Stevenson, Robin",2016
We march,"Evans, Shane",2016
Whatever,"Goslee, S. J.",2016
When the moon was ours,"McLemore, Anna-Marie",2016
Without Annette,"Mason, Jane B.",2016
Wonnie,"Aguilar Zeleny, Sylvia",2016
"Yo, Simon, homo sapiens","Albertalli, Becky",2016
You know me well : a novel,"LaCour, Nina",2016
"""Pink is a girl color"" : ...and other silly things people say","Drageset, Stacy",2015
Abortion : interpreting the constitution,"Hand, Carol",2015
Abortion,Tamara Thompson,2015
Afterworlds,"Westerfeld, Scott",2015
Alex as well,"Brugman, Alyssa",2015
And still I rise : black America since MLK : an illustrated chronology,"Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.",2015
Anything could happen,"Walton, Will",2015
Aristoteles y Dante descubren los secretos del universo,"Saenz, Benjamin Alire",2015
Becoming Nicole : the transformation of an American family,"Nutt, Amy Ellis",2015
Beyond clueless,"Alsenas, Linas",2015
Combat zone,"Jones, Patrick",2015
"Considering hate : violence, goodness, and justice in American culture and politics","Whitlock, Kay",2015
Cut both ways,"Mesrobian, Carrie",2015
Daughters unto devils,"Lukavics, Amy",2015
Fans of the impossible life,"Scelsa, Kate",2015
Fathersonfather,"Jacobs, Evan",2015
Femme,"Bach, Mette",2015
Gender issues,"McIntosh, Kenneth",2015
Girls vs. guys : surprising differences between the sexes,"Rosen, Michael J.",2015
Grasshopper jungle : a history,"Smith, Andrew",2015
Guardian,"London, Alex",2015
High drama,"Terrell, Brandon",2015
Hold me closer : the Tiny Cooper story,"Levithan, David",2015
How prevalent is racism in society?,"Parks, Peggy J.",2015
How to love : a novel,"Cotugno, Katie",2015
I'll give you the sun,"Nelson, Jandy",2015
Lizard radio,"Schmatz, Pat",2015
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl,"Andrews, Jesse",2015
More happy than not,"Silvera, Adam",2015
My girlfriend's pregnant! : a teen's guide to becoming a dad,"Shantz-Hilkes, Chloe",2015
None of the above,"Gregorio, I. W.",2015
Not otherwise specified,"Moskowitz, Hannah",2015
Out of Darkness,"Perez, Ashley Hope",2015
Playing a part,"Wilke, Daria",2015
Promposal,"Helms, Rhonda",2015
"Sex is a funny word : a book about bodies, feelings, and you","Silverberg, Cory",2015
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens agenda,"Albertalli, Becky",2015
Still life Las Vegas,"Sie, James",2015
Summer love : an LGBTQ collection,Annie Harper,2015
Te daría el sol,"Nelson, Jandy",2015
Teen legal rights,"Hudson, David L.",2015
Tell me again how a crush should feel,"Farizan, Sara",2015
The first principle : a novel,"Shrock, Marissa",2015
The five stages of Andrew Brawley,"Hutchinson, Shaun David",2015
The Gale encyclopedia of medicine,Jacqueline L. Longe,2015
The gods of Tango,"De Robertis, Carolina",2015
The underground girls of Kabul : in search of a hidden resistance in Afghanistan,"Nordberg, Jenny",2015
This book is gay,"Dawson, Juno",2015
"Top 250 LGBTQ books for teens : coming out, being out, and the search for community","Cart, Michael",2015
"Transgender lives : complex stories, complex voice","Cronn-Mills, Kirstin",2015
Transgender people,Tamara Thompson,2015
Two boys kissing,"Levithan, David",2015
"Wandering son, vol. 8","Shimura, Takako",2015
What philosophy can do,"Gutting, Gary",2015
"Will Grayson, Will Grayson","Green, John",2015
Willful machines,"Floreen, Tim",2015
Wonders of the invisible world,"Barzak, Christopher",2015
You and me and him,"Dinnison, Kris",2015
Adam,"Schrag, Ariel",2014
Beyond magenta : transgender teens speak out,"Kuklin, Susan",2014
Citizen : an American lyric,"Rankine, Claudia",2014
Do abstinence programs work?,Christine Watkins,2014
Does this happen to everyone? : a budding adult's guide to puberty,"Helms, Antje",2014
Everything changes,"Hale, Samantha",2014
Everything leads to you,"LaCour, Nina",2014
Eyes on target : inside stories from the brotherhood of the U.S. Navy SEALs,"McEwen, Scott",2014
Fan art,"Tregay, Sarah",2014
Far from you,"Sharpe, Tess",2014
"Gabi, a girl in pieces","Quintero, Isabel",2014
Gender identity,"Petrikowski, Nicki Peter",2014
Great,"Benincasa, Sara",2014
I am Jazz!,"Herthel, Jessica",2014
Jacob's new dress,"Hoffman, Sarah",2014
Lies my girlfriend told me,"Peters, Julie Anne",2014
Love & leftovers : a novel in verse,"Tregay, Sarah",2014
Moon at nine,"Ellis, Deborah",2014
Morris Micklewhite and the tangerine dress,"Baldacchino, Christine",2014
"My best friend, maybe","Carter, Caela",2014
Native America and the question of genocide,"Alvarez, Alex",2014
No one needs to know,"Grace, Amanda",2014
One man guy,"Barakiva, Michael",2014
Remake,"Todd, Ilima",2014
Separate is never equal,"Tonatiuh, Duncan",2014
Sexual disorders,"Vitale, Ann E.",2014
Sexually transmitted diseases,David Haugen et al,2014
Sexually transmitted infections,"Hunter, Miranda",2014
Some assembly required : the not-so-secret life of a transgender teen,"Andrews, Arin",2014
The baby tree,"Blackall, Sophie",2014
The boy I love,"Gramont, Nina de",2014
The edge of the water,"George, Elizabeth",2014
The offenders : saving the world while serving detention!,"Craft, Jerry",2014
The sowing,"Dos Santos, Steven",2014
The way back,"Mac, Carrie",2014
This One Summer,"Tamaki, Mariko",2014
Tomboy : a graphic memoir,"Prince, Liz",2014
Undone,"Clarke, Cat",2014
"Wandering son, vol 7","Shimura, Takako",2014
"Wandering son, vol. 6","Shimura, Takako",2014
Wonder Woman unbound : the curious history of the world's most famous heroine,"Hanley, Tim",2014
"100 questions you'd never ask your parents : straight answers to teens' questions about sex, sexuality, and health","Henderson, Elisabeth",2013
A is for Activist,"Nagara, Innosanto",2013
Abortion,Noël Merino,2013
Archenemy,"Hoblin, Paul",2013
"Doing it right : making smart, safe, and satisfying choices about sex","Pardes, Bronwen",2013
"Ebony & ivy : race, slavery, and the troubled history of America's universities","Wilder, Craig Steven",2013
Golden boy : a novel,"Tarttelin, Abigail",2013
If you could be mine,"Farizan, Sara",2013
It's our prom (so deal with it),"Peters, Julie Anne",2013
LGBTQ families : the ultimate teen guide,"Apelqvist, Eva",2013
Life in outer space,"Keil, Melissa",2013
Marco impossible,"Moskowitz, Hannah",2013
Multicultural education : issues and perspectives,James A. Banks,2013
"On the come up : a novel, based on a true story","Weyer, Hannah",2013
One of those hideous books where the mother dies,"Sones, Sonya",2013
Openly straight,"Konigsberg, Bill",2013
Proxy,"London, Alex",2013
Qué me está pasando? : las respuestas a algunas de las preguntas más embarazosas del mundo,"Mayle, Peter",2013
Respecting the contributions of LGBT Americans,"Kingston, Anna",2013
Roe v. Wade : abortion and a woman's right to privacy,"Higgins, Melissa",2013
See you at Harry's,"Knowles, Johanna",2013
Sex,David Haugen,2013
Sexual orientation,Lauri S. Scherer,2013
Should abortion be legal?,"Mooney, Carla",2013
Should teens have access to birth control?,"Nardo, Don",2013
Tessa Masterson will go to prom,"Franklin, Emily",2013
The culling,"Dos Santos, Steven",2013
The cutting room floor,"Klehr, Dawn",2013
The fight,"Karre, Elizabeth",2013
The LGBT community,"Seba, Jaime",2013
The sin eater's confession,"Bick, Ilsa J.",2013
The sweet revenge of Celia Door,"Finneyfrock, Kare",2013
The undivided past : humanity beyond our differences,"Cannadine, David",2013
The waiting tree,"Moynihan, Lindsay",2013
"Wandering son, vol. 4","Shimura, Takako",2013
"Wandering son, vol. 5","Shimura, Takako",2013
A guy's guide to sexuality and sexual identity in the 21st century,"Craig, Joe",2012
Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe,"Saenz, Benjamin Alire",2012
Ask the passengers,"King, A. S.",2012
Beautiful music for ugly children,"Cronn-Mills, Kirstin",2012
Birth control,Roman Espejo,2012
Burn,"Gibson, Heath",2012
Drama,"Telgemeier, Raina",2012
En el bosque,"Stevenson, Robin H.",2012
"Far from the tree : parents, children, and the search for identity","Solomon, Andrew",2012
"Gone, gone, gone","Moskowitz, Hannah",2012
Happy families,"Davis, Tanita S.",2012
Homo,"Harris, Michael",2012
Hook up,"Firmston, Kim",2012
"I'm pregnant, now what?","Stanley, Cleo",2012
Kiss the morning star,"Hoole, Elissa Janine",2012
Love & Haight,"Carlton, Susan R.",2012
My awful popularity plan,"Rudetsky, Seth",2012
My heartbeat,"Freymann-Weyr, Garret",2012
My mixed-up berry blue summer,"Gennari, Jennifer",2012
October mourning : a song for Matthew Shepard,"Newman, Lesléa",2012
Privacy,Noël Merino,2012
Reluctantly Alice,"Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds",2012
Shine,"Myracle, Lauren",2012
Teenage sex and pregnancy,"Parks, Peggy J.",2012
Teenage sexuality,Aarti D. Stephens,2012
The difference between you and me,"George, Madeleine",2012
The letter Q : queer writers' notes to their younger selves,Sarah Moon,2012
The miseducation of Cameron Post,"Danforth, Emily M.",2012
The questions within,"Schaeffer, Teresa",2012
The ultimate guys' body book : not-so-stupid questions about your body,"Larimore, Walter L.",2012
"Wandering son, vol. 3","Shimura, Takako",2012
A new generation of homosexuality : modern trends in gay and lesbian communities,"Palmer, Bill",2011
Abortion,Noah Berlatsky,2011
"Being gay, staying healthy","Seba, Jaime",2011
Birth control,Noël Merino,2011
Coming out : telling family and friends,"Seba, Jaime",2011
Crossing lines,"Volponi, Paul",2011
Donovan's big day,"Newman, Lesléa",2011
Dreadnought,"Walden, Mark",2011
Dying to live,"Baldwin, Kim",2011
Feeling wrong in your own body : understanding what it means to be transgender,"Seba, Jaime",2011
Final takedown,"Sherrard, Brent R.",2011
Gay and lesbian role models,"Seba, Jaime",2011
Gay believers : homosexuality and religion,"Sanna, Emily",2011
"Gay issues and politics : marriage, the military, & work place discrimination","Seba, Jaime",2011
"Gay people of color : facing prejudices, forging identities","Seba, Jaime",2011
"Gays and mental health : fighting depression, saying no to suicide","Seba, Jaime",2011
"GLBTQ : the survival guide for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning teens","Huegel, Kelly",2011
H.I.V.E. : dreadnought,"Walden, Mark",2011
Homophobia : from social stigma to hate crimes,"Palmer, Bill",2011
"Homosexuality around the world : safe havens, cultural challenges","Seba, Jaime",2011
Hooked,"Greenman, Catherine",2011
In my father's house,"Harris, E. Lynn",2011
In trouble,"Levine, Ellen",2011
"It gets better : coming out, overcoming bullying, and creating a life worth living",Dan Savage,2011
Notes from the blender,"Cook, Trish",2011
Pearl,"Knowles, Johanna",2011
Pink,"Wilkinson, Lili",2011
Pretend you love me : a novel,"Peters, Julie Anne",2011
Putting makeup on the fat boy,"Wright, Bil",2011
Qué pasa en mi cuerpo? : el libro para muchachas,"Madaras, Lynda",2011
Religion in America,David Haugen,2011
"She loves you, she loves you not-- : a novel","Peters, Julie Anne",2011
Sister mischief,"Goode, L.",2011
"Smashing the stereotypes: what does it mean to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender?","Seba, Jaime",2011
Stick,"Smith, Andrew",2011
Teen sex,Olivia Ferguson,2011
The Latino/a condition : a critical reader,Richard Delgado,2011
The test,"Kern, Peggy",2011
"Wandering son, vol. 1","Shimura, Takako",2011
"Wandering son, vol. 2","Shimura, Takako",2011
We are all born free,Amnesty International,2011
"What causes sexual orientation? : genetics, biology, psychology","Palmer, Bill",2011
With or without you,"Farrey, Brian",2011
A love story starring my dead best friend,"Horner, Emily",2010
Abortion,David Haugen,2010
After,"Efaw, Amy",2010
Ash,"Lo, Malinda",2010
"Dear diary, I'm pregnant : ten real life stories","Englander, Anrenée",2010
Do abstinence programs work?,Christina Fisanick,2010
"Friendship, dating, and relationships","Payment, Simone",2010
From the notebooks of Melanin Sun,"Woodson, Jacqueline",2010
"Girls on the edge : the four factors driving the new crisis for girls : sexual identity, the cyberbubble, obsessions, environmental toxins","Sax, Leonard",2010
GLBT teens and society,"Nagle, Jeanne",2010
"I'll get there, it better be worth the trip","Donovan, John",2010
Jumpstart the world,"Hyde, Catherine Ryan",2010
Kiss,"Wilson, Jacqueline",2010
Life at school and in the community,"Worth, Richard",2010
Love drugged,"Klise, James",2010
Masked,"McClintock, Norah",2010
Quinceañera,Ilan Stavans,2010
Scars,"Rainfield, C. A.",2010
"Sex : a book for teens : an uncensored guide to your body, sex, and safety","Hasler, Nikol",2010
The accidental adventures of India McAllister,"Agell, Charlotte",2010
The dear one,"Woodson, Jacqueline",2010
The grace of silence,"Norris, Michele",2010
The history of White people,"Painter, Nell Irvin",2010
The less-dead,"Lurie, April",2010
They called themselves the K.K.K. : the birth of an American terrorist group,"Bartoletti, Susan Campbell",2010
Will,"Boyd, Maria",2010
Almost perfect,"Katcher, Brian",2009
Black Rabbit summer,"Brooks, Kevin",2009
Freaks and revelations : a novel,"Hurwin, Davida",2009
"Gender danger : survivors of rape, human trafficking, and honor killings","Simons, Rae",2009
Glitter,"Daniels, Babygirl",2009
Grown in 60 seconds,"Lee, Darrien",2009
Hate crimes,"Hudson, David L.",2009
How beautiful the ordinary : twelve stories of identity,Michael Cart,2009
In our mothers' house,"Polacco, Patricia",2009
La tormenta,"Bell, William",2009
Love is the higher law,"Levithan, David",2009
Magic and misery,"Marino, Peter",2009
My invented life,"Bjorkman, Lauren",2009
"My most excellent year : a novel of love, Mary Poppins, & Fenway Park","Kluger, Steve",2009
Rage : a love story,"Peters, Julie Anne",2009
Say the word,"Garsee, Jeannine",2009
Sex : if you're scared of the truth don't read this! : straight talk from a former U.S. Marine,"Sommer, Carl",2009
"Sprout, or, My salad days, when I was green in judgment","Peck, Dale",2009
The abortion debate : understanding the issues,"Haney, Johannah",2009
The God box,"Sanchez, Alex",2009
The truth about sexual behavior and unplanned pregnancy,Robert N. Golden,2009
The vast fields of ordinary,"Burd, Nick",2009
Abortion : a documentary and reference guide,"Rose, Melody",2008
Big guy,"Stevenson, Robin",2008
Boy minus girl,"Uhlig, Richard Allen",2008
Conception,"Buckhanon, Kalisha",2008
Dishes,"Wallace, Rich",2008
Falling hard : 100 love poems by teenagers,Betsy Franco,2008
Fancy white trash,"Geerling, Marjetta",2008
Gravity,"Lieberman, Leanne",2008
"Hit the road, Manny","Burch, Christian",2008
"Life, death and sacrifice : women and family in the Holocaust",Esther Hertzog,2008
Love & lies : Marisol's story,"Wittlinger, Ellen",2008
Lucas y yo,"O'Hearn, Audrey",2008
Making smart choices about sexual activity,"Perkins, Stephanie C.",2008
Mousetraps,"Schmatz, Pat",2008
"No girls allowed: tales of daring women dressed as men for love, freedom and adventure","Hughes, Susan",2008
Nothing pink,"Hardy, Mark",2008
Out of the pocket,"Konigsberg, Bill",2008
Roe v. Wade,"Hillstrom, Laurie Collier",2008
"Sexual health information for teens : health tips about sexual development, reproduction, contraception, and sexually transmitted infections ...",Sandra Augustyn Lawton,2008
Suicide notes : a novel,"Ford, Michael Thomas",2008
The abortion debate,"Farrell, Courtney",2008
The dirt on sex,"Lookadoo, Justin",2008
The last exit to normal,"Harmon, Michael B.",2008
The traitor game,"Collins, B. R.",2008
"Two parties, one tux, and a very short film about The grapes of wrath","Goldman, Steven",2008
We the students : Supreme Court cases for and about students,"Raskin, Jamin B.",2008
What they always tell us,"Wilson, Martin",2008
Women's rights,Justin Karr,2008
Youth with gender issues : seeking an identity,"McIntosh, Kenneth",2008
7 days at the hot corner,"Trueman, Terry",2007
Abortion,"Juettner, Bonnie",2007
Abortion,"Marcovitz, Hal",2007
Abortion,Norah Piehl,2007
Annie on my mind,"Garden, Nancy",2007
Another kind of cowboy,"Juby, Susan",2007
Freak show,"St. James, James",2007
Gender identity : the ultimate teen guide,"Winfield, Cynthia L.",2007
Getting it,"Sanchez, Alex",2007
"Great events from history. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender events,1848-2006. Vol 1",Lillian Faderman,2007
Grl2grl : short fictions,"Peters, Julie Anne",2007
"Hang-ups, hook-ups, and holding out : stuff you need to know about your body, sex, and dating","Holmes, Melisa",2007
"Hear us out! : lesbian and gay stories of struggle, progress and hope, 1950 to the present","Garden, Nancy",2007
Kissing Kate,"Myracle, Lauren",2007
My life as a rhombus,"Johnson, Varian",2007
Naomi and Ely's no kiss list : a novel,"Cohn, Rachel",2007
Parrotfish,"Wittlinger, Ellen",2007
S.E.X. : the all-you-need-to-know progressive sexuality guide to get you through high school and college,"Corinna, Heather",2007
Sex for guys,"Forssberg, Manne",2007
Sexual decisions : the ultimate teen guide,"Gowen, L. Kris",2007
Teen pregnancy,Emma Carlson Berne,2007
Teenage pregnancy and parenting,Lisa Frick,2007
The abortion controversy,Lucinda Almond,2007
The what's happening to my body? book for boys,"Madaras, Lynda",2007
The what's happening to my body? book for girls : a growing-up guide for parents and daughters,"Madaras, Lynda",2007
Tips on having a gay (ex) boyfriend,"Jones, Carrie",2007
Your sexuality,"Hirschmann, Kris",2007
101 questions about reproduction : or how 1 + 1 = 3 or 4 or more--,"Brynie, Faith Hickman",2006
A tale of two summers,"Sloan, Brian",2006
Abortion : opposing viewpoints,James D. Torr,2006
"Absolute convictions : my father, a city, and the conflict that divided America","Press, Eyal",2006
Angel's choice,"Baratz-Logsted, Lauren",2006
Between Mom and Jo,"Peters, Julie Anne",2006
"Bioethics : who lives, who dies, and who decides?","Altman, Linda Jacobs",2006
Crush,"Mac, Carrie",2006
"Dating, relationships, and sexuality : what teens should know","Beckman, Wendy Hart",2006
Equal rights,"O'Connor, Maureen",2006
"It's not the stork! : a book about girls, boys, babies, bodies, families, and friends","Harris, Robie H.",2006
Playing the field : a novel,"Bildner, Phil",2006
"Ready or not? : a girl's guide to making her own decisions about dating, love, and sex","Radziszewicz, Tina",2006
Reproductive rights,William Dudley,2006
Safe sex 101 : an overview for teens,"Hyde, Margaret O.",2006
So hard to say,"Sanchez, Alex",2006
Teenage sexuality,Ken R. Wells,2006
The abortion rights movement,Meghan Powers,2006
"The full spectrum : a new generation of writing about gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and other identities","Levithan, David",2006
Tres con tango,"Richardson, Justin",2006
When religion & politics mix : how matters of faith influence political policies,"McIntosh, Kenneth",2006
Wide awake,"Levithan, David",2006
"Absolutely, positively not gay","LaRochelle, David",2005
And Tango makes three,"Richardson, Justin",2005
Antonio's card = La tarjeta de Antonio,"Gonzalez, Rigoberto",2005
Boy girl boy,"Koertge, Ronald",2005
Far from Xanadu,"Peters, Julie Anne",2005
"Girl, nearly 16, absolute torture","Limb, Sue",2005
Image and identity : becoming the person you are,"Gowen, L. Kris",2005
M or F? : a novel,"Papademetriou, Lisa",2005
Rainbow High,"Sanchez, Alex",2005
Rainbow road,"Sanchez, Alex",2005
Roe v. Wade : a women's choice?,"Gold, Susan Dudley",2005
Sky bridge,"Pritchett, Laura",2005
Stained,"Jacobson, Jennifer",2005
Taking responsibility : a teen's guide to contraception and pregnancy,"Lange, Donna",2005
Teen sex,Christine Watkins,2005
The center of the world,"Steinhöfel, Andreas",2005
"The courage to be yourself : true stories by teens about cliques, conflicts, and overcoming peer pressure",Al Desetta,2005
The hookup artist,"Shaw, Tucker",2005
The Order of the Poison Oak,"Hartinger, Brent",2005
The truth about sexual behavior and unplanned pregnancy,Mark J. Kittleson,2005
Totally Joe,"Howe, James",2005
Abortion : understanding the debate,"Gay, Kathlyn",2004
"Bend, don't shatter : poets on the beginning of desire",T. Cole Rachel,2004
Beyond choice : reproductive freedom in the 21st century,"Sanger, Alexander",2004
Geography Club,"Hartinger, Brent",2004
Homosexuality : opposing viewpoints,Auriana Ojeda,2004
"It's perfectly normal : a book about changing bodies, growing up, sex, and sexual health","Harris, Robie H.",2004
Lucky,"De Oliveira, Eddie",2004
Orphea Proud,"Wyeth, Sharon Dennis",2004
Paper trail : common sense in uncommon times,"Goodman, Ellen",2004
Sonny's house of spies,"Lyon, George Ella",2004
Teens & sex,"Marcovitz, Hal",2004
The Bermudez Triangle : a novel,"Johnson, Maureen",2004
The dateable rules : a guide to the sexes,"Lookadoo, Justin",2004
What happened to Lani Garver,"Plum-Ucci, Carol",2004
"101 questions about sex and sexuality-- : with answers for the curious, cautious, and confused","Brynie, Faith Hickman",2003
Abortion,Mary E. Williams,2003
Dateable : are you? are they?,"Lookadoo, Justin",2003
Gingerbread,"Cohn, Rachel",2003
If wishes were horses,"McInerney-Whiteford, Merry",2003
Keeping you a secret : a novel,"Peters, Julie Anne",2003
La guia esencial sobre sexualidad adolescente : un manual indispensable para los adolescentes y padres,"Basso, Michael J.",2003
Middlesex,"Eugenides, Jeffrey",2003
Rainbow boys,"Sanchez, Alex",2003
"Sexual health information for teens : health tips about sexual development, human reproduction, and sexually transmitted diseases : including facts ab",Deborah A. Stanley,2003
Target,"Johnson, Kathleen Jeffrie",2003
Teen pregnancy,"Nolan, Mary",2003
The earthborn,"Collins, Paul",2003
The girl with a baby,"Olsen, Sylvia",2003
The house you pass on the way,"Woodson, Jacqueline",2003
The underground guide to teenage sexuality : an essential handbook for today's teens and parents,"Basso, Michael J.",2003
Any way the wind blows : a novel,"Harris, E. Lynn",2002
"Boy v. girl? : how gender shapes who we are, what we want, and how we get along","Abrahams, George",2002
Dancing naked : a novel,"Hrdlitschka, Shelley",2002
Death wind,"Bell, William",2002
Inventions and inventors,Roger Smith,2002
Talk about sex : the battles over sex education in the United States,"Irvine, Janice M.",2002
Teen pregnancy,"Cassedy, Patrice",2002
Teen sex,Tamara L. Roleff,2002
Teens and sex,Myra H. Immell,2002
"The guy book : an owner's manual for teens : safety, maintenance, and operating instructions for teens","Jukes, Mavis",2002
The shell house,"Newbery, Linda",2002
Abortion,"Lassieur, Allison",2001
"Alison, who went away","Vande Velde, Vivian",2001
Birth control and protection : options for teens,"Peacock, Judith",2001
Conversaciones : relatos de padres y madres de hijas lesbianas e hijos gay,Mariana Romo-Carmona,2001
Empress of the world,"Ryan, Sara",2001
Highwire moon : a novel,"Straight, Susan",2001
Love rules,"Reynolds, Marilyn",2001
Pregnancy,William Dudley,2001
Pugdog,"U'ren, Andrea",2001
Teen pregnancy,Myra H. Immell,2001
The Abortion controversy,Lynette Knapp,2001
The Ethics of abortion,Jennifer A. Hurley,2001
The reproductive system,"O'Donnell, Kerri",2001
"The shared heart : portraits and stories celebrating lesbian, gay, and bisexual young people","Mastoon, Adam",2001
Borrowed light,"Feinberg, Anna",2000
Eight seconds,"Ferris, Jean",2000
Everything you need to know about sexual identity,"Donaldson-Forbes, Jeff",2000
Healthy sexuality : what is it?,"Endersbe, Julie",2000
Holly's secret,"Garden, Nancy",2000
Katie.Com,"Tarbox, Katherine",2000
Problems of death : opposing viewpoints,James D. Torr,2000
Protect and defend : a novel,"Patterson, Richard North",2000
Teen pregnancy : tough choices,"Endersbe, Julie",2000
Teen sex : risks and consequences,"Endersbe, Julie",2000
Teen suicide,Tamara L. Roleff,2000
The abortion conflict : a pro/con issue,"Durrett, Deanne",2000
"When can I start dating? : questions about love, sex, and a cure for zits","Watkins, James",2000
Best best colors,"Hoffman, Eric",1999
"Deal with it! : a whole new approach to your body, brain, and life as a gurl","Drill, Esther",1999
Everything you need to know about going to the gynecologist,"Diamond, Shifra",1999
From boys to men : all about adolescence and you,"Gurian, Michael",1999
"It's so amazing! : a book about eggs, sperm, birth, babies, and families","Harris, Robie H.",1999
Kids still having kids : talking about teen pregnancy,"Bode, Janet",1999
The blue lawn,"Taylor, William",1999
The teenage body book,"McCoy, Kathy",1999
The teenage guy's survival guide,"Daldry, Jeremy",1999
The year they burned the books,"Garden, Nancy",1999
Thumbelina : a novel,"Koenig, Andrea",1999
"""Hello,"" I lied : a novel","Kerr, M. E.",1998
Articles of faith : a frontline history of the abortion wars,"Gorney, Cynthia",1998
"Changing bodies, changing lives : a book for teens on sex and relationships","Bell, Ruth",1998
Cool and celibate? : sex or no sex,"Bull, David",1998
Gay and lesbian rights : a struggle,"Oliver, Marilyn Tower",1998
"Love, sex, and God","Ameiss, Bill",1998
Roe v. Wade : abortion and the Supreme Court,"Romaine, Deborah S",1998
The last time I wore a dress,"Scholinski, Daphne",1998
"""I'm pregnant, now what do I do?""","Buckingham, Robert W.",1997
A baby doesn't make the man : alternative sources of power and manhood for young men,"Jamiolkowski, Raymond M.",1997
Abortion : opposing viewpoints,Tamara L. Roleff,1997
"Dear diary, I'm pregnant : teenagers talk about their pregnancy","Englander, Anrenée",1997
Everything you need to know about teen pregnancy,"Hughes, Tracy",1997
The legal atlas of the United States,"Fast, Julius",1997
The new Civil War : the lesbian and gay struggle for civil rights,"Silver, Diane",1997
What's the big secret? : a guide to sex for girls and boys,"Brown, Laurene Krasny",1997
Whistle me home,"Wersba, Barbara",1997
Bad boy,"Wieler, Diana J.",1996
"Free your mind : the book for gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth--and their allies","Bass, Ellen",1996
"It's a girl thing : how to stay healthy, safe, and in charge","Jukes, Mavis",1996
The abortion battle : looking at both sides,"Lowenstein, Felicia",1996
The case of Roe v. Wade,"Stevens, Leonard A.",1996
The Seventeen guide to sex and your body,"Weill, Sabrina Solin",1996
Baby be-bop,"Block, Francesca Lia",1995
Beyond dreams : true-to-life series from Hamilton High,"Reynolds, Marilyn",1995
Human sexuality : opposing viewpoints,Brenda Stalcup,1995
Looking for Jamie Bridger,"Springer, Nancy",1995
My two uncles,"Vigna, Judith",1995
The abortion controversy,Charles Cozic,1995
The eagle kite : a novel,"Fox, Paula",1995
"The journey out : a guide for and about lesbian, gay and bisexual teens","Pollack, Rachel",1995
Am I blue? : coming out from the silence,Marion Dane Bauer,1994
Deliver us from Evie,"Kerr, M. E.",1994
Hearing us out : voices from the gay and lesbian community,"Sutton, Roger",1994
Invisible life : a novel,"Harris, E. Lynn",1994
"Pregnancy : private decisions, public debates","Gay, Kathlyn",1994
Pregnancy,"Cush, Cathie",1994
Roe v. Wade : abortion,"Gold, Susan Dudley",1994
Roe v. Wade : the abortion question,"Herda, D. J.",1994
The reproductive system,"Silverstein, Alvin",1994
You are the Supreme Court justice,"Aaseng, Nathan",1994
Black swan.,"Dhondy, Farrukh",1993
Detour for Emmy,"Reynolds, Marilyn",1993
Drugs and sex,"Boyd, George A.",1993
Homosexuality : opposing viewpoints,William Dudley,1993
The cider house rules,"Irving, John",1993
The confessions of Nat Turner,"Styron, William",1993
"Thinking out loud : on the personal, the political, the public, and the private","Quindlen, Anna",1993
Twelve days in August.,"Ketchum, Liza",1993
A question of choice,"Weddington, Sarah Ragle",1992
The drowning of Stephan Jones.,"Greene, Bette",1992
The facts of life : science and the abortion controversy,"Morowitz, Harold J.",1992
When heroes die.,"Durant, Penny Raife",1992
Asking about sex and growing up : a question-and-answer book for boys and girls,"Cole, Joanna",1991
Boys and sex,"Pomeroy, Wardell Baxter",1991
Everything you need to know about growing up female,"Kahaner, Ellen",1991
Everything you need to know about growing up male,"Glassman, Bruce",1991
Medical ethics : moral and legal conflicts in health care,"Jussim, Daniel",1991
"Whose life? : a balanced, comprehensive view of abortion from its historical context to the current debate","Whitney, Catherine",1991
"Abortion decisions of the Supreme Court, 1973 through 1989 : a comprehensive review with historical commentary","Drucker, Dan",1990
Everything you need to know about teen motherhood,"Hammerslough, Jane",1990
Jack,"Homes, A. M.",1990
Roe vs. Wade,Video,1990
Those other people,"Childress, Alice",1989
Coping with birth control,"Benson, Michael D.",1988
Roe v. Wade : the untold story of the landmark Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal,"Faux, Marian",1988
Tommy stands alone : the Roosevelt High School series,"Velásquez, Gloria",1985
Abortion and the politics of motherhood,"Luker, Kristin",1984
Matters of life and death,"Dolan, Edward F.",1982
Why am I so miserable if these are the best years of my life? : A survival guide for the young woman,"Eagan, Andrea Boroff",1976
A case of need,"Crichton, Michael",1969
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#!/usr/bin/env python
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import pandas as pd
import scrapy
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess
from scrapy.exporters import JsonLinesItemExporter
from scrapy.item import Item, Field
import html2text
class GoodReadsBookItem(Item):
bookTitle = Field()
bookSeries = Field()
authorURL = Field()
authorName = Field()
description = Field()
ratingValue = Field()
ratingCount = Field()
reviewCount = Field()
bookFormat = Field()
numberOfPages = Field()
isbn = Field()
class GoodReadsBookSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "goodreadsbookspider"
def start_requests(self):
urls = pd.read_json("scraped_data/goodreadslist.json").href
for url in urls:
yield scrapy.Request(url=url,
def clean_string(self, strExtract):
if strExtract==None:
x = ""
x = strExtract.strip('\n ')
return x
def parse(self, response):
metacol = response.css('#metacol')
converter = html2text.HTML2Text()
converter.ignore_links = True
data = GoodReadsBookItem(
'bookTitle': self.clean_string(metacol.css(
'bookSeries': self.clean_string(metacol.css(
'authorURL': self.clean_string(metacol.css(
'authorName': self.clean_string(metacol.css(
'.authorName > span:nth-child(1)::text').extract_first()),
'description': converter.handle(metacol.css(
'ratingValue': self.clean_string(metacol.css(
'#bookMeta > span:nth-child(2)::text').extract_first()),
'ratingCount': self.clean_string(metacol.css(
' > meta:nth-child(1)').attrib['content']),
'reviewCount': self.clean_string(metacol.css(
' > meta:nth-child(1)').attrib['content']),
'bookFormat': self.clean_string(metacol.css(
'#details > div:nth-child(1) > span:nth-child(1)::text').extract_first()),
'numberOfPages': self.clean_string(metacol.css(
'#details > div:nth-child(1) > span:nth-child(2)::text').extract_first()),
'isbn': self.clean_string(metacol.css(
'div.infoBoxRowItem:nth-child(2) > span:nth-child(1) > span:nth-child(1)::text').extract_first())
if data['bookTitle'] != "":
yield data
process = CrawlerProcess({
'DUPEFILTER_CLASS': 'scrapy.dupefilters.BaseDupeFilter',
'FEEDS': {
'format': 'json',
'encoding': 'utf8',
'store_empty': False,
'fields': None,
'indent': 4,
'item_export_kwargs': {
'export_empty_fields': True,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import scrapy
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess
from scrapy.exporters import JsonLinesItemExporter
from scrapy.item import Item, Field
class GoodReadsListItem(Item):
title = Field()
href = Field()
class GoodReadsListSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "goodreadslistspider"
def start_requests(self):
urls = ["",
for url in urls:
yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.parse)
def parse(self, response):
page = response.url.split("/")
anchors = response.css("a.bookTitle")
for anchor in anchors:
data = GoodReadsListItem({
'title': anchor.css('span::text').get(),
'href': ""+anchor.attrib['href']
yield data
# Il faut désactiver le cache et les cookies sinon le site web a un comportement imprévisible et ne retourne pas les bonnes données
process = CrawlerProcess({
'FEEDS': {
'format': 'json',
'encoding': 'utf8',
'store_empty': False,
'fields': None,
'indent': 4,
'item_export_kwargs': {
'export_empty_fields': True,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import scrapy
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess
from scrapy.exporters import JsonLinesItemExporter
from scrapy.item import Item, Field
class DiversityTermItem(Item):
term = Field()
definition = Field()
class DiversityTermItemSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "diversitytermitemspider"
def start_requests(self):
urls = [""]
for url in urls:
yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.parse)
def parse(self, response):
words = response.css(".post_content > p")
for word in words:
data = DiversityTermItem({
'term': word.css('strong::Text').get().strip('\xa0— '),
'definition': word.get().replace(word.css('strong').get(),'').strip('\xa0— ')
yield data
process = CrawlerProcess({
'FEEDS': {
'format': 'json',
'encoding': 'utf8',
'store_empty': False,
'fields': None,
'indent': 4,
'item_export_kwargs': {
'export_empty_fields': True,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Librairies utilisées
# Tutoriels utiles
Add table
Reference in a new issue