#!/bin/bash # Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status set -e # Check if Python is installed if ! command -v python3 &> /dev/null then echo "Python3 could not be found. Please install Python 3.7 or newer." exit 1 fi # Check if virtualenv is installed if ! command -v virtualenv &> /dev/null then echo "virtualenv could not be found. Installing virtualenv..." pip3 install virtualenv fi # Create a virtual environment if it doesn't exist if [ ! -d "venv" ]; then echo "Creating virtual environment..." python3 -m venv venv fi # Activate the virtual environment source venv/bin/activate # Install or upgrade pip pip install --upgrade pip # Install the required packages echo "Installing required packages..." pip install -r requirements.txt # Run the Streamlit app echo "Starting the Streamlit app..." streamlit run app.py # Deactivate the virtual environment deactivate